Title: Four Levels of Clean, Low Cost, Under-utilized Water Technology for Industrial / Commercial / Agricultural Applications(PART 8 OF 11)
1Four Levels of Clean, Low Cost, Less Known Water
Technology for Industrial / Commercial /
Agricultural Applications
PART 8 OF 11
- Environmentally Friendly, Economical, Effective
Water Cleantech for The Future
Ben Rusuisiak New nature paradigm TECH analysis
vancouver, BC, CANADA, updated Feb10, 2017
ABSTRACT This presentation
covers some of low cost, water related
commercialized cleantech that is under-utilized
or not commonly known to exist at all, in areas
of 1-Environmental cleaning, 2-HVAC improvement,
3- Energy extraction, 4-Industrial
processes, 5-Drinking water generation,
6-Geoengineering, 7-Desalination wastewater
treating, 8-Selective bio-enhancing, rust
prevention etc. Some of them are convertible for
a use in field of energy, medical, biology,
weather modification, material science with
similar advantages. ?
- One of such effects not fully explainable by
chemistry, yet officially utilized by some
non-Western ally nations, is prolonged "water
structure", or/ "activated" electrical charge
holding capacity of ions in water. There are
multiple treatment methods that can cause
sustained unique capability in plain water for at
least 4-5 days and used without added chemical or
solutes. e.g. a-As detergent for commercial
kitchen, butcher or heavy oil removal, b-Non
fouling industrial cutting or washing fluid,
c-Hospital operation room, or food industry
equipment disinfectant, d-Medical
oxygen/hydrophobic drug delivery, skin
disease/infection/organ, upto conventionally
untreatable chronic disease. e-Plant/animal
growth increase, brackish water feeding,
Removing animal residence odor, f-Increase
strength of concrete, ice, paper, g-Enhance
flavor of pasta, coffee, bakery, h-Low
emission fuel making from subgrade incombustible
hydrocarbon, i-Display chemical or mineral effect
without chemistry present in water. Some
exceptionally electrical-active water seems to
even function as "phase catalyst" and used as
"plain water concentrate" for similar or more
robust effects by dilution.?
- Such Scientific Status gap in water tech by
nations is fairly common and it affects research
funding market share of effective processes.
e.g water treatment by Time variant magnetic
field Rotating/Concentric Electrode, Far
InfraRed waves, Hydrodynamic Cavitation,
Sub/SuperCritical water, Non Anthraquinone H2O2,
Emulsion fuel, Cold fusion, Resonance H2O
decomposing, Acoustic Pulsed Fire Dewatering,
Electro-Scavenging effect for rain generation
Cosmic Ray based climate change idea. One reason
for discrediting is they might co-display
scientifically economically disruptive seeming
thermodynamic over-unity non-local phenomena.
But low cost effective way to displace chemical
based system also have been supported in West
Electrooxidation/coagulation or multiple ways of
AOP including Ozone was backed by European groups
they are now supporting Plasma Activated Water,
Thermal Hydrolysis, Membrane Distillation,
various Nano Filtration etc. Others are accepted
but only for certain use ElectroOsmosis/Poration,
Metal ion, 3chamber electrolysis, Vacuum
superheated steam, Steam eductor etc. Overall,
previously science contested low cost clean water
tech is increasingly rapidly adopted even by
multinationals, often accompanied by firm back up
of mainstream media, science, tech awards. And
unless spread of this new paradigm stalls soon,
limitation based "closed system" belief of
society will fundamentally shift to no-limit
"open system" before 2030.
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada
3- p10 Crystallization Template
sssddAssisted, Fluidized Bed etc
p21 Ozone UV etc p41
SuperCritical Water etc - p45 Ultrasonic, Cavitation effect, . . .
Pulsed Combustion Drying
p61 Nano/UltraFine Bubble etc p67
PhotoCatalytic water etc - p91 Electrolyzed acid water etc p118 Plasma
Activated Water
Electrolytic Venturi etc p141 .Magnetic Water
treatment - p157 Phase Catalyst Water
p181 Torsion field/Scalar Wave p190
Far InfraRed, Bioceramic, .. Minerals treated
- p221 Pumpable Ice Slurry p228 ElectroSpray
etc p235 ElectroHydraulic
effect - p245 Solar Desalination etc p268 SuperHeated
Steam etc - PART 8 p288
Magnetic Resonance
. Freezing Thawing
p291 Ion projection
p298 Ferrous/Ferrate Ion water
p310 Vacuum Saturation/DDW, . Steam Jet
Ejector/eductor - p338 Plant Polymer Micelle p343 Rain Related
Weather .. Modification
p358 Water Technology List
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Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
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Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada
- This presentation might not always reflect the
views of mainstream group, particularly of
western media, large NGOs, wikipedia hence
attendants/readers are recommended to re-assess
the data from independent perspective Listed
commercialized claims include that are
contradicting mainstream science law or
effectiveness acceptance level, while empirically
deemed to produce effects repeatedly. "Cleantech"
here includes "clean chemicals" that are non
residual Ozone, Hydrogen Peroxide, Peracetic
Acid, Plasma/ElectroChemical reaction etc - Compared to other industries, water technology
tends to have wider varied mechanics to achieve
intended physical effects Labs, schools, even
conservative mainstream, or mundane looking
companies often use their own effective unique
processes not widely known. Many of what is
covered here are selected technologies known as
effective in some sectors or by small of
consumers but not by other sectors.?
