Title: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teenagers Teaching Strategies and Tools to Help Prepare Our Outdoor Education Students in this Uncertain World.
1The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teenagers
Teaching Strategies and Tools to Help Prepare
Our OutdoorEducation Students in this Uncertain
2Why The 7 Habits In Todays Uncertain World?
3Glengarry Kangaroo Valley. NSW
Kangaroo Valley
4Reflections Of My School Years
5Resilience In Todays Youth
- There is an ever increasing body of evidence from
many disciplines that suggests that todays young
people are less resilient. (Noble, 2007) - As a result many of our youth are struggling
- Episodes of depression, suicide, self-harm,
violence and problematic substance abuse are
6The Outcome Of Less Resilience
- 9 of primary school students have had a
depressive episode by the end of primary school. - 15-20 of high school students have had
depression while at school. (Relivich Seligman
2003). - 250,000 depression prescriptions were written for
school age students in 2003. When included with
adult rates, this costs our economy 3.3 billion
dollars annually - (Beyond Blue, 2005).
- Alarmingly mental illnesses are becoming more
prevalent in your people at younger ages.
(Pryer, Carpenter, Townsend, 2005) - Accompanying this our suicide rates are some of
the highest in the world.
7Depression and Teen Suicide.
- For young people under 24 years, suicide is the
leading cause of death by injury, ahead of car
accidents and homicides. - In the past 30 years, the suicide rate for males
aged between 15 and 24 years has tripled. - Over the last 10 years, youth suicide has
increased by 35. - As a community and a society, outdoor ed programs
can have a prevention role in saving our children
from a health problem that is very preventable.
Stephanie Gestier and Jodie Gater, both 16,
entered into a suicide pact in 2007 in Melbourne.
(health.ninemsn.com.au, 2007)
8What Has Happened To The Resilience Of Our Young
Research has identified 4 key reasons for this
loss of youth resilience.
- Lack of connectedness to positive institutions.
- An Increase in blame culture.
- Back Firing Of Self-esteem.
- Not taking time to enjoy each day.
(Noble, 2003)
What role does Outdoor Education play in finding
a solution?
9What The Latest Research Is Saying!
- After 17 years of teaching boys I have been
witness to this shift in boys resilience, and
have been searching for ways to help strengthen
their ability to be prepared for the challenges
that they have to face in the future. - I would like to highlight several pieces of
literature that have helped shape my current
thinking on outdoor programming.
10Environments and skills to help students cope and
be more resilient.
Environments That Promote Well-Being Resilience Personal Emotional Skills Attitudes that promote Well-Being Resilience
School Connectedness Positive thinking skills attitudes
Peer Connectedness Resourcefulness adapting skills
Teacher Connectedness Social Skills
Positive Family-School Links Emotional Literacy Skills
Family Connectedness Healthy Self Esteem Sense of Personal competence.
A Caring adult outside the family
Community Connectedness
Religious Involvement
McGrath Noble (2003). Bounce Back A classroom
resiliency program.
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12Positive Psychology
Outdoor Education
- Recent developments in the field of psychology,
however, have begun to suggest the adoption of a
new paradigm referred to as positive psychology.
Positive psychology has as its goal the fostering
of excellence through the understanding and
enhancement of factors leading to growth. Some
of these factors include positive emotions,
positive individual traits, and pro-social
attitudes. Rather than focus on deficits,
positive psychology examines these positive
traits and attributes, with an eye toward
strengthening them or facilitating their
development in clients. These traits are
critically important, as they can lead to the
development of stable personality and physical
states like resiliency, optimism, and even
better, physical health over time. Instead of
focusing on decreasing negative symptoms in
therapy, a positive psychology approach would
focus more on enhancing client strengths.
Outdoor Education
Outdoor Education
Outdoor Education
13Positive Psychology A Potential Model To
Incorporate Into Outdoor Education
Raising children I realized, is vastly more
than fixing what is wrong with them. It is about
identifying and nurturing their strongest
qualities, what they own and are best at, and
helping them find niches in which they can best
live out these strengths. (Seligman, 2000)
Dr Martin Seligman
14Promoting Buffers Against Mental Illness
- We have discovered that there is a set of human
strengths that are the most likely buffers
against mental illness courage, optimism,
interpersonal skill, work ethic, hope, honesty
and perseverance. - Much of the task of prevention will be to create
a science of human strength whose mission will be
to foster these virtues in young people. - (Seligman, 1998).
