Title: Four Levels of Clean, Low Cost, Under-utilized Water Technology for Industrial / Commercial / Agricultural Applications(PART 5 OF 11)
1Four Levels of Clean, Low Cost, Less Known Water
Technology for Industrial / Commercial /
Agricultural Applications
PART 5 OF 11
- Environmentally Friendly, Economical, Effective
Water Cleantech for The Future
Ben Rusuisiak New nature paradigm TECH analysis
vancouver, BC, CANADA, updated Feb10, 2017
ABSTRACT This presentation
covers some of low cost, water related
commercialized cleantech that is under-utilized
or not commonly known to exist at all, in areas
of 1-Environmental cleaning, 2-HVAC improvement,
3- Energy extraction, 4-Industrial
processes, 5-Drinking water generation,
6-Geoengineering, 7-Desalination wastewater
treating, 8-Selective bio-enhancing, rust
prevention etc. Some of them are convertible for
a use in field of energy, medical, biology,
weather modification, material science with
similar advantages. ?
- One of such effects not fully explainable by
chemistry, yet officially utilized by some
non-Western ally nations, is prolonged "water
structure", or/ "activated" electrical charge
holding capacity of ions in water. There are
multiple treatment methods that can cause
sustained unique capability in plain water for at
least 4-5 days and used without added chemical or
solutes. e.g. a-As detergent for commercial
kitchen, butcher or heavy oil removal, b-Non
fouling industrial cutting or washing fluid,
c-Hospital operation room, or food industry
equipment disinfectant, d-Medical
oxygen/hydrophobic drug delivery, skin
disease/infection/organ, upto conventionally
untreatable chronic disease. e-Plant/animal
growth increase, brackish water feeding,
Removing animal residence odor, f-Increase
strength of concrete, ice, paper, g-Enhance
flavor of pasta, coffee, bakery, h-Low
emission fuel making from subgrade incombustible
hydrocarbon, i-Display chemical or mineral effect
without chemistry present in water. Some
exceptionally electrical-active water seems to
even function as "phase catalyst" and used as
"plain water concentrate" for similar or more
robust effects by dilution.?
- Such Scientific Status gap in water tech by
nations is fairly common and it affects research
funding market share of effective processes.
e.g water treatment by Time variant magnetic
field Rotating/Concentric Electrode, Far
InfraRed waves, Hydrodynamic Cavitation,
Sub/SuperCritical water, Non Anthraquinone H2O2,
Emulsion fuel, Cold fusion, Resonance H2O
decomposing, Acoustic Pulsed Fire Dewatering,
Electro-Scavenging effect for rain generation
Cosmic Ray based climate change idea. One reason
for discrediting is they might co-display
scientifically economically disruptive seeming
thermodynamic over-unity non-local phenomena.
But low cost effective way to displace chemical
based system also have been supported in West
Electrooxidation/coagulation or multiple ways of
AOP including Ozone was backed by European groups
they are now supporting Plasma Activated Water,
Thermal Hydrolysis, Membrane Distillation,
various Nano Filtration etc. Others are accepted
but only for certain use ElectroOsmosis/Poration,
Metal ion, 3chamber electrolysis, Vacuum
superheated steam, Steam eductor etc. Overall,
previously science contested low cost clean water
tech is increasingly rapidly adopted even by
multinationals, often accompanied by firm back up
of mainstream media, science, tech awards. And
unless spread of this new paradigm stalls soon,
limitation based "closed system" belief of
society will fundamentally shift to no-limit
"open system" before 2030.
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada
3- p10 Crystallization Template
sssddAssisted, Fluidized Bed etc
p21 Ozone UV etc p41
SuperCritical Water etc p45 Ultrasonic,
Cavitation effect, . . . Pulsed Combustion
p61 Nano/UltraFine
Bubble etc p67 PhotoCatalytic water etc - p91 Electrolyzed acid water etc p118 Plasma
Activated Water
Electrolytic Venturi etc p141 .Magnetic Water
treatment p157 Phase Catalyst Water
- PART 5
p181 Torsion field/Scalar Wave p190 Far
InfraRed, Bioceramic, .. Minerals treated etc
- p221 Pumpable Ice Slurry p228 ElectroSpray
etc p235 ElectroHydraulic
effect - p245 Solar Desalination etc p268 SuperHeated
Steam etc p288 Magnetic Resonance
Freezing Thawing
- p291 Ion projection p298
Ferrous/Ferrate Ion water p310 Vacuum
Saturation/DDW, . Steam Jet
Ejector/eductor - p338 Plant Polymer Micelle p343 Rain Related
Weather .. Modification
p358 Water Technology List
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada
- This presentation might not always reflect the
views of mainstream group, particularly of
western media, large NGOs, wikipedia hence
attendants/readers are recommended to re-assess
the data from independent perspective Listed
commercialized claims include that are
contradicting mainstream science law or
effectiveness acceptance level, while empirically
deemed to produce effects repeatedly. "Cleantech"
here includes "clean chemicals" that are non
residual Ozone, Hydrogen Peroxide, Peracetic
Acid, Plasma/ElectroChemical reaction etc - Compared to other industries, water technology
tends to have wider varied mechanics to achieve
intended physical effects Labs, schools, even
conservative mainstream, or mundane looking
companies often use their own effective unique
processes not widely known. Many of what is
covered here are selected technologies known as
effective in some sectors or by small of
consumers but not by other sectors.?
Currently more detailed
reference list is being produced will be
published separately The research is updated
based on reviewing academic papers journals,
books, speeches, presentations, patents,
lab/commercialized product testimonies/complaints,
publications public records of
NGOs/media/research institutes/think
tanks/military/space gov't agencies/industry
associations. Due to space constraints,
referenced individual names are given with max 3
letters of first name with entire last
name(except some non-Western names), company
names are listed in a way that is findable by
internet search. - 12 page long Water Technology Effect Comparison
Grid List is located at the end of presentation.