Currently more detailed
reference list is being produced will be
published separately The research is updated
based on reviewing academic papers journals,
books, speeches, presentations, patents,
lab/commercialized product testimonies/complaints,
publications public records of
NGOs/media/research institutes/think
tanks/military/space gov't agencies/industry
associations. Due to space constraints,
referenced individual names are given with max 3
letters of first name with entire last
name(except some non-Western names), company
names are listed in a way that is findable by
internet search. - 12 page long Water Technology Effect Comparison
Grid List is located at the end of presentation.
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Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
5How to Read Tech Detail Explanation Texts
- Technology claims are explained in details in
each of 66 dedicated section in coming pages.
Example of Hydrodynamic cavitation below
- Tech effects Code used in tech lists(located at
end of this presentation) are headed by Boldface
purple letters as on the right. Code might
refer to either or both of a-effect of static
water product, b-process effect itself on water
rather than water's effect on matter. - Commercialized tech claims are listed in(Blue
Letter ), and within bracket means other
unnamed companies also claim same effect.
at example D4 indicates
particularly effective application.
- 11Hydrodynamic cavitation WM Accepted effect
J(BOD reduction, Advanced Oxidizing Process,
toxin/oil field waste water/sludge
decomposing)(WhirlWind.nl), For ballast
water(Globallast ua), Enhanced oil recovery-
additional hydrocarbon quality improvement(Arisdyn
e), - Sometimes WM Disputed effect, A(Descaling), HVAC
application(HyCator, VRTX Technologies), Pipe
cleaning(Group Konstanta ???????), Dairy
product flow pipe descaling is WM
rejected(TEKMASH) B(anticorrosion of water
pipes), C(Algae removal)(CT Systems ua),
656NanoFiltration Effect mix of Accepted,
Disputed, Generally Rejected, Fully rejected by
Western Mainstream(WM)
- 56NanoFiltration(also see 22Nano Material
Used Filter), In many ways it is completely
mainstream tech but some other ways it is clearly
underused. Generally referred as single digit
nanometer filtration(1-9nm), Similar effect as
55Nano Material treating. Typically passes
monovalent ions i.e. by ionic size, also charge
etc. But can to some extent customizeable -
selectively pass certain solutes or set
directionality of flow by size and charge(RO
rejects all one fixed way only by outside
force) ie can function like biological ionic
channels or super low cost desalination if
designed(nanopore size needs to be property
arranged with specific material, also at Carbon
Nanotube case, water permeability is up to 4-5
orders of magnitude faster than allowed by
conventional science law sometimes media
debunked) if designed. And importantly all of
this disruptive base idea is approved by WM and
active research continues wold wide. Some of
advanced use currently are more often for labs
and pharmaceutical(MetalMembranes) - Wide range of claims from mainstream academics to
sidelined engineers/scientists, particularly
non-west related(China). Often key for
anomalous effect is by Use of
?1 Various types of
metal/silicon nanowire, ?2 Janus particle(nano
sized, have duel hydrophilic and hydrophobic
side) used membrane, also to some extent Charged
Nanofilter Membrane types, ?3 Nanocarbon/Carbon
Nanotube/Inorganic Nanotube or electro-conductive
polymer, ?3 Mixing/doping/coating certain nano
or fine metal element such as Silver/Copper/Zinc
etc, ?4 Metal membrane(some advanced tech can
make pores down to nano or smaller size, with
through straight even hole with super high flux
rates, can be made to suit extreme conditions).
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Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
756NanoFiltration continued 2
- Also due to this high electroconductivity, it
might kill all virus if designed optimally for
it(electroporation). These electric or charge
based Nanocarbon mechanics link to
pseudoscientized bioenhancing effect of water
activation methods(magnetic, FIR wave, Electric
pulse, catalyzed water etc) - as they also have
similar effect light diffraction quality etc.
This superior quality can be more fully utilized
in near future in mainstream by hierarchical
membrane with nanoporous on top layer supported
by structurally more robust microporous types at
the base(manufactured by phase inversion). while
in some cases this seems to be already quietly
commercialized, including under vacuum filtration
mechanics - particularly by Chinese companies. - WM Accepted effect N2(demineralizing effect),
mainstream use e.g. demineralization/concentratio
n of whey/lactose at Dairy, filtering dye at
Textile, or sugar at Beverage industry is
preferable to EDI, Ion exchange, or RO. Mega
membrane players involved are also expanding to
underutilized use(Koch Membrane, GE water, Toray
Membrane, Dow Chemical), some are specialized
focus in specific major use industry but also
aiming for underused area(Reda Spa,
Lakta-service, Milktech ru, ???????? "KINGS
FOOD") often enables straight reuse of
wastewater, e.g. laundry water reuse etc. Many
offer portable containerized/on skid portable
units(Lifestream Watersystems, Degrémont
Technologies, Newterra, Kriva Rochem), Entering
nanosize as ceramic membrane(Cerahilix)
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Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Research,
Vancouver, Canada
856NanoFiltration continued 3
- --gtgtWM Accepted effect cont
P2(Waterfilter) can
displace existing system with low cost, likely
lead by Europe with China Often water passing
filter with electro-conductive material is
treated by self generated electricity/microplasma
for automatic disinfection by hydroxyl etc, as
home use(Vontron), counter top device(Origin
Water ?????????????), When combined with regular
microfilter, system recycles water to save 90 of
shower water with sufficient disinfection even at
residential level(Orbital Systems AB). Use for
Reverse Osmosis for longer lasting effects(LT
Technologies, EcoChem International, SnowPure,
GEA filtration) generally preferred minerals
remain unlike RO. Chlorine exposure proof
polymer based filter(Anfiro), State backed
production to decrease import(Rusnano),
Fibreglass bonded with electropositive
nanoparticle/fibre for faster waterflow
trapping(Argonide NanoCeram) - Effective enough to make oil exploration water
drinkable directly after filtering(Vibe inc
Sandbox Resource), Commercial water cleaning
e.g. Agricultural or general industrial
wastewater(Microdyn-Nadir, Inopor, Synder
Filtration, ?????????? ??????? ??????????,
Enviropark ru), Pulp paper(Aslan
technologies), Also various academic researches
on customizable filter by spraying different
mineral nano powder onto base membrane intending
for different purposes(Mor Endo),Nanomanget
sprayed nanofilter to replace pool's chlorine use
if regulation permits(Nano-ff.com), airborne
moisture germ trapping killing(Toshiba
CAF-D4), Pretreatment of RO desalination(Filtroxr
us) --gtgtcont
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Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada
956NanoFiltration continued 4
- --gtgt cont WM Accepted effect P2(Watefilter)
combined with existing filter system, it further
augments performance(eg acoustically filtrated
carbon nanotube filter, permeation is not driven
by conventional pressure or even gravity). Well
adopted by space agency or military, also seems
coagulation component to be capable of recovering
at filter(eg extra oil recovered while filtered
water is instantly drinkable). - Nanofilteration used Forward Osmosis(FO)
effect(FO is not at all exclusive to Nanofilters,
neither is below commercialized example) is
lowest cost in some limited specific situations
Use of osmotic power, by clean water side of
membrane having higher solutes content than dirty
water side of membrane. Hence little to no power
required while causing far less membrane fouling.
