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Focus * Tabernacle #2 Polson – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Focus

The Tabernacle is the most complete and marvelous
picture/type of Christ in all the Old Testament.
  • Review Write Q number and the missing word.
  • Beit shaar House of H_____ (black goats)
  • Children of Israel lived 40 years in the T_____
  • 3. God said Make me a S_________ that I may
    d_______ among them.
  • 4. Tabernacle was a M_______ Tent with P________
  • 5. The tribe of ________ was responsible for the
    setting up of the Tabernacle.
  • 6. Gods presence was visible in the P_____ of
    c_____ by day and P______ of f____ by night.
  • 7. About ___ chapters are devoted to describe the
    details of T.

  • 8. The five different names given for Tabernacle
    in Exodus
  • a)The S_________ b) The T____________ c) The
  • d) The Tabernacle of C___________
  • e) The Tabernacle of T___________
  • 9. The Plan was given to Moses by R___________ on
    the Mount.
  • 10.The fourfold purpose
  • Divine G_____ b) Divine G___________
  • C) Divine G_________ d) Divine G_____.
  • 11. The Tabernacle was erected in the M_____ of
    the camp.
  • 12.The Tabernacle was a shadow of H_________

Review Answers
  • Beit shaar House of Hair (black goats)
  • Children of Israel lived 40 years in the Tents.
  • 3. God said Make me a Sanctuary that I may
    dwell among them.
  • 4. Tabernacle was a Mobile Tent with Portable
  • 5. The tribe of Levi was responsible for the
    setting up of the Tabernacle.
  • 6. Gods presence was visible in the Pillar of
    cloud by day and Pillar of fire by night.
  • 7. About 50 chapters are devoted to describe the
    details of Tabernacle.

Review Answers
  • 8. The five different names given in Exodus are
  • a)The Sanctuary b) The Tabernacle c) The Tent
  • d) The Tabernacle of Congregation
  • e) The Tabernacle of Testimony
  • 9. The Plan was given to Moses by Revelation on
    the Mount.
  • 10.The fourfold purpose
  • Divine Glory b) Divine Government
  • C) Divine Guidance d) Divine Grace.
  • 11. The Tabernacle was erected in the Midst of
    the camp.
  • 12.The Tabernacle was a shadow of Heavenly

Tabernacle - Study 2Exodus 27
  • 1. And thou shalt make an altar of shittim wood,
    five cubits long, and five cubits broad the
    altar shall be foursquare and the height thereof
    shall be three cubits.
  • 2 And thou shalt make the horns of it upon the
    four corners thereof his horns shall be of the
    same and thou shalt overlay it with brass.
  • 3 And thou shalt make his pans to receive his
    ashes, and his shovels, and his basons, and his
    fleshhooks, and his firepans all the vessels
    thereof thou shalt make of brass.
  • 4 And thou shalt make for it a grate of network
    of brass and upon the net shalt thou make four
    brasen rings in the four corners thereof.
  • 5 And thou shalt put it under the compass of the
    altar beneath, that the net may be even to the
    midst of the altar.
  • 6 And thou shalt make staves for the altar,
    staves of shittim wood, and overlay them with
  • 7 And the staves shall be put into the rings, and
    the staves shall be upon the two sides of the
    altar, to bear it.
  • 8 Hollow with boards shalt thou make it as it
    was shewed thee in the mount, so shall they make

The 7 pieces of furniture in the Tabernacle.

  • Biggest of all the 7 pieces of furniture.
  • Altar High place - elevated, but not with
  • Lev 922 And Aaron lifted up his hand toward the
    people, and blessed them, and came down from
    offering of the sin offering, and the burnt
    offering, and peace offering. (Also see Ex
  • John 314 - fulfillment of the cross.
  • Size indicated its importance.
  • Place before the door, just inside the court.
  • First object that worshipper sees.
  • Brazen altar (Ex 38.30) or Altar of burnt
    offering (3028)

(No Transcript)
  • Brazen Altar - basis of Levitical priesthood.
  • Sinner comes with his substitute.
  • Fire continually burns on the Altar.
  • Daily sacrifice morning and evening.
  • Altar was ever smoking, ever blood stained.
  • Ever open to a Hebrew guilty sinner.
  • Smell of burning flesh, heat from the fire.
  • Priests preparing sacrifices, blood of victims
  • Unforgettable scene.

Brazen Altar
  • Sinner brings his offering.
  • Lays hands on the animals head.
  • Transfers his sin to the innocent animal.
  • Shedding of blood.
  • Progresses into the presence of God.
  • Worshipper gives the best of possessions.

  • Outline The Brazen Altar
  • 1. Its Position
  • 2. Its Dimensions
  • 3. Its Materials
  • 4. Its Utensils
  • 5. Its Grate
  • 6. Its Fire
  • 7. Its Coverings.

  • 1. The Position of the Altar.
  • Immediately inside the gate of the Tabernacle.
  • Approach to God without the cross impossible.
  • NT does not teach universal salvation.
  • No lamb for the Egyptians provided.
  • Day of atonement for the Nation of Israel.
  • Altar provided for chosen people.
  • Shedding of blood reminded
  • Deliverance from Egypt and Approachability to
  • First pass the Altar and then enter the Tabernacle

2. The dimensions of the Altar
  • Altar dominated the court Largest furniture.
  • 5 cubits long 5 cubits broad 3 cubits high.
  • Five the number of responsibility.
  • One who met every responsibility lived perfect
  • life, fulfilled all the prophecies, finished His
  • Altar is foursquare NEWS
  • equally available to all.
  • 1 John22 propitiation for the sins of the world.

