Title: Integration of Student Affairs into the Academic Life of the Institution, correlating student development to student success: theoretical and pragmatic challenges KEYNOTE ADDRESS 4TH AFRICAN STUDENT AFFAIRS CONFERENCE LONDON, UK
1 Integration of Student Affairs into the
Academic Life of the Institution, correlating
student development to student success
theoretical and pragmatic challenges KEYNOTE
- Birgit Schreiber (PhD)
- Shahieda Jansen (M. Psych. Clin.)
- Centre for Student Support Services
- University of the Western Cape
- September 2012
- Higher Education reconsidered
- The dualism of Academic Affairs and Student
Affairs - Learning Reconsidered
- Challenges of Integration Different
Epistemological Communities - Some Research from the field
- Conclusion
3Higher Education Reconsidered
- For African independence and African nation
building, the university functioned as an
integral part of the post-independence African
nationalist movement (Mamdani, cited in Du Toit,
2007, p. 56) - South African HE (public) as a tool in nation
building, reconstruction of national psyche,
social fabric and economy - DoE and DHET have used policies, especially
performance related funding, as steering
mechanism for HE - HE as vehicle for economic empowerment and so
also to equip students to deal with
internationalized-gloablised economic arena - European Higher Education Area mobility,
employability and competitiveness (Bergen, 2005
London, 2007 Leuven, 2009) - Changes in the raison dêtre of HE (Buroway,
2010 Good, 2004 Kezar, 2004 USDE, 2006)
social contract neglected and focus on economy
4 Beyond Africanisation
- South Africa radical transformation was overdue
not only because of the gross inequalities but
also because the South African Higher Education
system was functioning like a fragmented,
outdated version of a UK model of yesteryear
(Cloete Muller ,1998, p. 6) - SAs emphasis on higher education
responsiveness in an open knowledge system
(NCHE, 1996) emphasising SA HEs utility role
within its context, relevant to African and local
issues, implies Africanisation of HE (Cloete
Muller, 1998) - tension between the local African contextual
responsiveness suggested by the NCHE, and the
modern Western modes of enquiry with its global
ambitions aiming to develop in order to bring
Africa closer to Western milieu - However, an incorporation of local
non-cosmopolitan knowledge and interactive
multilateral conceptions of knowledge brings
together the crippling dichotomous code of
postcolonial discourse (Cloete Muller, 1998,
p. 4) - Overcoming African versus Western we are in
globalised discourses and epistemologies
5A closer view at Africa (1)
- Massification aim to boost access, quality
and efficiency - Accra Accord (Ghana, 2003) strongly support
for HE in Africa (Teferra, 2004, p. 1) - Attempts to improve HE
- Makerere Univesity, Uganda public engagement
and private funding , stability and productivity
(Mandami, 2007) - Kenya, University of Nairobi financial and admin
problems bogged down the financial aid system
(Mwinzi, 2002) - University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania consensual
changes and collective public concern, systemic
changes (Luhanga Mbwette, 2002) introduced
rationalizations and diverse funding sources,
tight management, focus on performance, improved
functioning - University of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Refoundation (Korbeogo, 1999) management
process to tighten efficiency, dire poverty in
context, high unrest,
6A closer view at Africa (2)
- Massification aim to boost access, quality
and efficiency - Profound structural crisis in HE in Africa
(Ngolovoi, 2008 Some, 2010) - participation across Africa 7.5-11
- Reliance on public and government funding
unrealistic (Some, 2010) - Trend of cost sharing with private sector
- Solutions sought in financial and management
politics, focus remains local and parochial - Political consensus and regional strategies in
knowledge building and research required - Problems remain contextual poverty, political
unrest, management inefficiencies, local problems
hinder progressive collaborations across regions - Systemic solutions imperative
- Academic
- Historical attachment to status quo
- HE structures
- degree programmes
- calendar and practices are traditionally rigid
and unyielding - Conventional academic solutions bridging
programmes, foundation and extended programmes,
etc - South Africa the Chairperson of the CHE, Prof. C
Manganyi, indicated in his 2011 annual report
that the CHE will be advising the DHET on the
possibility of a 4-year undergraduate degree
- Student Affairs
- History of remediation and medical-deficit model
- Service focused
- Outsourced or on the fringes of institutional
management and culture - Conventional approaches mentoring programmes,
skills development, orientation and induction
programmes, etc - Critique of working in the gap
- underpreparedness cannot be remedied by
short-term intervention - Erroneous assumption that students can be
upskilled (Scott, 2011) - neglect of epistemological challenges (Boughey,
2010) - preserve the status quo
- Add on programmes poor generalisation and focus
on at risk
- Constructivist argument that epistemological
access is grounded in the active construction of
knowledge (Baxter-Magolda, 1996 Bernstein, 2000) - Meaning making is related to self-authorship
(Astin, 1977) - 2. Parity in psycho-social and cognitive
development (Erikson, 1968 Vygotsky, 1978) - cognitive and affective dimensions of
development are related parts of one process
(King Baxter-Magolda, 1996, p. 163) - Complex and paradoxical academic reality requires
psycho-social maturity - 3. Re-definition of learning as broad process
across cognitive, affective and social domains - Learning is synergistic and complex
- Student Affairs is predicated on integration
(Baxter Magolda, 1992, 2001 Pascarella
Terenzini, 1991, 2005 Kuh et al, 1995, 2001,
2003) - Integration in terms of Academic Affairs
- Curriculum
- Induction to the academic practices
- Orientation to academic services and academic
structures - Admission and re-admission practices
- Integration in terms of Management Affairs
- Inclusion in core conversation
