Provost Marshal Office Administration, Law Enforcement Operations, Traffic Management, Patrol Planning; Corrections Overview - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Provost Marshal Office Administration, Law Enforcement Operations, Traffic Management, Patrol Planning; Corrections Overview


Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: USAEC & FLW Last modified by: shannon.konvalin Created Date: 7/21/1999 5:51:48 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Provost Marshal Office Administration, Law Enforcement Operations, Traffic Management, Patrol Planning; Corrections Overview

Provost Marshal Office Administration, Law
Enforcement Operations, Traffic Management,
Patrol Planning Corrections Overview Use of
2LT Shannon Konvalin Directorate of Emergency
Services (DES), FT Leonard Wood Operations Officer
Purpose / Objective To provide information on
Provost Marshal Office (PMO) Administration, Law
Enforcement (LE) Operations, Traffic Management,
Patrol Planning, Corrections Overview, and Use
of Force
  • Agenda
  • Provost Marshal Administration
  • Law Enforcement Operations
  • Traffic Management
  • Patrol Planning
  • Corrections Overview
  • Use Of Force

Provost Marshal Office Administration
Purpose / Objective Provide an overview of
Provost Marshal Office Operations, the MPs role
on the installation, and to familiarize you with
several aspects of being an MP from a management
Disclaimer!! Some info is Fort Leonard Wood
perspective Not all inclusive ? so ask questions
  • Agenda
  • Managing MP Support On The Installation
  • Roles
  • Relationships
  • Incident Command
  • PMO Section Overview
  • MP Station Operations
  • PMO Financial Management
  • Physical Security
  • Access Control / Vehicle Registration

  • Topics
  • Organization of MP on Ft Leonard Wood (FLW)
  • PMs role on the installation
  • PMs Role in AT/FP
  • Key relationships
  • MP vs. CID
  • Relationship with Installation Staff
  • Relationship with the Community
  • Relationship with other First Responders
  • Crisis Management incident response

Commander Provost Marshall DES
Sergeant Major
Executive Officer/DPM
Fire Department
HQ Co Garrison (TDA)
252nd MP Det (MTOE)
463rd MP Co (MTOE)
Security Operations
DAC Security
Contract Security
PMO Operations
MP Desk
PMO Admin
Vehicle Registration
Game Warden
Police Liaison
Organization of MP on FLW
Garrison Commander
HQs Co. Garrison
252nd MP CO
463rd MP CO
Security Guard Force
Physical Security
PMs Role on the Installation
  • Chief law enforcement officer on post
  • (Primary Staff Officer)
  • Directs Law Enforcement (LE), Access Control
    (AC), and Physical Security operations
  • Advises installation commander on MP abilities
  • Supports tenant unit commanders/activities
  • Maintains liaison with federal, state, and local
  • Maintains liaison and public relations with the
  • Ensures personnel are adequately trained and
  • Prepares soldiers for deployment
  • Dual-hatted on some installations

PMs Role in AT/FP
  • Critical player in the installations AT/FP Plan
  • BLUF most forces involved, belong to the PM
    most measures implemented are in the PM
  • AC operations first line of defense
  • Day-to-day LE operations deter terrorism
  • Random Antiterrorism Measures Program (RAMP)
  • Specialized response to threats (or suspected
  • Special Reaction Team (SRT)
  • May be tasked to provide Quick Response Force
  • Coordinates with CID

PMs Role in AT/FP
  • (cont)
  • Physical Security support
  • Assesses installation vulnerabilities and assists
    in updating installation threat statement
  • Recommends Mission Essential or Vulnerable Areas
    (MEVAs) and advises on protecting them
  • Police Intelligence Operations
  • Liaison with federal, state, and local LE
  • Police intel with CID, MPI
  • Fusion cell

PMs Role in AT/FP
  • (cont)
  • MOUs with federal, state, and local LE
  • Assists in development of installation
  • Advises commander on security response to changes
    in threat / FPCON measures

Key Relationships
  • CID
  • One team working toward common goals
  • MP vs. CID Purview
  • Incident command ? requires mutual understanding
  • CID support to PM
  • Training
  • Intel support (liaison with FBI)
  • Hostage negotiators
  • PM support to CID
  • Operational support (crime scene)
  • Investigative support (MPI, special operations)
  • DST

Key Relationships
  • Directorate of Plans Training and Mobilization
  • Installation G-3
  • Schools, Ammo
  • Tasking authority (BMM, resources, etc.)
  • Installation contingency plans, OPORDs,
  • C2 for major events
  • Snow and Ice Removal (SNAIR)
  • Mobilization support and oversight

Key Relationships
  • DPTM (cont)
  • Installation AT/FP support
  • Emergency Operations Center battle staff
  • Commanders Critical Information Requirements
    (CCIR), Priority Intelligence Requests (PIR)
  • Exercises

Key Relationships
  • Directorate of Public Works (DPW)
  • Engineering and maintenance support
  • AC
  • New construction
  • Facility support (heat, electric, etc),
  • LE
  • Traffic support (signs, markings, lights)
  • Mapping support (patrols, SRT)
  • Traffic circulation plan
  • Game Wardens natural resources, hunting,
  • Fire Department (due to fall under Directorate of
    Emergency Services)

Key Relationships
  • Directorate of Resource Management (DRM)
  • ? need I say more?
  • Good ideas are just that without
  • Budget
  • UFR / BCP

Key Relationships
  • Transportation Motor Pool (TMP)
  • They own the GSA vehicle fleet MP admin
  • Support level maintenance
  • Additional transportation support
  • MP assist with vehicle policy enforcement

Key Relationships
  • Public Affairs Office
  • Great Resource!!
  • Primary voice to community
  • Changes to procedures
  • Keeping community in the loop reduces pain
  • Use them to portray MP actions in positive light

