Earthsoft Foundation of guidance presents personality development - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Earthsoft Foundation of guidance presents personality development


Personality, Etiquetes, Manner, Organised, Time management, Ethics, Communication For other presentations pl visit – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Earthsoft Foundation of guidance presents personality development

Personality Development Practical Approach
  • Personality definition
  • Traits
  • Good personality
  • Personality development
  • Hurdles in development
  • Good manager
  • Organisation culture

Ask yourself
  • Who are you?
  • How well do you know yourself?
  • What are you good at?
  • What are your weaknesses, fears, innermost
    strengths and desires?
  • What you want to be?
  • Where are you headed?

Don't compare yourself with any one in this
If you compare, you are insulting yourself. You
are unique personality!
  • Personality is
  • A prediction what a person will do in a
    particular situation
  • The way an individual reacts interacts with
  • A individuals distinct patterns of thought,
    feeling, motives and behavior

  • Personality - Character or behavior of a person
    in different scenarios
  • How character builds up?
  • Scenario (inputs)
  • Thoughts (process) mostly consistent
  • Actions (output)
  • Behavior (impression)
  • Hereditary, upbringing, education environment
    build the personality

  • Personality includes aspects Motivation,
    Perception, Thought process, Emotions, Feeling,
    Reaction, Attitude, Value
  • Various traits lead to a consistent way of
    behaviour like Introversion, Intelligence,
    Anxiety, Assertiveness, Aggressiveness,
    Prejudice, Musical aptitude, Honesty,
    Sensitivity, Seriousness Friendliness
  • Positive Personality helps growing career. Good
    to aim, identify improve.

Change yourself
Changing Face might change nothing.But Facing
the Change can
Don't complain about othersChange yourself to
see a change
Good personality
  • What makes good personality?
  • Good physic health
  • Self Confidence Positive Thinking
  • Learning from failures
  • Self reliance Selfless service
  • Approach for good personality
  • Goal Setting
  • Time Management
  • Communication skills
  • Leadership Qualities
  • Team spirit well connect

Goal Setting
  • A goal is a desired result person or a system
    plans commits targeting objectives actions
    within a finite time
  • Difference where we are (current) where we want
    to be (vision and goals)
  • Start performance management process
  • Establishing specific, measurable, realistic,
    attainable, time-targeted objectives
  • Needed - Resources, Skills, Knowledge
  • Types Immediate, Short Long term

Voice on Goal Setting
  • Your own resolution to succeed is more important
    than any other one thing Abraham
  • The only limit to our realization of tomorrow
    will be our doubts of today Franklin
  • More men fail through lack of purpose than lack
    of talent -- Billy Sunday
  • Myths
  • I already have goals I dont need to set any
  • I dont need goals Im doing fine
  • I dont need written goals I have in my mind
  • I dont know how to set goals
  • Goals dont work life is too unpredictable

Time management
  • Importance of responsibilities
  • Schedule preparation for activities
  • Exhibiting good habits
  • Appropriate investment of time
  • Making good friends
  • Utilizing time for Knowledge Improvement
  • Utilizing free time for good hobbies
  • Supporting others
  • Avoiding executing overlapping activities thus
  • Draw high-low efforts gain chart

Communication Skills
  • Communication is critical in a competitive
    corporate world. It is an art can be cultivated
    by practicing. Effective communication helps to
    achieve success
  • Tips for improving communication
  • How to communicate in better way
  • Different levels of communication
  • Developing language
  • Developing writing skills
  • Following discipline

  • Leading from front
  • Teaming well connect
  • Expertise in subject matter
  • Planning (People fail due to poor plan)
  • Self discipline
  • Complete ownership responsibilities
  • Commitment
  • Developing skills as needed
  • Organizing things properly
  • Self Motivation and motivating people
  • Optimum utilization of time

Good habits
  • Health food habits
  • Regular exercise
  • Timely food Proper diet
  • Cleanliness
  • Drinking more clean water
  • To take care of inner parts of body
  • Yoga Meditation
  • Yoga helps to build good personality
  • Yoga helps to physical mental health
  • Pranayama (breathing exercise)
  • Meditation for improving concentration

Tuning of the mind
  • Analyzing thoughts thought process
  • Filtering thoughts
  • Stopping negative thoughts
  • Controlling senses
  • Purifying filtering impressions
  • Keeping mind cool controlled
  • Not holding grudges against anyone
  • Forget forgive bad incidences
  • Be grateful always
  • Love your self