- Inclusion at top-slicing level
- Inclusion in management decisions
- Integration in terms of Structural Affairs
- Inclusion in core conversation
- inclusion in key committees as full member
- Integration as equivalent partner
- Performance measures and participation
- Academic
- Different discourses
- Rigid structures and cultures
- Input and output
- teaching and assessment
- Skills and research focus
- Linear and scaffolded
- Expectations on positivistic assessments and
quantifications - Discipline specific discourses and assumptions
- Conceptualisation of the student as homogenous
- Students as passive
- Conceptualisation of lecturer
- Pedagogic principles
- Emerging Teaching and Learnnig
- Student Affairs
- Developmental and comprehensive
- meta-processes development
- focus on process rather than content
- Systemic approach
- Challenges regarding positivistic impact evidence
- Medley of professions and disciplines
- Theoretical heterogeneous
- Articulation with academic culture content and
practices - integration into faculty practices
- Science Faculty (ISC153)
- Dentistry Faculty (1st year programme)
- Commerce Faculty (1st year programme)
- Key principles
- Continuous
- Small groups
- Integrated
- Weekly sessions facilitated by facilitator
- Voluntary, non-credit bearing
- Didactic and participative, experiential and
reflective - Assessment via portfolio
- Facilitator participation in standard academic
- Primary aims
- improve throughput
- improve retention
- Secondary aims
- Facilitate generic capabilities
- Reflection and development on Graduate Attributes
- Develop communities of practice
- Develop technological confidence
- Social connectedness and support
- Conduit to resources
- Mediating factors
- Reduce stress
- Improve motivation
- Improve social connectedness
- Facilitate personal-social functioning
- Only Science Living and Learning
- ISC153 results only
- Quantitative
- Qualitative
- Academic performance
- Quantitative
- Sample all ISC153 students of 2011, (N161)
- Method data gathering done via online
questionnaire at end of last session, statistical
analysis - Instruments
- Perceived Stress Scale (Cohen, Kamarck
Mermelstein, 1983) - 14-item, self-report
- Assess the extent to which students found their
lives unpredictable, uncontrollable, and
overloading (p. 387) - Academic Motivation Scale (Muller Louw, 2004)
- Multi-dimensional assess extrinsic, indentified
and introjected - Self-report, Likert
- Network Orientation Scale (Vaux, 1985)
- Measures perception regarding help-seeking via
social relationship in terms of advisable,
useless or risky - Questionnaire regarding aspects of LL programme
- Qualitative
- 2 focus groups with 5 and 7 participants
- Substitute researcher
- Thematic analysis
- Academic Results
- quantitative and statistical analysis
- pass rates
- extract from Jurgens Maclons, 2012
- The descriptive statistics for the three
predictors in the Living and Learning in the
Science Faculty are Network Orientation (M
25.66 SD 5.90) Stress (M 57.54 SD 33.18)
and Motivation (M 62.02 SD 29.72). - Multiple regression analysis was used to test
whether Stress, Motivation or Network Orientation
significantly predicted undergraduate students
academic performances. - The results of the regression indicated that the
three predictors explained 9,27 of the variance
(R2 .093, F(3,96) 3.2, p lt0.05). It was found
that Stress significantly predicted academic
performance (b 0.277, p 0.02), as did
Motivation (b -0.233, p 0.03). Since the
p-value is smaller than 0.05, Stress and
Motivation are significant predictors for
academic performance. - Stress and Motivation are predictors of academic
performance. There are significant positive,
moderately strong correlations between Stress,
Motivation and Network Orientation.
- Q10 Did you find your facilitator useful?
- Response of participants who indicated yes was
98.8 -
- Q11 Was the material presented in a useful way?
- Response of participants who indicated yes was
96.9 - Q12 Would you recommend that all first year
students attend this - program?
- Response of participants who indicated yes was
98.8 - Q14 Do you think that the program has made a
significant difference in - your studies this year?
- Response of participants who indicated yes was
89.1 -
- Q15 Did you get useful feedback from the
facilitator? - Response of participants who indicated yes was
- Obviously cannot be generalised but nonetheless
provide anecdotes and insights. - Insights were generalised
- I could all of a sudden also see the purpose of
Life Sciences, it was like, it was easier to get
involved, not only in ISC, but also in the other
classes (7) - Reinterpretation of experience
- I usually feel so bad when I fail, but we did
this reflection in LL which sort of gave me the
feeling, that I can think differently about the
failed mark, and so we looked at what we need to
do differently to pass, that was very helpful
- The facilitator as conduit
- our facilitators were so nice, it was quite
easy asking her, just anything, not like some
lecturers who make it clear that they dont make
time for students (2) - The social group as resource
- I didnt mind that we had some lecturers which
I couldnt talk to, as long as we had our group,
I asked anything (4) - It was in the groups that I saw that others are
really happy to help and good at some things I
wasnt, but also, that others thought I was good
at some things, so we helped each other (6) - The social group as normalising agent
- I didnt know anyone and I really enjoyed the
LL, we spoke about all kinds of things and I
realized I was not alone (5)
22ACADEMIC RESULTS 2011 From Jurgens Maclons
(2012, p. 10)
- Final results (excluding the supplementary and
special exam results) - Much improved overall academic performance, not
only in ISC - (EED and Computer Lit and LL)
- ISC153 30 points, Life Science15, Maths15,
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effective - Integration in terms of content, structure and
management - Integration and articulation with academic sector
- Dramatically improved overall academic marks
- Synergistic solutions required
- More local theory development and outcomes
studies required
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