FILE AT SCRIBDclick here, ISSUUclick
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Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
5How to Read Tech Detail Explanation Texts
- Technology claims are explained in details in
each of 66 dedicated section in coming pages.
Example of Hydrodynamic cavitation below
- Tech effects Code used in tech lists(located at
end of this presentation) are headed by Boldface
purple letters as on the right. Code might
refer to either or both of a-effect of static
water product, b-process effect itself on water
rather than water's effect on matter. - Commercialized tech claims are listed in(Blue
Letter ), and within bracket means other
unnamed companies also claim same effect.
at example D4 indicates
particularly effective application.
- 11Hydrodynamic cavitation WM Accepted effect
J(BOD reduction, Advanced Oxidizing Process,
toxin/oil field waste water/sludge
decomposing)(WhirlWind.nl), For ballast
water(Globallast ua), Enhanced oil recovery-
additional hydrocarbon quality improvement(Arisdyn
e), - Sometimes WM Disputed effect, A(Descaling), HVAC
application(HyCator, VRTX Technologies), Pipe
cleaning(Group Konstanta ???????), Dairy
product flow pipe descaling is WM
rejected(TEKMASH) B(anticorrosion of water
pipes), C(Algae removal)(CT Systems ua),
6 blank slide
proceed to next page
7- Phase catalyst type water commercialized
examples, Products are often in unprofessional
manner, but inter-referenced data indicate
probability of their claim validity. Some of them
are not officially in business.
8(No Transcript)
9(No Transcript)
10(No Transcript)
1128Catalytic water, Phase Catalyst water
continued 8
Although there are lack of peer reviewed type
documentation to strictly cover this type of
water, many reports a few conferences discuss
some fraction elements of such phenomena(eg
Conference on the Physics, Chemistry and Biology
of Water, Conference on Cold Nuclear
Transmutation and Ball-Lightning). Effects are
more frequently reported by non Western
mainstream level(often by ex Soviet blocks
nations, China/Taiwan, Malaysia, Iran, Cuba,
Middle East, India, Pakistan, South Korea) as
well as by sideline treatment G7 type Western
ally nations water scientists(yet significant
fringe in Austria, less so but still notable in
Switzerland, Germany, Italy, France, Japan). A
few established influential mainstream academics
are venturing/advocating on open science
acknowledging or reporting the similar
effects(Ger Pollack, Monteignier). - Standard WesternMainstrean(WM) tech effect
interpretation in water technology seems to allow
more deviation from norm than others such as
medical, energy, or archeology and academics have
more leeway to research/report openly. Also
water tech in each Western Ally nation has more
divergent consensus reality than single uniform
scientific reality such as energy or archeology.
Same can be said for WM media created their
version of scientific reality.
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Research,
Vancouver, Canada
1228Catalytic water, Phase Catalyst water
continued 9
FOR WATER EFFECTS Combination claims of
?i-cooling heating or/and high low pressure,
?ii-EM wave treatment Terahertz, Far Infrared,
UV, ELF, Laser form, and equivalent acoustic
wave, ?iii-Electrolysis with combination of
anomalous electrodes, or DC pulse frequency(can
be high power DC intermittent) or AC,
?iv-Hydrodynamic or Sonic cavitation, sometimes
under specific EM field irradiation - ?v-Confined under high pressure or/and heat with
bio polymer or minerals(often self electrical
generating types such as Zeolite, Tourmaline,
Shugnite, Nanocarbon etc) ?vi-Frequency treatment
setting might be with treated mediums natural
frequency to cause standing wave resonance or
phase conjugated self cancelling wave(Scalar
wave), ?vii-Sub/SuperCritical water,
?viii-Solenoid EM wave for copying effects, or
high power rotating magnetic field(Torsion
field), --gtgtcont
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
1328Catalytic water, Phase Catalyst water
continued 10
of specific mineral or spring water, or Ferric
Acid, Calcium Chloride, Magnesium Sulfate etc to
cause some type of catalytic reaction to
electrically activate colloids/ion/water
molecules(creating certain maintained water
molecule structure with continuous electrical or
subtle oscillation), eg Iron Sulfate is prone
to bioenhancement effects. - ?x-Anomalous electroconductive nano filter or
Semiconductor/LED(Light Emitting Diode) exposure,
?xi-Combo of certain dissolved mineral in filter
or membrane inorganic enzymes creating effect,
?xii-Several to dozens of times repetition of
same process combo, some done in rapidly changing
manner(eg pressure, temperature), seems to be
important to memorize or imprinting to water,
as well as sometimes water sits under certain
static voltage electric field for prolonged time.
Majority of catalytic type water uses treatment
up to 1-72hrs range, ?xiii-.While some are only
using mild mixture, temperature, pressure mode
within atmospheric range
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Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Research,
Vancouver, Canada
1428Catalytic water, Phase Catalyst water
continued 11
- gtgt continued GENERAL SUMMARY
? Super low ORP
value(eg -500) and stay for yrs, ? Some kind of
permanent charge is fixed on, to hold high
content oxygen or hydrogen for prolonged
time(6moths and longer), ? Cell water like liquid
that sometimes seems not only able to carry
scientifically unapproved high amount of oxygen
or hydrogen, but also have body absorb excess
"illegal" amount of nutrients, hydrophobic
material(drugs), oxygen etc - Good common sense indicates such pre-stated ideas
must be dismissed out of hand, but this authors
research into accumulating different types of
pseudoscientific or related geopolitical
misinformation claims seem to indicate common
threads when some of them do appear to be valid
reproducible(at least by other inventor types),
certain interlocked networks of key personnel
seem to be funding/lobbying in inter-referenceable
structure to discredit non-mainstream low cost
effective ideas. (more details look up Academic
protocol 2 in report Less Known, Abundant
Energy Technologies...
