What is Dyssomnia? - Its Symptoms, Types, Causes and Prevention - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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What is Dyssomnia? - Its Symptoms, Types, Causes and Prevention


Dyssomnia is a medical condition in which someone has trouble sleeping. It can also be referred to as a "sleep disorder." Sleep is crucial for you because it helps your body recharge from the day's activities. When you sleep, your muscles relax and get more oxygen, making them less prone to aches or pain. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: What is Dyssomnia? - Its Symptoms, Types, Causes and Prevention

  • What is Dyssomnia? - Its Symptoms, Types, Causes
    and Prevention
  • Dyssomnia is a medical condition in which someone
    has trouble sleeping. It can also be referred to
    as a "sleep disorder." Sleep is crucial for you
    because it helps your body recharge from the
    day's activities. When you sleep, your muscles
    relax and get more oxygen, making them less
    prone to aches or pain. And while restful sleep
    won't make up for lack of exercise, it does help
    your body recover from a rigorous workout. There
    are many different types of dyssomnia, and the
    symptoms vary depending on the type that someone
    has. The most common types of dyssomnias are
    Insomnia, Sleep Apnea, Narcolepsy, and
    Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Dyssomnias are different
    from Insomnias because Dyssomnia is a medical
    condition, and Insomnias are usually
  • Sleep is essential for you, and dyssomnias can
    lead to other problems such as heart
  • disease, obesity, and diabetes. In this blog, we
    look at the different types, how to prevent,
    recognize and live for a better and healthier
    life free from sleep disorders.
  • Causes of Dyssomnia
  • Dyssomnia is a sleep disorder that prevents an
    individual from getting the appropriate amount
    of restful, deep sleep. It can affect anyone at
    any age or stage in life but often appears in
    adolescence and adulthood. Causes for dyssomnia
    may include physical pain, emotional trauma, and
    stress, anxiety disorders such as PTSD and
    depression, neurological dysfunction such as
    Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease,
    along with other factors like exposure to light
    before bedtime or lack of sunlight during the
    day, caffeine consumption, and alcohol use.
  • Dyssomnia caused by a physical problem Some
    people who have dyssomnias may find that an
    underlying medical disorder causes their
    condition. The most common example of this type
    of dyssomnia is sleep apnea, which occurs when
    the person's throat muscles relax to the point
    where they block airflow and stop breathing for
    some time.
  • Dyssomnia caused by mental/psychological
    problems Some people who have dyssomnias may
    find that their condition is caused by an
    underlying psychological disorder, such as
    depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress
    disorder (PTSD). Others may simply be dealing
    with the pressures and stresses of life, so that
    it causes the person to have trouble sleeping
    without disturbance.
  • Dyssomnia caused by lifestyle factors For some
    people, their dyssomnias may result from bad
    habits or poor choices in terms of diet and
    exercise. They may also find that they struggle
    with insomnia because they work too many hours a
    day and several other factors. Dyssomnia often
    is caused by lack of sleep, which can be caused
    by many different things, such as work or stress.
    Another common cause is

  • that people might not be getting enough physical
    activity. People who are looking to prevent
    dyssomnia should manage their stress levels and
    challenge themselves intellectually.
  • 4. Dyssomnia caused by medical conditions For
    others, their dyssomnias may result from
    preexisting health problems like arthritis or
    heart disease that affect sleep patterns
    somehow. There are also instances where people
    have developed an anxiety disorder, usually
    related to something traumatic they experienced,
    causing trouble sleeping.
  • Type of Dyssomnia
  • There are four main types of dyssomnia, including
    narcolepsy (a sudden need to sleep), insomnia
    (difficulty in falling or staying asleep),
    hypersomnia (too much sleepiness), and shift
    work disorder (changing day times with an
    abnormal sleeping pattern). These all have
    different symptoms that may include prolonged
    periods without restful deep sleep. These
    disorders may also cause impaired daytime
    functioning because of disrupted nighttime sleep
    patterns, such as feeling tired during the day
    while performing activities that require
    alertness, like driving a car or working at a
    desk job. The severity will vary from person to
    person depending on their individual tolerance
    for dealing with the lack of enough hours spent
    in deep sleep at night.
  • Intrinsic dyssomnia Intrinsic dyssomnia are the
    ones that have an internal cause. The potential
    causes of intrinsic dyssomnias are neurological
    disorders, mental illnesses as well as other
    factors like Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's
  • Extrinsic sleep disorders There are outside
    reasons that can contribute to a person's
    inability to get enough hours of restful, deep
    sleep during the nighttime, including
    environmental and social factors.
  • Circadian rhythm disorders These dyssomnias are
    caused by the individual's abnormally
    functioning biological clock.
  • Different types of Intrinsic Dyssomnias
  • There are different types of Intrinsic
    Dyssomnias, with symptoms varying on the type.
    You could get definitive results with lifestyle
    changes for some, but you would need treatment
    for others. Here are the different kinds of
    intrinsic dyssomnias to watch out for
  • 1. Insomnia Insomnia is one of the most common
    dyssomnias that people suffer from. People who
    experience insomnia have trouble falling asleep
    or staying asleep and have difficulty
    maintaining sleep once they do fall into it.
    Insomnia can also have other symptoms such as
    feeling tired during day time despite getting
    enough hours spent sleeping at night. The
    severity will vary depending on