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16suggest that school and community outdoor
education programs can work towards the
enhancement of the health and wellbeing of
individuals, families, communities thereby
working to prevent the onset or establishment of
ill health or ineffective life practices.
17Outdoor Education Sport Psychology
NSW Netball Team Undergoing Outdoor Training In
Preparation For Their National Championships
18Brain Research Learning
- Technology has allowed us for the first time to
see how the brain really works. - The concept of Plasticity and the ability of the
brain to re-program itself has major implications
for programming and content we include. - What we teach and the way we teach can help our
students re-shape their brains and the way they
think. - You need to read this material, cutting edge,
As I progress through the presentation keep in
mind how the activities youll see help reshape
thinking and brain patterns!
20Positive Prevention Strategies Requires A New
Direction In Programming Facilitation
Feelings New skills, energy, enjoyment, fun Recreational
Thinking New knowledge, attitude, awareness Educational
Behaviour New ways to act increase function Developmental
Misbehaviour New ways to cope decrease dysfunction Therapeutic
Matching program type with change requirements.
(Priest, 1996, p.23)
21Profoundly Life Changing Read!
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23The 7 HabitsOverview
24Habit 1 Be Proactive Overview
Is all about taking control of your life! It
means that you choose to act deliberately and
take responsibility for your actions and your
lifes direction.
- A proactive person
- Can choose their attitude to life
- Is responsible for their own happiness.
- Controls the things in their life that they can
control, and forgets about the uncontrollable. - Overcomes setbacks through proactive thinking
action. - Strives to be a change agent through proactive
actions. - Makes life happen to them rather than being a
passenger. - Makes smarter decisions. Pushes pause before
25Self-Awareness Am I a Positive or Negative
- Monitoring self-talk on a tough expedition. Every
hour or during stops, or at places dictated by
the terrain that could provide a teachable
moment have students complete a self-check for a
few minutes evaluating the following - Self-talk
- Talk with others
- Body language
- Enthusiasm levels at different spots during the
trip. - At a scheduled stop have students document their
thoughts in a rite-in-the-rain journal. - Evaluate this around the fire at night. This
leads to a tutorial on positive negative
What do I see when I look inside myself? Do I
like what I see? All Change has to begin from
26Positive or Negative Tracker
- What Kind Of Tracker are you?
- This activity links to the monitoring of
self-talk during an expedition. - Around the fire students complete the tracker
questionnaire and calculate the kind of Tracker
they are. - Facilitation can involve partner sharing of
results. Then a discussion on how we can be more
positive in our daily lives.
Tracker Video
27Make Your Own Weather!
- We have the ability to see sunshine even when we
are surrounded by storms! Its all about attitude!
Click to play
28Press Pause Between stimulus and response we
have a split second where we can pause and learn
to be proactive with our decisions!
- Think Before Speaking or Acting
- Monitor your dialogue with others. Is it how you
would want to be treated. - Am I about to do something that I will regret, or
is negative? - Press pause in dangerous situations when a hazard
is reached and you feel uneasy about a situation
Orange or Red Light Traffic Light Situation - Transfer Press pause back in life after your
expedition, when real life threatening decisions
have to be made. Here take this pill it will
make you feel great.
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31Habit 2 Begin With The End In Mind Overview
- Deals with developing a clear picture of who you
want to be and what you want to accomplish in
your life. - What are your values?
- What is your mission?
- What are your goals?
- How to set them
- Systems to support your goals
- Identifying your talents and developing them
through out your life. - Making your life extraordinary!
Where do we want to go in life? We better draw a
map to get there.
32Mission Builder Site
33Paint Your Own Masterpiece
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35Mission Statements Single Sentence
Mission Example
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38Setting Goals
Steps That I Need To Take To Help Me Live My
Lifes Mission
- Count The Cost
- Put It To Pen
- Just Do It
- Use Momentous Moments
- Rope Up
39Goal example
40Step 5 Roping Up
- Climbers rely on each other for safety,
motivation support. The rope bonds them and
keeps them together in their common quest! - They are also there to support you if when you
fall! - When you set goals, rope up with someone else
with a similar vision or motivation for life. - In real life if you rope up with someone or a
group your energies and enthusiasm will drive
each other to success. - You will also have people to support you through
the hard times along your journey to success,
which are naturally part of life!
