Fundamentals of Asset Management Nat Coley, Economic Analysis Program FHWA Office Of Asset Management - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Fundamentals of Asset Management Nat Coley, Economic Analysis Program FHWA Office Of Asset Management


Importance of asset management and what it can do for us ... Asset management is a systematic process of maintaining, upgrading, and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Fundamentals of Asset Management Nat Coley, Economic Analysis Program FHWA Office Of Asset Management

Fundamentals of Asset Management
Coley, Economic Analysis
Program FHWA Office Of Asset
  • Definition and Understanding Asset Management
  • Importance of asset management and what it can do
    for us
  • Explain the role we play in implementing asset
  • Methods and Tools
  • Apply the principles of asset management
  • Define steps that agencies can take toimprove
    asset management
  • Identify available tools that can assist in
    applying asset management
  • Identify performance measures that are useful in
    an asset management context

Transportation Asset Management
Asset management is a systematic process of
maintaining, upgrading, and operating physical
assets cost-effectively. It combines engineering
principles with sound business practices and
economic theory, and it provides tools to
facilitate a more organized, logical approach to
decision-making. Thus, asset management provides
a framework for handling both short- and
long-range planning.
Why Transportation Asset Management?
Transportation Asset Management
  • As government providers and operators of
    transportation systems, we face an increasingly
    complex challenge of improving safety, mobility
    and the aesthetics of our highway system in an
    environment of constrained resources.
    Implementing an asset management approach is
    essential to ensure that we invest the public
    funding entrusted to us wisely, and that we
    minimize long-term costs in achieving our desired
    service level objectives.
  • Neil J. Pedersen, Administrator, Maryland State
    Highway Administration
  • and Vice-Chair, AASHTO Subcommittee on Asset

Why is it Important?
  • Increasing congestion between 1993 and 2002
  • 24 increase in passenger car VMT
  • 32 increase in single-unit trucks VMT
  • 39 increase in combination trucks VMT
  • Only a 2 increase in lane miles
  • In the next 20 years
  • VMT will increase by 50
  • Freight tonnage will nearly double
  • All of this is occurring on an aging network
    and in a fiscally constrained environment

What Can we do about our situation?
  • Aging Infrastructure Networks
  • Need to make what we have work better for us and
  • longer
  • Growing Congestion
  • What can we do to reduce the
  • inconvenience of congested roadways?
  • Growing Traffic Volume
  • What can we do to curb the increasing levels of
  • Increasing Legislative Oversight
  • Need to respond to pressure to be more
    transparent and
  • accountable

Asset Management Principles
Focus of Asset Management
Transportation Asset Management
Capital Improvement
A Resource Allocation and Utilization Process
Funding Levels
Policy Goals and Objectives
Customer Input
Analysis of Options and Tradeoffs
Resource Allocation Decisions Financial Staff
Equipment Other
Program and Service Delivery
System Condition and Service Levels
Benefits of Asset Management
  • Extend resources
  • Make our assets last longer
  • Make your dollars do more for you
  • Get more money
  • Make the case for funding and have the executives
  • and legislature understand the needs
  • Have your partners support you and communicate
  • case
  • Communication, accountability, and credibility
  • Improved communication and collaboration within
  • agency, across agencies, and with customers
  • Improved credibility and accountability for

Asset Management Can Support Financial Performance
  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB)-
    Statement 34
  • provides a comprehensive framework for financial
    reporting with the objective of making annual
    reports easier to understand and more useful to
    the people who rely on the financial information
    contained therein.

Asset Management Can Support Financial Performance
  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB)-
    Statement 34
  • the government manages the eligible
    infrastructure assets using an asset management
    system that has the characteristics set below
  • Provides an up-to-date inventory of eligible
    infrastructure assets
  • Performs condition assessments of the eligible
    infrastructure assets and summarizes the results
    using a measurable scale and
  • Estimates each year the annual amount to
    maintain and preserve the eligible infrastructure
    assets at the condition level established and
    disclosed by the
  • government.

Asset Management Can Support Financial Performance
  • Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB)-
    Statement 34
  • the government documents that the eligible
    infrastructure assets are being preserved
    approximately at (or above) a condition level
    established and disclosed by the government.
    Determining what constitutes adequate documentary
    evidence to meet the second requirement involves
    professional judgment because of variations among
    government asset management systems and condition
    assessment methods.

