Digital Marketing Trends - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Digital Marketing Trends


As 2018 progresses, the digital marketing landscape that encompasses SEO, social media, PPC, content marketing and more is witnessing a dramatic shift. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Digital Marketing Trends

Digital Marketing Trend
Expectations From 2018
  • Mobile is the primary screen for todays
    searchers and consumers . 78 of their time is
    spent on 5 major platforms. They are social media
    and messaging experiences. Messaging apps like
    WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Twitter got all
    the attention from brands.
  • Some marketers have faith that internet space is u
    nder expansion as more companies
  • entering the digital world.
  • But then there are others who say there will be a
    complete makeover of how search engine
  • giants and users give preference to huge data
    available online.
  • You should know the fact about online marketing i
    ndustry. It is huge, complex, and volatile.

Trending in 2018
  • Videos Ads
  • Instagram Stories
  • Live Features
  • Facebook Sales Funnel
  • Website Chat Bots
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Voice Optimized Searches
  • Vernacular Language / Native Advertising
  • Personalisation on Sales Funnel
  • Whatsapp For Business
  • Facebook Messenger
  • LinkedIn For Thought Leadership
  • Leads Nurturing
  • Accelerated Mobile Pages
  • social conversion
  • Unique content strategy

Video ads becoming dominant
  • Though the concept of video ads are not
    new for social media giants like Facebook
    YouTube, Whatsapp, Instagram Amazon Prime
    Videos but the news of Google entering the
    competition with in-SERP video ads will
    transform the entire spectrum of internet
  • Videos are the easiest and most convenient way
    people would like to grab content.

Ad spending on mobile video will reach 18
billion next year, surpassing desktop
In 2018, Mobile video ad spending is expected to
grow 49 percent to nearly 18 billion, while
fixed online video ad spending. People on
average will spend 36 minutes watching online
video on their phones and tablets compared with
18.5 minutes on non-mobile devices.
Instagram Stories
Brands that serves customers directly will find
Instagram stories the most creative way to
engage their audience. With seasonal stickers,
rewind features, zoom in feature, Live polls,
Live Stories, Live Stories that can involve 2
different profiles at the same time is going to
be the biggest game changer. It is time you grow
your follower base on Instagram and not on
Facebook. Video on Instagram is also being
consumed 80 higher than the previous year,
whereas videos produced on. Instagram has
witnessed a 4x growth from last year. Facebook
would like to Kill Snapchat in all possible ways.
You would probably notice your posts on Facebook
getting less traction but more engagement on
Instagram. Facebook wants you to use Instagram
heavily this will increase the usage pattern by
all means and slowly kill the consumption of
Snapchat. Instagram advertisements, Instagram
boost posts is where your investment should be
in 2018. Instagram is expected to generate about
1.2 billion in mobile advertising sales this
year and 5 billion in 2018. Instagram is used
by 48.8of brandsa number that is expected to
rise to 60.7 by 2017.
Instagram vs Snapchat Daily Users
Instagrams appeal has never been higher among
their core target audience as users under the age
of 25 spend an average amount of 32 minutes per
day on the platform. Instagrams more direct
rival and rip off, Instagram Stories too leaves
Snapchat behind by several million users, with
more than 250 million users.
Live Features Are Going To Soar, Brands will
heavily invest in Live Tools
  • Live streaming is the new wave of digital
    communication, content promotion, and content
  • Live streaming can give your company the boost
    that it needs to grow and reach an even bigger
  • Its a great way to build an audience. But it
    definitely helps if you already have an existing
    audience to gain traction.
  • Live sessions gets you the maximum traction on
    Social Media. Especially the scheduled ones. So
    have a goal plan for your brands Live Sessions
    in 2018.

Monthly Users on Live Streaming
Live-video content generates more comments,
shares, engagements and viewing time than
standard video.
Facebook Sales Funnel
  • Facebook is changing the way Leads were generated
    on the internet. People are slowly creating a
    customers journey with respect to Facebook
    Advertisements. You can create audience out of
    people who have engaged with us.
  • Facebook page,
  • Messenger ,
  • Advertisements,
  • Lead forms,
  • Visit Website,
  • Add to cart,
  • videos etc.
  • This is going to change the way Leads were
    generated on internet. A customers journey is
    going to be re-defined here. It is no more a
    platform for quick visibility and leads but it is
    visibility and from there what else will be made
    visible to your audience.