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46Letter Writing To Yourself
- During solo which takes place near the end of
their time at Glengarry, students write a letter
to themselves - What were the 3 most significant events you had
at Glengarry? - What were the 3 most significant lessons you can
take away with you after Glengarry? - What way have you changed the most during your
time at Glengarry? - Which one of the 7 habits had the most impact on
your life? How will you continue using this after
GG? - Imagine you could see into the future 12 months.
- What will you be like?
- What goals will you be chasing?
- What will your attitude be like?
- How will you have used the learning you had at
GG? - What would your perfect world look like?
This letter is collected sent 12 months later!
47Solo Letter Example
48Habit 3 Put First Things First Overview
- Identifying the important things in your life.
The BIG ROCKS. - Prioritising your life and managing your time.
- Recognising your time /organisational style.
- Dont let fear control your life and make your
decisions. - Comfort zones Courage Zones.
- Overcoming the hard moments in life.
- Standing up to negative peer pressure.
49Teaching Teens To Prioritise Their Time
- Many of you will know that teens are classic
procrastinators, time wasters, and poor planners. - Often they have never been shown how to organise
themselves effectively!
50Teaching Teens To Prioritise Their Time A
Campsite Example!
Dress in my hike gear
Empty Out The Tent
Pack My Pack
Leave On Time Learn Life Planning Skills at the
same time!
51Identify the key roles in your life. What Big
Rock issue do you need to achieve this week
under this role heading. EG Role Student Big
Rock History Test Wed Big Rock Maths 13.2
14.9 Fri Big Rock Science assn due Wed Role
Athlete Big Rock Training Tues, Thur Big Rock
Weights Mon Wed Fri Big Rock Game
Saturday Role Son Big Rock Family Dinner Sun
PM Big Rock Do chores help mum. Big Rock
Role Friend Big Rock Movie Sat PM mates Big
Rock DofE planning for silver Big Rock Role
Boy Friend of Jess Big Rock Phone her after
h/work Big Rock Beach day Sun PM Big Rock
Movie Sat night.
52Courage Zone
- As well as prioritising the Big Rocks in our
lives, Habit 3 also teaches us about putting us
first ahead of our fears! - Putting first things first will often cause you
to stretch outside your comfort zone.
Click Picture To Go To Story
54The Fear Factor Are your fears controlling your
- It could be argued that fear is one of the worst
emotions that people can possess because of its
ability to hold us back in life. - Fear can paralyse us, limiting our achievements
and reducing enjoyment in our lives. - Outdoor Education has the ability to help
students recognise that fear is normal and part
of life. - We can then give participants opportunities to
face these fears, learning skills to push on into
their courage zone! - Many of the mental health issues we looked at
earlier are a result of teens not knowing how to
persist and persevere when times get tough and
Click me to hear about the courage zone!
55Okay Now Lets All Experience The Fear Factor
- Everyone on your feet
- Make a circle
- Now we are going to take a look at the DVD clip.
- Look at the guy move his hips while dancing.
- Cool EH! NICE Rhythm!
- Well each one of you has to do it to some music I
will play in a moment. - Now I want you to monitor your self talk, your
thoughts, your muscle tightness, your belief in
yourself. How are you feeling right now about
this task? finger shoot.
Remember The key to overcoming our fears is to
worry less about failing, and more about the
chances we miss when we dont even try.
Q11 Lifestyle DVD2
56Facilitating The Courage Zone
- Edgework
- We have to be on the lookout for those teachable
moments. - Often opportunities for learning can come quickly
and we have to be ready to jump on those
opportunities. - We need to train our staff in these areas of
facilitating learning. - A day of climbing may have missed this wonderful
opportunity to learn about perseverance and
persistence in the face of our fears!
57Habit 4 Think Win-Win
- Thinking a Win-Win philosophy for life is the
foundation for getting along well with others. - It not only means you both get something out of
what youre doing, it means you try to plan ways
for both of you to win. - Win-Win is not an accident it is a deliberate way
of thinking!
58Thumb Wrestling!
- Working with the person next to you, you have 1
minute to thumb wrestle with them. In that 1
minutes you have to see how many times you can
pin the other persons thumb down for the count
of 3. - How many of you were engaged in a competitive
mindset when you started the activity? - Did anyone simply communicate with each other and
work together to get as many touches as possible? - We all too often go into an activity with this
win lose mindset. When Win Win can help achieve
much more.