Opportunity knocks
If you miss an opportunity don't fill the eyes
with tears.
 It will hide another better opportunity in front
of you
To develop personality
Attend personality development classes
Watch how successful People do it
Personality Development
Read a lot. It always help
Lose gain some inhibitions
Do Dont
Express your Give up
Originality Creativity Deep thinking Artificiality Imitation Shallow superficial thinking
  • Ensure excellence in ones chosen field
  • Develop yourself nation in turn
  • An improvement in personality can improve chances
    for success
  • Believe in innate goodness manifest it

Communication skills
  • It forms the corner stone of soft skill
  • Every human being has to essentially
    effectively communicate with others
  • Effective communication is the hallmark of ones
  • The ability to speak fluently using the right
    word in the right order is a good communication
  • Message using appropriate vocabulary and syntax
    form effective communication

Communication skills
Soft skills
Presentation skills
  • Presentation skills include planning, preparation
    delivery of the message
  • Presentation skills can be broadly categorized
    into physical gesture, oral, electronic
  • Present the ideas in an appropriate manners
  • Look at the eyes of audience speak in a
    natural, conversational voice
  • Appropriate voice will make the presentation
    effective and interesting
  • Ask for feed back from your audience
  • Occasionally ask audience understanding

Communication tips
  • Learn the basics of effective verbal
    communications and presentations.
  • Take a speech communications course to become
    comfortable with your verbal skills.
  • Be well versed with 'art of conversation' .
  • Books, clubs and group discussion are good ways
    to develop these skills .
  • Practice communication using telephone. Interview
    begins with a telephonic interview
  • En cash opportunity to create first impression
  • Practice greeting people and shaking hand

Dressing Etiquettes
  • Dressing etiquettes are must in corporate world
    to maintain the status
  • Discuss the dress code of the company with your
  • Do not deliberately dress up oddly.
  • Observe superiors dress up accordingly.
  • Myth about dressing well is that you have to
    spend a great amount of money on shopping.

Dressing Sense
  • What to wear while in office
  • Comfort is important when you are at work.
    Uncomfortable attire can ruin a day
  • Not to repeat dress more than a day
  • Ladies - Churidar Kurta or Saree, earrings,
    necklace and a purse/ handbag, chappal
  • Gents - Trouser, Full sleeve shirt, black belt,
    socks as same color of trouser, and well polished
    black shoes

Office scene
Public Speaking
  • Prepare well, rehearsal before
  • Use the notes if required
  • Believe in what you say
  • Clarity
  • Simplicity
  • End with a message conclusion
  • Have a feedback improve next

Public speaking
  • Focus, Research a topic
  • Organize ideas logically
  • Employ quotations, facts, and statistics
  • Master metaphors use as appropriate
  • Tell a story, Start close stronger
  • Incorporate humour
  • Vary vocal pace, tone
  • Punctuate words with gestures
  • Utilize 3-dimensional space
  • Complement words with visual aids

Public Speaking
  • Analyze connect with audience
  • Conduct a QA session
  • Lead a discussion
  • Obey time constraints
  • Craft an introduction
  • Exhibit confidence and poise
  • Handle unexpected issues smoothly
  • Be coherent when speaking off the cuff
  • Listen analyze other speakers
  • Act and speak ethically

Confidence body language
  • Up to 93 per cent of communication is done on a
    nonverbal level.

Playing with jewelry can convey stress and
Crossing your arms can make you look bored or
Body Language
  • Non verbal language
  • Face displays interest of the persons
  • Body language presents to the audience what we
    feel think about the particular matter. Ex
    Nodding ones head
  • Body language (e.g., arms crossed, standing,
    sitting, relaxed).
  • Emotion of the sender receiver (e.g., speaking
    clearly, enthusiastically)

Positive body language
  • Strong, firm handshake Confidence, security
  • Leaning forward, eye contact, hand gestures
    Sincerity, confidence, interest
  • Natural tone, volume, pitch and pace of voice
    Secure, confidence
  • Eye contact Openness and honesty
  • Facial expressions to match what is said (smiling
    while friendly), Secure self-esteem
  • Relaxed upright posture, arms swinging naturally
    while walking Confident
  • Nodding Approval