  • individual tolerance for lack of adequate deep
    sleep each night.
  • Sleep Apnea Sleep apnea occurs when a person's
    airway becomes blocked while they are asleep.
    This leads to a reduction in oxygen levels which
    causes light sleep and then deep sleep, stopping
    breathing for up to 30 seconds at a time. Sleep
    apnea can be caused by the following factors
    obesity (which puts pressure on throat muscles
    and airways), being overweight, large tonsils or
    adenoids, enlarged tongue blocking the back of
    the throat, making it hard to breathe while
    sleeping. If left untreated, this disorder can
    lead to more severe problems, including heart
    disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure
  • Narcolepsy Narcoleptic episodes are sudden urges
    that make people fall into an instant state of
    REM sleep without any warning signs. Most common
    symptoms include feeling drowsy during the day
    and muscle weakness due to lack of deep sleep.
    There is no reversal available for narcolepsy,
    but it can be treated with medication and
    therapy to help manage symptoms.
  • Sleepwalking Sleepwalking occurs when a person
    gets out of bed during the middle of their sleep
    cycle without any memory or awareness. The
    individual will often act as if they were awake
    in public places such as their home kitchen or
    bathroom. This disorder typically happens at
    times where there is an increased risk of
    falling asleep (such as near midnight) which
    leads to less deep sleep due to frequent
  • Night Terrors Night terrors occur in children
    under 12 years old and last between 15-30
    minutes, according to National Sleep Foundation
    statistics. They happen most frequently around
    the time of a child's natural bedtime. Night
    terrors happen when the brain is in a deep sleep
    and experiences sudden fear or terror. It can be
    difficult for adults to comfort children during
    this trance-like state.
  • Types of Extrinsic Dyssomnias
  • Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) RLS can cause
    extreme discomfort and an urge to move their
    legs to feel relief from itchy or painful
    sensations, usually felt at night when they
    should be sleeping. This is a disorder where a
    person experiences uncomfortable and often times
    unbearable feeling as if ants were crawling under
    their skin which hinders sleep. The severity
    varies depending on individual tolerance for
    lack of adequate deep sleep each night.
  • Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome (DSP) DSP is a
    circadian rhythm disorder in which the sufferer
    has difficulty with sleep initiation and is
    forced to wake up later than desired.