Examples of Application
  • Policy Development
  • Tradeoff Analysis
  • Economic Analysis and Life Cycle Cost Analysis

Policy Development Proactive Role in Policy
  • Asset Management provides an opportunity to
    connect POLICY to ACTION
  • Agencies need to engage policy makers during
    their decision-making process
  • Have an impact on external bodies that shape
  • Frame and inform policy options
  • Communicate implications of funding decisions
  • Reinforce accountability
  • Same principles can be applied to long-range

Proactive Role in Policy FormulationExample
  • Governor initiated a Fix It First program
    focused on reducing structurally deficient (SD)
    bridges. Initially, resources would be allocated
    to fix current SD bridges

Proactive Role in Policy FormulationExample
MassHighway (continued)
  • Further analysis indicated that the number of SD
    bridges would increase over time with focus only
    on fixing current SD bridges

Proactive Role in Policy Formulation
Funding Levels
Policy Goals and Objectives
Customer Input
Analysis of Options and Tradeoffs
Resource Allocation Decisions Financial Staff
Equipment Other
Program and Service Delivery
System Condition and Service Levels
Proactive Role in Policy FormulationExample
MassHighway (continued)
  • New policy balances preservation and replacement
    needs. New budget includes increased bridge
    funding to address current SD bridges and manage

Tradeoff AnalysisWhat is a Program Tradeoff?
Tradeoff Analysis Example
Economic Analysis and Asset Management
  • Mechanism for evaluating and comparing
    long-term costs and benefits of alternatives
  • Economic analysis results
  • Help structure project-level tradeoffs
  • Quantify Qualify costs and benefits to the
    agency and to customers
  • Support repeatable and transparent project
    justification and prioritization
  • Management systems can help with economic

Adam Smith
Economic Fundamentals
  • Life-Cycle Comparisons
  • Inflation
  • Time Value of Resources

Life-Cycle Comparisons
Typical Life-Cycle Profile
Economic Analysis Tools
  • FHWA Office of Asset Management offers multiple
    tools to assist organizations with economic
  • HERS-ST uses engineering standards to identify
    highway deficiencies, applies economic criteria
    to select the most cost-effective mix of
    improvements for system-wide implementation
  • STEAM facilitates detailed corridor and
    system-wide economic analysis for large
    transportation projects
  • BCA.NET web-based benefit-cost analysis tool
    to support the highway project decision-making
  • Life Cycle Cost Analysis Process RealCost
    Software performs a project alternative analysis

Benefit and Cost Elements
Performance Measures Basics
  • Performance measurement is
  • A way to link strategy to action
  • A process of gathering information to make
    well-informed decisions
  • A way of monitoring progress toward a result or
    goal (accountability is another dimension of
    this aspect)
  • Goal of performance measurement is to align
    metrics to focused strategies that are
  • Having measures that state that one has to be
    good at everything is not helpful
  • Good measures strengthen link between
    strategies, actions, and results
  • Useful as a filter for how to respond to new

Performance Measures are Critical
Funding Levels
Policy Goals and Objectives
Customer Input
Analysis of Options and Tradeoffs
Resource Allocation Decisions Financial Staff
Equipment Other
Program and Service Delivery
System Condition and Service Levels
VDOT Dashboard Performance Measures Example
  • 2002 Program delivery was not good late and
    over budget
  • Commissioner - Change the culture
  • Develop and adhere to strict definition of
    on-time, on-budget
  • Measuring on-time, on-budget required data on
  • Work accomplishments
  • Project schedule
  • Cost of work to date
  • Contract award amount

Performance Results
  • Maintenance
  • 110 improvement in on-time delivery
  • 51 improvement in on-budget delivery
  • From FY 2001 to FYTD 2007
  • Construction
  • 345 improvement in on-time delivery
  • 74 improvement in on-budget delivery

Establish Performance TargetsExample Analyze
Resource Allocation Scenarios
Establish Performance TargetsExample Analyze
Resource Allocation Scenarios
Role of Preservation
  • Preservation of existing assets is fundamental in
    any asset management approach
  • Doing the right thing at the right time to the
    right asset
  • Benefits
  • Make existing capital investments last longer
  • Stretching available funding further
  • Reducing the frequency of costly, time consuming,
    traffic disrupting rehab, and reconstruction
  • North Carolina DOT (described in the FHWA
    Comprehensive Asset Management Case Study)
    added preservation as an explicit budget
    line item to their budget

ExamplePavement Preservation
Applying Asset Management to Operations
  • Operations broadens asset management beyond a
    preservation focus
  • Can an ITS project achieve the same objective as
    a proposed capital project?
  • Should we trade a decline in pavement
    condition for improved capacity on an
    existing highway?

