Anxiety Disorders: Types, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Options - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Anxiety Disorders: Types, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Options


Dive into this presentation to uncover Anxiety Disorders: Types, Causes, Symptoms and their treatment Options. Explore best online therapy to cure anxiety related disorders with Untangle. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Anxiety Disorders: Types, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Options

Anxiety Disorders Types, Causes, Symptoms and
Treatment Options
People with anxiety disorders have persistent
anxiety that restricts daily activities. Anxiety
can seriously hamper their day-to-day life. It
can also put a lot of pressure on relationships
within the family and among friends. Nevertheless
, the good thing is that anxiety is treatable
via counseling, medication, or both. In
individual therapy, the root causes of anxiety
are identified and coping techniques for anxiety
are learned. Many people find it helpful to cut
back on caffeine, get more exercise, and try
different ways to relax in order to deal with
stress. More often, the goal of professional
help like therapy for individuals is to give
people the zeal to enjoy life again.
Comprehensive Overview of Anxiety Disorders
Lets take a look at some of the most common
types of anxiety disorders that affect millions
of people Generalized Anxiety Disorder Here,
anxiety becomes a persistent issue, and even when
one has no mortgage or real estate to pay, no
disease or injury, a good job with a stable
income, a family that loves you, etc, he or she
remains anxious almost all the time. People
suffer from issues such as tension that never
leaves, getting tired easily, and difficulty
sleeping. Panic Disorder These are spontaneous,
intense attacks of overwhelming anxiety and fear
that strike people without having any prior
Its like a psychological terror attack that
makes you feel as if you are dying, your heart
thrashing, and your entire body sweating as you
can hardly breathe. It can happen at any time,
any place.
Social Anxiety Also called social phobia, it is a
fear of social gatherings and interaction. People
are very afraid of being mocked, made to feel
bad or their emotions exposed to
others. Flushing, sweating, palpitations, and
avoiding eye contact are some ways it can
physically display itself. Phobias Phobias are
irrational, over-the-top fears related
to specific things flying, heights, thunder,
animals, needles you name it. The fear is way
out of proportion to any real danger. Seeing the
object or situation causes immediate panic
This is a complex anxiety disorder where one
fears situations where escape might be
difficult. People start avoiding more and more
places like using public transportation, malls,
movie theaters, airplanes, grocery stores
basically anywhere crowded or out in the
open. Separation Anxiety This type of anxiety is
characterized by excessive fear of being
separated from their loved ones. They
worry nonstop that something terrible will
happen. While many associate clinginess in
children with separation anxiety, adults wrestle
with it too. Symptoms just manifest differently
over time. Someone may compulsively call or text
a partner when apart, repeatedly check for
contact, or even cancel plans to avoid being
Causes and Risk Factors
What leads to anxiety issues? There are a few
common culprits Genetics Anxiety disorders
tend to run in families, so the DNA you inherit
plays a role. If your mom or dad has anxiety,
your risk is much higher. Trauma Going through
stressful or traumatic events like abuse, the
death of a loved one, divorce, and accidents can
definitely kickstart anxiety. Personality
People who are naturally sensitive,
perfectionistic, nervous, or introverted seem
more prone to anxiety troubles. Having a hard
time handling uncertainty also makes anxiety
worse. Mental health Anxiety often goes
hand-in-hand with conditions like depression and
PTSD. So if youre struggling in other areas
mentally, anxiety is more likely.
Substance abuse Heavy drinking, drug
withdrawal, and stimulant use can induce anxiety
or make existing anxiety way worse. It becomes a
nasty cycle. Medical issues Certain illnesses
and medications also trigger anxiety symptoms.
Anything throwing
off brain chemistry contributes.
  • Here are the most common signs and symptoms
  • Emotional excessive fear, dread, obsession over
    minor things
  • Physical chest pain, fast heartbeat, dizziness,
    sweating, nausea
  • Behavioural avoiding anxiety-inducing
    situations, sleep issues, trouble focusing
  • Diagnosis Process
  • So how do professionals actually diagnose anxiety
  • disorders? There are a few steps we take

First, theyll have an in-depth chat about your
symptoms, medical history, sleep, diet, and other
relevant facts. Being open helps therapists get
the full picture. Questionnaires about your
moods and behaviours provide clues too. Next,
they need to rule out that anxiety isnt caused
by other medical conditions. Things like thyroid
disease, heart problems, or medication side
effects can mimic anxiety. Blood work and exams
make sure its not something else masquerading
as anxiety. Finally, they use criteria from the
DSM-5 psychiatric manual to match up your
specific symptoms to diagnose the type of
anxiety disorder. For example, constant
irrational worrying about many things points to
Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
Treatment Options and Management
Once properly diagnosed, there are many
effective ways to tackle anxiety Psychotherapy
is a good option. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
helps identify distorted thoughts and behaviours
that make anxiety worse. Therapists collaborate
to replace them with healthier coping
strategies. For phobias and trauma, exposure
therapy safely exposes you to fear triggers in a
controlled way to decrease fear over
time. Anti-anxiety medications are also an
option. They alter brain chemistry to ease
symptoms but have side effects to consider, so
talk with your prescribing doctor. Therapy and
medication together are enough to treat anxiety
disorders for most patients.
Lifestyle remedies are vital too stress
management, exercise, healthy eating, and nature
immersion all help reduce anxiety from the
inside out. Limiting caffeine is smart as well.
Making sleep a priority and cutting back on
alcohol allows the brain to heal. Small steps add
up over time. Some patients also find relief
from alternative approaches like meditation,
yoga, etc. Explore what resonates most with your
mindset and interests.
Looking for therapy for anxiety? Our team of
psychologists is experienced and non-
judgemental. We help you to get your life back
from anxiety disorders. Practically no matter
what you are dealing with panic attacks,
phobias, excessive worries, or anything else
well help you figure out what works for you.
Group sessions and workshops also have the
capacity to connect you to other people going
through the same situation. If you dont want to
come to the office then you can opt for online
therapy from home. Our counseling services have
proven effective in solving anxiety problems for
people of all ages teens, adults, and seniors.
Thus, if you are tired of anxiety ruling your
life and you are willing to learn how to enjoy
life one more time, come and talk to us!
Phone 096068 10606
Address L21, 7th Cross Rd, near Da Pandu
Memorial Rv Dental College, TMC Layout, 1st
Phase, J. P. Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560078
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