Key Relationships
  • Explosive Ordnance Detachment (EOD)
  • Key responder to suspicious package incidents
  • Public much more aware since 9-11
  • Compliment Explosive Detection Dog (EDD) team

Key Relationships
  • Civilian Law Enforcement Counterparts
  • Eyes and ears off post
  • Soldier incidents
  • Suspicious activity
  • Restricted areas
  • Criminal intelligence
  • Mutual training and resource support
  • Mutual support for incidents on post especially
    at ACPs (MOAs)
  • Special event support on and off post
  • Must continuously be worked but make worthwhile

Key Relationships
  • Community
  • Community Oriented Policing
  • Increase community-police interaction
  • Improve public safety and quality of life
  • Promoting positive image of the MP Corps
  • LE is a public service profession
  • Serve the community
  • Respond to their needs and they will respond to
  • Same mindset from the PM to the patrol

Key Relationships
  • Community
  • Must be visible and available
  • Walking patrols
  • Bike patrols
  • Participate in Town Hall meetings
  • Special events and programs
  • Drug Awareness, and Resistance Education (DARE)
  • Quarters check program
  • Crime Hotline
  • Child fingerprinting
  • Satisfaction survey

342ND MP Battalion
We are a values-based customer service
organization that provides exceptional
Assistance, protection and defense to the Fort
Leonard Wood community! What have you done,
today, to make Fort Leonard
Wood a better place to live?
Key Relationships
  • Other First Responders
  • Mutual support is paramount
  • Consolidated dispatch
  • Mutual training and resource support
  • Incident Command System

Incident Command System
  • Who is in charge at a given incident?
  • Must be mutually agreed upon (in writing if
  • Between responders
  • At installation level as well
  • Must be embraced by all in order to be effective
  • Must be trained and enforced

MP Desk
Game Warden
AWOL Apprehension
Security Force
Vehicle Registration
Provost Marshal Operations Officer
  • Executes the Provost Marshals Intent
  • The Right Hand of the Provost Marshal
  • Provide link between PM Community
  • Develop training programs and certifications
  • Inter-office coordinator (CID, FD, EMS)
  • LE Liaison

Provost Marshal Operations Officer
  • At a minimum
  • Know how to use the Manual for Courts Martial
  • Know what commanders abilities are in terms of
    basic authority and non-judicial authority
  • Know your state laws and references
  • Basically Build your base knowledge up as much
    as possible

Security Force (and Vehicle Registration)
  • Newest old PMO section
  • DA Security Guards w/ contract guard augmentation
  • Mission ? Access Control 24 / 7
  • ? Permanent party and temporary vehicle
  • Overall security posture directed by MACOM
  • Specific procedures defined by CG, GC, and PM

Military Police Investigations (MPI)
  • Civilian equivalent of Detective
  • Investigate minor crimes.
  • Crimes against property (less than 1000)
  • Assaults
  • Narcotics
  • less than 1000 or less than 1 year confinement
  • Juvenile misconduct (Juvenile Review Board)
  • Criminal intelligence
  • Assist commanders with HW inspections
  • Evidence procedures
  • Also, see AR 190-30, FM 19-20

Military Working Dogs (K-9)
  • Performs narcotic and explosive detection
  • Explosive sweeps of enclosed areas for VIPS
  • Narcotics sweeps for health and welfare searches
  • Law enforcement patrol ? search, track, detect,
    and control personnel
  • Access control use
  • Deterrent use
  • Deployment

Military Working Dogs (K-9)
  • (cont)
  • One dog-one handler
  • Balancing training and patrol requirements
  • Specific procedures on release
  • Off-post use
  • Maintain adequate support on post
  • Cleanliness of kennels
  • See also AR 190-12, DA PAM 190-12

AWOL Apprehension
  • Assist commanders in processing AWOL/Deserters
  • Unit role ? report AWOLs to MP Desk w/in 24 hours
  • MP role ? prepare the case and facilitate return
    to military control
  • AWOL (30 days) ? Deserter ? Warrant ? NCIC
  • Pickup and processing of captured AWOL/Deserters
  • Working with civilian LE
  • Detainers
  • Immediate apprehension
  • See also AR 190-9, AR 5-9

  • Drug Awareness Resistance Education
  • Teaches drug awareness and resistance education
    to schools on the installation and surrounding
  • Participates in installation special events and

Special Reaction Team (SRT)
  • Installation asset owned by PM
  • Special threat response
  • Hostage
  • Barricaded subject
  • Sniper incidents
  • VIP protection (as a response force)
  • Full-time vs. part-time
  • Training and certification
  • Equipment and personnel challenges

Game Wardens
  • Enforce state and installation fish and wildlife
    laws and regulations
  • Primary liaison with federal and state game and
    natural resource agencies
  • Enforce animal control policies (Animal Control
  • Search and rescue
  • Specially equipped for special missions
  • Perimeter security ? outlying areas

Physical Security
  • Advise and assist commanders and directorates on
    physical security and force protection
  • Review unit physical security SOPs
  • Perform technical assistance visits
  • Conduct physical security classes
  • Establish and monitor intrusion detection system
    (IDS) alarm procedures
  • Part of installation command inspection team
  • Conduct announced and unannounced inspections of
    unit areas and arms rooms
  • Maintain IDS database issues PIN numbers

Physical Security
  • (cont)
  • Integral part of installation AT/FP plan
  • MEVAs / HRTs / Restricted areas ? what are
    patrols checking?
  • Access control planning and design ? more than
    just checking IDs
  • AT/FP funding ? helping others to be more secure
  • Ensure plans for new construction and
    renovations to comply with DoD AT/FP standards

