Let - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Let s Go Fishing Practical Ways to Fish for Souls – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: DennisKe
Tags: kids | music | teaching | with


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Let

Lets Go Fishing
  • Practical Ways to Fish for Souls

  • Why Fish?
  • Where is Your Fishing Spot?
  • Fishing for Souls w/Bible Studies
  • Cleaning Caught Fish (Discipleship)
  • Fishing Tools for You to Use
  • Joys of Fishing

Why Fish?
  • Follow me and I will make you fishers of men
  • Do not be afraid. From now on you will catch
    men. So when they had brought their boats to
    land, they forsook all and followed Him.Luke

Why Fish?
  • Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, All
    authority has been given to Me in heaven and on
    earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the
    nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father
    and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching
    them to observe all things that I have commanded
    you and lo, I am with you always, even to the
    end of the age .Matt 2818-20
  • Go into all the world and preach the gospel to
    every creature Mark 1615
  • That repentance and remission of sins should be
    preached in His name to all nations, beginning at
    Jerusalem. Luke 2447

Why Fish?
  • There is joy in the presence of the angels of
    God over one sinner who repents. Luke 1510
  • The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life,
    and he who wins souls is wise. Proverbs 1130
  • For the love of Christ compels us, because we
    judge thus that if One died for all, then all
    died and He died for all, that those who live
    should live no longer for themselves, but for Him
    who died for them and rose again. Corinthians

But Can I Fish?
Where Is Your Fishing Spot?
Fishing Spots for All
  • Praying for the lost
  • 5 day clubs in neighborhood
  • After school programs in public school
  • Bible studies with friends/younger kids in
  • Baby-sit kids in neighborhood
  • Faith-based mentoring programs for lost
    underprivileged kids
  • Invite others to youth group
  • Make your house the hanging place for those in
    your neighborhood

Fishing Spots for All
  • Keep track of the widows in your neighborhood
  • Neighborhood cookouts
  • Visit nursing homes and hospitals
  • Reach out to those on sports teams
  • Have lost people over for ice cream at any point.
  • Grab some Starbucks with a lost person to check
    up on them.

Fishing Spots for Christian School Students
  • All of the previous
  • Dont assume that your classmates are all really
    saved. Lots go to church and youth group but
    dont really understand the gospel.
  • Have Bible studies at your house on the weekends
    along with food and chill time.
  • Find the lost and lonely at school, become their
    friends, and care for their hearts.
  • Lost neighbors, teammates.
  • Lunchtime Bible studies with guest speakers or
    student led studies

Fishing Spots for Public School Students
  • Most likely you are one of the very few
  • Reach out to foreign exchange students in your
  • Find the loner in every class and become their
  • Find the hurt in each person you interact with
    and minister to them
  • Host the best non-alcoholic parties/bible studies
    at your house for lost students
  • Invite the people that no one cares for at your
    school to an outreach bible study in your home

Fishing for Souls with Bible Studies
  • Why Bible studies?
  • How do we get a study started?
  • What do we study?
  • Helpful Tips
  • Leading Bible studies is NOT a GIFT!!!
  • Must 1. Love the Lord 2. Love people
  • Si se puede!!!

Why Bible Studies?
  • Characteristics of Our Generation
  • Jaded to religion because of what theyve
    heard/seen from TV, movies, minimal exposure,
  • Result Skeptical of the Bible
  • People are not as churched as before.
  • Result Not open to being in a church setting,
    not comfortable with church conversation, are
    more curious about what the Bible actually says,
    enjoy Bible studies more because they are not in
    a pressure situation like church.

Why Bible Studies?
  • So many hurts have caused them to become very
    jaded with life at a younger age than previous
  • Result Naturally wondering, Is there more than
    this? at a younger age
  • Dont care how much you know until they know how
    much you care.
  • Theyre in need of consistent loving
    relationships because they have none.
  • Result Need someone to listen to them and stick
    with them through thick and thin.

How Do You Get a Bible Study Started?
  • Pray that the Lord would help you identify those
    that you should go to.
  • Spend time finding out their hurts, asking
    questions, listening to them, loving them
    unconditionally, and showing them that you really
    do care through your actions.
  • Point them to the Savior in the little things.
  • Start with fun social events.
  • Invite them to a weekly Bible study that includes
    food, games, conversation, and laughter.

How Do You Get a Bible Study Started?
  1. Pray that the Lord would help you identify those
    that you should go to.

Kids without mothers or fathers Single
moms Troubled kids Foster children Lonely college
students Homeless Children of prisoners Widows Sic
k Outcasts
How Do You Get a Bible Study Started?
  • Spend time finding out their hurts, asking
    questions, listening to them, loving them
    unconditionally, and showing them that you really
    do care through your actions.
  • Examples
  • ASK QUESTIONS get to know EVERYTHING about them
  • Love them and let them know that you love them
    even when they seem completely unlovable.
  • Check up on them all of the time and find ways to
    show them that you love them, give them your time
    and your heart
  • Dont get disgusted with their actionsyour heart
    is the same.