- Cost competitive set up is made by use of draw
solutions that are easily recoverable/separable/re
useable by temperature change etc for cost
reduction, so even by combining with RO, it
might still reduce costs, nutrition is kept
during concentrating process(eg juice) without
heating(Oasys water, HTI water, Modern Water,
Forward Water Technologies), use of Carbon
Nanotube filter for additional significant
saving(Porifera). Mechanics example of FO NH3
CO2 bubbling in water produces salts with very
high osmotic pressure(NH4HCO3 etc) but easily
separated/recovered when applied low grade heat.
Also in certain natural situation it might be
suitable(eg dirty water cleaning to discharge
into ocean, located next to desalination reject
water channel, or making heavy sugary beverage
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Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
1056NanoFiltration continued 5
- --gtgt cont WM Accepted effect
- L3(run CDI more efficiently, removing CO2),
W2(remove oil, salt, deoxidizing cooking,
elements, preserve nutrients) combo use of
hydrophobic/oleophobic element use to filter
various elements (NacoTech), use of nano carbon
activation process (NanoCarb), hydrophilic type
for dye removal water softening(MemTech),
effective due to ion recovery(AMS Membranes),
Previously stated Hierarchical Nanoengineered
Membrane can be particularly effective with its
physical durability backed up by microporous
membrane combined, to fully deploy its
hydrophillic/hydrophobic ability in customized
way. - Sometimes WM Disputed effect M2(Desalination
effect) academically it is mainstream but
probably too abrupt disruptive(much higher
permeability, far less fouling, far lower energy
use for filtration etc compared to RO membrane,
by advanced salt ion management by adding certain
material in filter) for industry structure to
bring out in highlighted way for
commercialization(eg Perforene - Lockheed), So
less known companies commercialize
first(EconoPure), - Good potential for combined low pressure high
flow low cost desalination with additionally
electricity generated by removing ions from
seawater with specialty Molybdenum Disulfide
(MoS2) nanofilter(Nar Aluru), Even more
efficient if osmotic pressure is used(Moh
Heiranian), Various disruptive Nanofiltration
application topic is widely discussed its
practicality by WM academia. --gtgt continue
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Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Research,
Vancouver, Canada
1156NanoFiltration continued 6
- --gtgt cont Sometimes WM Disputed effect
M2(Desalination effect)
Aquaporin based filter claims to
use 1/2 of energy cost of RO(Mangrove Membranes
Inc - Applied Biomimetic, Aquaporin dk)
actually it should be much less than 1/2 due to
little to no energy required, maybe due to its
filter's fragile nature? Facilitated
diffusion/ion-charge gradient difference based,
Also other ion channeling biomimicry filters
under research. Again various nanofilters can do
this type at lab levels Use of electrical
Double Layer charging nanopores of filter to
electromigrate/separate salt ions. - Unlisted effect(Descaling pipes corrosion
prevention)(AquaClear LLC, WEHRLE Umwelt, Shivam
Water Treaters )
- Occasionally claimed Generally media type
Rejected effect I2(Solubility increase of
treated water), O2(Hydroxyl radical production),
Currently clumsy set up as this is basically WM
approved effect - WM Fully rejected Same effect claims should be
made between Nanofilter 55Nano Material
treated water, but probably due to small number
of claimant samples(less than 50), claims shown
on the list are not identical. As for
effectiveness approval level by WM, finished
product filter has more severe debunking than
nanocarbon. (Also See these in reference to
22Nano Material Used Filter), Q2(food stock
preservation water), S2(Bioenhancing water),
T2(metal rust reduction/prevention), V2(Low redox
potential) it can be other way around(hydroxyl
production) depends on set up, A3(Deuterium
Depleted Water production), - Weak effects J2(emulsion)
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Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
1257Electric Magnetic Resonance
Freezing/Thawing Effect mix of Accepted
Generally Rejected by (WM)
- 57Electric Magnetic Resonance
Accepted effect as obvious for freezing
application Q2(food preservation). - Effect of this technology is in hanging state in
mainstream. Western ally Japan widely installed
this while rest of West(including Wikipedia in
all languages also in Japanese) is still often
pseudoscientizing it, hence creating a market
void in other Western nations, yet even some
mainstream group in rest of west is quietly
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Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Research,
Vancouver, Canada
1357Electric Magnetic Resonance
Freezing/Thawing continued 2
- gtgt cont WM Accepted effect
Magnetic/electric field oscillation(often
multiples of frequencies are emitted) to prevent
freezing at below 0C temperature, This
supercooling state is followed by quick even
freezing over critical temperature range that