  • Topics
  • Background
  • Policy and Procedure
  • Vehicle Registration
  • ACP Operation
  • Personnel Access
  • Vehicle Access
  • Emergency Procedures
  • What's Going to Eat Your Lunch

  • VR and AC instituted Army-wide IAW HQDA
    Directive dated 27 Mar 01.
  • Intent was gradual implementation starting in
    the summer of 2001, and extending over a
    period of 6 months.
  • Became immediate requirement after 9-11.
  • Overall security posture directed by MACOM, and
    based upon FPCON.
  • Specific procedures defined by CG, GC, and PM

Policy and Procedure
  • Overall security posture/policy directed by
    MACOM, and based upon FPCON.
  • Specific procedures defined by CG, GC, and PM
  • SOP at a minimum
  • Installation regulation
  • Installation commander not allowed to lessen
    restrictions, but may make more restrictive based
    on threat

A1 Remind personnel and family members
A2 Planners, plans, keys available 24/7
A3 Secure buildings not in regular use
A4 Increase spot checks of vehicles, personnel
A5 Reduce vehicle and personnel ACPs
A6 Random application of B-14, 15, 16, 17, 18
A7 Review operations plans, orders, and SOPs
A8 Review HRP security measures
A9 Increase liaison w/local law enforcement
A10 Spare
B11 Increase frequency of warning to personnel
B12 Personnel required to implement AT plans on-call
B13 Review all plans, oporders and SOPs for Charlie
B14 Clear areas around MEVAs and HRTs
B15 Secure and inspect all buildings, rooms, not in use
B16 Inspect buildings start, end of day, randomly
B17 Screen mail, identify suspicious packages
B18 Inspect all commercial deliveries
B19 Increase security presence at HRT facilities
B20 Inform all personnel of general threat
B21 Brief reps of units on threat security measures
B22 Verify identity of all personnel entering Post/HRTs
B23 Security patrols randomly ck veh, people/buildings
B24 Increase off-post personnel security
B25 Provide additional security to HRPs
B26 Brief security forces on ROE, use of deadly force
B27 Increase liaison with local LE, Intell Security
B28 Test mass attack warning system
B29 Spare
C30 Continue FPCON A, B measures
C31 AT/FP plan implementers at place of duty
C32 Reduce Access Points to a minimum
C33 Verify identity of all personnel
C34 Remove all vehicles near MEVAs and HRTs
C35 Issue weapons and ammo to all guards
C36 Increase security patrols
C37 Position guard force near MEVAs and HRTs
C38 Erect barriers to control traffic flow
C39 Consult w/local authorities ref road closings
C40 Spare
D41 Continue previous FPCONs
D42 Augment guards, as necessary
D43 ID all vehicle owners within operational area
D44 Inspect all vehicles and their contents
D45 Limit access to installation to need to enter
D46 Inspect all suitcases, briefcases, packages
D47 Control access to all facilities and areas
D48 Frequent checks/bldg exteriors parking areas
D49 Cancel or delay administrative movement
D50 Close public and military roads and facilities
D51 Spare
Policy and Procedure
  • (cont)
  • Procedure for advising GC on changes

Event/ Info
Intel Fusion Cell
Threat Working Group
Vehicle Registration
  • Permanent vs. temporary
  • Keys to vehicle registration
  • Must be in sync with AC policies and procedures
  • Clear and simple SOP

ACP Operation
  • The basics ? checking to ensure that.
  • personnel are authorized to be on post
  • vehicles are not carrying contraband, explosives
  • traffic laws are being adhered to
  • Bottom Line Force Protection

ACP Operation
  • Personnel Access
  • The installation commander directs what forms of
    ID can be used to gain access
  • FLW policy
  • DD Forms 2A (or CAC), 1173/1173-1, 354, and 2574
  • DA Form 1602
  • Drivers License (certain hours)
  • Special (LE, FVAC)
  • Check should be hands-on (thorough check)

ACP Operation
  • Personnel Access (cont)
  • Special Considerations (personnel)
  • Procedures for special IDs (LE, MEDDAC,
  • Time periods for different IDs
  • Visitor procedures (sponsoring)
  • Modification for special events (4th of July)
  • Installation bar roster

ACP Operation
  • Vehicle Access
  • FPCON will drive what is searched and what isnt
  • Vehicle pass procedures
  • Decal vs. pass
  • Long term vs. short term (Visitors, TDY)
  • Gates for different passes

ACP Operation
  • Vehicle Access (cont)
  • Vehicle search procedures
  • Legal considerations
  • Search or inspection? (security, good order of
  • Commanders authority (AR 190-16 ? control entry)
  • Refusal
  • Under what circumstances?
  • Systematic and thorough
  • Define scope of search
  • Truck procedures
  • Officer protection/safety

ACP Operation
  • Vehicle Access (cont)
  • Special Considerations (vehicle)
  • Procedures for special events
  • Gates for different vehicles

ACP Operation
  • Vehicle Access (cont)
  • Special Considerations (vehicle)
  • Procedures for different types of vehicle
  • Buses
  • Emergency vehicles
  • Hazardous cargo
  • Taxicabs
  • Media
  • Federal Vehicles (USPS)
  • Tactical Vehicles
  • Motorcycles
  • Exceptions to policy

ACP Operation
  • Emergency Procedures
  • Duress
  • Gate runners
  • Bomb threat
  • BOLOs
  • Gate closure
  • Link between MP Desk ? primary gate ? outer gates

ACP Operation
  • What Will Eat Your Lunch
  • Inconsistency in procedures
  • Inadequate training
  • Not notifying the public of changes
  • IPC skills
  • Traffic ? especially when caused by lack of
  • Not notifying chain of command of problems
  • Lack of communication with the MP Desk

