Title: Investing in Maternal and Child Health: Strategies for Employers
1Investing in Maternal and Child Health
Strategies for Employers
- National Business Group on Health
- December 11, 2007
2Overview Learning Objectives
- Understand how to use Investing in Maternal and
Child Health An Employers Toolkit - The business case for MCH
- The Maternal and Child Health Plan Benefit Model
evidence-informed benefit design - Effective strategies for communication,
education, engagement - Investing in maternal and child health
- What does investing mean?
- Why is it important?
- How can it be done?
- Kathryn Phillips Campbell, Manager Center for
Prevention and Health Services - Scott Rothermel, Consultant NBGH
- Rebecca Main, Marriott International Maternal
and Family Health Benefits Advisory Board
4Sources 1. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. Actuarial
analysis of the National Business Group on
Healths Maternal and Child Health Plan Benefit
Model. Atlanta, GA PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
August 2007 2. Shellenback K. Child Care and
Parent Productivity Making the Business Case.
Ithaca, NY Cornell Department of City and
Regional Planning 2004.
Business Case
- 1 out of every 5 large employers spend on
health care is for MCH services1 - Pregnancy is a leading cause of short- and
long-term disability and turnover for most
companies - Childrens health problems are a leading cause of
employee absence and productivity loss - Absences cost employers 3 billion per year2
- 26 of the time, employees calling in sick are
providing care to a family member
5Business Case
- Improved MCH health is associated with
- Lower healthcare costs
- Increased productivity
- Improved retention
- A healthier future workforce
6Business Case Children
- Important, but often overlooked population
- 43 of NBGH employers provide dependent coverage
through age 25, pending school status1 - 33 of all beneficiaries are under the age of 252
- 14.7 of claims costs are for children
adolescents2 - 8.6 of employees provide care to a child with a
special health care need3 - In 2003, childrens costs totaled 67 billion in
the U.S.4
Sources 1. National Business Group on Health.
Maternal and Child Health Benefits Survey.
Washington, DC National Business Group on
Health January 2006 2. PricewaterhouseCoopers
LLP. Actuarial analysis of the National Business
Group on Healths Maternal and Child Health Plan
Benefit Model. Atlanta, GA PricewaterhouseCoopers
LLP August 2007 3. Perrin J, Kuhthau K, Fluet
C. Children with Special Needs and the Workplace
A Guide for Employers. Boston, MA Center for
Child and Adolescent Health Policy at the
MassGeneral Hospital for Children 2004 4.
Chevarley FM. Utilization and Expenditures for
Children with Special Health Care Needs. Research
Findings No. 24. Rockville, MD Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality 2006.
7Business Case Healthy Pregnancy
- In any given year, 5 of female employees will
experience a pregnancy1 - Pregnancy and childbirth account for 25 of all
hospitalizations in the United States2 - Complications of pregnancy are costly in the
short- and long-term - Each year employers spend 9 billion on claims
related to prematurity and low birthweight2 - 10 of babies covered by employer-sponsored
health plans are born with a prematurity
diagnosis - Other complications preeclampsia, multiple
births, 40 more C-sections today than in 19973
Sources 1. March of Dimes, 2007 2. National
Committee for Quality Assurance. The State of
Health Care Quality 2005 Industry Trends and
Analysis. Available at http//www.ncqa.org/Docs/S
OHCQ_2005.pdf. Accessed on June 7, 2007 3. CDC.
National Vital Statistics Report, Vol 52, No 10.
8Large Employer Specific Cost Data
- Actuarial analysis
- Medstat database
- PricewaterhouseCoopers proprietary cost models
- 120,000 beneficiaries
- Cost data from 2004
10Childrens cost and service-use profiles are
different than those of adults
11Investing in Maternal and Child Health
7-part resource guide on plan design, education,
and communication
- Business case
- Maternal and Child Health Plan Benefit Model
- Healthcare strategy
- Employer education and case studies
- Beneficiary education and communication tips
- Materials for employees on MCH topics
- Tools, metrics, crosswalks
12Maternal and Child Health Plan Benefit Model
- Plan design specific to the needs of children,
adolescents, and childbearing women - Comprehensive/unified plan (includes mental
health, dental, vision, and prescription drug
coverage recommendations) - Reduces administrative cost burden allows for
clinical integration - Evidence-informed
- Affordable (employee) sustainable (employer)
- Centered on prevention and early intervention
- Designed by NBGH advisory board
- Benefit managers medical directors professional
association delegates experts in pediatrics,
family medicine, occupational medicine health
plans healthcare consultants - Reviewed by 30 external experts
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15Evidence-Informed Benefits
- Evidence-based strong scientific evidence of
effectiveness (e.g., USPSTF recommendations) - Limited in pediatrics and obstetrics
- Recommended guidance based on the best available
information about a condition, disease or health
service (e.g., expert opinion, consensus, panel
16Maternal and Child Health Plan Benefit Model
- HMO and PPO plan designs
- 34 recommended benefits
- 5 categories
- I. Preventive Services
- II. Physician / Practitioner Services
- III. Facility-Based Care
- IV. Therapeutic Services / Ancillary Services
- V. Laboratory, Diagnostic, Assessment, and
Testing Services
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19Innovative Benefits
- Preventive care
- Preconception care
- Postpartum care lactation support
- Early intervention services for mental health /
substance abuse - Preventive dental care
- E-visits telephonic visits, group care, care by
a healthcare team - DME Medical foods, cochlear implants, donor
breast milk, breast pumps
20Administrative Changes
- Medically necessary care is
- Prescribed by a physician or other qualified
healthcare provider. - Required to prevent, diagnose, or treat an
illness, injury, or disease or its symptoms help
maintain, improve, or restore the individuals
health or functional capacity prevent
deterioration of the individuals condition or
remedy developmental delays or disabilities. - Generally agreed to be of clinical value.