can otherwise break cell walls of food by water
expansion, this seems to be due to small
clustered ice crystals formed from water
molecules, also some effect in electroporation of
breaking germ/bacteria cells(thinner-much weaker
than food cell walls). - WM Rejected effect P2(disinfection, suppress low
temp active bacteria) (Marche-machinery,
Proton-Group net), some combine visible light
photocatalysis to kill ethylene(C2H4) (Hitachi
Shinku Chilled ), R2(Able to freeze defrost
raw fish, meat, or even some salad keep intact
cell structure) food appear fresh as if freezing
never took place, U2(consistently show much lower
energy cost from user feedback) -20C range
fridge works on par with -60C types (Nice01-
Akiyama-Denshi), U2(often food lowers redox
potential)(Daiwa Reiki Kogyo), X2(lower
freezing point)
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Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
1457Electric Magnetic Resonance
Freezing/Thawing continued 3
- --gtgtcont WM Rejected
Unlisted effects
i-High grade food conservation duration is
extended up to 3times compared to conventional
freezing tech(Abi-net Cell Alive System, Depak
jp), Same mechanics can be used to create
ii-Supercooled water fridge for beverages(Boscom
jp, Mars Company jp), - As noted prior its iii-Magnetic resonance
frequency itself can be adjusted to cause
bioenhancement effect on plants animals via
electrically activated water exposed to the
relevant frequency, or enhanced directly by
projected nearby EM field,(Iyashiro ??)
iv-Flavor improves as frozen stored some
duration (Maruko Denshi), v-Not publicized but
organ transplant type application used? - Generally all of this sections effects are
equally claimed by most manufacturers listed
here. For consumer refrigerator market, key
players in Japan are selling same above
supercooling effect device with different
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Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
1558Ionizing projection in air-mist Effect mix of
Accepted, Disputed, Generally Rejected by (WM)
- 58Ionizing projection in air mist or Mist
ion/electrostatic/electron projection(This is not
fully water technology Many devices have only
minor use of airborne water for ion projection in
air or moisture as target of ion). ?
- Weak power micro electron projection types have
basically same effect as 25Electro Static
treatment of air-mist, in clean tech segment it
competes with UV air treatment,14Photocatalytic
treatment(or combination of both),
17Electrolyzed Acid water spray,
41'ElectroSpray. But mid high power
accelerated High Current Electron
Beam(HCEB)(Electron impact ionization)(also
available on X-ray range) has rapid matter/water
altering or decomposing effect, mainstream use in
pharma and polymer/metal dry process but under
deployed for food or water. Its ionizing
radiation level is high enough to be bio
beneficial far below hazardous range. Note HCEB
effect description is bracketed by marks. For
radiation benefit explanation go to another
report Tesla, Other Controversial Energy Tech
Claims... look up "radioactive material".
- WM Accepted effect I2(solubility increase),
Q2(food stock preservation), HCEB is used for
food pasteurization(Tecleor, Comet AG ebeam,
????????? ????? ??????????-??????? ?????????,
?????), Due to very high initial cost of setting
up the system, custom processing services are
offered (Iotron Impela, ebis.jp, SureBeam Middle
East, Sadex), while some rather recommend their
high penetration high radiation gamma ray from
cobalt or x-ray service option(Steris), Some
offer portable service(Budker Institute of
Nuclear Physics),), H3(effective paint
spraying, ion deposition) Painting preparation
by static adjustment (EXAIR Ion Air Jet).
- ?Weaker effect J2(emulsion), ?
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Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Research,
Vancouver, Canada
1658Ionizing projection in air-mist continued 2
- Sometimes WM Disputed effect E3(air cleaner, fog
reducing, wet electrostatic precipitator) some
effective industrial wet scrubbers charge only
water mist etc(Cloud Chamber Scrubber -
Tri-mer), Contact Electrification applied air
cleaning from use of new TriboElectric
Nanogenerators(Beijing Institute of Nanoenergy
Nanosystems), also deodoring effect, Extremely
effective construction site etc dust/smoke
capturing "open air electrostatic wet scrubber
system"(Kajima Kensetsu ????EC???)
This completely std mainstream industrial
process effect which is also called
Electrostatic Air Filter has interesting
treatment by certain mainstream groups - -They might selectively interpret effect and
actually dispute effectiveness eg the process
is proven to cause harmful effect with regular
use, or simply calling ineffective" by quoting
only rare failed test of less effective type
device used yrs ago etc. - -Sign of specific mainstream group sponsored
debunking appeals, often targeting consumer
market. This type of media led campaign tends to
create scientific contradiction. Tech is usually
much lower in electricity cost than alternative
method and filter is often washable for reuse.