3. The Materials of the Tabernacle
  • "And thou shalt make an altar of shittim wood . .
    and thou shalt overlay it with brass" (vv. 1, 2).

  • Brass mixture of copper and zinc
  • Bronze mixture of copper and tin.
  • Scofld, NKJV, NASB, NIV Bronze.
  • Gold Deity and glory
  • Silver Redemption
  • Brass Judgment
  • Shittim/Acacia Incorruptible, survives adverse
    conditions resistant to pests.
  • Man on the cross
  • holy, harmless, undefiled
  • Victorious
  • no stain on his perfect person

  • Numb 219 Brazen serpent
  • Deut 2823 Heaven above shall be brass
  • Isa 6017 For brass I will bring gold.
  • Rev 115 Feet was like unto fine brass
  • Four horns - Shittim wood overlaid with brass.
  • No size of shape indicated
  • Lev 425 blood of sin offering applied to them.
  • Ps 11827 binding the sacrifice.
  • Hab 34 symbol of power and strength.
  • Unfaltering purpose of the savior strength of
    his love - Christ was bound to the cross.

4. The utensils of the Altar.
  • Pans to receive ashes Ashes reminded It is
    finished Jn1930
  • Shovels equipment for handling ashes or
    whatever had to be taken from the Altar.
  • Basins For the blood of the sacrifices to
    collect it and sprinkle it.
  • Flesh hooks For handling the parts of the
    sacrifice of the offerings.
  • Fire pans For dealing with the fire of the

5. The grate of the Altar.
  • "And thou shalt make for it a grate of network of
    brass and upon the net thou shalt make four
    brazen rings in the four corners thereof. And
    thou shalt put it under the compass of the altar
    beneath, that the net may be even to the midst of
    the altar" (vv. 4,5).
  • Tells of inward sufferings of the Savior.
  • The fire of Divine judgment not only external and
  • Went down into the utmost center of His being.
  • Sin - source is in the heart, the center of
    mans being
  • Sinless Substitute the flame searched down into
    His holy soul.
  • Atoning suffering, like the sin of man, was in
    the heart.
  • Fire was within the altar - its grate was "even
    in the midst" (v. 5).
  • Cross - six hours were divided in the midst
  • the first three He suffered at the hands of men
  • the last three He suffered at the hands of God!

6. The fire on the Altar
  • "The fire shall ever be burning upon the altar.
    It shall never go out" (Lev 6.13 Lev 924).
  • Our God is a consuming fire (Heb 1229)
  • Aarons two sons strange fire consumed (Lev
  • It was never to be cold and dead Day or night.
  • After the deceit of the Gibeonites
  • "hewers of wood and drawers of water for the
  • congregation, and for the altar of the Lord"
    (Josh 9.27).
  • Constant supply of wood to fuel the Altar fire.
  • Desire of Nehemiah (Neh 13.31).
  • remembered for the wood offering - Altar fuel.

  • Each morning and evening a sacrificial lamb
    placed on fire.
  • Israelites brought their burnt and meal
  • Peace, sin, and trespass offerings burned in its
  • All this speaks of the Cross.
  • The Altar itself speaks of the One who endured
    the flames and was not consumed by them
  • Shittim wood encased in brass - preserved without
    charring .
  • The sacrifices - His death at Calvary was
    accepted in heaven.
  • All the demands of the righteous throne of God
    were met.
  • Provision was made for all the deeds of guilty,
    fallen man.
  • These sacrifices are detailed in the book of
  • These offerings ensured Altar a central part of
    their lives.

7. The Covering of the Altar
  • Numbers 413, 14 "And they shall take away the
    ashes from the altar, and spread a purple cloth
    thereon... and they shall spread upon it a
    covering of badgers skins."
  • The only piece of the Tabernacles furniture
    wrapped in purplethe royal color.
  • Denotes how closely connected were Christs
    "sufferings" with the "glory which was to
    follow"? (Luke 2126 1 Peter 11).
  • Over the purple cloth was spread the badgers
    skins Telling us of the worlds incapacity to
    discern the preciousness and the value of the
    death of Christ.
  • The repentant thief saw the Royal Purple over the
  • His Scoffing companion saw nothing but
  • the Badgers skins!

  • The Brazen Altar - place where sin judged, its
    wages paid.
  • The Veil told of separation because of sin.
  • The Altar says, death is the consequences of sin.
  • Altar also speaks of sin remitted.
  • Divine revelation makes known an adequate
  • The Cross of Christ.
  • There the uncompromising judgment of God dealt
    with sin
  • not by punishing the sinner,
  • but by smiting the sinners Substitute Lord
    Jesus Christ.
  • "Who His own self bear our sins in His own body
    on the tree, that we (believers), being (legally)
    dead to sin, should live unto righteousness, by
    whose stripes we are healed" (1 Pet. 224).
  • Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable Gift.

Lessons for Life
  • The altar speaks of complete dedication,
  • Just as Christ was the complete and perfect
    sacrifice (Heb.101-7).
  • We also should offer ourselves completely as a
  • living sacrifice to God (Rom.121-2).
  • Remember that todays ashes were yesterdays
  • Our relationship with God cannot be based on past
  • our past sacrifices or yesterdays achievements.
  • Our relationship with God is vital and alive,
  • it lives in the present, today.
  • "Therefore God again set a certain day, calling
    it Today, when a long time later he spoke through
    David, as was said before
  • Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your
    hearts. Hebrews 47
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