  • Topics
  • MP station layout
  • MP Desk
  • Daily operations
  • Police Business
  • Administration
  • Paperwork
  • Detention Cell

Station Layout
Class Room
MP Desk
BN Staff Command Group
Security Force
Military Police Desk
  • 24 / 7 operation
  • Desk Sergeant (SGT, SSG) and RTO (PFC, SPC)
  • Coordinates MP patrol activity
  • Police, Fire, EMS dispatch
  • Fire, IDS alarm hub
  • National Crime Information Center (NCIC)/Missouri
    Uniform Law Enforcement Suite (MULES)
  • Documents patrol activities
  • Reviews reports for accuracy and completeness
  • Notifications
  • Detention Cell
  • Centralized Operations Police Suite (COPS)

Daily Operations
  • Police business
  • Patrols
  • RFIs, RFAs
  • Incident follow up (MPI, Traffic)
  • Higher HQs reports (SIR, CIR, OPREP)
  • Administration
  • Automation (COPS, installation LAN, website)
  • Distribution cases, blotter
  • FOIA
  • Paperwork processing
  • Statistics

Daily Operations
  • (cont)
  • Paperwork
  • DA Form 3975 (Military Police Report)
  • DA Form 3946 (also short form)
  • DA Form 2823 Sworn Statement
  • DA Form 3881 Rights Warning Procedure
  • DD Form 1805 Violation Notice, US District
  • DD Form 1408 Traffic Ticket, Armed Forces
  • DA Form 4137 Evidence/Property Custody
  • DD Form 1920 Alcohol Incident Report

Daily Operations
  • (cont)
  • DD Form 629 replaced by DD Form 2708 Receipt
    for Inmate or Detained Person
  • FLW Form 568 / Field Interview Card
  • Desk Sergeant Journal
  • Desk Blotter
  • RTO Journal
  • Implied Consent Form
  • Investigators Statement
  • Patrol Report (security checklist)
  • PMCS Sheet

Daily Operations
  • (cont)
  • Detention Cell
  • Maintenance, cleanliness
  • When can you confine?
  • Prerequisites for confinement
  • Paperwork
  • Approval authority (PM?72 hrs, CG)
  • Search
  • Medical evaluation
  • Unit responsibilities
  • Confinement of civilians, juveniles
  • Supervision
  • See also AR 190-47

Provost Marshal Budget Activity
  • References
  • AR 1-1, Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and
    Execution System, Chapters 2-6
  • FM 19-10, Military Police Law and Order

  • Eventually, you will be involved financial
    management to some extent. Largely, it will
    depend on where you go and what you do
  • You may only provide input for planning
    purposes or you may manage it from start to
  • Budgeting is a significant management tool
  • MP offices must have the proper resources to
    effectively execute their missions
  • Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Executing
    these resources have become quite complex, hence
    it is essential the PM and his/her staff be
    knowledgeable about this process
  • Directorate of Resource Management (DRM) is the
    installation activity which facilitates PM budget

  • Proper budget development will afford decision
    makers at all levels greater flexibility when
    making tough decisions
  • Provost Marshal Offices routinely compete with
    other installation activities for resources
  • While competing for resources, MP programs are
    scrutinized and prioritized at every level
  • PM must plan three to five years out
  • A lack of resources will limit the impact that
    the PMO will have on the installation

  • Likely terms to encountered by a Budget
  • - Budget
  • - Command Operating Budget (COB)
  • - Commitment
  • - Decrement List
  • - Element of Resource (EOR)
  • - Financed Requirement
  • - Obligation
  • - Operation and Maintenance, Army (OMA)
  • - T Account

  • What is the most important resources available
    to you as a PM when trying to manage a budget?
  • What appropriation and account do PM funds come

Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution
System (PPBES)
  • PPBES strategic management system employed by
    DA to ensure effective use of resources
  • Guided by policy and direction from the
    Secretary of Defense
  • Army PPBES provides timely input of guidance to
    influence policies, strategy, force objectives,
    materiel acquisition, and other considerations of
    the Secretary of Defense and Joint Chiefs of
  • PPBES establishes and maintains the Armys
    portion of the DOD Five-Year Defense Program and
    Defense Budget
  • PPBES administers the resource allocation
    processes and program approvals and ensures
    effective use of resources

Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution
System (PPBES)
  • PPBES assists in providing the Army
    capabilities needed to accomplish assigned
    objectives and missions
  • Each PPBES cycle is divided into four distinct
    phases for planning, programming, budgeting,
  • The length of a single cycle of the PPBES is
    such that three cycles are ongoing concurrently

Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution
System (PPBES)
  • PPBES Cycles
  • - Always overlap
  • - All phases of each cycle overlap
  • - Feedback between separate cycles and
    between phases of a single cycle is both complex
    and continuous

  • PPBES Phases
  • - Planning Phase assessment of
    capabilities, and risks, a statement of
    objectives, and a statement of the strategies
    required to achieve those objectives
  • - Programming Phase- scheduling of
    objectives, or actions based upon the strategies
    developed in the planning phase. Programming is
    the art of translating guidance into actions
  • - Budgeting Phase Process of determining
    short-range allocation of resources to execute
    assigned missions and approved programs
  • - Execution Phase Implementation of the
    programs enacted by Congress
  • Accountability the monitoring and
    reporting of actual budget performance results
    during the Execution Phase

  • How many cycles are going concurrently?
  • What are the phase of the PPBES?
  • What is the PPBES?

Command Operating Budget (COB)
  • Articulates resources required to support the
    Installations Missions, Programs and Activities
  • Budget process is critical Why?