  • Low Serotonin Levels Dyssomnia Low serotonin
    levels have been found to contribute to
    excessive daytime napping, restless nights, and
    bouts of insomnia due to an interaction between
    low hormone levels and medications such as
    antidepressants prescribed for mood improvement.
  • Nocturnal Eating Syndrome Nocturnal eating
    syndrome can cause a person to eat at night
    while asleep and not remember it in the morning.
    This typically happens when someone has been
    dieting for a long time or has lost appetite due
    to underlying depression or anxiety disorder.
  • Types of Circadian Rhythm Disorders
  • Shift Work Sleep Disorder This dyssomnia can be
    linked to a person who does shift work or
    rotating shifts on their job. The problem arises
    because their body clock doesn't adjust
    accordingly to daytime sleeping patterns when
    they should be awake all night.
  • Jet Lag Due to changes in travel from one time
    zone to another, jet lag can affect your
    sleep-wake cycle for several days after you
    arrive at your destination. Jet lag is a
    condition that can occur when the body has been
    subjected to an abrupt time change. It usually
    requires one or two days for each hour of
    difference in time zones, and symptoms are most
    severe during the early morning hours after
    arriving at their destination.
  • Non 24 Hour Sleep-Wake Syndrome (N24) The N24 is
    a circadian disorder in which one's biological
    clock doesn't stick to a 24-hour schedule. For
    example, a person would find their biological
    clock making them stay awake longer or stay
    asleep longer, leading to consistent shifts in
    the circadian rhythm. In normal circumstances,
    most people can wake up or go to sleep around the
    same time. But in N24, it keeps shifting earlier
    or later in the day, as the body doesn't adhere
    to the 24-hour circadian cycle.
  • Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome (DSP) DSP is a
    circadian rhythm disorder in which the sufferer
    has difficulty with sleep initiation and is
    forced to wake up later than desired. This type
    of dyssomnia is the opposite of Advanced Sleep
    Phase Disorder, which causes individuals to go
    to sleep and wake up early.
  • Difference between Dyssomnia and Parasomnia
  • Dyssomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by
    difficulty in maintaining sleep, while
    parasomnias are disorders that occur during the
    various stages of sleep. For dyssomnia
    sufferers, symptoms include insomnia and
    nightmares as well. In contrast to Dyssomnia,
    Parasomnias can affect any time frame throughout
    the 24 hour day when you're asleep or awake-
    they don't have to manifest themselves only at
    night before bedtime like other

  • types of dyssomnias do. This includes things such
    as Nightmares (repeatedly frightening dreams),
    Sleep Paralysis (being unable to move for several
    minutes after waking up or just before falling
    asleep), and REM Behavior Disorder (acting out
    one's dream on either nearby people or objects,
    or actually getting up and walking about).
  • Prevention and cure of Dyssomnias Is it
  • Dyssomnias are preventable. There are a few ways
    to help the sufferer of dyssomnia find relief,
    and many treatments can be provided to alleviate
    symptoms. First, it is essential to stay on a
    consistent sleep schedule, so your body knows
    when it's time for bed and when it's not. Those
    who suffer from dyssomnia should also exercise
    regularly because the aerobic activity will help
    them feel sleepy at night. Lastly, they can take
    medication such as benzodiazepines (like Valium)
    or stimulants like caffeine if necessary. These
    drugs may cause side effects but usually have
    fewer long-term consequences than other
    medications used to treat this disorder.
  • Here are some tips to prevent and deal with
  • Get plenty of exercise in your day-to-day
    lifestyle, preferably aerobic. Exercise is the
    best regulator for hormones and improves blood
    oxygen leading to overall better working systems
    in your body.
  • You can also try to sleep in a dark room with
    minimal noise and light. If you're still having
    issues, try reading a book or listening to the
    same soft music every night before going to bed.
    You could also consider using lavender oil or
  • calming scent before bed, as this might help ease
    your mind and make it easier for you to fall
  • Stay on a regular sleep schedule for the best
    results. If one is experiencing
  • problems maintaining their nightly routine, they
    may want to talk to their doctor about treatment
    options such as medication or cognitive-behavioral
    therapy. These treatments can be very effective
    in reducing symptoms and helping sufferers
    return to everyday life.
  • Take medications that are prescribed by doctors
    if necessary. These drugs will not cure
    dyssomnia, but there have been cases where it has
    helped alleviate some of its effects. This
    should only happen under the supervision of
    medical professionals who know how much
    medication is safe for each individual's body
  • The most important thing you could do to prevent
    dyssomnias would be to maintain a strict sleep
  • What is Sleep Hygiene, and how can it help keep
    dyssomnia at bay?
  • Sleep hygiene includes the essential tips and
    habits that can help you sleep better.