59Relationship Bank Account
RBA Deposits RBA Withdrawals Keep promises. Break
promises. Do small acts Keep to yourself.of
kindness. Be loyal. Gossip and break
confidences. Listen. Dont listen. Say youre
sorry. Be arrogant. Set clear expectations. Set
false expectations.
60Small Acts Of Kindness
RBA Deposits RBA Withdrawals Do small acts Keep
to yourself.of kindness.
Leaders should always be on the lookout to
facilitate small acts of kindness! It fosters
win-win positive feelings within the group and
61Saying Sorry Can quickly restore an overdrawn
relationship account
- A great activity for sitting around the fire near
the end of a trip, or with groups that you know
have had some conflict. - As a group, there have been times when we have
made withdrawals from our relationship bank
accounts, this has been at the expense of others
feelings. - Look around this circle. Who have you done
something to that requires an apology? - Take 2 minutes to look around the circle and
reflect on your past actions. - Now we are going to take turns to go around and
say sorry to the person that you have wronged.
62Habit 5 Seek First to Understand, then to be
- Habit 5 is about being good communicators.
- It teaches about listening first, then talking
second. - It is about seeing things from another's point of
view before sharing your own. - For young men giving them opportunities to talk
about their lives, fears, challenges is a real
positive! - Feeling secure socially is a buffer to depression
and an area that we in outdoor education can
63Group Campout
- Students are grouped into camp groups of 4
students. - Groups are made to separate friends and cliques.
- They spend the weekend camping together on campus
with roving staff supervision.
64Walk a Mile In Someone Elses Shoes
- After getting organised at camp have students
head off in pairs for half an hour of Duo Time. - Make groups up with people they do not know too
well! - Their task is to conduct an interview as if they
were a reporter for the local newspaper. - The article they are writing will be read around
the fire that night! - Partner sharing around the fire that evening.
Newspaper interview
65Walk A Mile In Their Shoes
66A Night Under The Stars
Allow students to sleep under the stars. Allocate
a theme for them to discuss as they are going off
to sleep! Opportunities for boys to talk to each
other, is a resilience builder!
67Fire Side Guidelines Genuine Listening Only!
- Choose a partner sitting next to you.
- Now sit down back to back and lean against one
another. - For the next 2 minutes I want you to discuss with
your partner the following - Your best holiday
- Where did you go?
- What was it you were doing?
- What activities did you do there?
- What was so special about it?
- What made this so special compared to other
holidays. - Share this story at the same time, so you both
have to talk at once. - Once you have finished recount, each others
Facilitate a discussion around the impact of
everyone talking at once!
68Habit 6 Synergise Overview
- Habit 6 is about valuing and celebrating
differences. Its about knowing that two or more
people can work together to create better
solutions than any one of them could alone.
69Synergy In Action
- Working individually, take 2 minutes to try and
write down the names of as many body parts as you
can think of that have only 3 letters in their
name. - There are 10 of them.
- Now, pair up, share your list with your partner,
and take another 1 minute to see if you can come
up with any additional names. - Did any pair get all 10 body parts?
- If not, join up with 2 more people, can you get
all 10. - Lets check your list against mine!
7010 Body Parts With 3 Letters In Their Name
- Toe
- Lip
- Gum
- Rib
- Arm
- Leg
- Eye
- Ear
- Hip
- Jaw
71Entrance to B 31 Argyle Cave
72Synergy In The Cave
Synergising With My Peers Focussing on things
within our control.
Lights Out Work To Get Out Of The Cave
73Facilitation Of Caving ExperienceRecreational,
Educational, Developmental?
- Framing The Activity
- Facilitating the experience to highlight key
learning - Looking for teachable moments when students are
at the edge. - Flow experiences lead to greatest learning.
74Habit 7 Sharpen The Saw Renewing Ourselves. It
is Me Time
- I am sure all of us at one time or another have
the feeling that our life is out of control. We
feel - Out of balance
- Stressed out
- Empty on the inside
- Habit 7 is designed to reacquaint us with the
concept of renewing our lives. - Why is called Sharpen The Saw?
75Four Dimensions of Sharpening The Saw
76Why is Balance so Important?