COB Procedures
  • Guidance is transmitted to the major commands
    on the DA program and budget guidance (PBG)
  • The purpose of the PBG is to provide guidance
    for preparation of the COB
  • A separate PBG is issued to each major command
    (MACOM), i.e . Forces Command (FORSCOM)
  • COB formulation instructions are also normally
    provided to the MACOMs and Installations

COB Procedures
  • Step 1 Budget Guidance PBG documents are
    issued to MACOMs 3 times a year
  • - First time is in October initial provided
    to allow MACOMs to organize the formulation
    effort for the program analysis and resource
    review serves as a mark-up for the commands
    COB which was submitted to the Army in July, also
    advises the CMD of DA-initiated changes
  • - The second one is issued in Jan/Feb
    shortly after President has delivered his budget
    message to Congress
  • - The third is issued in May provides
    guidance to the MACOMs upon which to develop the

COB Procedures
  • During Step 1, Directorate of Resources
    Management (DRM) receives the Budget and Manpower
    Guidance (BMG) or Program Budget Guidance (PBG)
    from the MACOM and distributes it to the major
    activity directors (MAD)
  • During the interim, in step 1, the comptroller
    reviews the BMG from the MACOM and develops a
    time-phased schedule for completion of the
    command operating budget (COB)

COB Procedures
  • Step 2 Review BMG/PBG MADs pay close
    attention to their areas
  • Step 3 Dollar Targets DRM evaluates
    recommendations, makes his recommendations, and
    coordinates with MADS for development of their
    recommended dollar targets
  • Step 4 - Draft BMG DRM prepares draft
    installation BMG, which includes dollar targets
    and is distributed to the MADs
  • Step 5 Budget Controls Program Resource
    Advisory Committee (PRAC) resolves differences
    between DRM and the MADs and prepares the
    installation budget controls
  • Step 6 Brief the Commander
  • Step 7 Commander Approval
  • Step 8 Distribution
  • Steps 9 10 Guidance and Funding Targets
    MADs disseminate to activity level furnish
    guidance and funding targets

COB Procedures
  • Step 11 Activity Budgets Activity Chiefs
    prepare their portions of the installations COB
  • Step 12 Consolidate Activity Budgets MADs
    receive input and applicable supporting schedules
    from each activity chief reviews evaluates, and
    adjusts the activity portions. The MAD then
    prepares a summary schedule, UFR and decrement
  • Step 13 DRM Consolidates receives, reviews,
    evaluates, and prepares recommendations and or
    adjustments completes draft installation COB and
    assembles and presents to the PRAC
  • Step 14 Draft COB PRAC reviews the
    installation the draft COB to ensure compliance
    with BMG/PBG from the MACOM presents to the
  • Step 15 Commander Approval

COB Procedures
  • What is the purpose of the COB?
  • Why is the COB important to you as the PM
    Budget Officer?

  • PM must identify needs based on mission,
    commercial activities (CA) actions, ever-changing
    TDAs/TOEs, civilianization of military positions
    and fund availability
  • The Program Advisory Committee (PRAC) and
    installation planning board make major decisions
    affecting the PMs AOR, i.e. PRACs
    recommendations to the CDR, planning boards
    prioritization of installation work orders

  • PM budget formulation steps
  • - Budget formulation at the activity level
    is similar to the Command Operating Budget (COB)
  • - Step 1 Guidance 4 types
  • Dollar Guidance tentative dollar
    ceiling (dollar target) max PM can expect (PM
    cant budget for more than the Dollar Guidance)
  • Manpower Guidance manning guidance
    (civilian military strengths) provided via
    the Manpower Authorization Voucher (MAV)
  • Workload Guidance volume of workload
    the PM will be expected to accomplish during the
    budget year
  • Administrative Guidance prescribes
    budget format, document suspense date, rounding
    instructions, and other incidental administrative

  • PM budget formulation steps
  • - Step 3 Prioritize total requirements
    must be based on financed and unfinanced
    components develop prioritization on the
    received guidance and directives and historical
    records of previous budget allocations
  • - Step 4 Unfinanced Requirements (UFR)
    Lists prioritize from top to bottom most
    critical UFR is listed first, and will be funded
    if funds become available (justification and
    impact statement)
  • - Step 5 Decrement List need to
    prioritize items listed in order in which they
    would be eliminated if money is no longer
  • - Step 6 Approval by PM (after
    prioritization of funded items, UFR list with
    justifications, and impact statements, and the
    Decrement list with impact statements, will be
    submitted to the PM)

  • PM budget formulation steps
  • - Step 7 Phasing figure out how you are
    going to spend the money over the year to acquire
    the resources identify the quarters in which the
    money will be spent

Traffic Management
  • Traffic Program principle functions
  • - traffic circulation planning
  • - supervision
  • - control of motor vehicle traffic
  • - publication
  • - enforcement of traffic laws and
  • - investigations of motor vehicle accidents

  • PM budget formulation steps
  • - Step 2 Establish total requirements
  • Develop the total activity budget
    requirements by Elements of Resource (EOR).
    Total requirements are what the activity chief
    would like to have to operate his activity during
    the budget year. These are done without respect
    to the limitation imposed by dollar guidance.
  • What is an EOR?
  • See budget analyst for Computation of Civilian
    Labor personnel requirements

Traffic Management
(cont.) What is a traffic control plan?
  • Predetermined flow of traffic on the
    installation includes the entire road network
  • PM has primary staff responsibility for the
    development of a circulation plan in conjunction
    with other staff agencies Safety Officer and
    Facility Engineer
  • Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices must
    be conformed with