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Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
1528Catalytic water, Phase Catalyst water
continued 12
- Often claimed/commercially used qualities,
usually diluting by 10-1000 times - Only sometimes WM Disputed effects CD(algae
germ stifling as process or as water, H(oil water
separation demulsion) some of water products
demonstrate, while others have emulsion effect.
This research has not looked into this effect
very deeply, M(spray or soak to last food
longer), F2(human/animal skin, dental
enhancement, medical effects) (Giawellness ca,
Zunami, STC life com, Do Coop
NeoWater) - WM Fully rejected or Fraud treatment effect
K(dirty smelly pond water clarity increasing,
cleaning), L(Drinking water generationnon
desalination), mix 1-5 with dirty water to
cause coagulation type reaction neutralizing
effect to generate drinkable water, In some cases
in 1-2mins mixing suffices, - N(food detergent), Z(plant/animal grow
lager-faster with more nutrition, catalyst to
ferment food, drink, manure/or decompose),
D2(human prefered herb-insect-germ enhancement),
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Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Research,
Vancouver, Canada
1628Catalytic water, Phase Catalyst water
continued 13
- Occasional/less often claimed effect
AB(descaling of pipes corrosion prevention),
used by mixing catalytic water in pipe flow,
E(Cleaner concentrate)- this is often very
effective in industrial application use water,
F(Laundry detergent as water), H(toilet, stain,
odor, remove by water), O(remove odor of dairy
farm by feeding water to animals), Q(metal
working fluid, cutting fluid as is or mix with
existing non water cutting fluid), R(clean
precision equipment parts and metals),
S(coagulation/toxin separation)- depends on each
type of catalytic water and what to mix with,
sometimes coagulates while others dissolve, - T(even dyeing of fabric, paint production),
U(stronger cement, ice, paper gypsum etc),
V(faster boiling, alcohol separation, more heat
conductive), X(low ORP value water), some stay
for yrs in sealed container(eg -500,
anti-oxydant), B2(less plant water needs, soil
water fast absorbing, and longer retention),
C2(plant grow in salt/toxic water/ soil
enhancement or desalination effect), E2(Flavor
enhancement of bakery/pasta/soup etc),
G2(Combustion electrical efficiency
enhancement) by either spraying the water or
some cases simply placing the water near by
operating electric or combusting device
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Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
1728Catalytic water, Phase Catalyst water
continued 14
- Other effects not named on tech lists, usually
Non-Western mainstream lab, or Non Western Govnt
entities validated, which mysteriously almost
never possible to duplicate by western peers i
Holds high content oxygen or hydrogen for prolong
time(6moths and longer) ii Long term
preservative liquid concentrate, iii Water proof
or fire proof liquid to apply on surface, iv
Fire extinguisher(deoxidant), v Cell water
like quality effective drug carrier, vi Strong
coagulation effect, while others have instant
dissolving-eliminating effect like stronger
version of UV photocatalysis vii Anomalous
superheating effect by microwave - Also further outrageous claims such as viii
nuclear spin altering, ix Radiation
remediation(not entrapment, rather
elimination/transmutation/neutralization), x
Electrically activated water- perpetually emit
weak electric field, Far Infrared or Terahertz
wave, and can transfer this quality to certain
solid matter, hydrocarbon etc for measurable
commercialized effect, xi pH11 water bare-skin
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Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Research,
Vancouver, Canada
1829HHO H2 Effect mix of Disputed Fully
rejected by Western Mainstream(WM)
- 29HHO or Oxy-hydrogen infused/bubbled water or
in air form Produced by water electrolysis,
deemed to have mixture of HHO Hydrogen
? WM media Disputed Hydrogen water
effect(completely science legal)
E(heavy cleaner, industrial washing
fluid) Hydrogen nanobubble infused water
combined with certain ultrasonic frequency, is
most effective overall minute particle washing
fluid for precision machinery parts (Kurita jp,
Organo jp ), Hydrogen Ozone are often made in
pairs by electrolysis, in some cases Hydrogen
portion is sold as healthy water whose
bioenhancing effect is validated(WM
pseudoscientized seeF2 later within this
section) significant effects.
? WM Fully rejected HHO
effect(existence disapproved) The quality of HHO
gas portion clearly differs from Hydrogen it not
Heavier than air(h2 is much lighter), Burns in
vacuum or underwater, Burns sprayed liquid water
in open air, adheres to matter, Pressured back to
water, Cold flame 130-280C (no bond breaks
unlike H2 burning at 2000C), Direct flame
doesnt boil water, but incinerates many metals
at 1600C, and Vaporizes Tungsten at 3400C,
Implodes in pure form - Above inconvenient scientific law violating
business disruptive effects seem to be causing WM
scientific funders to stay away from official
research. Gradual unofficial acceptance at
European WM steadily progressing(h2gogo,
Creoproject), rare science reality split between
Europe and North America.
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
1929HHO continued 2
- gtgt continued, WM Fully rejectedHHO effect
Most prominent
claims are fuel related. There are over 50 or so
water only combustion for automobile driving
claims(Da Dingle, Cornish, Yogev, Garret, Leaich,
Estevel, Waqar Ahmed, Valentin, Mohd Ali, Abd
Shukor, Khan, P Lowrie, Rusetel, Bordeianu, G
Sarwar, TP Edirisinghe, M Suematsu, Ry Ohmasa,
Ste Ryan), but some inventors claim to be told
not to commercialize(Sta Mayer, Boyce, Rasmussen,
B Williams). Most of this high efficiency(often
overunity) Hydrogen production method is related
to resonance effects and not really electrolysis.
