Title: Movies Web Designing Company London | How to Promote a Online Movie
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2Web Designing, Development and SEO Services for
Movie Promotion
Mythri Mansion, First Floor, 4th Road, KPHB
Colony, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, 500072
3Search Engine Optimization
- Define the movie description
- properly.
- Use Keywords effectively in the
- URL, Titles etc.
- Include effective Keywords
- related to the movie Meta tags.
4Submit URL to Search Engines
- Check for popular Search Engines
- Submit the movie URL to top 20
- Search Engines in your
- Country/Region
- Keep updating the site to stay
- top of the search list
5Movie Pages in Social Networking Sites
- Create Pages relevant to the movie
- and include lots of information about
- the movie, the cast, crew, release
- dates, events, RSVP etc.
- If the movie deals with an issue,
- multiple pages could be created in
- different social networking sites, on
- the issue as well as the movie.
- Drive traffic back to official movie
- site by including links in those movie
- pages of social networking sites.
6Fan Clubs and Sites
- When the movie is much awaited one,
- then the fans will themselves build fan
- sites and clubs. Else, the marketing
- team can build fan clubs and promote
- it online.
- The fan sites and clubs should allow
- any registered member to add / edit
- information about the movie.
- Remember, empowered fans are the
- best marketers for the movie.
- One or two moderators or admins
- could keep a watch, so that the site or
- club is not spammed or junked
7Forum Discussion
- Initiate discussions in online
- forums.
- Ask people to write reviews,
- comments etc. Track the discussions.
- Link back to the movie website.
- Put a countdown to movie release
- date other related events like
- music launch, DVD release etc.
8News Letters
- Create Newsletters with loads of
- information like character
- background, character arc, behind
- the scenes, achievements etc.
- Register with different groups in
- Yahoo, Google etc. and send the
- newsletter to all group members.
- Send newsletters to your friends,
- relatives and ask them to forward
- it to their circle of friends. This
- spreads movie awareness.
9Write Interesting Articles
- Interesting articles could be written
- about happenings on-shoot, behind
- the scenes etc.
- Sometimes, there could be few snaps
- with amazing celebrity gestures.
- These could be used to write about
- the reason for gestures and related
- happenings.
- People are always keen to know about
- these kind of facts. This could lead to
- lot of discussions based on that snap
- or article.
10Photo Sharing and Free Downloads
- Upload movie posters, banners,
- objects used in the movie, characters
- etc., in photo sharing sites like Picasa,
- Flickr, Fotocommunity, Imageshack,
- Photobucket, Istockphoto etc.
- Apart from photo sharing sites, movie
- banners, attractive desktop images,
- wallpapers, screensavers etc. should
- be made available for free download
- through various sites and directories.
11Share Videos / Trailers
- Upload Videos / trailers in various
- video sharing sites like YouTube,
- Metacafe, Google Video, Vimeo etc.
- Videos could be behind the scenes,
- trailers, events etc.
12Presence in Blogosphere
- Create blog pages in leading blog hosts
- like blogger, wordpress, shoutpost,
- etribes, weebly etc.
- Post articles about the cast, crew, story
- background and any other interesting
- stuff related to movie. Photos and
- trailers also could be added.
- Respond to conversations properly
- and keep track of the comments. Be
- open to feedback. Link back to the
- official movie site.
13Tags in Video Sharing Sites
- Include requisite number of relevant
- keywords in the Tags, while uploading
- the video.
- Effective tags and proper description
- about the video will push the video to
- the top of the search list and hence
- drive lot of traffic to the video.
- Videos / trailers are one way of creating
- hype and bringing in exposure to
- the movie.
14POD Casts
- Interview the ?lm writer, director,
- producer or key actor/actress and create
- a good podcast using the interview.
- Industry experts could also talk about
- technology used or the social issue that
- is dealt in the movie, theme music etc.
- These podcasts could also be sponsored
- by the brand partners of the movie.
15Submit to Directories
- Submit the podcasts to famous podcast
- directories like Podcast Directory, iTunes,
- Odeo, podcast alley, podomatic,
- podoscope etc.
- This could increase the exposure and
- will get more publicity.