Traffic Management
Traffic circulation plan development
  • Traffic studies assists in development of an
    effective traffic circulation plan, and provides
    needed data to base management decisions
  • - Types of studies
  • Motor vehicle volume studies direction,
    volume, etc.
  • Origin Destination studies travel
  • Speed studies adjust speed limits,
  • Signal Observance selective enforcement,
    physical changes, visibility improvements
  • Occupancy studies car pool program?
    Future public transportation

Traffic Management
Traffic circulation plan development
  • Traffic studies assists in development of an
    effective traffic circulation plan, and provides
    needed data to base management decisions
  • - Types of studies
  • Accident records evaluate roadway design
  • Device studies effectiveness? ID
    excessive control measures
  • Speed delay study
  • Pedestrian study
  • Parking study

Traffic Management
Traffic circulation plan development
  • Gathering data is only the first step
  • Analysis is the most important factor
  • - Faulty reasoning may lead to unjustified
    assumptions concerning cause and effect, making
    generalizations based on averages, making
    generalizations based on specific incidents
    wasted resources

Traffic Management
  • What is the role of the Safety Officer?
  • What is the role of the Facility Engineer?
  • What is the role of the Traffic Engineer?

Traffic Management
  • Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
  • - Assists in planning considerations with
    respect to the proper type of traffic control
    device to be used, where it should be used and
    how constructed

Traffic Management
  • Implement, Regulate, and Enforce Circulation
    Plan with
  • - Traffic Code rules will conform to the
    traffic code of the state where possible, and
    will be based on appropriate section of the
    Uniform Vehicle Code and Model Traffic Ordnance
  • - Assimilated Crime Act (local law is
    adopted to the installation) used to enforce
    criminal offenses not in the UCMJ
  • - DOD Directive 5525.4, Enforcement of
    state traffic law was established so we can
    enforce traffic on an installation
  • - Safety Standards periodic motor vehicle
    inspections, motor registration, motorcycle
    safety, to include eye protection, helmets
  • - Termination of Registration

Traffic Management
  • Traffic Mission implementation of circulation
    plan and includes
  • - Direction and control
  • - Direction (maps, TCPs, route designation,
  • - Control means (access to functional areas,
    points of egress, providing information)

Traffic Management
  • Traffic violations (captured on one of 2 forms
    below), except for felony offenses)
  • - DD Form 1805, can result in court
    appearance, fines, and points - MAGISTRATE
  • - DD Form 1408, points only

Traffic Management
  • Alcohol and Drug Countermeasures
  • - Alcohol is involved in many serious traffic
  • - Detection Phases
  • Vehicle in motion observe vehicle in
    operation record!!
  • Personal contact observe drivers exit
    and walking from the vehicle
  • Pre-arrest phase administer
    structured, formal psychophysical tests
    critical, will determine if you arrest the person
  • - What are the three field sobriety tests
    commonly used by the military?
  • - What is one test used by civilian law
    enforcement agencies?

Traffic Management
  • Alcohol and Drug Countermeasures
  • - Military uses a combination of
    Administrative and Judicial sanctions
  • - Implied Consent
  • - Blood alcohol content (BAC) evidence
    breath test based on concentration of alcohol in
    the blood
  • - AR 190-5 addresses involuntary
    extraction of blood Commanders and Magistrates
    have the authority to grant involuntary
    extraction of blood when a person was operating a
    vehicle involved in a traffic accident, which
    caused the death, personal injury or serious
    property damage

FLWs Traffic Section
  • Assist other units in preparing traffic plans
    for events
  • Work orders for traffic control signs and
  • TCPs and traffic control
  • Certify patrols on radar, Field Sobriety Tests
    (FSTs), traffic laws
  • Also, see AR 190-5, FM 19-25

FLWs Traffic Section
  • Investigate traffic accidents on the installation
  • School qualified
  • Priority to fatalities, government vehicles, and
    damage gt 1k
  • Collect physical evidence
  • Photograph the scene
  • Interview victims and witnesses
  • Quality control of minor accidents (investigated
    by patrols)
  • Enforcement of military and state traffic laws
  • Special operations (click-it or ticket, radar,
  • Traffic point system

Provost Marshal Office (Law Enforcement) Patrol
Distribution Planning
2LT Shannon Konvalin Directorate of Emergency
Services (DES), FT Leonard Wood Operations Officer
Purpose To identify the procedures and/or
requirements for preparing a patrol distribution
(of MP patrols) plan for an installation Provost
Marshal Office
  • What is Selective Enforcement?
  • - Planned distribution of MP and Supporting
    Equipment to ensure that the enforcement effort
    is applied when and where needed
  • - Based on review of historical data on
    time, place, type and frequency of incidents or
  • - Fosters efficient use of manpower

Patrol Distribution Planning
  • Management of Patrol Planning
  • - Patrol distribution planning must be
  • - Equipment considerations, i.e.
    standardization of equipment (handcuff case
    debacle), bike patrols, 4-wheel drive vehicles,
    Promask, etc.
  • - Methods of patrols proper distribution
    results in more efficient use of manpower and
    lends direction to crime prevention and law and
    order activities

Patrol Distribution Planning
  • Patrol Distribution Policy Decisions
  • - Policy decision making considerations
  • Cannot dispatch patrols for every call
    which comes in, i.e. minor fender bender,
    barracks larcenies
  • May seek appropriate agencies
    assistance, i.e. the unit commander, Army
    Community Services, etc.
  • Must have clear policy on degree to
    which patrol personnel handle criminal
    investigations, and extent of involvement in
    traffic control, investigations, and enforcement
    (all must be decided) Witness disposition?
    Crime scene actions? Traffic control?