But finally there are recent some groups with
mainstream backed commercialization starting by
using this super low cost standing wave
effect(Joi Scientific), (more details see Less
Known Abundant Energy Technologies...) - While 10-20 gas saving technology is allowed
world wide(HHO HFS Pty, HHO rs, WaterToGas,
Hydrotechnix, HodPros, CVHHO, FuelCat, Hycruse,
HydroxSystems, HydroMoving), rare 30-60
claims(Shinko-Trans), There is less acceptance
in North American mainstream(pseudoscience) in
contrast with Europe, but some Canadian companies
are quite recently openly targeting larger
corporate businesses(more lucrative large
vehicle/equipment engines, generators, bunker
market etc)(Empire Hydrogen, Blutip Power,
dynaCERT, Innovative Hydrogen). Emission
reduction is 30-50 level. Claims on improved
emission reduction by use of combined use of
Nanobubble generation(K-nikou jp). Some
companies offer performance based money back
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
2029HHO continued 3
- gtgt continued, WM Fully rejectedHHO effect
?For housing fuel consumption
reduction(HHO-Heating-System), Natural Gas mix
specialized (Ohmasa gas)
?Industrial process with
generally higher quality finish with much lower
energy combustion far less or no fumes
Metal/Concrete Glazing (Best Korea Brown),
Metal cutting and welding (Epoch Energy),
Engine and exhaust cleaning(EE HHO),
?Bio enhancement, medical(AquaNew
Watt-Ahh) - Incidentally, some of electrocoagulation/electrofl
otation/electrooxidation tech might have a
capability to generate overunity like HHO/H2
production with a tweak based on their existing
high capability?(Xogen?, Axine Water?, Clear
Water Plasma?) presence of certain
configuration/resonance/electrode/flow set up,
and suspected dielectric breakdown of water
occuring. While quietly mainstream backed group
is finallly launching resonance based "hydrogen"
production method for industrial market(Joi
Scientific) - General Effect Claims D(Algae/germ stifler as
water, disinfectant), X(lower redox value water,
alkaline effect), G2(energy production,
combustion catalyst), ZB2(Faster plant animal
growth, less smelly aminal, less water needs,
catalyst to ferment), I2(skin improvement, insect
bite soothing), F2(human animal skin-dental
enhancement, body function, medical effect) for
Hydrogen effect by anomalous electrolysis to keep
it dissolved over 3months in a bottle(H4O jp),
Electrolyzer medical device(Altech-corp jp ), or
pseudoscientific high dosage 3-4ppm(max WM limit
1.6ppm) of H2 dissolved in water(Moridenshi), - Weaker effect S(coagulation, toxin separation)
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Research,
Vancouver, Canada
2130EM other Micro-organism activated water
Effect mix of Accepted, Disputed, Rejected, Fully
rejected by(WM)
- 30EM- Effective Micro-organism(Anaerobic
bacteria) (also see 8'Aerobic/Anaerobic
digestion) combination of selected antioxident
type human preferred environment creating
bacteria/microbe collection liquid used by
dilution of 100-1000 times for water related
applications. Started in Japan but remain
pseudoscience there and mainstream acceptance is
in some 3rd world nations some officially
backed by the state(India, Thailand, Malaysia,
Peru, Cambodia etc) for its low cost and little
disruption of existing higher cost tech system
competing. At this category other microbe based
low cost tech is also included. - Large scale commercialization in diversified
applications of all effects below is done as
DIY(do it yourself) instruction by non-WM
influenced independent NGO (EMRO Japan) - WM Accepted effect G2(Energy generation),
Microbial Fuel Cell Electrogenic Bio
Reactor(Emefcy EBR) more of municipal water
focus. Electrogenic Methanogenic microbe based
methane generating waste water cleaner(no heavy
metals)(Cambrian Innovation EcoVolt,
Waste2Watergy) food beverage industry focus,?
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Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
2230EM other Micro-organism affected water
continued 2
- sometimes WM Disputed effects(Aerobic bacteria)
J(BOD, Waste water treatment) Fed in combination
with Aeration and last 5-10yrs (Biocleaner),
Oil clean up/decomposing(GreasoLux ), Petroleum
field(Micro-Bac), Lake Cleaning(Keeton
Aquatics), River cleaning specifically use of
Bacillus subtilis Natto (Big-Bio.com )
Z(plant-animal growth larger-faster with more
nutrition) explained as enzyme has positive
effect, catalyst to ferment food, drink, manure
etc), Other DIY type easy free recipe(?????
Weaker effect N(food
detergent) depends on food detergents
antioxidant quality might affect taste - WM generally Rejected effect
stifling as water), K(dirty smelly water
cleaning, fish enhancement), ?AnaerobicG(toilet
stain, odor removal by water),
M(spray-soak to last food, less mold), O(remove
odor of farm by feeding water to animals),
F2(human animal skin-dental-body function enhance)
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Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
2330EM other Micro-organism affected water
continued 3
- WM Fully rejected Effects ?Anaerobic
Y(insecticide weed stifler), C2(soil
enhancement, plant growth in salt water
desalination) Ocean seawater flooded farm land
recovery(Japan, Thailand etc) of EM is
consistently far more effective/faster and far
lower costs than conventional methods , D2(human
preferred germ-fermentation-herb-insect
Weaker effect ?Both F(laundry detergent as
water), S(coagulation, toxin separation),
?AnaerobicE(cleaner concentrate/ Industrial
cleaner), X(lower redox value) - Unlisted effect ?Anaerobic EMRO Japans
research in conjunction with unnamed several
mainstream university labs finds sealed normal
water bottles wedged between EM bottles get
charged, or sealed EM bottles placed in four
corners generate various "field effect" inside
square area for bioenhancing, pesticide,
electrical machine combustion improvement,
cement strength increase, or antioxidant effects,
Radiation remediation, EMRO Japan's product
contain electrically active Shewanella species,
but might also do Geobachter, There are many
indications well activated EM has 28Catalytic
water level abilities. Also Electrogenic
Methanogenic microbe based methane generating
wastewater cleaner(no heavy metals)
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Research,
Vancouver, Canada
2431Torsion field/Subtle field treated water
Effect Fully rejected by Western Mainstream(WM)
- 31Torsion field/ Subtle field treated water
WM Fully rejected effect
Since existence of this field is WM rejected,
all effects in this section is pseudoscience.