Management Systems
  • All state DOTs have some form of pavement and
    bridge management systems
  • Selected agencies have other management systems
    and analytic tools tunnels, safety hardware,
    traffic signals, culverts, etc.
  • Management system uses
  • Manage an inventory of assets
  • Monitor condition and performance
  • Perform engineering and economic analysis
  • Determine budget needs and expenditures
  • Determine what is working well and where work is
  • Major challenge tying management systems to the
    decision-making process

Pavement Management Systems
  • Invest in strong bases and preventive maintenance
    to maximize pavement life at lowest life cycle
    cost, and rehabilitate pavements well before they
    become noticeably rough.
  • Many Pavement Management Systems exist in the

Bridge Management Systems
  • A tool for managing a bridge portfolio for
    optimal results
  • Quantification of the benefits of addressing
    bridge needs and the increased cost of deferring
    needed work
  • Determine the most cost-effective way to maintain
    the bridge inventory

Other Management Systems
  • Maintenance Management Systems
  • Combines asset inventories, work planning, and
    work orders
  • Many products exist in the market
  • Culvert Management Systems
  • Alabama, Maryland, Minnesota, and Shelby County
    case study
  • Many adapt their BMS for use with culverts
  • Adapt maintenance management systems
  • Home-grown systems exist
  • Other states have custom developed systems
  • Operations Asset Management
  • Tools operations asset management systems are
    beginning to be published and made available
  • Traffic Operations Asset Management System
  • Identification of operations assets (FHWA
  • Signals, lighting, safety hardware, signs, others

Data and Data Management
  • Many agencies view themselves as data rich, but
    information poor
  • Existing tools are largely under-utilized in most
    DOTs for asset management decision-making,
    especially predictive models

When you cannot measure, when you cannot express
in numbers, your knowledge is of a meager and
unsatisfactory kind you have scarcely, in your
thoughts, advanced to the stage of a science.
Lord Kelvin
As a general rule, the most successful man in
life is the man who has the best information.
Benjamin Disraeli
Data is a lot like humans It is born. Matures.
Gets married to other data, divorced. Gets old.
One thing that it doesn't do is die. It has to be
killed. Arthur Miller
A computer cannot turn bad data into good data.
John R Pierce
Forces Driving Data Business Planning in
Fragmentation, lack of integration
Data quality issues
Data Rich, Information Poor Syndrome
Shrinking resources, growing needs
Need for greater accountability
Data Business Plans
Technology Advances
Increase understanding of data value
Better payoff from IT investments
Support for data programs
Maximize use of existing data
Data Plans Delivering Value
Established need, sound measurement methods,
precise definition, fit with other data
Efficient and sustainable methods using current
Process to ensure accuracy
Provide metadata for users and integrators
Protect data security and integrity, enable access
Link to other data sets
Provide access to meet user needs downloads,
reports, maps
Use to support decisions, meet reporting
requirements, etc.
Moving Forward with Asset Management
  • There is no one right way
  • Most important ingredient is an organizational
    support structure
  • Identify a champion
  • Clearly define responsibilities
  • The scale of the effort can be big or small
    agency-wide, division centric, or unit focused
    involved hundreds of people or a small group
  • The Self Assessment in Chapter 3 of the Asset
    Management Guide can help identify greatest
    opportunities for improvement

Developing a Plan
No single correct approach to getting started
FHWA Office of Asset Management
  • Mission
  • provide leadership and expertise in the
    systematic management of highway infrastructure
  • serves as an advocate for asset management,
    system preservation, pavement management and
    analysis, bridge management and inspection, and
    construction and maintenance activities, as well
    as technology development, outreach, and
    partnering initiatives.

FHWA Office of Asset Management
  • Three Teams
  • Construction and System Preservation responsible
    for construction and maintenance program policy,
    technical support, and national outreach.
    Specific areasof responsibility include
    accelerated construction,transportation
    systempreservation, and continuous quality
    improvement initiatives such as system

FHWA Office of Asset Management
  • The System Management and Monitoring Team
    responsible for developing promoting systematic
    approaches to the management of highway assets.
    This work includes refiningand advancing the use
    of pavementand bridge management systems and
    developing systems where theypresently do not
    exist, such as for tunnels and roadway hardware.
    Theteam is made up of a Pavement Management
    Group and a Bridge Management Group.

FHWA Office of Asset Management
  • Evaluation and Economic Investment Team
  • development and promotion of an array of
    procedures for inclusion in an engineering
    economic analysis toolbox, identification and
    dissemination of alternatives for developing data
    systems to support asset management, and
    providing assistance with implementation of
    relevantstandards issued by the Governmental
    Accounting Standards Board (GASB).

Thank You
  • Nathaniel Coley
  • FHWA Office Of Asset Management
  • Washington, DC
  • 202-366-2171
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