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Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
1758Ionizing projection in air-mist continued 3
- gtgt cont Sometimes WM media Disputed effect std
mainstream industrial process E3(air cleaning-
- a-Some devices focus to projecting ion only one
way to kill germs(by hydroxyl) for precision
required industrial room or residential purpose,
some less refined type of this model collect
dusts instead of repelling each other and dust
occurs on floor. Frequent target for exaggerated
ozone harm appeal by some WM media, Hybrid type
with Photocatalysis(Andes Biomicron), - b-Focus projecting ion to charge air particles
then such it in to attach-collect by charge
polarity (Plasma Cluster - Sharp), or - c-General commercial /industrial types particles
pass thru ionizer and electrostatically treated
to carry a charge, then drawn to their opposite
charge filter-electrode and cleaned up
Electrostatic Air Cleaner(Five Seasons Electro
Air, Trion air, Rydair), effective for cigarette
smoke sucking system by combining activated
carbon filter vortex(Tornex jp), Dielectric
Barrier Discharge triggered(30-40knz range)
micro/cold plasma use prolonged stronger air
cleaning effects at human breathing environment
(Novaerus - Plasma Air International - Aerisa,
Riedel Filtertechnik GmbH ) some of them
unofficially claim for bioenhancing effects of
human plants. Food item disinfection with no
heat applied(Aerox BV)
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Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
1858Ionizing projection in air-mist continued 4
- gtgt cont Sometimes WM media Disputed effect std
mainstream industrial process E3(air cleaning-
d-Heavier cleaning can be
done(particularly for less than 1µm size
particulates) by Wet Electrostatic Precipitator
types(power use less than wet scrubber but more
expensive to install), often segment specific
(EnviBat, AH Lundberg, Napco Separation ), Dry
Electrostatic Precipitator also uses some water
elements, much larger market than wet types
(Alstom, GEA), - Yet some electrospray/ionizing projection water
type wet scrubber claims lowest overall cost for
combined installation and operation including sub
1µm PM 2.5 performance (CleanMarine no,
Tri-Mer), They are much more widely used than
usually segment targeted wet types. Experimental
vortex used increased effect claims(Vorsana) ?
- e-Use breathing process regenerative(no specific
process needed) ion adsorption media to
selectively retain moisture and heat indoor while
ventilate dirty or toxic air(TED ?????),
- f-High Current Electron Beam(HCEB) projection
has strong flu gas decomposition alteration
effect eg making fertilizer(Budker Institute of
Nuclear Physics, ??????? ??????????????? ????????
????????????/???????????? ????? ???????
??????????????, ???????????? Chinaep net )
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Research,
Vancouver, Canada
1958Ionizing projection in air-mist continued 5
- gtgt cont Sometimes WM media Disputed effect std
mainstream industrial process - O2(disinfect-decompose toxin/germs in flowing or
bulk water or wet sludge, AOP) as High Current
Electron Beam(HCEB) is exceptional case and WM
Accepted effect(Iwasaki Denki, ScanTech Holdings,
Etechnoservice.bz, ?? ??????, EB TECH Co Ltd,
CGN Dasheng Electron Accelerator), Note China
seems to have a significant of "pilot
installations" facilitated by state and academics
that are fully functioning as accelerated
electron beam water treatment system ?
But the
same effect is WM Rejected when micro power
electron ionizing projection is used - O2(disinfect germs primarily by hydroxyl of
moisture or water spray)(Sharp PlasmaCluster,
Panasonic NanoE, Microniser), this effect is
also WM science std accepted idea usually
unapproved by WM media and industry lobby
publications. Incidentally, this type of lobbying
to create scientific reality itself sometimes
appears to be also standard practise for
interlocked mainstream "allied" groups. - S2(bioenhancing) by electron/ion/spark/microplasm
a/microlightning projection (only marginally
water mist related), Human preferred
fermentation quickens(but undesired mold tends to
decrease), water soaking permeability increase,
food in area lasts 30 longer, Growth increase
for Plant(20)-fermentation(2-3times), relation
to "Orgone" effect(Yusing TBA-HT4, Plasma ?????
???????, Greentechno ????), (also see
65'Precipitation related Weather Modification)
- T2(metal rust prevention), U2(increase energy
effectiveness) electric equipment efficiency
maintenance, V2(low redox potential), I3(metal
cleaning) Negative ion blow dryer
(????) --gtgtcont
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada
2058Ionizing projection in air-mist continued 6
- --gtgt cont WM Rejected
- ? Weaker effects R2(freezing raw salad/high
grade food) doesnt freeze itself but assists
effective freezing, W2(remove oil/salt,
deoxidized food), X2(lower freezing point),
Y2(acidity control), Z2(fast efficient heat
conducting) - ? Unlisted effects Electron air curtain
Electrification Screen System that shuts out
smell/smoke/oil particle/dust/germs from clean
odorless room while door or widow is fully opened
- by projected ion flow in any direction required
vertical/diagonal/ horizontal(Silkroom jp,
AirFresh jp, Panasonic aircurtain) - Unlisted WM Fully rejected Effect occurs in
same closed space when electron/mist is projected
from intended type of device listed at bottom
Manufacturing process improve - not just types of
electrostatic painting turn over efficiency, but
regular mechanical friction heat reduce due to
static drop in same room leading to higher
product quality, Flavor enhancement all food
displayed in a room, Kill germs, Reduces
undesired insects pests occurring, Decreases
moisture content of closed room. --gtgtcont
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Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
2158Ionizing projection in air-mist continued 7
- ---gtgtcont Unlisted WM Fully rejected
- This seeming electron phenomena also occurs at
surroundings of torsion field generator(Rotating
magnetic field other causes), strong
antioxidant producing mineral(see section
33Bioceramic Mineral) or active microorganism
in sealed bottles(30EM). Majority of effects in
this section 58 is amplified when it takes place
where hardwood high temperature
processed(600-1200C) biochar(non glue) is
strategically buried or mixed in building
material,(Maruko-Denshi, ShinseiDenshi,
Iyashiro.com, Electron-Group.com), linked to
"Orgone" effect(65'Precipitation Related Weather
Modification). - Long distance effective WINDLESS electron
projection static removal by balancing repulsing
effect by separating anode/cathode electrodes to
decrease dust related precision product defect by
90(TRINC jp)
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
2259Ferrous Ferric/Ferrate ion, or its oscillation
only Effect mix of Accepted, Generally Rejected
Fully rejected by(WM)
- 59Ferrous Ferric ion dissolved(eg Fe2Fe3Cl5)
or its oscillation treated water(Ferrous is 2
oxidation state iron, Ferric is 3,
Bivalent-Trivalent Ferrates, also see ? Iron
Sulphate Fertilization in water for later pages
in this section - WM Accepted effect Q2(Advanced Oxidation- AOP)
Ferrous ion related strong oxidation effect of
various versions of Fenton Reaction(with H2O2 to
generate Hydroxyl as likely cause for effective
disinfection, but something also seems to be
anomalous with Ferrous ion ability) exists and
extensively studied by academics but low key
industrial application for water(US Peroxide),
compared to moisture-water containing ground
remediation(Vertex Environmental Inc, In-Situ
Oxidative Technologies - ISOTEC) even upto
Chelate use high pH version(Kajima Kensetsu
or always use Citric acid(IS-solution.com).