  • Consistency in the wake-up time and bedtime,
    sticking to a strict schedule, avoiding food
    with high caffeine content around bedtime (like
    coffee), and limiting alcohol intake are just
    some of the ways you can work on improving your
    sleep hygiene habits.
  • Best ways to improve your sleep hygiene
  • Sleep in a cool room with low noise and light
    levels. Insulate your bedroom from external
    noise by closing doors or using soundproofing
    materials, such as curtains or earplugs. Use
    heavy curtains/drapes to block out the light if
    you have trouble sleeping because of early
    morning sunlight seeping into your bedroom.
  • Don't sleep on an uncomfortable bed, aging, or
    incompatible mattress. You can invest in a best
    quality mattress that is supportive of your body
    type and allows you to fall asleep quickly with
    little tossing and turning. Avoid too many
    pillows, making it challenging to move around at
    night without waking up more than necessary. If
    possible, try sleeping without any blankets so
    that they don't become tangled around limbs
    during the night while tossing and turning, as
    this leads to waking up more often.
  • Create a strict schedule, including going in and
    out of bed at the same time every day, even on
    weekends. If you have trouble sleeping when lying
    in bed awake, get out of bed and do something
    relaxing until drowsiness sets in this might be
    reading a book or listening to music with
    headphones that play soothing sounds, such as
    waves crashing against rocks. A word of caution
    don't watch TV because it may keep you
    stimulated mentally long after you turn it off!
  • Due to the blue spectrum effect on our brain at
    night, we may find it challenging to sleep
    better and longer. Keep your bedroom dark enough
    by using blackout curtains if needed use heavy
    curtains over windows, so sunlight doesn't stream
    into the room during the morning hours, and keep
    your computer screen dim. If you absolutely have
    to use a screen and take things step by step,
    switch on the night mode (which activates a
    yellow-tint display) in your devices before
  • Get up at the same time every day, even on
    weekends or days off from work. This will help
    maintain a sleep schedule that is in tune with
    natural daylight patterns to promote healthy
    circadian rhythms (your body's biological clock).
    In addition, it can make you more tired when
    bedtime comes around because of increased levels
    of melatonin overnight. Melatonin is the hormone
    used by our bodies for regulating normal
    sleeping and waking cycles (circadian rhythm)
    during twilight hours between dusk and dawn. It
    is also effective against insomnia symptoms such
    as difficulty falling asleep, trouble staying
    asleep throughout the night, and early morning
    waking up.

  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol in the afternoon or
    evening, as they can disrupt sleep. Caffeine is
    a stimulant that stays in your system much longer
    than you might think it takes up to six hours
    before half of what you consumed will be
    eliminated from your body. This means drinking
    one caffeinated beverage close to bedtime could
    make it difficult to fall asleep! Alcohol may
    seem like a sedative because people often
    experience fatigue after drinking too many
    alcoholic beverages. Still, it's crucial not to
    drink more than two drinks in total, as studies
    have shown this leads to fragmented sleep (and
    reduced REM) with less dreaming during nighttime
    sleep periods. It is always better to avoid it
    altogether near bedtime.
  • Keep stress at bay by practicing stress reduction
    techniques, such as yoga or deep breathing.
    Nighttime unwinding practices can go a long way
    in helping you prevent dyssomnia. These stress
    management techniques not only help you deal
    with Dyssomnias, but live a better and happier
  • Maintain a healthy diet that includes plenty of
    whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables
    avoid high-fat foods, which are common in
    fast-food restaurants as these have been linked
    to sleep disorders. In addition, research shows
    people who drink five or more cups of coffee per
    day were almost twice as likely to experience
    insomnia symptoms as those who drink less coffee.
    If you can't quit caffeine, try limiting
    consumption to one cup early in the morning
    before noon. Most importantly, stay away from
    sugary drinks like cold drinks and fruit juices
    because they increase heart rates and blood
    sugar (more than the daily requirement) after
    consumption, which can keep you awake at night.
  • Conclusion
  • Dyssomnia is a sleeping disorder that affects
    people of all ages. It can lead to insomnia,
    which will cause the individual to have
    difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep at
    night and may experience early morning waking
    up. To avoid this sleep condition, it's crucial
    for individuals who suffer from dyssomnia
    symptoms or those who are worried about
    developing them in the future practice to follow
    good sleep hygiene. With the right sleep
    environment, lifestyle, and proper sleep hygiene,
    you can keep it at bay and sleep high- quality
    sleep every day. You can look into a compatible
    bed mattress to use with
  • our SleepID tool to get the best mattress
    recommendations as per your lifestyle and body.
    If you are battling chronic conditions and body
    pains, it is always better to get a doctors
    prescription before dealing with Dyssomnia in
    certain ways or buying a new mattress.
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