Title: Efficient Human Resource- A reason behind success of Rajasthan Powergen
1Efficient Human Resource- A reason behind
success of Rajasthan Powergen
2What is Efficient Human Resource?
For an organization to function effectively in
achieving its aim, vision and objectives in a
thriving environment, it needs a vibrant Human
Resource department to achieve the desired goal
for an optimal growth.
3Why Human Resource is Important?
- Human Resource department oversees total
functionality of an organization as part of its
duty is to maximize employees performance as per
strategic objectives of the employer. Human
Resource is primarily concerned with the
management of people within organizations,
focusing on policies and systems.
4Why is it important?
- An organization cannot build a good team of
working professionals without good Human
Resources. The key functions of the Human
Resources Management (HRM) team include
recruiting people, training them, performance
appraisals, motivating employees as well as
workplace communication, workplace safety, and
much more.
5Why is it important?
In conjunction with other managers, HR leads the
way in management development, performance
management, succession planning, career paths,
and other aspects of talent management. HR can
not do it alone and relies heavily on managers
and executive staff to help, plan and execute the
strategies. However, HR has to bring new ideas
and effective practices into the organization.
6Efficient Human Resource - A reason behind
success of Rajasthan Powergen
A company is only as good as its people and the
HR team is in charge of building and maintaining
a strong team. A good Human Resource team with
the right resource help the company to get the
most out of the employees.
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