Website Chat Bots
  • Artificial Intelligence based chatbots will
    replace all kinds of conversion tools. They are
    by far the most effective one. Tools like Zoho,
    Zoopim and many other will help brands converse
    and collect data of customers on website.
  • Chatbots to reduce the need for agents to deal
    with routine enquiries, and to ensure that when
    incidents and requests do need a person to
    intervene, they get directed responses.
  • Automated matching of incidents to known problems
    and of requests to workflows to improve access to
    existing knowledge allowing people to make
    better use of it.
  • Automated translation of chat and voice
    communication to enable service desks to support
    many additional languages.
  • Increased automation of service requests to
    provide faster and more reliable service with
    little or no human intervention.
  • 2018 will see the rise of proactive customer
    experience powered by the Internet of Things

Influencer Marketing
  • Influencer marketing is a common method for
    reaching highly engaged online audiences, but
    many companies are still trying to fine-tune the
    best methods for cashing in on influencers and
    their popularity.
  • Live streaming offers a fresh and effective way
  • to pull influencers into campaigns. When well-
    trusted influencers and compelling live streams
    come together, it's almost impossible for
    audiences to look away.
  • Discover some of the fascinating ways that live
    streaming is shaping the face of influencer
    marketing campaigns.

Influencer Marketing
  • Incorporating Integrated Influencer Marketing
    Throughout the Customer Journey Awareness
  • Interest Desire Action Advocacy
  • Tactical Campaign To Always-on Strategy
    Building Relationship With Influencers
  • Rapid Growth in the Influencer Marketing
    Technology and Solutions
  • Discover Connect Engage (unpaid) Recruit
    (paid) Review Measure
  • Influencers are the New Brands Monetising
    through E-Commerce
  • The Rise of B2B Influencer Marketing

The future of paid voice search
20 of online searches were conducted through
Voice Search. This is expected to grow by 50 by
2020. Brands will start optimising content for
voice search by adding more long-tail content.
Voice search and digital assistants
  • Voice search technology presents a big
    opportunity for changing the way we communicate
    and process information. The rise of digital
    assistants has presented a growing market that
    can change the way search queries are performed.
    According to Google, 1 out of 5 searches already
    come from voice queries.
  • This changes the search market and were
    expecting to see an even bigger shift towards
    voice search in 2018. When it comes to setting
    up an SEO strategy, the rise of voice search
    brings out the need to focus on more long-tail
    search keywords and a natural
  • language that matches the users conversational
  • voice search is expected to grow even more with
    its integration in smart home hubs, helping
    companies access new data, while users enjoy a
    seamless experience through everyday devices. As
    digital assistants go beyond smartphone devices,
    there is a great opportunity both for SEO and
    content, taking advantage of a growing market
    that connects the brand with a user in a unique
    but still relevant and useful way.
  • Currently, Google Home and Google Assistant read
    snippets from sites that are ranked in position
    zero and have been granted a featured snippet.
    This is why more people than ever are talking
    about how to optimize for featured snippets.
  • As accuracy improves in digital assistants, there
    will be more people using voice search from their
    mobile devices, seeking for quick and relevant
    answers. It becomes important to research the
    voice user intent will provide more accurate
    results, helping the algorithms provide the best