- To perform at your peak you need to strive for a
balance in all four dimensions. - Balance is important because what we do in one
dimension will affect the other dimensions. - When we look at the statistics from the beginning
of this session many of our teens lives are out
of balance. - The outdoors can be a real healing place,
restoring balance to our clients lives. - This however can be enhanced through planning and
facilitation of activities that target Balance
77Developing The Physical
78Taking Time To StopInspirational Places For
Inspirational Reflection or Meditation
79Taking Time Out To Renew Ourselves When Hiking
Mini Solo
80Developing The Mind Through The Outdoors
Starting a fire without matches requires
planning, preparation, persistence,
81Improving The Mind!Learning About Our Bush
- Bracken fern - it is not so bad after all!
- Bracken fern (Pteridium esculentum) is a hardy
native fern, consisting of a tough stem, green
fronds and fleshy underground stems or rhizomes. - As the plant grows, a succession of young,
succulent crosiers (fiddle hooks) uncurl slowly
from the rhizomes, to form the mature fronds. - They grow in sites that have often been subjected
to a frequent firing or clearing activities in
response to "improving" the land for farming. - In these situations, bracken fern assumes the
role of a pioneer plant, protecting and binding
the exposed soil with their rhizome roots, just
like a scab acts to protect grazed skin. - Aboriginal uses
- The foraging Australian aboriginal women used
these rhizomes as a staple food. They required
substantial preparation before eating. This
involved washing, beating into a paste, moulding
into cakes and finally roasting in hot ashes. - Another important usage were there medicinal
properties. The juice from the young fronds was
used to stop itch and sting of ticks and other
insects. It was broken and the juice rubbed on,
after the tick was removed.
82What Possibilities Do The 7 Habits Open Up
Outdoor Education Programs?
- Become a 7 habits course provider / or develop
your own positive psychology, resilience , brain
teaching curriculum and offer this course to your
clients. See resources references - Sew the seeds of change to the children that will
inherit the future. Outdoor Education has the
potential to shape and change brain wiring,
thinking, and ultimately the direction of
participants lives through thoughtfully planned
and programmed outdoor Ed experiences! - Look for those teachable moments any time you are
with students you have the ability to change the
way they see the world!
83Health Promotion Marketing
- How can Outdoor Education stand out in the crowd?
- Value added programming.
- Marketing your programs as a health and wellbeing
ally of individuals, families, communities could
open up a whole new world of clientele. Training
Brains! - Another possibility Creating partnerships with
school counselors to develop programs and
activities that promote resilience and positive
psychology using the outdoors as the delivery
84What Do We Have To Do As An Industry To Move More
Into The Developmental Mode Of Program Delivery?
- We need to further develop positive solution
focused Outdoor Education programs. - This requires our programming to be more
prescriptive. - Teens need guidance and mentoring in building
resilience. This learning cannot be left to
chance. - Often the mountains do not speak for themselves.
- It takes much more effort in programming and the
training of staff to facilitate developmental
programs however the potential benefits can be
life changing for our clients!
Outdoor Education can have a major role in health
promotion the prevention of ill health.
85Putting Names To Resilience Solutions
86Dr Ian Boyle i.boyle_at_tsc.nsw.edu.au
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89The End
907 Habits In ActionFacilitation strategies
activities to further promote the 7 Habits,
Positive Psychology and Resilience in our clients.
91An Overview Of Facilitation
92The Change Process Outdoor Programming
Feelings New skills, energy, enjoyment, fun Recreational
Thinking New knowledge, attitude, awareness Educational
Behaviour New ways to act increase function Developmental
Misbehaviour New ways to cope decrease dysfunction Therapeutic
93Educational Programming
- Educational Programming is aimed at
understanding concepts, enriching the knowledge
of old concepts or generating an awareness of
previously unknown needs through adventure. - Educational programming changes the way people
think, by allowing them to see things in life
from a fresh perspective. They gain new attitudes
and transfer these attitudes to the way they
conceptualise daily life. - An example might be demonstrating the impact of a
new way to solve problems.
94Developmental Programming
- Developmental Programming is aimed at improving
functional behaviours and training people to
behave in new and different ways. Developmental
programs change the way people behave, by showing
them successful ways to interact on their own or
with others. These new behaviours are transferred
to other life situations. - An example might be learning new positive ways to
trust and communicate with each other, or
learning new ways to cope with the high pressures
of sporting competition.
