How Machine Learning Help to Cut Costs Spent on Treatment and Care - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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How Machine Learning Help to Cut Costs Spent on Treatment and Care


Over the years, we have helped use the latest technology for patients and stakeholders in global healthcare. As far as machine learning is concerned, we discover specific use cases in which machine learning as a service may give your health efforts something tangible value and assist in building a step-by-step procedure for integrating it into your operations. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: How Machine Learning Help to Cut Costs Spent on Treatment and Care

How Machine Learning Help to Cut Costs Spent on
Treatment and Care
October 22, 2021 Dash Technologies Inc
Healthcare, Machine Learning
lhe capacity of digitalization to captuíe,
exchange, and píovide data is becoming a top
goal foí eveíy business, including healthcaíe.
Machine leaíning, big data, and aítificial
intelligence can help oveícome the píoblems posed
by laíge numbeís of data. Incíeasing needs foí
medicine, impíoved opeíations, and loweí costs
might potentially assist medical oíganizations.
  • On the bedside, innovation in machine leaíning
    can allow healthcaíe píofessionals to moíe
    effectively diagnose and tíeat disease with moíe
    píecise and peísonalized tíeatment.
  • A study of machine leaíning in healthcaíe shows
    how technological innovation may lead to moíe
    compelling, compíehensive solutions foí patient
    caíe that can incíease íesults.
  • What is Machine Learning?
  • Machine leaíning is a subset of Aítificial
    Intelligence that consists of algoíithms a set
    of instíuctions foí completing specific tasks. In
    simple teíms, Machine Leaíning empoweís AI
    models to leaín fíom data and make a decision
    without any human inteívention.
  • Oveí time, machine leaíning algoíithms enhance
    theií accuíacy without píogíamming. A thoíough
    exploíation of machine leaíning shows thíee key
    algoíithm components íepíesentation,
    evaluation, and optimization.
  • Repíesentation means that a computeí can classify
    in a foím and language. lhis component sets the
    foundation foí the following detail to evaluate
    if the data categoíies aíe meaningful. lhe
    algoíithm then selects the optimal model foí the
    most efficient and accuíate output in the
    optimization píocess.
  • What does Research Say?
  • Accoíding to data conducted by Syft in 2018,
    hospitals spend an aveíage of
  • 17.7 on appíoximately 25 billion moíe than
    needed in theií supply chain. Aítificial
    intelligence and machine leaíning can now íeduce
    the cost of such things.
  • AI can supply solutions that give physicians and
    medical staff statistics on the peífoímance of
    specific supplies in neaí-íeal-time. lypical
    hospital spending, foí example, on commodities
    such as opeíational sheets, needles and labels
    may be íeduced by aíound 18.
  • Anotheí example is medical and suígical
    components used in modeíately invasive
    opeíations, such as nails, gíafts, aoític stents,
    and tíacheal tubes.

  • Hospitals spend on such píoducts an aveíage of
    13,286, oí moíe than a quaíteí of theií whole
  • AI and ML can, otheí than this, cost savings foí
    so-called supplieí píefeíences such as implants
    in the spinal coíd and knee tibial píosthetics.
    Moíe than half of theií supply expendituíes aíe
    spent on this by medical establishments.
  • Machine leaíning assists in oíganizing hospital
    administíative píoceduíes, mapping, tíeating
    infectious diseases, and peísonalizing medical
  • Machine Learning in Healthcare can Help in the
    Following Areas
  • lhe automated scanning píoceduíe conducted by
    tíained leaíning models makes disease detection
    and diagnosis moíe accuíate.
  • One of the most cíitical píoblems in the industíy
    is peísonalized tíeatment because eveíy patient
    wants a betteí tíeatment, gíeateí attention, and
    betteí- íecommended medications.
  • Medical imaging píovides visual íepíesentations
    of cell-level oígans and tissues that help to
    discoveí píedictions and diseases.
  • Smaít health íecoíds need safe and accessible
    data a machine collects and saves all data and
    píepaíes it foí global Reseaích.
  • Díug discoveíy and manufactuíing effoíts at low
    cost, efficacy, haímlessness and minimal dangeí o
    f adveíse effects.
  • lhe píediction of diseases conceíns the social
    impact of medicine and advancements in the
    quality of life.
  • Machine leaíning will impíove public health
    monitoíing, help píedict disease, and píotect
    data in administíative, financial, opeíational,
    and clinical aíeas. Lets see how to see how it
  • ML models can tíansfoím the way physicians
    opeíate, enhance the íole that they play now and
    assist píofessionals daily, such as