Vernacular Language / Native Advertising
  • Over the recent years, Native advertising has
    become increasingly streamlined and standardized.
    And only seems to improve in finding ways to
    deliver and promote content. If you are an
    advertiser looking to expand your business or a
    publisher looking to monetize your website
    through the digital platform.
  • English is the language most widely used on the
    internet and the social media. But the hold of
    the regional languages on the general public is
    strong and all important communication has to be
    in these languages especially in a country like
    India where only 76 are literate and in that
    only 10 knows English. That been the case the
    role of regional languages in the social media
    cannot be undermined.
  • A majority of the Indian rural population is not
    well versed in English and is most comfortable in
    their regional tongue. Some of the top brands
    have realized that if they want a greater
    audience they must make the foray into regional
    language on social media. They have realized that
    close to 60 of the urban population too access
    content in regional language when compared to
    English. And that is the reason that Facebook is
    available in several local languages. According
    to Google, local language consumption is four
    times that of English language.
  • According to Mindshift, a social media research
    agency vernacular websites are growing at a
    phenomenal rate of 56 per year when compared to
    English websites which are growing only at 11.
    To get maximum returns are in regional languages
    because 45 of online users consume regional
    language content.
  • According to IMRB if regional languages are made
    available online then 10.72 million rural
    population will opt for internet which in turn
    will increase the reach to 43 of the
    population. Hence the switch to regional language
    will usher in an era where there will be more
    internet consumption, greater growth, more
    literacy, better health and greater economic
    boost for the country..
  • This results in spreading the name of the website
    which ultimately promotes branding.
  • Native advertising generates higher purchase
    intention as readers are highly accustomed to
    these kinds of ads compared to traditional banner

Vernacular Language / Native Advertising
Personalization on Sales Funnel
  • Yes, personalized marketing, it is all about data
    and in that regard, one of the companies that
    provide such services is a
  • major marketing automation that provides you with
    many amazing features for personalized
  • Demographic data
  • Behavioural data
  • Geography Data
  • Conversion Data
  • Interests Audience Data
  • Website Scrolling Data
  • Devices and etc.

Whatsapp For Business
  • Netflix has become WhatsApp Business test partner
    in India. With this development, the company is
    communicate with its subscribers through
  • WhatsApp, which is has over one billion users
    across the globe, has officially announced that
    it is now testing new tools that will help
    businesses to connect and communicate easily with
    its consumers. Many small businesses, including
    in India, already use the Facebook- owned app to
    reach their customers.
  • WhatsApp said these new tools are being tested
    through a closed pilot programme. In India, it
    is currently testing these tools with 1mg and

Whatsapp For Business
  • The instant messaging platform has explained the
    three different types of business accounts that
    are likely to be present on its platform and how
    users can identify them - a verified account, a
    confirmed account and a business account. A
    verified account would have a green checkmark
    badge on its profile and would be verified by
    WhatsApp. A confirmed account would have a grey
    checkmark badge on its profile and WhatsApp has
    confirmed that the phone number of this account
    would match the phone number for the business
    account. A business account would have a grey
    question mark badge on its profile and the user
    would be using the WhatsApp Business app, but
    won't be confirmed or verified by WhatsApp.

Facebook Messenger
  • Facebook Messenger bots, also called messenger
    bots, chat bots or Facebook bots.
  • The stats are staggering - 1.3 billion users are
    now active on Facebook Messenger, and they're
    exchanging more than 2 billion messages per
    month with businesses. Neil Patel recently
    published an article in which he detailed how one
    of his Facebook Messenger campaigns saw 88 open
    rates, and a 56 CTR.
  • Facebook Messenger bots are a relative newcomer
    to the marketing scene. Thats why its an
    exciting time to dive in and learn all about
    them. Being an early adopter of Facebook
    Messenger bots will give you a huge advantage as
    a marketer.
  • Its the perfect time to use Facebook Messenger
  • Right now, were in the phase of Facebook
    Messenger marketing where customers are not yet
    experiencing things like banner blindness (web
    ads) or email marketing.
  • Many prospective customers arent comfortable
    providing their email address in exchange for
    your free download anymore. Worse, they might
    completely ignore your marketing emails.
  • From the customers perspective, opting into an
    email newsletter or campaign requires more steps
    and work than opening up a Facebook Messenger
  • From your perspective as a marketer, building an
    email list takes a lot of work. Creating a list
    of Facebook Messenger leads is a lot less work
    because of the reduced friction. Messenger is a
    one-click subscription instead of having to type
    in your email, click
  • submit, confirm email, etc.)