- Podcasts could also be included in official
- site, blogs, forums etc.
16Online Discussions
- A movie would include lot of research
- work. Articles could be written on
- those research and facts and ?gures
- could be provided.
- These articles which contains facts
- ?gures would spark lot of discussions
- in forums, blogs, social networking
- sites etc.
- This will create curiosity and will serve
- as good word of mouth publicity for the
- movie.
17Share Presentations
- Presentations about the story, directors,
- producers, signi?cance of the movie,
- sensational photographs of the actors /
- actress which were taken for the movie
- etc. could be created and shared online.
- This will spread much faster than the
- documents and will bring in lot of
- exposure to the movie. As earlier,
- the presentations should be available
- for free download.
- The movie related information along
- with background information etc.
- could be made into one single
- document or series of documents.
- These documents could be posted in
- online document share sites like Scribd,
- pdfcast.org, pdf-search-engine, eBook
- networking, digital documents etc. It
- should also be available for download.
- An overview of complete marketing
- activities, ?lm shoot, location selection,
- lyrics of songs etc, could be possible
- topics to be written on.
- Create eBooks about the movie, past
- success and failures of the director,
- background of the actor / actress,
- reasons for the actor / actress to be
- chosen for the movie etc. could be
- included in the ebook.
- If the movie is based on a book, then
- the book could be digitized and could
- be made available online, after all legal
- and copyright issues are taken care of.
- Provide downloadable link across
- online communities, forums, blogs etc.
20Respond to Comments
- Keep track of all online posts and
- discussions. Watch it regularly, update it
- regularly with entertaining and interesting
- stuff about the movie.
- Respond to queries of people, re- comment
- on the comments and make sure the
- discussions continue in a healthy manner.
- Make sure that negative comments /
- feedbacks are dealt with appropriately. Be
- polite and to the point.
21RSS Feeds
- Create RSS Feeds and make it available
- through movie websites and other popular
- movie sites.
- Update the RSS feeds regularly with
- relevant information about the movie.
- Theaters releasing that movie, premier
- shows, events, celebrity visits etc. could
- also be given as RSS feeds.
22Log In Movie Database
- Submit the movie and all relevant
- information to different movie databases
- like IMDB, bollywood archive.
- Creating log in the movie database along
- with release dates and other pertinent
- information will also create good exposure
- as people will start discussing about the
- movie well before the actual marketing
- starts. This creates a good awareness,
- which aids the marketing campaign later
- on.
23Social Bookmarking
- Make sure the movie official site, blogs,
- forums etc. are all bookmarked socially
- in sites like del.icio.us, stumble upon,
- digg etc.
- If the movie is a much awaited one,
- then people bookmark it like crazy in
- these sites. For all other cases, its better
- to ask the internal marketing team to
- do this job up until the word starts
- spreading.
24Tweet Regularly
- Twitter is one effective way of reaching
- out to audience.
- Start a twitter account and regularly
- tweet about the movie like shoot
- schedules, release dates, interesting
- incidents etc.
- Create a short link (bit.ly) for the movie
- site and provide it in twitter.
- If used properly, tweets could become
- an effective word of mouth publicity for
- the movie.
25Online Contest
- Create online contests asking simple and
- relevant questions about the movie,
- characters, incidents etc. These could be
- based on the articles written in the blogs,
- forums etc.
- Winners could be given tickets,
- merchandizing items etc. as rewards.
- The most important thing is that, people
- should be able to ?nd the answers for
- these questions. So, it should be short
- and simple.
26Paid Advertisements
- Apart from all the above mentioned
- stuff, paid advertisements will prove to
- be effective when the movie release
- date is closer.
- Ads at prominent locations in popular
- websites will fetch a lot of exposure to
- the movie.
- Linking back to the official site, will
- increase the traffic to the official site and
- hence more the exposure.
27Online Polls
- Create polls about the movie, about the actor
and other key cast / - crew members and their past achievements.
- These polls will give interesting data to write
about. Create articles about - these facts and percentages and spread it
around to get good publicity. - If possible, opinion polls, audience liking
factor and their choice of actors / - actress could also be surveyed.
28For more Details visit our Website www.yourneeds.