Patrol Distribution Planning
  • Patrol Distribution Policy Decisions
  • - Policy decision making considerations
  • Priorities for assigned service
    call precedence if insufficient patrols are
    available must know this ahead of time, i.e.
    missing child versus a stolen wallet
  • Patrol supervisor should not be
    included in determination as to how many patrols
    are required Patrol supervisors role is to
  • Proper patrol distribution
    equalizes the workload among patrols unequal
    workloads may adversely affect morale

Patrol Distribution Planning
  • 4- Step Process in Patrol Distribution
  • - STEP 1- Determine the size of the patrol
  • must understand the relationship
    between MP CDR/PM do they have different
    missions, needs, expectations, etc.?
  • coordination is critical between the
    MP CDR and the PM, i.e. riots, FTXs, etc.
  • Where do we get MP resources for the
    installation law enforcement mission?

Patrol Distribution Planning
  • 4- Step Process in Patrol Distribution
  • - STEP 2 Analyze statistical data
  • (collect, compile, and use statistical
  • How do we do this, and what will such
    efforts do for us?

Patrol Distribution Planning
  • 4- Step Process in Patrol Distribution
  • STEP 3 Determine patrol areas
  • - establish patrol objectives - protection of
    property, crime prevention, identification and
    apprehension of offenders
  • - considerations for patrols mission of
    the patrol and directives and policies to be
    enforced, hours of operation for activities,
    population density, traffic patterns commo
    capabilities, etc.
  • - patrol coverage patrol areas should be
    covered in one hour, do not give patrol areas,
    which are too wide for a patrol to cover

Patrol Distribution Planning
  • 4- Step Process in Patrol Distribution
  • - STEP 4 Establish types and numbers of
  • (Types? Advantages/Disadvantages?)
  • - Fixed/static (gates, access control
    guards, ammo storage, etc.)
  • - Foot (warehouses, family member
    quarters, commercial estab.)
  • - Motor
  • - Canine (military working dogs)
  • - Aircraft
  • - Special (boats, snowmobiles,
    bicycles, and motorcycles)

Patrol Distribution Planning
  • Shift considerations
  • - morale
  • - job satisfaction
  • - effectiveness
  • Advantages/Disadvantages of 8 hour shifts versus
    12 hour shifts?
  • Advantages/Disadvantages of one-person patrols
  • Why are there more arrests, fewer complaints,
    and a safety advantage with a one-person patrol?

Patrol Distribution Planning
  • Advantages/Disadvantages one-person patrols
  • Advantages
  • Efficiency
  • Discipline
  • Supervision
  • Alertness
  • Disadvantages
  • Witnesses
  • Training
  • Backup

Patrol Distribution Planning
  • Directed Patrolling directs limited assets to
    those places and at times which have the greatest
    impact on addressing an identified crime or other
  • Preventive Patrolling similar to directed
    patrolling uniform presence in the right place
    at the right time focus is on protection of
    people not property
  • Split Patrol Reactive (answers calls)
    Proactive (prevention)

Patrol Distribution Planning
  • Off-post patrols Not many stateside, POSSE
  • Other patrol considerations
  • - Equipment
  • - Weapons what is the right mix?
  • - Communications
  • - Emergency (SOP and rehearsals are
  • - Special challenges (Flag Officer
  • - Special events, i.e. major installation
    activities such as carnivals, open houses, etc.

Patrol Distribution Planning
  • Contingency plans bomb threats, civil
    disturbances, serious criminal activities
  • Various disasters
  • Bottom line be prepared, and have
    well thought out, and executable
    contingency/emergency plans, which adequately
    addresses your personnel requirements and ensure
    that prior coordination with supporting agencies
    is routine and effective!!!

Patrol Distribution Planning
  • Questions?????????

Use of Force
Reference AR 190-14, Carrying of Firearms and
Use of Force for Law Enforcement and Security
  • Use of Force
  • Eligibility requirements for carrying firearms
  • - Mandatory proficiency training and
    proficiency testing within 12 months
  • - Mandatory training must include
  • thorough briefing on individual
  • use of deadly force training
  • instructions on safety functions,
    capabilities, limitations, and maintenance
    procedures for the firearm to be carried

  • Use of Force
  • Restrictions on carrying firearms
  • - Weapons may be carried off an installation
    by DA personnel when authorized by field grade
    officers or civilian equivalent of GS 12
  • - Only government-owned and
    government-issued weapons and ammunition are
    authorized for official duties
  • - Firearms will not be carried within
    prisoner domicile and work areas, inside closed
    neuropsychiatric wards or hospital prison wards

  • Use of Force
  • Persons prohibited from carrying firearms
  • - exhibiting unsuitable behavior in AR 50-6,
    AR 190-56, or AR 380-67
  • - medical conditions or traits or behavioral
    characteristics are defined as disqualifying
    characteristics for regulations cited above
  • - those taking prescription drugs or other
    medications that may produce drowsiness or impair
    reaction or judgment
  • - alcohol beverage consumption 8 hours
    prior to duty

  • Use of Force
  • Procedures for use of force
  • - Avoid use of force when appropriate
  • - When necessary, use minimum amount of
    force to reach the objective
  • - Only as a last resort, use deadly force,
    and only as described in AR 190-14
  • - Commanders are encouraged to substitute
    non-lethal devices for firearms

  • Use of Force
  • Procedures for use of force
  • - The following options should be considered
    when evaluating degree of force required (should
    be considered in order below)
  • Verbal persuasion
  • Unarmed self-defense
  • Chemical aerosol irritant projectors
    (subject to host nation or local restrictions)
  • Presentation of deadly force capability
  • Deadly Force