One of
most effective commercialized water treatment
with self H2O2 generating Electro Fenton(Boron
Dope Diamond electrolysis etc)(Thyssenkrup - Uhde
- DeNora Permelec - "New Fenton"), Photo Electro
Fenton(UV/Solar etc), Sono Electro Fenton, or
rare Hydrodynamic Cavitation Fenton(AG
Chakinala) etc. - WM Rejected At WM unacceptable level, some type
of activation or ion/electron excitation,
occurs and works in such a way to generate
various bio enhancement effects Some devices use
its bioceramic memory, others very slight ion
dissolves in water as it passes through device to
trigger electrical activity in water Similar to
Weaker effect version of 28Catalytic water,
and sometimes stronger longer lasting effect
than majority of 26Electric/27Magnetic field
treated water, Cross over with 33BioCeramic
mineral combination water or 21Fulvic Acid
water, Used often combined with other
vitalization type filters
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
2359Ferrous Ferric ion/Ferrate ion dissolved, or
its oscillation only treated water Continued 2
- WM Rejected effect(but generally media level)
I2(solubility increase), J2(emulsion), T2(rust
reduction/prevention), V2(low redox potential),
- WM Fully rejected effect S2(bioenhancing) can
place fresh water and ocean fish both together in
slight salty water, This effect is also regularly
demonstrated in 13Nanobubble, or 28Catalytic
water. ?
Comparatively weak effect Q2(food stock
preservation water), X2(low freezing point),
Y2(acidity control), Z2(Fast efficient heat
conducting within sealed space), D3(hydrophobic
drug solubility/carrier/permeable), F3(efficient
fast drying/ wood by spraying the water on
surface) Strong electric activity of water seems
to affect wood surface to depart moisture from
cell structure- stronger version seen in some of
28Catalytic water - Unlisted effect Medical application
hydrophobic drug carrier, increased cell
permeability, Some western medical groups
continue to use this water without publicizing
results(to keep reputation, medical license etc),
For bioenhancing microorganism search(whether it
grows well in it or stifled)(Ter Higa)
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
2459Ferrous Ferric ion/Ferrate ion dissolved, or
its oscillation only treated water Continued 3
- gtgt cont WM Fully rejected effect
- Commercialized eg Strong effects of Ferrous
Ferric ion reaction type water is fairy
consistently claimed by manufactures of
device/water (pWater - PiWater or its licensees
Activelements.nl), there are various water
claimed to be using similar PiWater recipe, or
first originator (Wonyong Tamara Water), US FDA
approved pseudoscientific water as dietary
supplement(Wonyong Vital Organic Water
V.O.W)(2030950) Diplomatic Immunity?(South
Korean product). Unique "Ferrous-Ferric
Chloride" bioceramic water(Akatsuka FFC) this
tech is partially mainstream academic backed
Harvard univ etc. Some are ion dissolving
type(HinomaruSangyo.com, ??????),
- Related strong combitnation effect of
for lake/drinking water/wastewater/ballast water
exists by Ferrate ion(FeO4)2? generator as
initially mainstream highlighted but later
practically media ignored effect if not
rejected(Ferrate Treatment Technologies) but
actually strong industrial and military
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
2559Ferrous Ferric ion/Ferrate ion water
Continued 4 ? Iron
Sulphate Depositing in large body of water
- ? Iron Sulphate Depositing in water/Ocean
Fertilization(FeSO4, or FeSO4.7H2O) As std
process FeSO4 is used for Drinking or Waste water
treatment(coagulant), Hydrometallurgy, or Part of
aquaculture feed mix. Incidentally even certain
toxic heavy metal effluent can be now processed
by unique mainstream approved low cost
proprietary photochemical hydrometallurgy to
produce very potent Iron Sulphate type liquid
fertilizer(GOLDn GRO) and other reuseable silver
silver glass slag products with zero waste
zero liquid discharge(Itronics), Note this is
related to Ferrous Ferric Ion tech but not fully
combined "Ferrous Ferric" ion(Fe2 Fe3) type,
- WM Rejected cost effectiveness of below S2 claims
at media level, At mainstream science it is
disputed level, at strict specialized science
undeniable (below1) or at least it clearly works
majority of the time at large volcano eruption
ash deposit level(2), cost effectiveness is
unknown or questionable(3)?
