Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform Nine TIGER Collaboratives - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform Nine TIGER Collaboratives


Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform Nine TIGER Collaboratives Donna DuLong, BSN, RN Program Director, The TIGER Initiative Denver, Colorado – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform Nine TIGER Collaboratives

Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform
Nine TIGER Collaboratives
  • Donna DuLong, BSN, RN
  • Program Director, The TIGER Initiative
  • Denver, Colorado
  • Marion Ball, EdD
  • Professor, Johns Hopkins University School of
  • Columbia, MD

Monday, February 25, 2008 Session 53
Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform
  • The focus of the TIGER Initiative is to better
    prepare our nursing workforce (all practicing
    nurses and nursing students) to use technology
    and informatics to improve the delivery of
    patient care.
  • We believe that necessary skills for nurses
    portfolio in 2007 includes basic computer
    competencies, information literacy and
    informatics skills.
  • The TIGER Initiative is a program not an
  • TIGER has been a grass-roots effort to engage
    with all stakeholders that are committed to a
    common vision of ideal EHR-enabled nursing
    practice. Today, more than 120 diverse
    organizations have joined this effort.

TIGER Vision
  • Allow informatics tools, principles, theories and
    practices to be used by nurses to make healthcare
    safer, effective, efficient, patient-centered,
    timely and equitable
  • Interweave enabling technologies transparently
    into nursing practice and education, making
    information technology the stethoscope for the
    21st century

  • Converging forces that are serving as a catalyst
    for transforming nursing practice
  • Rising cost and disparity of U.S. Healthcare
    system demands transformation
  • IOM studies and reports
  • Emerging technologies
  • Growing consumerism
  • Impending nursing shortage
  • Disaster recovery preparedness

U.S. Health Care Workforce - Nursing
  • Nearly 3 million practicing nurses in the U.S.
  • More than 55 of all health care workers
  • Nurses are knowledge workers
  • Average age of nurse is 47
  • Estimated severe shortage of nurses by 2014
  • Nursings workforce must be capable of
    innovating, implementing, and using health
    communications and information technologies

There is no aspect of our profession that will
be untouched by the informatics revolution in
progress. Angela McBride Distinguished
Professor and University Dean Emeriti Indiana
University School of Nursing
IOM Vision
  • While clinicians are trained to use an array of
    cutting-edge technologies related to care
    delivery, they often are not provided a basic
    foundation in informatics (Gorman et al.,2000
    Hovenga, 2000).
  • All health professionals should be educated to
    deliver patient-centered care as members of an
    interdisciplinary team, emphasizing
    evidence-based practice, quality improvement
    approaches and informatics.

IOM - Health Professions Education A Bridge
to Quality, 2003.
Building the Work Force for HIT
  • A work force capable of innovating, implementing
    and using health communications and information
    technologies will be critical to healthcares
  • For health Information Transformation
  • AHIMA and AMIA
  • http//

Page 7
National Efforts In Alignment with the TIGER
  • Groundbreaking Reports
  • To Err is Human (2000)
  • Crossing the Quality Chasm (2001)
  • Health Literacy A Prescription to Ending
    Confusion (2004)
  • Building a Better Delivery System A New
    Engineering/HealthCare Partnership (2005)
  • Building the Workforce for Health Information
    Transformation (2006)
  • Mandates/Executive Orders (President Bush,
  • Electronic Health Records for all Americans in 10
  • Appointment of a National Coordinator for
    Healthcare Informatics Technology (ONC/HHS)

Page 8
The Decade of Health Information Technology
  • The Decade of Health Information Technology
    Delivering consumer-centric and information-rich
    health care
  • http//
  • Four Cornerstones
  • Inform clinical practice
  • Interconnect clinicians
  • Personalize care
  • Improve population health

ONC Efforts In Alignment with the TIGER
  • http//
  • Developing a Strategic Framework
  • Inform Clinical Practice
  • Interconnect Clinicians
  • Personalize Care
  • Improve Public Health
  • Defining Elements of Success for HIT
  • Policy
  • Governance
  • Technology
  • Adoption