95Promoting Change Transfer Of Learning
- Letting the experience speak for itself.
"Learning and doing" ie. here the participants
just have a good time making their own meaning
out of the experience. - Speaking for the experience. "Learning by
telling" ie where the facilitator tells the
students what they have learnt and what they can
improve. - Debriefing the experience. "Learning through
reflection" ie. participants reflect on their
experience and through guidance from carefully
designed questions bring up points and issues for
open discussion in the group. - Frontloading the experience. "Direction with
reflection" ie key learning points are given
before the experience occurs guiding participants
in the direction of important issues. The debrief
process at the end simply looks at the success or
failure of these key points. - Framing the experience. Reinforcement in
reflection ie the adventure experience is put
together in such a way that it is a metaphor,
or a mirror image of reality for the
participants. If learning and change can occur in
the adventure experience, then all that is
required is for the participants to implement
these same changes back in their normal lives.
96The Debriefing Filter Questioning Techniques to
focus the learner
- Using a questioning technique that funnels the
reflection process can help guide students
learning so that the experience has a connection
that can enhance aspects of their life!
Review Recall Remember
What was the effect, how did it affect you?
Can you sum up what you learnt?
Can you apply this to your life?
What will you differently next time?
- Look for moments that has students at the edge
of their comfort zones. - Providing assistance to break through in to new
territory opens up Realms of New Possibilities
98Be Proactive Activities
993 Blessings! 3 Things I Am Thankful For Today!
- Im thankful for
- Cassie for remembering the marshmallows.
- How special it is to have friends you can count
on. - How lucky we are to get out and enjoy the
outdoors together.
- Around the fire at the conclusion of each day,
participants are given time to reflect on their
day, focusing on the good things that happened to
them! Things they are thankful for. - EG 3 things I am proud of 3 things I did well
today. - This activity, on its own, has been show by
Martin Seligman to significantly reduce
depression in clinically depressed individuals if
done on a daily basis.
100Planning For Adversity Mental Skills To Help Us
Cope With The Hard Times In Our Lives!
- Expedition Attitude and goal setting.
- Schedule time for making mental plans for tough
and hard things that might occur on a trip or at
camp. - Make a list of tough things that may occur on
expedition that could be uncomfortable for us or
life. - List strategies that could be used to overcome
these worries. - Negative Thought Stopping.
- Goal Setting an attitude or behaviour.
- Staying centered and focused under pressure!
- Visualisation
101Terry Orlick Zone of Excellence
- Stress and worry in young peoples lives are real
and sometimes debilitating. - During a camp experience we are blessed with many
opportunities to teach resilience skills. - Prior to a stressful activity
- At bedtime
- When worried etc.
102Resilience Positive Attitude Test!
- Prior to the trip we have had a group discussion
on setting goals for adversity we may encounter
on the trip. - Conduct an activity that is likely to take
students way out of their comfort zone. - EG Dont make it to camp, and tents or packs
didnt show up. Continue when the weather is
poor! - We need to pull together to get through.
- Attitudes and talk have to remain positive as per
the pre-trip adversity goal setting session.
103Begin With The End In Mind Activities
104How Can A Mission Help Your Life Be Extraordinary?
- Since your destiny is yet to be determined, why
not make it extraordinary and leave a lasting
legacy. - A great way to think about life is to fast track
ahead 70 years and imagine what people would say
about you at the end of your life. - What would they say?
- Now during your mini solo lets write down what
they would say about you! Write your own obituary!
Peter Weir a Scots Old Boy
Dead Poets 145
105Climbing Wall Traverse A Metaphor For Attitude
Persistence In Life
- Goal Setting Use Bouldering or an activity like
the Wild Woosey to introduce goal setting and the
concept of persistence to reach your goals. - Attempt a traverse across the wall. or
equivalent. How did you go? - Identify your weakness and strengths. Improve
your weaknesses and call on your strengths to
better your-self. - Now they can transfer this new skill to setting
goals for others areas of their lives. - Link this activity to a concluding session where
they can set some tangible goals that they can
pursue after the program. IE goal setting sheet
106Put First Things First Activities
107Facilitating Habit 3 Through Metaphoric Framing
108Drama Skit Debrief Lets Try It!
- Divide the students into pairs or triads.