  • Use of Force
  • Deadly Force Justified only under conditions
    of extreme necessity and as a last resort when
    all lesser means have failed or cannot reasonably
    be employed. Deadly force is justified under one
    or more of the following circumstances
  • - Self-Defense and defense of others
    reasonably believe to be necessary to protect you
    or others who are imminent danger of death or
    serious bodily harm
  • - Assets involving national security to
    prevent theft or sabotage of assets vital to
    national security. Examples include nuclear
    weapons, nuclear command, control, and
    communications facilities and areas designated
    restricted areas containing strategic operational
    assets, sensitive codes or special access

  • Use of Force
  • Deadly Force Justified only under conditions
    of extreme necessity and as a last resort when
    all lesser means have failed or cannot reasonably
    be employed. Deadly force is justified under one
    or more of the following circumstances
  • - Assets not involving national security but
    inherently dangerous to others prevent theft
    sabotage of resources such as operational
    weapons, ammunition, high risk portable and
    lethal missiles, rockets, arms, ammunition
    explosives, chemical agent and special nuclear
  • - Serious offenses against persons to
    prevent commission of a serious offense involving
    violence and threatening death or serious bodily
    harm. Examples include murder, armed robbery,
    and aggravated assaults

  • Use of Force
  • Deadly Force Justified only under conditions
    of extreme necessity and as a last resort when
    all lesser means have failed or cannot reasonably
    be employed. Deadly force is justified under one
    or more of the following circumstances
  • - Arrest or apprehension of persons involved
    justifications cited above
  • - Escapes When specifically authorized by
    the Secretary of Army and reasonably appears to
    be necessary to prevent the escape of a prisoner,
    provide law enforcement or security personnel
    have probable cause to believe that the escaping
    prisoner poses a threat of serious bodily harm
    either to security personnel or others

  • Use of Force
  • Additional requirements for the use of
  • - Give an order to halt before firing
  • - Warning shots are prohibited
  • - When firearm is discharged, it will be
    fired with the intent of rendering the person at
    whom it is discharged incapable of continuing the
    activity or course of behavior prompting the
    individual to shoot
  • - Shots will be fired only with due regard
    for the safety of innocent bystanders
  • - Holstered weapons should not be removed
    from the holster unless there is reasonable
    expectation that use of the weapon may be

Reference AR 190-47, The Army Correction System
  • Corrections Systems Objectives
  • - Provide a safe and secure environment for
    the incarceration of military offenders
  • - Protect the community from offenders
  • - Prepare military prisoners for their
    release whether they return to duty or civilian
    status with the prospect of becoming productive

  • Types of Army Confinement System (ACS)
  • - Confinement Facilities (Level I)
    pretrial and short-term post-trial confinement
    support generally, 90 days or lessnot to
    exceed 1 year limited capabilities
  • - Regional Corrections Facilities (RCF)
    (Level II) multifaceted correction treatment
    programs, vocational and military training, admin
    support, basic educational opportunities,
    employment, mental health programs can provide
    local pre-trial confinement
  • - US Disciplinary Barracks (USDB) (Level
    III) centralized long term corrections facility
    long term incarceration post-trial

  • Associated facilities
  • - Correctional Custody Facility (CCF) to
    implement provisions of Article 15 UCMJ and
    provide CDRs with means other than Court-martial
    for disciplining soldiers who commit minor
    infractions, in which confinement is appropriate
    no confinement stigma
  • - Detention Cells temporary detention of
    personnel under military police jurisdiction and
    temporary confinement of military prisoners when
    a military corrections or confinement facility is
    not available

  • Authorized place of confinement
  • - Sentenced to confinement any place of
    confinement under the control of any Armed Forces
    or in any Federally approved penal or
    correctional institution under the control of the
    US, or which the US may be permitted to use
  • - Confinement of prisoners under death
    sentence Except in time of war, only the USDB
    is authorized

  • Authorized place of confinement
  • - Incarceration of pretrial prisoners any
    Army confinement facility, any federally approved
    civilian confinement facility (must have
    MOA/contract) cannot be held in the USDB
  • will not be confined soley to await the
    outcome of admin discharge proceedings
  • prior to placing person in pretrial
    confinement, CDR should inform the person of the
    specific accused wrongs
  • pre-trial confinement in excess of 30
    days will be permitted only when personally
    approved by the officer with general-court

  • Authorized place of confinement
  • - Hospitalized prisoners specifically
    designated medical treatment area for proper
    custody and control, unless hospital commander
    directs otherwise
  • - Incarceration with enemy prisoners of war
    (EPW) US Armed Forces will not be incarcerated
    in immediate association with enemy prisoners of
    war or other foreign nationals unless the EPW or
    foreign nationals are being detained under
    military control for suspected or proven criminal
  • - Female prisoners facilities will have
    separate living and hygiene areas from males

  • Services provided to prisoners
  • - Prisoner counseling
  • - Health care services
  • - Mental health support
  • - Legal services support
  • - Prisoner employment
  • - Vocational training and education

  • Prisoner disposition
  • - Parole
  • - Clemency
  • - Return to duty

Military Customs Operations
2LT Shannon Konvalin Directorate of Emergency
Services (DES), FT Leonard Wood Operations Officer
  • Governing regulations
  • - AR 40-12, Quarantine Regulations of the
    Armed Forces
  • - AFR 161-4, Quarantine Regulations of the
    Armed Forces
  • - SECNAVINST 6210.2A
  • Quarantine Regulations for the Armed Forces

Overview Why do we have a military customs
program? Who manages this program, and who are
the inspectors?
  • Overview
  • Directed by the Department of Defense
  • Military Customs Programs are in place to
    ensure that prohibited/restricted items, to
    include war trophies, contraband (drugs, weapons,
    etc.), or other items, which may be harmful to
    the US, i.e. agricultural or other food products
    are not allowed to illegally enter to the US
    also ensure that host nation tax and currency
    laws are honore
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