Page 10
TIGER Summit Phase I
  • October 31 -November 1, 2006
  • Held at the Uniformed Services University for
    Health Sciences (USUHS) in Bethesda, MD
  • 100 participants representing all stakeholders
  • Created a collective vision for nursing practice
    and education within 10 years if nurses were
    fully enabled with IT resources
  • Developed a 3-year action plan required to
    achieve this vision
  • Summary Report published at

10 Year Vision and 3 Year Action Plan Accomplished
3-Year Action Plan
  • Based on a common vision of ideal EHR-enabled
    nursing practice
  • Focused on identifying the gaps in nursing
    preparedness to practice in an EHR-enabled
  • Agree to take actions within the next 3 years
    that can close these gaps
  • Main focus of deliverables is on the creation of
    educational tools and resources that can be
    shared with entire healthcare community

Report Format
  • Executive Summary
  • Action Plan with Specific Goals
  • Background Overview of the topic including key
    projects, publications, and subject experts
  • Recommendations for significant gaps
  • Case Studies/Exemplars
  • Recommendations
  • Resource lists/tools
  • Participants/Affiliates/Sponsors
  • Distribution

Page 14
Organizational Commitment
  • 70 organizations were represented at the Summit
  • Each committed to creating action plans aligned
    with the TIGER vision within their
  • TIGER following organizational progress on these
    action plans over the next 3-years
  • Examples of organizational actions taken to date
  • Distribution of TIGER Summary report to all
    professional members (AONE)
  • Presentations of TIGER at National and
    International Conferences (AMIA, ANIA/CARING,
    HIMSS, STTI, HIMSS-AsiaPac, SINI, I-MIA/MedInfo,
  • Regional presentations of TIGER (BANIC,
    State-HIMSS e.g., Colorado, Michigan, Wisconsin,
    N. California)
  • Professional organization presentations of TIGER
  • State-wide initiatives supporting TIGER vision
    (Minnesota, Massachusetts, Tennessee)

Page 15
Matrix Approach Phase II
  • Enabled by the Alliance for Nursing Informatics
    (ANI) a collaboration between AMIA and HIMSS
  • Continue to support progress of each
    participating organizations 3-year action plan
  • Formalize cross-organizational activities/action
    steps into collaborative TIGER Teams (9
  • Define measurable outcomes of each collaborative
  • Provide the infrastructure and support to
    facilitate the development and dissemination of
    the activities of the collaborative
  • Develop educational materials that can be
    distributed to all practicing nurses and nursing

9 Collaborative Teams
Created from combining all 3-year action steps
into common themes/topics
  1. Standards and Interoperability
  2. Healthcare IT National Agenda/HIT Policy
  3. Informatics Competencies
  4. Education and Faculty Development
  5. Staff Development/Continuing Education
  6. Usability/Clinical Application Design
  7. Virtual Demonstration Center
  8. Leadership Development
  9. Consumer Empowerment/Personal Health Record

Measurable Outcomes of Each Collaborative
  • Definition, Scope of Project
  • An inventory and analysis of existing resources
  • Publications
  • Research
  • Subject matter experts
  • Ongoing Projects
  • Identification and access to subject matter
    experts and constituent targets
  • Educational web-based audio conferences (target
  • Conference presentations
  • A comprehensive white paper-type document
    (modeled after TIGER Summary Report)
  • Define topic-specific evaluation criteria
  • Submit articles for publication and dissemination
    amongst broader TIGER audience
  • Chapter in the 4th Edition of the Nursing
    Informatics Series Where Caring and Technology

Standards and InteroperabilityJoyce Sensmeier,
Elizabeth C. Halley, RN MBA, The MITRE
  • Identify the most relevant HIT standard setting
    efforts that are important to the TIGER mission
    and ensure that there is adequate
    representation/input of the TIGER
    mission/perspective on said efforts.
  • Communicate the existence and importance of HIT
    standards and initiatives to the broad nursing
  • Create tutorials on standardizing data elements,
    implementing electronic health records, using
    nursing terminology, and using evidence-based
    practice tools.