How Do You Get a Bible Study Started?
  • Point them to the Savior in the little things.
  • Examples
  • Let them know that youre praying for them.
  • Listen to their hurts
  • Always remind them that although you cant fully
    understand their hurt, that God understands their
    hurt and aches for them.
  • Tell them about how Jesus had a heart for people
    like them.
  • Tell them about how God will judge those that
    have hurt them.

How Do You Get a Bible Study Started?
  • Start with fun by having them over to your
    house/Starbucks/bookstores/etc. to get them
    comfortable in the setting where you would have a
    Bible study.
  • Invite lots of people! Expect much less.
  • Some will want more individual time prior to a
    group setting and others wont need that.
  • Spend time eating food (pizza works great),
    playing games, ping-pong, chillin, or just
  • This can be sporadic.
  • Dont do moviesthe goal is conversation

How Do You Get a Bible Study Started?
  • Invite them to a weekly Bible study that still
    includes food, games, conversation, and laughter.
  • Tip Snacks ? Study ? Meal ? Games
  • Drum it up BIG with flyers, reminders, and invite
    everybody and their dog!
  • Personally invite thembeg if you have to.
  • Reassure them that they dont need to have ANY
    knowledge of the Bible at all and that they will
    not be preached at.

What Do We Study?
  • Assume they know NOTHING.
  • Start with the very basics and build.
  • The BAD News 1st
  • Many admit to being sinners but they dont
    understand what that means for their souls
  • Many say Jesus died on the cross for my sins
    but they dont understand why He had to die on
    the cross for their sins.
  • 20 Lessons 12 bad news 8 good news
  • They cant get saved until you get them lost.
  • Example Materials

Helpful Tips
  • Scheduling
  • Be consistent
  • Have it every week at the same time no matter
  • Be persistent
  • Remind people the day before and the day of.
  • Provide rides to and from the study
  • Friday Saturday nights usually work well
  • Schedule
  • 600-615 Snack, music in background, talk
  • 615-700 Study (30-45 min max)
  • 700-900 Eat food, play games, chill, etc.
  • On the first study, eat first to relax them.

Helpful Tips
  • Leading the Study
  • Prepare for the study in advance.
  • Be yourself, make fun of yourself, be real, be
    genuine, be humble, be gentle.
  • Youre a question asker and question clarifier
    NOT a teacher.
  • Ask questions and let them dig into the passage
    and tell you the answers.
  • Dont answer questions for themallow time for
    them to answer. Rephrase questions if the
    silence is too long. ?
  • Encourage them when they respond correctly from
    the passage.

Helpful Tips
  • Leading the Study
  • Reassure them that there are NO stupid questions.
  • Remember that your goal is to get them to be able
    to read and understand the Bible on their own.
  • Dont use Christianese
  • Allow people to bring their own Bible, but have
    all of them use the same type of Bible and refer
    to verses by page s.
  • Use an easy to read version of the Bible such as
  • Dont assume they know what all of the words
    mean, frequently ask what words mean.

Helpful Tips
  • Staying Away from Disagreements
  • Dont talk religions or denominations.
  • Dont allow members to bring up tangentsbring it
    up again after study.
  • Dont correct people in front of the groupdirect
    the group back to the passage.
  • Only have 1-2 Christians max in an outreach study
  • Try to keep one person from dominating the

Helpful Tips
  • Etc.
  • Encourage inviting others each week
  • Make newbies super welcome
  • Pray before and after each study
  • Pray for them in between studies
  • Reassure them that they can trust you to keep
    what they tell you quiet.
  • Repetition, repetition, repetition
  • Dont force a person to make a decision
  • Dont lead them to repeat a prayer
  • Be patient

Cleaning Caught Fish(Discipleship Studies)
  • If youre gonna catch em, you gotta clean em.
  • Begin with a gospel study.
  • Finding good studies is key.
  • Stress preparation, commitment, and personal
    quiet time.
  • Point people back to the Word and stay free of
    petty arguments.
  • Tips from outreach studies apply as well

Cleaning Caught Fish(Discipleship Studies)
  • Dont invite outreach or discipleship people to
    church related activities where you dont know
    100 of what will be said. Ex. Concerts, plays,
  • Dont try to get them to come to your church.
  • Emphasis should be on their relationship with the

Cleaning Caught Fish(Discipleship Studies)
  • Pray together and share hurts with each other.
  • Babies are going to dirty their diapers
  • New believers arent going to totally change
  • Often the Lord works in peoples lives one area
    at a time.
  • Find out what area theyre struggling with and
    encourage them.
  • Mother them

Learn from My Mistakes
  • Make sure youre 100 prepared for study each
  • Dont think that you need to see results.
  • Dont call it quits because the study doesnt
    seem to be going like you would like it too.
    Things take time.
  • Failure isnt failurethem reading the Bible is
    good enough reason to continue on.
  • Numbers dont mean a thing.

Fishing Tools for You to Use
  • Lessons
  • http//kelderman.wikispaces.com/outreach
  • Fisherman Bible StudyGuides
  • Why Jesus? By David Nasser

(No Transcript)
Joys of Fishing
  • Farmer is the first to partake of the fruit.
  • The more you share the gospel, the more amazing
    it becomes to you.
  • Not like anyone theyve ever known
  • No understanding ? understanding of Gospel
  • No believers in family ? impacting generations
  • Cycle of sin and darkness ? light
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