Strictly speaking it is postulated even spin-spin
interaction of atom itself creates certain field
that affects physicality, It is a part of
mainstream science in Russia and some of
ex-soviet blocks(Ukraine, Kazakhstan, China etc), - Additionally, prominent torsion field effects are
thought to be made by
?1 Geometric structures from nano level(eg
overunity energy effect is WM fully approved) to
macro level(eg pyramid), as well as
?2 Rotating magnetic
field(2000rpm) as intensive effect on metals,
water solutes or micro organism like virus(metal
manufacturing effect is WM approved except by
media), but subtle on water itself or most larger
bio organism or
?3 Similarly certain time variant
electric field frequency exposed to matter or
water(eg energy efficiency improvement, or bio
enhancement). - This phenomena field is deemed to be same type of
force field as created by ?4
Phase conjugated mutually cancelled
ElectroMagnetic wave form as longitudinal EM
wave(Shipov, Akimov, Thorns, S Kernbach, D
Paris). Some might call Subtle Energy. (for
details click here-gt Less Known, Abundant, Low
Cost Energy...)
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
2531Torsion field/Subtle field treated water
continued 2
- gtgt continued WM Fully rejected effect
Other similar effect
causing phenomena is witnessed by
?5 High Far InfraRed or
Terahertz Wave oscillating device/mineral/antioxid
ant microorganism, ?6 High activation of field
electron movement caused by geometrically placed
calibrated certain carbon or biochar, ?7 Direct
electron, or micro cold plasma emitting device or
weak static electric field of certain frequency,
?8 Extremely Low Frequency Electric field
equivalent to Schumann resonance etc.
- Furthermore, effects similar/same as torsion
field can be also produced by
?9 Solid matter or liquid that was previously
treated new oscillation qualities are
imprinted or pasted on, This often involves
either high pressure temperature water with
original copy and pasting medium together, or
Two dimensional Flat concentric circles or 3d
solenoid coil around treated medium or water etc
to record oscillation to computer then same
method to paste back(Solenoid is presented in
32Scalar wave section), ?10 Water treating
devices categorized under this "torsion field
mechanics" refer to ones with lattice structures
are "oscillation memory etched by prolonged laser
pulse exposure" and this frequency will be
constantly remitted with no outside power (eg Far
InfraRed wave or even some micro electricity
actually emits perpetually with ambient
temperature energy level of 273K0C WM science
approved but media ignored efffect) to affect
water by prolonged laser pulse exposure.
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
2631Torsion field/Subtle field treated water
continued 3
- gtgt continued WM Fully rejected effect Water
treating device?
Some of Water treatable
device are not necessarily geared for water,
often a bioenhancing plate with water use is very
minor. Water specific treatment device can be a
?i - plain
geometric stainless steel or fibreglass etc with
lattice structure that contains activated
oscillation "memorized" to re-project it to
water, and alters water quality, seemingly at
ion/electron/electrical charge/mineral matter
repulsion level, as it flows past treatment
device or simply located in non-flowing static
form. Often used for hydrocarbon mix water
descaling etc. Other water treatment device
generates similar but weaker effects are ?
?ii -FIR or Terahertz wave emitting
plant extraction or mineral or catalytic water
treated electrically active device- there is a
duplication/cross over in distinction of torsion
and FIR-Thz device(note Thz bioenhancing effect
is science approved but discussion is usually
avoided amongst WM, maybe partially due to its
strong bioenhancing element, so in order to avoid
its competition with mainstream medical) ?
-certain 3d geometry or ?iv -2d geometric printed
matter attached to water container at side or at
bottom- but latter effect "iv" seems to be much
weaker than other types. There are water quality
tests that show some effects in "iv", but lacking
industrial application testimonial(residential
new age type exists). One working example of 3d
geometry is different electric potential matters
layered to induce permanent micro current/EM
field/FIR wave in such a "form" to have major
physical effect ?v - Also they have
fundamentally same effects as Time variant
magnetic field or Electric field treated water.
-gtgt continue,
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
2731Torsion field/Subtle field treated water
continued 4
- gtgt continued WM Fully rejected effect COPYING
EFFECTS - COPYING EFFECTS Torsion field treatment,
32Scalar wave treatment or 33FIR wave
mineral, 9', 50' Sub-SuperCritical water, have
capability to copy specific subtle oscillation
frequency into another matter. This capability
is applied for commercial purposes mainly to
process water, some other liquid such as
hydrocarbon, or solid materials like stainless
steel, fibreglass, ceramics, plastic, clothing,
housing wall, athlete training wear, fabric, or
medical use devices etc. - These overall pseudoscienctized copying methods
can be interpreted as semi-permanent partial
shifting of normal mode vibrational frequency of
one item to another Involved matters/Torsion-EM
waves become "same species" during copying to
enable frequency imprinting? Cause bond angle or
length to change absorption frequency? i.e.
equivalent of Coupled Vibrations effects/Fermi
Resonance/Electronic effects, and Supercritical
water method causes Hydrogen bonding change? - COMMERCIALIZATION Most products have been
Commercialized with new age tone, but some are
also used for industrial, agricultural,
commercial water treatment purpose in discreet
manner. Following effects caused by Rotating
Magnetic Field type is marked by - Money back guarantee is usually shorter due to
probable faster more robust effect than magnet?