TIGER Standards Interoperabilityhttp//tigersta
  • WG1 - Catalogue the most relevant Health IT
    standard setting efforts and related resources
  • Currently developing a comprehensive framework
    that consists of data standards, terminologies,
    standards, standards organizations, transaction
    standards, and infrastructure standards
  • Expand the framework to contain references,
    links, and relevant resources and contacts
  • WG2 - Create tutorials related to standardized
    data elements, EHR implementation, nursing
    terminology, and the use of decision support and
    evidence-based practice tools
  • WG3 Create awareness campaigns to disseminate
    2 and 3 to broader nursing community
  • WG4 Collect examples and case studies of
    interoperable systems to demonstrate the value of
    standards in various practice and education

TIGER Standards InteroperabilityAccomplishments
to Date
  • Educational webinars
  • Leveraging Health Information Exchange to Improve
    Quality and Efficiency a review of the
    importance of HCIT standards in providing a
    foundation for interoperability, the current
    landscape for health information exchange, and
    the potential impact of HITSP specifications on
    consumers and healthcare systems
  • Introduction to the Standards Lifecycle and HITSP
    Harmonization Process a detailed explanation of
    the lifecycle of standards development within the
    national HCIT agenda and how nurses can get
    involved in the interoperability effort
  • Facilitated Review of Specifications and Use
  • Medication Management HITSP Interoperability
  • Consultations and Transfers of Care Use Case

2. Health IT National Agenda/HIT PolicyCDR
Alicia Bradford MS, RN-BC, Department of Health
and Human Services, Office of the National
Coordinator for Health ITDr. Carolyn Padovano
PhD, RN, Director, SNOMED-CT
  • Identify the most relevant HIT agendas and
    policies that are important to the TIGER mission
    and ensure that there is adequate
    representation/input of the TIGER
    mission/perspective on said policy issues.
  • Communicate the existence and importance of the
    National HIT agenda and policies to the broad
    nursing community.
  • Create communication strategies that enable
    nursing participation in strategic HIT
    policy-setting efforts and disseminate policies
    back to the nursing community.

TIGER National Health IT Agendahttp//tigerhitage
  • Engage Nursing participation to facilitate input
    and help disseminate information regarding
    national HIT initiatives in the following four
  • WG1 - Standards and interoperability efforts
  • WG2 - Clinical and policy initiatives generated
    by the AHIC/ONC workgroups, including use cases,
    clinical scenarios
  • WG3 - Participate in the certification process
    for the electronic health record (such as
    reviewing/commenting on CCHIT work products)
  • WG4 - Develop a communication and outreach
    strategy for which those materials can be widely
    disseminated to the TIGER and Nursing Community.

TIGER National HIT AgendaAccomplishments to Date
  • Educational webinars
  • National Health Information Technology Agenda a
    review of the Office of the National Coordinator
    (ONC), strategic framework, timeline of
    activities, and opportunities for nursing
    involvement in these activities.
  • Invited presentation to the AHIC/Sec. Leavitt re
    National Health Workforce Preparedness
  • Dr. Carole Gassert, RN, PhD
  • Facilitated Discussion of HITSP Medication
    Management Interoperability Specification and
    AHIC Use Case on Consultations Transfers of
  • Participate in AHIC meeting on Tuesday, February
    26, 2008 from 1015 a.m. 400 p.m. at HIMSS
    (Rosen Center Rooms 9 10) - meet at 945 a.m.
    outside the Rosen Center Room 9

3. Informatics Competencies Connie White
Delaney, PhD, RN, FAAN, FACMI, Professor and
Dean, School of Nursing University of
Minnesota Brian Gugerty DNS, RN, Clinical
Informatician, Principal Consultant
  • Harmonize and set informatics competencies for
    all levels of nursing education nursing
    assistants, associate degree, diploma,
    undergraduate and graduate.
  • Harmonize and set informatics competencies for
    nursing practice.
  • Advocate for and support adding informatics
    competencies into nursing specialty
  • Include informatics competencies in the scope and
    standard statements (and like documents) of
    nursing specialties.