- Students present a drama representing the trip
for them to the rest of the group. - Ready to use funnelling questions to focus
109Comfort Zone Courage Zone
- Having a corroboree around the campfire where
each person has to dance. - Group members may feel inhibited and fearful of
what others will think of them. - Through facilitation provide tools to get into
the courage zone - Centering, positive self talk, visualisation,
110 To Come Up The Front To Sing The National
Anthem To Demonstrate The Fear Factor.
I Need A Volunteer
If you are chosen to sing, on a scale of 1 to 5
what would your fear factor be? 1 Low 5 really
self conscious and worried about what others
would think.
- Australians all let us rejoiceFor we are young
and freeWe've golden soil and wealth for
toilOur home is girt by seaOur land abounds in
nature's giftsOf beauty rich and rareIn
history's page let every stageAdvance Australia
FairIn joyful strains then let us singAdvance
Australian Fair...
Click speaker when ready to sing
111Fear Response And Its Impact On Us!
- How did you feel when you heard what the task
was? - What were your physical reactions?
- What were your psychological reactions? IE What
thoughts were going through your mind? - How do you think these negative physical and
mental processes would impact on your ability to
be your best? - What strategies could we employ to overcome
situations in our life that cause that fear that
paralyses us? Any Ideas that people already use?
112What could I do to feel the fear and enter my
courage zone anyway?
Performance Plan Come up with a performance plan
(game plan) where your performance has been
written down and rehearsed many times before you
have to do it right!
Imagery See your fear how you might react and
see yourself rehearsing a more positive outcome.
Positive Self Talk Monitor the dialogue in your
mind. Monitor the volume of your negative voice.
If you hear yourself saying you CANT DO IT. Turn
down the volume on this negative tone, and turn
up the positive voice.
Centering Deep breaths with an accompanying
release of tension. Can be accompanied by
positive self-talk or cue words.
Cue Words Have a phrase that cues you into the
things you need to attentive to Relax, lift, you
can do it! Believe in yourself!
113Think Win-Win Activities
114Aikido Philosophy Disarming Your Opponent
Without Hurting Them
- The Power Struggle
- Press The Pause Button
- Centre, breathe
- Choose a response that is disarming and not
escalating using the energy of the other person. - In the physical sense, if they pull you, push or
if they push you, pull.
115Seek First To Understand Then Be Understood
116Finger Shoot
- Rate how you went during today.
- Problem focussed facilitation What led to you
acting in this way. - Solution Focussed facilitation For those of you
who scored a 2 out of 5, what would you do next
time to score a higher score?
117Circle Time Activity
- Circle Time is an educational activity that
promotes emotional intelligence in students. - It is a structured time where a facilitator can
address issues that are on going in a group. - Or it can be a means to teach social skills such
as, confidence, listening, speaking in a group,
118Group Dynamic TheoryEnhanced Through Circle
- Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing
- Living hiking with each other for 5 months in a
dormitory of 20 sees the group move through
these stages of group development. - Staff meet weekly with students to facilitate the
storming going on within the group! - We utilise a variety of activities that promote
solutions to issues. - Circle Time Does Sport Rec take time to review
issues arising throughout the day?
119Circle TimeActivity Planning Example
120Metaphoric Story Telling Partner Discussion
Reporting On Learning
121Name Game
- Partner Retell. Pair people up complete the
following - Tell us how you came to get your name or nick
name. - 1 goal you have in the future.
- 1 person you have in your life that is special
and that you can talk to them about anything.
What makes this person special and approachable? - Name one skill you possess that helps you cope
with the low points in your life. How do you use
it? - Noble, (2007)
122The Responsibility Pie Chart
- When a pair of students are struggling in a
disagreement and it cant be decided who is at
fault. - Pull out your pie chart!
- Student draw a circle on a piece of paper and
they allocate responsibility for their current
situation. - Me, others, bad luck!
- (Noble, 2007)
123Pile Of Junk Debrief
- Students are asked to go to their packs and
retrieve a selection of items that they add to a
pile of junk in the middle of the circle they
then choose an object to describe the way they
are feeling, the way the trip has made them feel,
what they have learned on the trip, etc. - Share with the group
124Picture Debrief
- Place a pile of pictures in the middle of a
circle. Members of the group are asked to take a
picture that represents the trip for them. - Share their story with the group.