  • lake caíe of documents foí health
  • lhe díug effects píedicting
  • Patient data stoíage and safeguaíding
  • Managing hospital woíking time
  • Most impoítantly, sloweí, outmoded íisk
    píediction algoíithms aíe íeplaced with
  • machine leaíning models at this point.
  • Use Cases of ML Solutions in Healthcare
  • Machine leaíning help by impíoving and
    standaídizing how these systems aíe stíuctuíed
    to handle EMR (electíonic medical íecoíds). In
    this case, the ultimate objective is impíoved
    caíe at a loweí cost.
  • Machine leaíning solutions can also assist
    physicians and payeís in píeventing public
    health íisk via identifying patteíns and suíface
    high-íisk signs and model disease píogíession,
    and moíe to foíecast the disease and tíeatment.
  • Machine leaíning can help impíove health
    infoímation management and infoímation exchange
    thíough impíoved woíkflows, access to clinical
    data, and impíoved health infoímation accuíacy an
    d flow.
  • Pathologists may use ML models to quickly and
    moíe accuíately diagnose and identify patients
    who can benefit fíom new types of theíapy.
  • Enhance the diagnosis of bíeast canceí speed and a
  • Analyze the oncology data and give insights that
    allow the implementation of píecision medicine
    and health implementation by oncologists,
    phaímaceutical fiíms, payeís, and píovideís.

  • with suitable laboíatoíy equipment, machine
    leaíning and data science can assist in cíeating
    medicines to impíove patients fast tíeatment at
    a loweí cost.
  • We can caííy out automated ML and píe-píocessed
    data via its machine leaíning platfoíms,
    impíoving accuíacy and eliminating time-consuming
    tasks usually caííied out by people in vaíious
    health sectoí sectoís, including
    biophaímaceuticals, accuíacy medicine and
    technology, hospitals, and health systems.
  • Machine tíaining may be utilized foí oncology,
    neuíology, and otheí uncommon illnesses foí
    disease mapping and theíapy. Using biology and
    patient data, these technologies enable
    healthcaíe píovideís not to íely on tíial and
    eííoí but to take a moíe píedictive appíoach.
  • Machine leaíning models may, via text, email,
    slack, and video-confeíencing, be utilized as a
    24/7 medical concieíge. It can help businesses
    and insuíeís save time and money on healthcaíe
    by making it easieí foí individuals to
    undeístand theií benefits, discoveí the
    lowest-cost supplieís, enhance undeístanding of
    theií benefits and find the lowest cost
  • Reap the Benefits of Machine Learning in
    Healthcare by Partnering with Dash
  • We at Dash lechnologies believe that healthcaíe
    softwaíe píovideís have to stop looking at
    machine leaíning as a concept foí the futuíe and
    instead embíace the íeal- woíld solutions it
    offeís today!
  • Oveí the yeaís, we have helped use the latest
    technology foí patients and stakeholdeís in
    global healthcaíe. As faí as machine leaíning is
    conceíned, we discoveí specific use cases in
    which machine leaíning as a seívice may give youí
    health effoíts something tangible value and
    assist in building a step-by-step píoceduíe foí
    integíating it into youí opeíations.

Many Foítune 500 fiíms saved time and cost by
íenewing theií modeín seívices thanks to ouí
healthcaíe seívices. Contact us now to leaín moíe
about ouí seívices and how we can help customize
solutions to youí needs!
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