TIGER Informatics Competencieshttp//tigercompete
  • WG1 Define the scope of this collaborative and
    adopt a framework for competencies within nursing
    and healthcare
  • Collect select non-informatics competency
    exemplars used within nursing (both practice and
    education) healthcare, and other industries
  • WG2 Develop a comprehensive inventory of
    competencies and resources gathered from the
    literature and ongoing programs
  • WG3 Develop a comprehensive inventory of
    competencies and resources gathered from practice
    and educational settings

TIGER Informatics CompetenciesAccomplishments to
  • Integration Team (HSG) Harmonize the
    competencies collected from WGs 1-3 and
    synthesize into framework with proposed
    recommendations for the other TIGER teams to
    implement (Education, Staff Development, and
  • Draft Recommendations 4 Categories of
  • Computer Competencies
  • Information Literacy Competencies
  • Information Management/Informatics Competencies
  • Attitudes Awareness

Informatics Competencies Categories
Basic Computer Competencies
  • Recommend adopting the International Computer
    Driving License (ICDL) (Also called the
    European Computer Driving License)
  • Used by 7 million users across industries not
    specific to health care
  • Well developed and validated syllabus, tests, and
    training centers
  • Also recommended by American Medical Informatics
    Association (AMIA) and.
  • Learning modules mirror basic computer
    competencies gathered by the TIGER team
  • Module 1 Concepts of Information Technology
  • Module 2 Using the Computer and Managing Files
  • Module 3 Word Processing
  • Module 4 Spreadsheets
  • Module 5 Database
  • Module 6 Presentation
  • Module 7 Information and Communication

Information Literacy Competencies
Source  http//
e/curri_enhanct.ppt270,32,Slide 32
Information Management/Informatics Recommend
adopting the ANSI HL7 Electronic Health Record
System Functional Model
Sample Topics from HL7s EHR-S Functional Model
  • DC.1 (Care Management)
  • DC.1.1 (Record Management)
  • DC.1.2 (Manage Patient History)
  • DC.1.3 (Preferences, Directives, Consents and
  • DC.1.4 (Summary Lists) i.e. Manage Allergy,
    Intolerance and Adverse Reaction List
  • DC.1.5 (Manage Assessments)
  • DC.1.6 (Care Plans, Treatment Plans, Guidelines,
    and Protocols)
  • DC.1.7 (Orders and Referrals Management)
  • DC.1.8 (Documentation of Care, Measurements and
  • DC.1.9 (Generate and Record Patient-Specific
  • DC.2 (Clinical Decision Support)
  • DC.2.1 (Manage Health Information to Provide
    Decision Support)
  • DC.2.2 (Care and Treatment Plans, Guidelines and
  • DC.2.3 (Medication and Immunization Management)
  • DC.2.4 (Orders, Referrals, Results and Care
  • DC.2.5 (Support for Health Maintenance
    Preventive Care and Wellness)
  • DC.2.6 (Support for Population Health)
  • DC.2.7 (Support for Knowledge Access)
  • DC.3 (Operations Management and Communication)

Attitudes and Awareness Competencies
  • A precursor to effective adoption of all
  • Competency encompasses more than just a
    psychomotor skill. The team competency in these
    contexts now describes the attributes of
    knowledge, abilities, skills and attitudes that
    underlie competent performance. (Gonczi et al.,
    1990 62).
  • Currently evaluating the European Computer
    Driving License-Health model for correlation to
    awareness competencies
  • Overlapping concepts with the other three
    categories (basic computer competencies,
    information literacy, and information
  • Alspatch, 1984 "a simultaneous integration of
    knowledge, skill and attitudes that are required
    for performance in a designated role or setting."