S2(bioenhancing increasing population) - claims1-phytoplankton increase, 2-Fishstock
3-CO2 sequestration due
to phytoplankton increase - Mainly Iron(II)/Ferrous Ion (Fe2) to fertilize
certain selected body of water in ocean/lake
for(1st claim)Phytoplankton increase(seemingly
usually at least x2times, very effective to
distribute at low iron offshore surface area, but
often lasts only short duration). Phytoplankton
Increase is significant level in all of dozen
in-situ mainstream group trial of 0.5-120ton size
conducted in poor iron surface water area by
FeSO4 scattering(NIWA, LOFAFEX, EisenEx, CROZEX,
SERIES, Ironex ).
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
2659Ferrous Ferric ion/Ferrate ion water
Continued 5 ? Iron
Sulphate Depositing in water 2
- --gtgtcont WM Rejected claims at media,
S2(bioenhancing) of 2nd claim - Based on FeSO4 depositing consistently showing
explosively increased phytoplanktons in low iron
surface water region, theoretically it is
probable correctly-timed increase of fish food
leads to(food chain reaction takes phytoplankton
--gtzooplankton --gtfish stock)
claim)Fish stock increase its
biofunction(probably very effective but not
enough actual data to firmly back up, also
variables unknown) - ? Only one publicly known major trial is made,
which coincided with abrupt record level 10-20
fold fish return results then declining as
expected due to no scattering since(2013/14
Fraser River etc Canada)(Haida Salmon Restoration
Corporation, Ocean Pastures Corp ), Some times
also Iron Oxide is used.
- ? Selected test sites had iron deficient surface
off shore ocean/lake environment with already
sufficient phosphate Nitrogen level, hence it
is likely single major condition for explosive
phytoplankton growth(Jo Martin Ste Fitzwater)
? Limited but also
lab type data indicates volcano ash(heavy iron)
triggers explosive growth of phytoplantkon(Sve
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Research,
Vancouver, Canada
2759Ferrous Ferric ion/Ferrate ion water
Continued 6 ? Iron
Sulphate Depositing in water 3
- --gtgtcont WM Rejected claims at media,
S2(bioenhancing) of 2nd claim Fish stock
increase - Volcano ash(heavy iron) falling on
ocean/lake/river seems to trigger its short term
explosive plankton growth followed by fish
population growth, while negative long lasting
environmental impact of above doesn't seem to be
major(Rus George, Pet Gross), Examples - 1912 Katmai USA At least 2 times growth but can
be much more (GA
1956 ?????????? - ?????
?????????? ????????/Kamchatka Russia same growth
level as Katmai(????????? ??, ?????? ??),
Kasatochi USA 10-20times(Tim Parsons), also
numerous tests on fresh volcano ash lab
environment grows algae, trees, or agricultural
crops with significantly increase growth for
1-2yrs after feeding.
- There are several other academic anecdotal
stories related to some of other larger volcano
eruptions Aleutian islands, Chile, Kamchatka.
Yet results are not uniform - each volcano
mineral content is not the same(Cli
Oppenheimer), --gtgtcont
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
2859Ferrous Ferric ion/Ferrate ion water
Continued 7 ? Iron
Sulphate Depositing in water 4
- --gtgtcont WM Rejected claims at media,
S2(bioenhancing) - (3rd claim)CO2 sequestration by thriving
phytoplankton(There is clear effect, but probably
not cost effective) - ? Extremely large volcano's intermittent long
duration ash depositing causes prolonged massive
phytoplankton bloom with clear CO2 reduction(JL
? When scale is smaller it is lot
more difficult to measure attribute to CO2
reduction like dramatic effect of fish
increase(Rob Hamme),
- ? Volcano eruption cases when significant effect
is clearly observed (Agung -
Indonesia, Pinatubo - Philippines, etc),
- A- Unlike fish increase type eruption, its CO2
reduction seems to need locally catastrophic
volume of ash/iron dispersion cost being
B- Causes fair
amount of lasting environmental damage due to its
scale C-
Effect could be largely to do with land plants'
very prolonged enhanced growth rather than
plankton photosyhthesis?
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Research,
Vancouver, Canada
2959Ferrous Ferric ion/Ferrate ion water
Continued 8 ? Iron
Sulphate Depositing in water 5 RISK FACTOR
- gtgt cont WM Fully rejected effect
A- Interlocked Mainstream Group's
standard process of across the board debunking
method - i-Majority of large Western media or most of
Mainstream funded large environmental groups
ignore most or all of tested positive tech
results in official western academic data listed
in this section for volcanic ash FeSO4, hence
easily claim "there is no evidence this works at
all" with quotes of willing debunking scientists,
then furnishing it with words like "devastating",
"largest geoengineering experiment" "contravened
UN convention" to encourage public to not even
consider possible effectiveness. - Interlocked environmental groups seem to be
specialized in this strategy to ultimately
prevent over-supply of low cost resources of all
types while ignoring effective alternatives,
hence often creating shortage and commercial
benefit to establishment group over all. --gtgtcont
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
3059Ferrous Ferric ion/Ferrate ion water
Continued 9 ? Iron
Sulphate Depositing in water 6 RISK FACTOR
- gtgt cont WM Fully rejected effect
S2(bioenhancing) RISK- A
- ii-Other mainstream groups partially admit
academic data and say "unlikely it works, but
even if it it did..", then list more of possibly
going wrong exaggerated scenario that are not
actually seen than workable scenario like
acidification, irreversible destruction of
environment etc. - iii-Incidentally, other western mainstream
initiated and managed geoengineering projects
like climate intervention project of different
types world wide(on public record), are entirely
ignored by them or call it "there is no such
thing exists" hence abstain from criticism while
successfully create a reality, in which much
larger mainstream led geoengineering becomes mere
theory for majority of western public who
exclusively believes in WM media. (For details,
see other report and look up "Only Man made CO2
causes catastrophic global warming" Tesla,
Other Controversial Energy Tech Claims...
