Title: Nine Key Benefits That Come With Hiring a Digital Content Marketing Agency
1Nine Key Benefits That Come With Hiring a Digital
Content Marketing Agency
- https//goodmanlantern.com/
2Most businesses today face fierce competition.
With a globalised marketplace, the need to stand
out is greater than ever before. This is
especially true for online businesses. But there
is a surefire way of marketing your brand well.
And it involves sharing engaging copy. Most
business people dont have time to be writing and
sharing content consistently. If that sounds like
you, you may want to consider outsourcing. Using
professional content marketing services is not
only an easy way to generate copy, its also the
key to outranking your competitors. Outsourcing
your writing and editing requirements to an
agency will save you time and increase your
revenues. It is the highest value-for-money
investment your business will make this
year. There are nine key reasons why you should
consider outsourcing to a content marketing
agency in 2022.
31. Boost Your Audience Retention
- When you deliver great blogs and articles, you
get recognised by your audience. An informative
piece has the potential to deliver a positive
experience. The more positivity and value your
readers extract from your articles, the longer
they are likely to stick around. - Longer-length pieces that are helpful are
especially great for audience retention. Search
engines track the length of time that readers
linger on a page. If your content is good,
chances are your audience will stay on your site
for longer. Google picks this up as good audience
retention and rewards you for it by ranking your
page higher.
42. Improve Social Media Presence with a
Professional Content Marketing Agency
- A digital content marketing agency will create
excellent pieces for your brands website. Your
business can snip longer articles into bite sizes
and share them on social media. When you post
these snippets, you can also share the link to
the longer piece. Think of each snippet as a
teaser to entice your audience to click the link.
5Every click this link generates drives traffic
back to your website which is great for SEO. When
Google recognises that traffic is coming in from
an outbound link, it rewards your site by
boosting your search result rankings. As a
bonus, this content builds brand awareness on
social media too. Youll be attracting followers
on your LinkedIn or Facebook pages, and audience
members on your website. Its all as simple as
redistributing the same content across multiple
63. Build Credibility and Trust
- The more your brand speaks about its unique
ability to solve your target markets problems,
the more likely it is to be understood. When you
clearly explain how your product or service
works, you gain trust with your audience.
Outsourcing to professional content marketers
will produce engaging articles that simplify the
niche topics in your industry. The agency will
also expertly place your product or service as
the solution. This writing is much like a review
online. When found, your audience will read it.
They will understand more. And they will see it
as a form of online credibility.
74. Generate Leads
- When a content marketing agency continuously
generates fresh and engaging copy for your
company, it drives credibility. Content can also
establish your product and serve as a way of
voicing your perspective on niche industry
8This generates more leads for your business. The
content you get from an agency will include a
strategically-placed call to action that links
directly to a contact form on your site. This
strategy makes it easy for prospects to get in
touch, which often results in a direct lead.
95. Drive Conversions Using a Reliable Content
Marketing Agency
- Professional content marketers know how to
produce articles that educate, entertain, and
engage your reader. Education is an excellent way
to help consumers connect with your business. The
more value and relevance they see from your
product the better. When helpful content includes
a clear call to action, it can increase
106. Boost Search Engine Optimisation
- High-quality writing on your website is a must,
in Googles opinion. An agency will be
well-versed in writing precisely for SEO while
ensuring copy is of value to its readers. Opt for
an agency that has a track record of producing
superb articles timeously. They will ensure that
each article will feature the perfect
industry-specific keywords. Along with building
trust with your audience, this builds trust with
search engines too. These best practices will
ensure you start ranking for search terms above
your competitors. Its the best way to compete
117. Become an Industry Thought Leader
- With meticulous research and expert writers, an
agency can delve into insightful topics for your
brand. Your articles should explore trends,
predictions, innovations in your industry, and
more. When you release relevant news relating to
your sector, it garners a lot of online attention.
12This attention is typically from people seeking
out solutions or products like yours. Releasing
industry-relevant content establishes your
business as a thought leader. Decision-makers
have been shown to increase business with those
putting out thought leadership content.
138. Generate Brand Awareness and Loyalty
- Weve established that content marketing uniquely
builds brand awareness and gets your brand to
rank well online. This creates a loyalty loop in
which the more content your customers consume
from you, the more likely they are to see new
articles you release. This keeps you top of mind.
When customers get used to great writing from
you, this drives loyalty and keeps them coming
back for more.
149. Get Value for Money with Services of a Content
Marketing Agency
- Using a digital content marketing agency has
proven to be one of the most cost-effective
investments for any business. An agency will free
you up for other important tasks while they take
care of tailor-made writing thats catered to
your target audience. Compared to paid and
traditional forms of marketing, content delivers
more value and packs a punch with its long-term
SEO benefits. - These are some of the many benefits an agency can
harness for your business. Ensure your business
invests in a content strategy by an agency like
Goodman Lantern and reap these nine key
advantages to outrank your competitors.
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- https//goodmanlantern.com/