Attitudes and AwarenessExample competencies
  • Understands concepts and processes regarding
    computer systems and impact on practice (1015,
    859, 857, 852, 853, 954, 657, 671, 392, 969, 970,
    123, 779, 9, 781, 649, 652, 792)
  • data integrity
  • ethics
  • legalities
  • economics
  • professional practice standards/trends/issues
  • improved quality/safety
  • societal/technological trends/issues
  • Scholarly process (632, 840, 668)
  • publication
  • evidence-based practice
  • Benefits/limitations of communication
    technologies and impact on health care (791, 870,
  • bulletin/discussion boards
  • chat rooms
  • wikis
  • blogs
  • newsgroups
  • email
  • Understands the advantages of electronic tools
    for consumer health (849, 858, 862, 798)

4. Education and Faculty Development Diane J.
Skiba. PhD, FAAN, FACMI, Professor, UCDHSC
Chair, Task Force Faculty Development
related to informatics, National League for
Nursing Mary Anne Rizzolo, EdD, RN, FAAN,
Senior Director, Professional Development,
National League for Nursing
  • Use the informatics competencies, theories,
    research and practice examples throughout nursing
  • Create programs and resources to develop faculty
    with informatics knowledge, skill and ability and
    measure the baseline and changes in informatics
    knowledge among nurse educators and nursing
  • Develop a task force to examine the integration
    of informatics throughout the curriculum.

4. Education and Faculty Development (cont.)
  • Improve and expand existing Nursing/Clinical/Healt
    h Informatics education programs.
  • Encourage existing Health Services Resources
    Administration Division of Nursing to continue
    and expand their support for informatics
    specialty programs and faculty development.
  • Encourage foundations to start programs that
    provide funding for curriculum development,
    research, and practice in nursing informatics and
    IT adoption.
  • Develop strategies to recruit, retain, and train
    current and future nurses in the areas of
    informatics education, practice, and research.
  • Collaborate with industry and service partners to
    support faculty creativity in the adoption of
    informatics technology and offer informatics
    tools within the curriculum.

TIGER Education and Faculty Development Work
5. Staff Development/Continuing Education
Elizabeth O. Johnson, MSN, BSN, RN, FHIMSS, Vice
President of Clinical Informatics,
Tenet Health SystemJoan M. Kiel, Ph.D.,
C.H.P.S., Chairman, University HIPAA
Compliance Associate Professor, Duquesne
University, Pittsburgh, PA
  • Create educational resources and affordable
    programs within the practice setting that foster
    IT innovation and adoption.
  • Create competency-based, cost-effective staff
    development and continuing education programs and
    training strategies specifically for informatics
    knowledge, skill and ability.
  • Improve and expand existing Nursing/Clinical/Healt
    h Informatics education programs by collaborating
    with industry, service and academic partners to
    support and enhance the use of technology and
    informatics in practice.

TIGER Staff Development/Continuing Education
  • WG1 - Collect case studies, practice examples,
    models of staff development programs from
    nursing, healthcare, other industries and develop
    a framework to categorize the models (e.g.,
    web-based, face-to-face, etc.)
  • WG2 - Review, inform and integrate work from the
    TIGER Competencies Collaborative into Staff
    Development Collaborative
  • WG3 Complete comprehensive literature review
    of staff development and field-based training
  • WG4 - Develop recommendations for
    Industry/Academic Partnerships e.g., with
    technology partners, academic institutions,
    professional organizations, and others
  • WG5 Collaborate with the TIGER Leadership
    Development team to evaluate the impact of
    leadership development on staff development

TIGER Staff Development/Continuing Education
Accomplishments to Date
  • Completed a survey to gather general information
    on the state of staff development/continuing
    education e.g., who delivers the education,
    how computer literate are nursing staff as well
    as to help identify organizations that have
    innovative models of staff development and
    continuing education for case studies.
  • Currently collecting case studies from various
    practice environments
  • Comprehensive literature search evaluation in
  • Currently evaluating recommendations from the
    informatics competencies for implementation into
    staff development/continuing education programs