but some are 6months(Biopol Biosa), Same
application pattern as magnets Some sell both
water treatment device hydrocarbon efficiency
increase/emission reducer device(BE FuelSaver),
Use same mechanics for water treatable device
Electrical efficiency improvement effect
device(Maxii Energii ), --gtgtcont
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Research,
Vancouver, Canada
2831Torsion field/Subtle field treated water
continued 5
- gtgt continued WM Fully rejected effect water
- New age oriented static water treatment device is
actually often for medical type use and produces
weaker effect(take longer time like 1-5hrs), but
also can be used without water by direct
contact(AqvaDisk ru, Torsion-Tech.com, Neoguard
Life, wame-webinar.su ) or even some fractal
pattern printed(photonic signal emitting etc),
But some seem to have fairly large commercial and
industrial users(Bhado-Bihadou, Planet-tachyon
), Geometric structure for bioenhancement via
feeding the water remained in the structure
(Pyramidoflife com) - Tech combined with others Vortex(Gara.de),
Metal Ion(UMH at), Confined Permanently
charged water is in device to reinforce matter
lattice structure oscillation as frequency
emitter/copier(Grander Water, Compensatory
Magnetic Oscillator) Confined Charged Oil in a
device instead of water(urquellwasser eu),
Copying Pasting oscillation done via water with
rotating magnetic field (BioIT) - Most common application is AB(descaling,
de-corrosion/rust of water pipes) (Wellan2000,
SialexRing, Merus-Ring, VWP Water, EnerCat )
This application is mainly industrial process and
oil industry, Some new age types (Braques.com,)
C(algae germ stifling process) (Menalit ch,
Biovita be, Inpal net, "Quantum Chongqing
Institute of Medical Development"
?????????????? )
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
2931Torsion field/Subtle field treated water
continued 6
- gtgt continued WM Fully rejected effect treating
less frequent occasionally claimed use is
H(oil-water separation) deduced from various
weak effect by magnetic water treatment
stronger effect by rotating electrode/magnetic
field, K(dirty/smelly lake clarity, fish
enhancement) (Q-aqua.de, EOS 2000 System),
M(spray on food to make it last)(Fostac ch,
Biogenic AquaFlow),U(stronger cement, gypsum
etc), (Aqua-blue de, ???????? ECOUOM),?
- Z(plant/animal growth enhancement, catalyst to
ferment food/manure)(AquaKat, Swissquella ch,
Chrysalis Energies) Y(pesticide) Only
applicable as rare application made for water,
but distant non-local agricultural/Industrial use
in very discreet manner due to significant
military application massively lower cost than
conventional methods, not even openly debunked,
most of transaction is done unofficially
privately by engineering consulting service
company(SE-5, Crop Services International,
Quantec, ?????????? wl-tech, Palanido Scalar
- B2(less water for plants, more for animal, soil
water absorption retention increase)
(Penergetic, Plazer.com.ua ), D2(Human
prefered fermentation-herb-insect enhancement)(
lebenskraft-wasser, Vitaltron ch), E2(bakery
pasta flavour enhancement) (Ojas de, Organo de
) - F2(skin conditioning, bio enhancement, medical
use)(Baubioenergy de), Some are more
specifically set customized oscillation of
certain matter/herbs/minerals as part of medical
remedy by advanced copying pasting function
(Harmonizedwater.com, InfoCeuticals, Vital Force
Techcnology, IC Medicals), Medical but
specifically radionics focus (Remedydevices.com,
Wds-global.com ), Identify each persons best
frequency and record it to water for
personalized bioenhancement(Atox eu).
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
3031Torsion field/Subtle field treated water
continued 7
- --gtgtcont WM Fully rejected Effects F2(bio
enhancement, medical use)?
?Torsion/Scalar element related HOMEOPATHY
Use of plant "oscillation" duplication by
vigorous manual hydrodynamic cavitation(shaking)
dilution repetition similar basic method to
"phase catalyst water". Various sub elements
like EM wave/Electric field use. - But some specific personal skill level based
Homeopathic practises ("subtle" resonance
frequency based, molecule presence beyond
Avogadro-Loschmidt Constant) are known to be
significantly beyond mainstream medical
effectiveness with low cost in large portion of
chronic disease(B Gray, Geo Vithoulkas)
including serious types like advanced pancreatic
cancer(Aradeep Chatterjee, Pra Banerji), but
performance radically differs by each
practitioner(Raj Sankaran, Abh Patil). The
effect of subtle energy can be based on
orientation of water molecules?(Ruh Amin) - Vaccine application is also known to be more
effective with REALLY almost no side effect at
all, 2-3 range of mainstream cost, shorter
preparation time(Gus Bracho) i.e. cannot be
approved officially as not fraud in West's
current medical industry structure clout. - Part of mainstream debunking includes its high
priority in personal mental state, or they
conclude same cause has variety of different
symptoms depends on patient. Because of their
extensive focus on mental state it can be
considered as part of resonance state, while
similar significant results were also claimed by
other types of mental "resonance" focus therapies
(German New MedicineHamer, Flower methodEd
Bach, Orgone energyW Reich).