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
3159Ferrous Ferric ion/Ferrate ion water
Continued 10 ? Iron
Sulphate Depositing in water 7 RISK FACTOR
- gtgt cont WM Fully rejected effect
S2(bioenhancing) RISK assessment - B- Less limited i.e. wider data sourcing than
WM(western mainstream) its evaluation leads to
somewhat different risks/evaluation conclusion - iv-Effect of large volcano eruption on fish
increase has been "tested" with seemingly no
major long term negative effect, but artificial
Ferric ion dispersion has been done only in super
small level(0.5-120ton), hence large scale impact
of mono nutrient chemical dispersion is really
inconclusive (volcano ash has mix of phosphate,
iron, silica, manganese etc, and even has another
pseudoscientific idea of seeming very strong
bioenhancing effect causing ORMUSsection 63'). - v-It is plausible there are variable cases when
rapid increase of phytoplankton does not lead to
increased fish stock or even zooplankton(combo
element with other nutrients in water, location,
timing duration, sunlight duration, fish
travelling route vs temperature ocean current
change etc) highly likely it requires strong
skill know-how like casting bait net that
involves hit miss
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Research,
Vancouver, Canada
3259Ferrous Ferric ion/Ferrate ion water
Continued 11 ? Iron
Sulphate Depositing in water 8 RISK FACTOR
- gtgt cont WM Fully rejected effect
S2(bioenhancing) RISK - C- But biggest risk of this tech seem to be
- vi-Along with some other low cost effective
technological processes, mainstream endorsed
success of this tech would bring too much too
rapid large negative impact on economic system,
geopolitical balance, and key stake holders that
are largely inflencing them. There are various
indication of interlocked/coordinated/teamwork
effort by western establishment groups to
increase influence of key resources management by
creating shortage which economical structure
follows naturally 1- fresh water, 2-food,
3-heath medical, 4-energy, 5-banking
financial policies - World fish stock supply is 100-120millon ton/yr,
while all world wide meat stock is 250-300millon
ton/yr, hence food market would collapse if fish
increases even just to 130 range with basically
same base operating cost. If increase amounts to
200, this largely natural catch protein could
completely devastate the food market pricing,
controlled food production(GMO etc) and destroy
food stock control system shortage idea.
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
3359Ferrous Ferric ion water/Ferrate ion
Continued 12 ? Iron
Sulphate Depositing in water 9 RISK FACTOR
- gtgt cont WM Fully rejected effect
S2(bioenhancing) RISK C- Biggest risk - Fair portion of increased fish stock by this tech
would go to current food importing or starved low
agri tech nations, where various interlocked
group members with technological financial
stronghold, IMF/WB lending and compulsory
economic restructuring contract(to suit western
establishment's control of those nations)etc
would have lot to lose abruptly. This research
finds some portion of mainstream interlocked
groups are accommodating gradual low cost
technological propagation but official overt
endorsement of this particular tech might cause
the loss too suddenly even for those "white hat
groups"'s tolerance standard. - This type of geopolitically risky relative
low-tech(eg Coal Water Slurry, Various water
based over-unity energy production, Practically
free medical effect stronger than mainstream
methodseg Homeopathic vaccine for majority of
chronic disease) might be better off to be
practised quietly without endorsement by
"credible" people at this time. - Temporal win-win scenario If allowed
unofficially, this benefits fish growth operators
knowledged group of people "who foolishly
believe it works" while establishment can
continue to keep food stock etc control world
wide with little such tech deployment, due to
most people still only believe in mainstream news
approved tech.
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Analysis,
Vancouver, Canada
3460Vacuum Saturation heating or cooling Effect
mix of Accepted Fully rejected by Western
- 60Vacuum Saturation heating or cooling
Related processes Many vacuum related water
technologies are used as fully standard process
in some industries while almost forgotten in
other industries or residential applications.
WM Accepted effect widely used process due
to lower temperature(lower energy use) water
evaporation M2N2(helps desalination process
dimineralization) by low temperature, lower
energy use vaporization secondary/tertiary step
as std process in distillation, B3(soil-sand-oil
separation from water)- - Standard process in some industries(Pulp Paper,
Petro processing, Chemical) but much less often
used in other areas Z2(fast-efficient heat
conducting), - This process can often replace hot/cold water
based heating/cooling Conventional heating via
hot water occurs by heat-giving from water
towards target medium, hence accomplished
temperature tends to be uneven, but saturated
steam is same temperature in closed system so
whole heating is faster in even temperature(saves
10-30 of energy, same applies for cooling
process) This usually means higher consistent
product quality with less rejects in
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben
Rusuisiak Specialty Cleantech Research,
Vancouver, Canada
3560Vacuum Saturation heating or cooling
continued 2 Steam Jet Ejectors/Eductors etc 1
- gtgt continue WM Accepted effect
F3(cooling effect or faster
even heating-cooling) (TLV, Lalonde
Systhermique, KCPC jp ), Food industry benefits,
also nutrition flavor enhanced (Miuraz jp,
Marutaka50 ), I3(metal cleaning) Applies to all
washing by flash vapour by sudden change of
pressure(Aqa-T jp) - UNLISTED EFFECTS Vacuum generation itself is
often done by various mechanical process, but
sometimes can be automatically done by use of
mini Vacuum creating Venturi Effect pipe which
has explosive pressure changes in t