6. Usability/Clinical Application DesignNancy
Staggers, PhD, RN, FAAN, Associate Professor,
Informatics and Interim Director, Informatics
Program, College of Nursing, University of Utah
Michelle R. Troseth, RN, MSN, Executive Vice
President and Chief Professional Practice
Officer, Clinical Practice Model Resource Center
  • Design requirements and/or goals
  • Support evidence-based practice
  • Enables collaborative and interdisciplinary care
  • Provide seamless access to published literature,
  • Support the creation of new knowledge (knowledge
    discovery requirements)
  • Speed the translation of research into practice
  • Usability requirements and/or goals
  • Informed by and/or positively transforms nursing
  • Systems designed using principles of human
  • Work with system developers to maximize clinical
    system effectiveness and efficiency for nurses

TIGER Usability Clinical Application
  • WG1 Develop a comprehensive literature review
    on topics related to usability and clinical
    application design. Obtain resources from
    nursing and other disciplines (e.g., Human
    Factors, Engineering, etc.)
  • WG2 - Collect case studies and examples that
    illustrate usability/clinical application design
    from your experience/environment
  • Exemplars (good, replicable examples)
  • Lessons to be learned (bad examples that can help
    to inform others what to avoid)
  • WG3 - Summarize recommendations for
  • Highly usable applications
  • Good clinical application design
  • WG4 - Develop recommendations for vendors for
    usability and good clinical application design
  • WG5 - Develop a usability/clinical application
    toolkit for healthcare providers and

Page 42
TIGER Usability Clinical Application
DesignAccomplishments to Date
  • Completed extensive literature searchin process
    of synthesizing the results
  • Currently collecting case studies and examples
    that illustrate usability/clinical application
    design from various practice experience/environmen
  • Will start to synthesize and summarize
    recommendations in March for
  • Highly usable applications
  • Good clinical application design

Page 43
Virtual Demonstration CenterTeresa McCasky, RN,
MBA, Chief Nursing Strategist, McKessonMarion J.
Ball, Ed.D., FHIMSS, CHIME, IBM Research, Fellow,
Center for Healthcare Management, Professor
Emerita, Johns Hopkins University School of
NursingJeanine Martin, Microsoft Corporation, US
Provider Healthcare Industry
  • Provide visibility to the 10 year vision of
    IT-enabled nursing practice and education to
    broader healthcare audience by demonstrating how
    integrated IT systems impact nurses and the
    quality and safety of patient care.
  • Demonstrate the breadth and depth of IT resources
    in use by nurses to enhance their practice and
    educational environments.
  • Demonstrate collaboration between industry,
    healthcare organizations academic institutions,
    and professional organizations to create
    educational modules for nurses that are based
    upon informatics competencies.
  • Provide universal accessibility to this
    demonstration for all nursing stakeholders.
  • Use practice examples from different practice
    environments that can demonstrate best practices,
    results of research, case studies and lessons
    learned by partnering with nursing professional

TIGER Virtual Demonstration Centerhttp//tigervir
  • Work Group 1 Johns Hopkins/IBM physical
    simulation lab
  • Work Group 2 Future state scenarios based on
    the context of global trends (e.g., staff
    shortages, globalization, increases in chronic
    diseases, consumer empowerment, etc.). These will
    focus more on the abstractor art of the
  • Work Group 3 Technology currently available
    today A scenario-approach allows us to utilize
    current technologies (that are available today)
    and expand their use into the future. 

TIGER Virtual Demonstration CenterActivities to
  • Site visits to IBMs Hawthorne Demonstration
  • Site visits to Johns Hopkins Center of Excellence
    Simulation Lab
  • Selected demonstration platform working with
    HIMSS Virtual Conference team visit
  • Demonstration Platform
  • Distribution of reports, recommendations, white
  • Educational Center
  • Social Networking/lounge
  • Starting to develop clinical scenarios/vignettes