Facebook Messenger
  • A Messenger bot can have a sequence just like an
    email campaign. Sequences can be as long or short
    as you want and have as many options (or more)
    than an email sequence.
  • Messenger sequences are way faster than email
    campaign sequences. With an email campaign
    sequence, you typically should wait a day or two
    before sending additional emails. With Facebook
    Messenger, you can send more messages in the next
    10 seconds, 10 minutes, 10 days, whatever you
    want. Best of all, the response is instant and
    you can engage in real conversations with your
  • Prospects can instantly engage in live chat,
    which helps to close sales faster and with less
  • Retargeting your Messenger leads is easier and
    faster than retargeting email leads since the
    leads are already on Facebook.
  • You can know where your subscriber went to
    school, where they work, what gender they are,
    how they look all through Messenger. Try
    getting that kind of in-depth information through
  • Messenger bots have the same kind of opt-in
    appeal that email lead generation forms have
    popups, slide-ins, buttons, boxes, etc. You can
    even gain a new lead simply when they leave a
    comment on your Facebook page.
  • Messenger is completely optimized for mobile or
    desktop. No more mobile configuration for email
  • Getting leads using Facebook Messenger is easy.

LinkedIn For B2B
  • LinkedIn InMails is by far one of the most cost
    effective Business intelligence based marketing
    product that LinkeDIn has brought in for B2B
    marketers. LinkedIn sponsored posts, LinkedIn
    lead generation advertisements is where B2B
    Marketers will hang out.
  • In 2018 Q2 LinkedIn allowing native videos in the
    LinkedIn feed.
  • Most of Professional using LinkedIn .
  • finding right target audience on LinkedIn.
  • Using email/account targeting, website
  • For professionals and entrepreneurs year 2018 is
    a golden year of thought leadership, LinkedIn
    videos, LinkedIn posts can change your life.
    Start sharing your tips, advices and experiences
    here. You never know you could be one of the most
    influential LinkedIn Person of the year.

Leads Nurturing
90 of your Leads are left idle. Surprised? Its
true. Up to 90 of your leads acquired through
various channels dont convert for you, usually
due to the prospect being unreachable.
Leads Nurturing
Move Beyond earlier Methods Tele-Calling Calls
could encroach on privacy and brings
fatigue Generic outbound messaging One size
doesnt fit all. Single channel of Communication
An average customer uses at least 3 channels. Be
where they are. Treating all leads Equally
Create priority buckets based on probability of
conversion hot, warm, cold, etc.
Multichannel Lead Nurturing Communicate with
customers based on their recent-most channel
touch point. Make the messaging subtle and
Leads Nurturing
Personalized Content Interact with your
customers about the product or service theyve
shown interest in and personalise your messages
accordingly. This earns about 6X higher revenue
than generic messages.
Auto Lead Scoring Lead to conversion rate is 21
times higher if communicated within 5 minutes of
nurturing vs 30 minutes automated prospect
harvesting takes place based on the engagement
pattern. The leads are algorithmically
categorized into hot, warm and cold. Real
time notification along with nurturing context
is sent to the sales agents to speak to hot
prospect to convert.
Accelerated Mobile Pages
  • AMP is not a factor within Googles ranking
    algorithm that determines URLs positions amongst
    the search results. However, AMP can improve
    other rankings factors, including
  • Mobile-friendliness
  • Mobile site speed
  • Engagement metrics, including CTR, time on site,
    and bounce rate
  • Google now heavily prefers to feature
    AMP-friendly resources within News results, a
    trend that will only continue. Google increased
    the amount of news results that feature AMP from
    30 to 70.
  • Pros
  • Incredibly good distribution
  • More new and returning visitors
  • Higher clickthrough rates
  • Ad viewability
  • Higher rankings
  • Traffic is growing

Its time for social conversion
  • You have to see beyond the things that talk about
    the power of social media.
  • Till now, social media was immensely used for
    interaction and feedback purposes, but today,
    businesses are using social networking sites to
    enhance conversion rates.
  • Social media offers tools that help in converting
    prospects directly into buyers, which is just a
    great thing for businesses.

Unique content strategy will win
  • Content will rule in the digital marketing world
    and will remain a critical part of every online
    marketing campaign in future.
  • Content will rule in the digital marketing world
    and will remain a critical part of every online
    marketing campaign in future.
  • Readers will get connected with the unique and
    authentic content. Moreover, specialized writers
    will get more opportunities in coming future.

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