Title: Micro Algae Production: A Renewable, Sustainable Alternative to Produce Fuels and Fertilizers
1Micro Algae Production A Renewable, Sustainable
Alternative to Produce Fuels and Fertilizers
- Ganti S. Murthy
- Biological and Ecological Engineering Department
- Oregon State University
- 16th, Jan, 2008
2Need for Sustainable Biobased Economy
- Three important considerations
- Energy resources and their contribution
- Population growth and economy
- Global climate change
3World Energy Scenario
- Energy sources
- Non Renewable Petroleum, coal, nuclear
- Renewable Solar, wind, hydro and biomass
Are all forms of energy the same? kWhr from coal
? kWhr from gasoline ? kWhr from electricity
- Usability is determined by the following
characteristics of energy sources. - High energy density
- Long shelf life
- Safety
- Quality
4World Energy Scenario
Source http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ImageWorld_e
nergy_usage_width_chart.svg Data Renewables in
global energy supply. IEA Report, 2007.
5Energy Consumption and Economy
Energy is the real currency of economies.
Source Frank van Mierlo , http//en.wikipedia.org
6Emerging Economies
Newly industrialized countries
Emerging economies
Other developing countries
Source http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ImageWorld_p
7Arable Land in the World
Source http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ImageArable_
land_percent_world.png Data CIA Factobook
8Renewables Just Fuels?
- Nitrogenous fertilizers
- Production of polymers (polylactic acid and zein)
- Fuels and chemicals from cattle manure
- Alternate uses for lignin production of value
added products, use for heating - Nutraceuticals
9Sustainable Technologies Laboratory
Carbon Dioxide
Power Plants
Solar Energy
10Integrated Algae Production Technology
11Biodiesel Production Comparison
Crop Biodiesel Potential (gal/acre)
Soybeans 48
Canola 127
Oil Palm 635
Algae 819 (Actual)
Algae 5000 (Theoretical)
12Algae Advantages
- Higher productivities as compared to conventional
crops (30 times more yield than soybean per
acre/yr) - Lower water consumption for growth (99 less
water) - Waste water and flue gases can be used to grow
algae - Some strains of algae selectively adsorb heavy
metal ions - Algae grow in diverse environmental conditions
13Algae Challenges
- Theoretical maximum yields have not been achieved
in commercial facilities - Open ponds susceptible to contamination, lower
productivities - Closed photobioreactors are relatively expensive
- Algae harvesting and oil recovery needs
innovative solutions - Nucleic acids in some algae reduces productivity
of animals
14Algae Biomass Flue Gas Utilization
15Algae Production in a Solar Powered
Photobioreactor Economic Analysis
Assumptions Assumptions
Light source power consumption (W/ foot) 0.8
Cost for a 200W panel () 950
Peak power from panel (W) 200
Eficiency of panel ( peak power) 50
Area of a 200W panel (sq. m) 1.414
Days of operation (per year) 365
Algae produced ( w/v) 0.03/0.06
Oil content of Algae ( w/w) 0.3
oil (30 at 0.729 density) 0.219
Revenue (/gal) 2
16Algae Production in a Solar Powered
Photobioreactor Economic Analysis
Area Ratio (panel area/PBR area) Area Ratio (panel area/PBR area) Area Ratio (panel area/PBR area) Area Ratio (panel area/PBR area) Area Ratio (panel area/PBR area)
power consumption per foot power consumption per foot power consumption per foot power consumption per foot
0.96 1.2 2.4 3.6
Area Ratio (panel area/PBR area) 2.33 2.91 5.81 8.72
Payback period (years) 0.06 w/v 3.61 4.51 9.02 13.53
Payback period (years) 0.03 w/v 7.21 9.02 18.04 27.06
17Algae Production Technology Project
- Objectives
- Experimental validation of the concepts using
prototype photobioreactor systems - Determine efficiencies of algae recovery and
processing technologies - Complete economic analysis of the technology
alternatives - Preparation of a business plan for algae
production technology alternatives
18Sustainable Technologies Laboratory
Ganti S. Murthy Biological and Ecological
Engineering Department Oregon State
University murthy_at_engr.orst.edu 541-737-6291