8. Leadership Development Dana Alexander, RN,
MSN, MBA, Chief Nurse Officer, GE Healthcare
Integrated IT Solutions Judy Murphy, RN,
FACMI, FHIMSS, Vice President, Information
Services, Aurora Health Care, Milwaukee, WI
  • A relatively small investment of TIGER
    effort with nursing leaders will be multiplied
    many times due to the leaders power and
    influence in their organizations and the
  • Develop programs for nurse executives that stress
    the value of information technology and empower
    them to use IT knowledgeably, giving the leaders
    of the profession a strong and identifiable
  • Facilitate nursing leadership to understand,
    promote, own, and measure the success of IT

TIGER Leadership Developmenthttp//tigerleadershi
  • WG1 - Complete a comprehensive review of the
    literature, ongoing research, publications,
    subject experts, programs and other materials
    related to nursing leadership,  leadership
    qualities, transformation and technology,
    leadership development programs, etc.
  • WG2 Incorporate informatics competencies into
    leadership development programs
  • WG3 - Determine strategy for working with the
    magnet program
  • WG4 - Complete an assessment of nursing
    leadership development needs
  • WG5 Synthesize the results from WG1-4 and
    develop the recommendations and summary report

TIGER Leadership DevelopmentActivities to Date
  • Cataloguing leadership development programs by
    type, e.g., academic, organizational fellowships,
    industry network programs, vendor-sponsored,
    self-education, etc.
  • Developed a survey to assess nursing leadership
    development needs by role and competency category
  • Integrating the work of the competencies into
    leadership programs
  • Developing a strategy for working with magnet
    programs and ANCC

9. Patient-Focus/Personal Health Record
Charlotte Weaver, RN, PhD, Vice President and
Executive Director for Nursing Research,
Cerner Corporation Rita D. Zielstorff, RN
MS, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
  • Consumers are becoming more empowered
    healthcare participants. Informatics can mediate
    consumers drive for improved health and
    healthcare as well as broker the relationship
    between nurse and client.
  • Establish efforts to develop health information
    literacy with the public and healthcare
  • Work with Personal Health Record (PHR) advocates
    and developers to optimize PHRs as they relate to

TIGER Consumer Empowerment/PHRhttp//tigerphr.pbw
  • Work Group 1 - Develop recommendations for
    standards that impact consumer empowerment and
    personal health records
  • Work Group 2 - Develop recommendations for
    usability and application design principles for
    consumer-oriented tools such as the personal
    health record
  • Work Group 3 - Prepare an overview of the "state
    of the science" for consumer empowerment and
    personal health records (see outline on work
    group page)
  • Work Group 4 - Identify current usage of personal
    health records and how nurses are using these
    tools to impact patient care
  • Work Group 5 - Identify case studies and
    exemplars for practice related to personal health
    records and consumer empowerment strategies
  • Work Group 6 - Develop an awareness campaign for
    nursing related to consumer empowerment and
    personal health records

TIGER Consumer Empowerment/PHRActivities to Date
  • Educational Webinar Everything nurses need to
    know about Personal Health Records March 25,
    2008 details/registration link on wiki
  • Content outline for recommendations on wiki
    requesting all participants to upload content
  • Short-term work groups focused on
  • Standards relevant to consumer use/PHR
  • Usability considerations for consumer-focused

  1. Target audience for all deliverables is all
    practicing nurses and nursing students
  2. Multi-stakeholder collaboration
  3. Currently developing core recommendations/actions
    for each of the 9 critical topics
  4. Urgent/time-sensitive deadline to complete by
    end of 2008
  5. Inclusive and transparent encouraging
    participation from all nursing organizations
  6. Impactful
  7. Focused on dissemination to broader nursing

Page 53
TIGER Deliverables (Fall 2008)
  • 12-15 Webinars (free to all nurses and nursing
    students will provide CEU credit)
  • Summary Report for each Collaborative Team will
    include overview of issue, why important to
    nursing, case studies and examples, and
    recommendations for the industry
  • Virtual (on-line) Demonstration Center
  • Virtual Conference (demos, summary reports,
    interaction with industry experts, educational
    sessions, social networking)
  • Nursing Informatics 4th Edition Where Caring
    and Technology Meet (available in print late 2009)

  • Thank You!
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