- Use digital slide shows as a way to focus
reflection learning!
125Colour Object Debrief
- Students collect a colour from a pile in the
centre of the circle (Paint colour charts from
any paint shop or smarties or jelly beans) to
represent the answer to questions. How are you
feeling at the moment? What colour represents
how you worked as a team? - This activity can also be used as an
environmental game where students collect items
from the natural environment that matches the
colour of their answer to a question.
126Stepping Stones
- Debriefing Cards
- The deck is passed around the circle, each
student chooses a card and then passes it on. - Time is given for students to reflect upon the
question their answers are then shared with the
group in a whip around. - The facilitator is looking for teachable moments
and ready to apply funneling style questioning to
unpack any key learning further.
127Someone Who.
128Assertive Communication A system to help you
out of a Lose Win Situations.
In the outdoors the leader can stop a group and
ask those in conflict to use the problem solving
model below
- Describe the other persons behaviour or
situation that is causing you problems.When you
do or say. - Thoughts Express your feelings concerning the
situation or behaviour in a non-judgmental way. I
feel hurt by what you. - Feelings Specify one or two behaviour changes
you would like the person to make. I would really
like it if you would please - Actions Choose the consequences for the person
that you are prepared to carry through. If you
continue with this treatment I will
1295 Poor Listening Styles
During our fire discussion tonight we want to
applaud Genuine Listening and highlight
communication that demonstrates Poor Listening.
Be on the look out for any of the 5 Poor
listening styles. If you note any of the styles
below, raise your hand, and then when asked,
highlight what you have seen. We will then
attempt to replay what was said with more
appropriate listening!
- Spacing Out
- Pretend Listening
- Selective Listening
- Word Listening
- Self-Centered Listening
130Something In My Life I Need Help With..
- Often we do not know how to ask for help, this is
especially the case for young men. - This important life skill can be practiced around
the campfire. - I need help with.
- The facilitator gives an example from their life
to the group to get started. - Break off into smaller groups of 2 or 4 and share
the issues they are having problems with. - Come back to the circle. A partner shares the
issue with the group. - The group listens and then tries to give
solutions and support to the person.
131Fear In A Hat
- Students are asked to stop and reflect about a
particular aspect of their lives with the goal of
identifying a fear that holds them back in life. - They anonymously write this fear on a piece of
paper and place it in a hat. - The facilitator then reads out a fear.
- The group is asked whether they can relate to
this fear. - They then attempt to brainstorm effective
solutions to overcome or manage this fear.
132Synergise Activities
133Rogaining To Synergy
- Students Navigate along 4 WD trails where they
have hiked before. - Each group has a radio.
- The physical psychological stresses are super
challenging. - The only way to succeed is to work together in
24hr Debrief
134Flow Synergy
- For Flow to occur you need a balance between the
challenges of an activity and the abilities of
the group or individual. - The interpretation of this is important often
misinterpreted! - The Flow state can lead to strong feelings of
satisfaction and psychological well being! - Often with large group outdoor education
experiences, we can take the easy path giving
groups a fun experience, but not a flow
135Synergy Is Also About Sticking Up For Diversity!
- Teens Love A Story!
- Take your book to the fire and read a story to
the group. - Then promote a discussion about the story!
- Read p.193 of the teens text!
136Sharpen The Saw Activities
137Inspired By Nature
138Interpretive Walk
- Numbers a description are set out on trees and
shrubs at set locations along the 4 wheel drive
track. - Participants stop at each number and read the
information provided
- 3. Eucalyptus racemosa (Snappy Gum or Scribbly
Gum) Gum trees are characterised by a smooth
bark. As the tree grows, it sheds its bark
annually to allow for the seasonal growth whilst
keeping its smooth bark. Moth larvae make the
scribbly marks on the bark. The other name,
snappy gum, refers to the fact that the wood has
short fibres which allows it to be broken easily
and it is only good for firewood.
Interpretive walk
Mental Preparation For Sport or Life
140Activities To Promote Group Fun Learning
- Get your staff or student to go to the following
website - http//www.wilderdom.com/games/
- In groups of 3 you are to choose an activity that
we could use to have fun, get to know each other
better, helps us break the ice among new staff or
students on our trip. - For you old salts in the group, you have to
choose a game that you have never seen done
before. - You will then present this to the group to build
up our repertoire of activities.