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
3131Torsion field/Subtle field treated water
continued 8
- --gtgtcont WM Fully rejected F2(medical use)
Homeopathy Lower cost, more effective, no side
effects at life threatening chronic disease - More often mainstream semi accepted and
highlighted versions are known to be less
effective types or placebo equivalent(Edz
Ernst), while certain minority establishment
groups publicly admit "subtle resonance"
method(European Royalties). Yet it is notable
top performing non-mainstream medical methods are
under strong pressure to under-claim or not to
claim to public interview(beyond Homeopathy
users) their actual cure effect in west. - Some weak effect in D(algae stifling as treated
water)(Aquaquant), F/G/H(various cleaner, oil
separation, and detergent effect) (Bladon.at,
BioEnergieFabrik.ch), J(water cleaning, toxin
neutralizing), weakening chlorine smell of tap
water etc, O(remove odor of farm by feeding
animals water) (Rayxwell, Terafight), - Unlisted tech effects ?Snow crystallization
enhanced(Lohnert snowplus ), ?Mineral is
charged and water nearby carries the charge to
plants (Vitawass de, Plocher de), ?Air
cleaning effect by partially ionizing water
molecule in air(electrostatic attraction) around
the device by permanent microcurrent flowing
layered structure of different electric potential
materials that generate EM field/FIR irradiation
in certain "form"(Nanotech-beam SatoCompany)
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
3232Scalar wave, Phase conjugated EM wave pair
Effect Fully rejected by Western Mainstream(WM)
- 32Scalar wave, Phase conjugated EM wave pair
treated water This presentation refers Scalar
as i-solenoid (spiral) or phase conjugated
pattern(twin self cancelling pattern) coil around
water pipe(ie cylinder shape) or cylinder water
container used, ii-Certain frequency
generated by use of electricity field or as "copy
and pasting" of other matters oscillation eg
water based DNA Polymerase Chain Reaction(Alb
Tedeschi, Del Giudice, Luc Montagnier ),
iii-Metal cylinder accumulated subtle energy
infused water, often cotton wedged in layers.
Like 31Torsion, entire effect is WM Fully
rejected - Deemed basically same mechanics as 31Torsion
field treated water. Effect should be identical
to 31 Torsion field, but tech list displays minor
effect difference due to separate application
focus by small overall sample of
commercialized/research operators/inventors. - Commercialized eg Industrial use
(WaterEnergizers, Tenemos-ier.org), New Age type
residential (TriVortex, WeberBio B-harmony,
Memon-Online, QuWave), Frequency
imprinting(ISwater.ru), Medical(90.10. ), - Also used for non cloud seeding weather
modification(WM media level fraud treatment), see
Section 65Artificial Rain.
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
3333Mineral/BioCeramic treated or FIR/THZ wave
water Effects all from Accepted to Fully rejected
- 33Mineral/BioCeramic treated or FIR/THZ wave
water (also separate ? Silica dissolved water
later in this section), for FIR/THR emitting
element of this water in general has strongest
bioenhancement or other anomalous effect next to
those discussed in section 28Catalytic water,
Mineral/chemical/microorganism baked in ceramic
that holds subtle oscillation wave
semi/permanently in Far InfraRed(FIR) to
Terahertz(Thz) range. - Certain mineral combination also emits FIR/Thz
waves as well as subtle electric charge. Though
often called fraud in West, pre-mentioned
measurability of Terahertz/FIR vibration
frequency fundamental to most mineral or living
organism is approved by WM science. Yet for some
reason this oscillation of bio enhancing range is
not supposed to bring any actual physical effect
according to some WM media science coverage.
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
3433Mineral or BioCeramic/FIR-THZ wave treated
water continued 2
- --gtgtcont Bioactivation effect
- Additionally right combination of minerals or
their electrical properties in bioceramic seems
to cause phase catalyst like reaction in water
or matter exposed to the water(section
28Catalytic water), and can be used as cleaner
concentrate etc. Hence it seems possible certain
mineral spring water can be almost catalytic type
highly electrically charged bioenhancing type
water, ?
Fair portion
of mainstream portable regular water filter
system or main water supply combines with Reverse
Osmosis or others to utilize various ceramic,
media or mineral, ?
Some of them include high FIR
emitting or bioenhancing or electrically active
minerals(eg Tourmaline etc) to substantial degree
though such expression or exact make up of
ceramic or media might not be advertised
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Research,
Vancouver, Canada
3533Mineral or BioCeramic/FIR-THZ wave treated
water continued 3
- Different mechanics examples for BioCeramic type
water devices Mechanics are all WM Fully
Rejected or Fraud treatment.
- 1Some water treating devices are are suspected of
FIR/Thz wave oscillating container based water
treatment system(Santewater?, Flaska eu?)
- 2 Water oscillation quality used torsion field
like energy emitting eg AQUA-METALS(Hydro
Colloidal Metal) with fabric/plastic to be
processed together to imprint subtle energy
emitting quality for commercialized products
(bioenhancement, medical, combustion-electrical
improvement)(eg Phiten) probably one of rare
somewhat mainstream academic backed
pseudoscience of subtle energy tech(Kyoto
Furitsu Med Univ, UCLA, MasseyNZ), same
mechanics are used to make some of new age magic
energy pendant type products or some of matter
vitalization" process"(cream, fabric, plastic,
rubber, metal, feather, tape, building material,
glass, paint, liquid, sand, rock, ceramic,
concrete, detergent-soap etc)(Trinox jp,
SantaMineral, Minimal Catalyst MICA, ???? MSTAR
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
3633Mineral or BioCeramic/FIR-THZ wave treated
water continued 4
- gtgtcont eg of BioCeramic type water devices WM
Fully rejected mechanics effects
? Examples of FIR-Thz Oscillation use via
Ceramic Structure
i-water oil
emulsion enhancement for fuel production(Playheart
.co.jp), ii-Custom effect
iii-Water based disinfection
iv-High insulation or
overunity insulation paint(GAINA Insulating
paint)(oil based) is also related, - v-Water based paint applied on engine or electric
device to increase electrical or combustion
efficiency / reduce emission(Mit-corp.biz),
vi-Static reduction in air or within
machinery, reducing jamming, metal rust or mold
where some strong FIR based water treating device
is located(AquaGaia net), plus mosquitos
repelling effect from water device(Aquxite-f)
same type of this field effect is observed in
some electron projection device" .(58Ionizing
projection), bottled antioxidant microorganism
are placed in squares(30'EM) or where torsion
field(section 31) is propagating
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Research,
Vancouver, Canada
3733Mineral or BioCeramic/FIR-THZ wave treated
water continued 5
- gtgtcont eg of BioCeramic type water devices
WM Fully rejected mechanics effects ? FIR-Thz
Oscillation use via Ceramic Structure
On academic level FIR/Thz wave is bio
enhancing(WM approved), and this oscillation
effect is thought to be copied to molecular
bonding quality/angle of water by the devise to
oscillate in that frequency for a prolonged
time(Ja Osugi, Ko Furusaki, Ke Hatanaka),
Increased cell permeation of water in general,
Aquaporin permeability(Kitagawa). This research
and deployment both are almost exclusive to Japan
but some exceptions(Redwaveglobal) - Pre-mentioned outrageous claims in this section
33 are commonly made by top performing device
makers or their bioceramic suppliers, Some of
water treatment intended bioceramic balls are
simply made from certain specific areas rock
formation or volcanic soil/rock powder(Nagano
Ceramics, MinoGanryo)Some use the powder
directly for farming enhancement. Other
bioceramic products often includes minerals with
visible light range reacting photocatalytic
powder(often with zeolite), self electricity
generating Tourmaline(both WM science approved
while WM media unapproved), Blackmica(also see
end of this section 33' "Silica water") to
specific ionic reaction intending Ferrous Ferric
minerals/Ferrate ion generation- but details are
withheld by manufacturers as secrete recipe.