Negative body language
  • Looking down Lack of confidence
  • Limp, weak handshake Nervousness
  • Leaning in too close Could be threatening
  • Weak, soft voice Nervousness
  • Clearing throat, saying um, uh, using overly
    complex sentences Insecurity, nervousness
  • Dropping head Untrustworthy
  • Rigid, feet shuffling Lack of confidence
  • Folded arms, crossed legs Not interested
  • Twiddling thumbs, drumming fingers Not paying
    attention, anxiety

Build Self Confidence
  • Dress Sharp
  • Walk Faster
  • Good Posture
  • Personal Commercial
  • Gratitude
  • Compliment other people
  • Sit in the front row
  • Speak up
  • Work out
  • Focus on contribution

  • Share a proven track record as an achiever
  • Impress you are management "savvy"
  • Honesty...integrity...a decent human being
  • Good fit with culture a team player
  • Positive attitude...sense of humour
  • Good communication skills
  • Dedication...willingness to walk extra mile to
    deliver quality achieve excellence
  • Definite purpose...clear goals
  • Enthusiasm...high level of motivation
  • Confident...healthy...a leader

Successful story
Every successful person has a painful story.
Every painful story has a successful ending.
Accept the pain and get ready for success
  • Follow good manners proper etiquette
  • Turn the cell phone on silent mode during meeting
    or at public places or transport
  • Return the missed call
  • Reply by SMS if you can not take a call
  • Cut the call if you can not take a call
  • Bring a gift for the hostess -- preferably one
  • Say please and thank you to waiters, flight
    attendants, store clerks, cab drivers
  • Do not hesitate to say sorry or apologize for the
    mistake, be brave

  • Move around at a party or social gathering, meet
    greet the guest
  • Take light lunch/ dinner
  • Keep eatable or item in left hand keep right
    hand free for handshakes
  • Address thank you note
  • Make eye contact, offer a warm smile in every
    situation, this sets people at ease
  • Be perceptive -- survey a situation and always
    use your best judgment

Public places
Start fresh
No one can go back and change a bad beginning
But anyone can start now and create a successful
Analyse problem
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry
about it.
If a problem cannot be solved what is use of
Personality Development
Item Description
Deep faith towards work Determination to keep commitment Come what may attitude!
Positive personality Positive optimistic thinking Cultivating positive believes in others
Effective communication Precise to the points Set context, sharing the thoughts convince
Time management Managing time well, Work life balance Effective delegation
Problem solving Understanding problem, analyzing, solutioning selecting right resource
Personality Development
Item Description
Team Spirit Working with heterogeneous team members, be a leader, not just a follower
Self confidence Ability to express and asking questions without fear
Learn ability Always learning new skills
Flexibility Guts to revisit the own views thoughts, revising as per the situation Accommodating aligning
Stability Keeping up the performance efficiency even under stress, keeping head cool!
Personality Development
Item Description
Confidence Demonstrate rich self confidence
Decision making Precise decision making after data collection and analysis, know people well
Sense of humor Demonstrate sense of humor even while managing tough situation, learn to smile
Accepting criticism Large hearted, ready to introspect, accept criticism work on it non- politically
Not to worry Worries would not solve the problem, control the situation, mind brain
Language Be master of at least 3 languages
Know your mistakes
Easy is to judge the mistakes of
others.Difficult is to recognize our own
It is easier to protect your feet with slippers
than to cover the earth with carpet.
Hurdles in planning
Item Description
Laziness Inertia before starting, Need change in attitude Can be overcome by practicing
Incomplete information how many activities to complete the tasks/ project? Incomplete information delays the activity impacts the plan
Lack of self confidence In-ability difficulty in planning execution in-ability of coordinating activities Imagine the activities and mitigate the risks in advance
Over confidence Prefer actions to planning it invites risks Leads to failure if not experienced
Hurdles in planning
Item Description
Mentality Planning is waste of time leads heroic approach results more efforts duration
Delay in Decision making Right decision at the right time helps to project stake holders Delay in decision making not sharing the decisions impacts project
Commitment Inability to commit due to lack of confidence or fear of being committed
Beating drums Sharing exaggerated information wrong updates lead to planning failure
Mistakes are painful when they happen.
But year's later collection of mistakes is called
experience, which leads to success.
Life laughs at you when you are unhappy...
Life smiles at you when you are happy...Life
salutes you when you make others happy...
Thank You
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