Many device makers have own formula to custom
process at ceramic ball manufacturers or produce
it by themselves.
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
3833Mineral or BioCeramic/FIR-THZ wave treated
water continued 6
- gtgtcont eg of BioCeramic type water devices WM
Fully rejected mechanics ? FIR-Thz
Oscillation use via Ceramic Structure
Other bioceramic includes fulvic/humic
acid, living bacteria(often EMRO Japans
product), biopolymer of potent herbs in baking
process to imprint its quality in ceramic so
that during water treatment the device can
paste its quality to water. - Food preservation products made by same
process?(Freshy - SolarSand), Food product
preservation effect is due to affecting water
within food(Platinum Photon) FIR by nature
causes resonance in standing wave form with water
within matter(Tos Komuro), Laundry ball with FIR
emitting bioceramic mineral(Biocera kr,
SmartKlean laundry), Water treatment specific
device that wraps around pipe for vitalization
effect(Jts-Kansai, FUF.co.jp, Spinor.ru, Akatsuka
FFC), Bioceramic h2 making device(Aqua-bank.co.jp
). Effect is often depended on copy-paste
effectiveness and original combination of potent
FIR/Thz minerals. - Regardless of mechanics acceptance many effects
are WM Accepted L(Drinking water generation
filteringnon desalination) Weaker effect
used as key process of vitalization with
filtering media, Stand alone filtering by ceramic
ball is usually insufficient.
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
3933Mineral or BioCeramic/FIR-THZ wave treated
water continued 7
- Only sometimes WM Disputed effect
E2(flavor enhancement of
pasta, soup, coffee etc),
H2(dewatering), drying by InfraRed Key base
factor(also WM science approved) is 2.5-30µm FIR
range EM wave is linked to most of non-metal
physical matter resonance frequency can cause
various exaggerated effects. Also wave length
can be controlled and directed(NGK Insulators),
water's resonance frequency can be targeted,
Widely used standard process method is less
effective mechanics and frequency range, Ignored
or debunked rare FIR resonance tuning version is
much more effective
- FIR wave method works as a kind of bioenhancing
version of microwave drying causes oscillation
in matter but often in ideal own standing wave
frequency Even moisture, Faster result energy
efficient, Low temperature(room temp) process, No
convection wind mandatory, Needs less space,
Higher quality drying finish, Flavor enhancement
for food, Easy temperature control, Vacuum
workable(non-oxydized drying)(biocon.co.jp),
Human undesired germs selectively stifling
effect(WM rejected), --gtcont
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Research,
Vancouver, Canada
4033Mineral or BioCeramic/FIR-THZ wave treated
water continued 8
- --gtgt cont Only sometimes WM Disputed effect
H2(dewatering), Rarely used Effective FIR drying
methods in many nations/sectors?
For some products overall 50-70 range of time
cost saving(resonance frequency of dryer and
drying medium needs to be matched or require wide
bandwidth wave projection), Also note certain
bioceramic or cotton based carbon fibre based
drying heater is upto 50 more efficient than
conventional ones(Meiho OrgaHexa),
- Most advantage seem to be in food related
products(Catalytic Drying, Suntechno-Kuga,
Kanekokk), also for paints but more often in
Near Infrared range(Promojp.com, Symach
Robodry), Also used for general industrial
products(Ymkco jp), Printed material or
glue(Nissei-Oval), Low temp Lumber
drying(Is-tomoe jp) Some FIR wave is produced
by catalysis of hydrocarbon, other by heating
ceramic with specific wave emitting properties by
temperature. - WM often rejected "far more than unity" heat
generation when combine FIR with superheated
steam drying is more or less common sense in food
processing in Japan but products don't state that
effect(????????? Jsfst), --gtgtcont?
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
4133Mineral or BioCeramic/FIR-THZ wave treated
water continued 9
- --gtgt cont Only sometimes WM Disputed effect
- Unlisted Weak Effect Emulsion effect in static
uniform FIR irradiation by bioceramic WM
generally Rejected effect AB(Descaling, and
corrosion prevention of pipes)(jbi-shinsen),
Ceramic balls hitting each other to create
electric activity in water for effects, this is a
relatively common explanation for various FIR
effects(sanix SC??????),
C(algae germ stifling as process),(Pursanova),
J(Advanced Oxidation Process) FIR range ceramic
reacts with 5ppm level chlorine water to produce
H various reactants (directly- indirectly)
likely including all of H2O2, Superoxide radical
O2, Singlet Oxygen(1O2, as opposed to ground
state regular triplet oxygen3O2), Hydroxyl OH
(Mechanical ceramics/ Meca-Cera Cat