- Clinically consistent with the patients
diagnosis and/or symptoms. - Appropriate in terms of type, scope, frequency,
duration, intensity, and delivered in a setting
that is appropriate to the needs of the patient.
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22Cost-Sharing Recommendations
- Zero cost preventive care
23Cost-Sharing Recommendations
- Recommended total participant cost (premium, OOP
total) excludes prescription drugs - Individual (1) 2,370 total (1,500 maximum
copayment/coinsurance, plus 870 premium). - Individual plus one dependent (2) 5,420 total
(3,000 maximum copayment/coinsurance, plus
1,740 premium). - Family (3) 5,420 total (3,000 maximum
copayment/coinsurance, plus 2,420 premium).
24Cost-Sharing Balance
- Growth in healthcare premiums has consistently
outpaced both inflation and growth in workers
earnings for the past 20 years.1 - Between 2000 and 2005, the cost of buying
coverage for an employee increased 61 (273)
for single coverage and 60 (971) for family
coverage.2 - Family out-of-pocket costs for medical care are
also on the rise. - In 2003, 18.2 of families with
employer-sponsored health coverage spent 10 or
more of their annual income on medical expenses -
a 28 increase over 8 years.1
Sources 1. Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation.
Health Care Costs A Primer. Key Information
Health Care Costs and Their Impact. Menlo Park,
CA Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation August
2007 2. Sommers JP. Offer Rates, Take-up Rates,
Premiums, and Employee Contributions for
Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance in the
Private Sector for the 10 Largest Metropolitan
Areas, 2005. Statistical Brief 178. Rockville,
MD Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
July 2007.
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28Actuarial Analysis
- Background
- Summary
- Plan benefit strategies
- Employee feedback
- Actuarial models
- Process
- Examples
- Early Intervention Services for Mental Health /
Substance Abuse - Preventive Preconception Care
29Actuarial Analysis - Background
- Benefit managers have limited strategies if they
expect to stay within their budgets - Adjust benefit coverage levels / care management
models for medical services - Adjust employee cost-sharing formulas
- Reduce demand for medical services by
incorporating coverage for preventive services
part of a value-based purchasing strategy
30Actuarial Analysis - Background
- Employer feedback
- Benefit coverage levels implemented majority of
financial management strategies - Employee cost-sharing maximized, and in some
cases exceeded, cost-shifting burden to employees - Prevention strategy experimented with some
services, but lack economic / financial models to
implement comprehensive prevention strategies
31Actuarial Analysis - Background
- Actuarial models
- Primary application for evaluating the cost
impact of benefit coverage levels and
cost-sharing strategies - Secondary application considers prevention as a
cost offset - If cost is avoided then resources can be used
elsewhere in the organization
32Actuarial Analysis - Process
- Identified two plan types
- Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)
- Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)
- Incorporate prevention strategy and related
project values - Results need to be financially competitive with
existing employer strategies
33Actuarial Analysis - Process
34Actuarial Analysis - Process
- Develop and benchmark HMO and PPO models
- Populated benchmark models with national data
sets from Medstat and PwC - Peer-reviewed literature used to fill-in gaps
35Actuarial Analysis - Process
- Estimate cost-impact of MCH Plan Design
considerations - Historical utilization rates / patterns
- Managed care models for medical and mental health
- Population demographics
- Cost-sharing model
- Provider reimbursement levels
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37Actuarial Analysis ExampleEarly Intervention
Services for Mental Health / Substance Abuse
38Actuarial Analysis ExampleEarly Intervention
Services for Mental Health / Substance Abuse
- Benchmark model
- Insufficient experience data available to support
the benchmark model - Benefit estimated to cost employers
- 4.83 (HMO) and 5.85 (PPO)
- Overall plan impact
- Increase plan costs by 1.7 and 1.9,
respectively - Cost offset
- Probably cost-saving
39Cost-Impact Summary
- Adopting all of the recommended benefits would
cost the average employer, with a market-average
plan design, an additional 6 for a HMO or 10
for a PPO - Most large employers already provide some of the
recommended benefits - Cost-impact assessments provided on a per benefit
level and per category - Adopting all preventive services for a HMO plan
would cost 3.8 / 10.99 PMPM - Adopting the recommended well-child care benefit
would cost 0.1/ 0.37 PMPM
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42Balanced Scorecard Analysis Tools
- Balanced Scorecard
- Value Proposition
- Perspectives
- Key Performance Indicators
- Strategy Maps
- Side-by-Side Analysis Tool
43Balanced Scorecard and Analysis Tools
- Balanced Scorecard Value Proposition
- Develop a maternal and child health strategy
- Evaluate existing health benefits
- Implement and track the MCH Plan Benefit Model
recommendations - Design and evaluate additional MCH and work/life
44Balanced Scorecard and Analysis Tools
- Perspectives and Key Performance Indicators
(KPIs) - Financial
- KPI 0 net increase in plan costs 1 year after
adopting up to three MCH Plan Benefit Model
preventive services. - Customer
- KPI X increase (from baseline) in number of
participants / attendance rate in pregnancy
education program. - Operations
- KPI X decrease (from baseline) in number of
children who have an ER admission related to
asthma symptoms. - Learning and Growth
- KPI X increase (from baseline) in the number
of home health visits post-delivery.
45Side-by-Side Analysis Tool
- Summary
- Benchmarking and analysis resource
- Directions for use
- Gather plan benefit documentation (i.e., summary
plan description, administrative contract) - Insert relevant plan information
- Summarize key differences
- Analyze variance
- Consider plan modifications
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47Education and Engagement
- Research and experience show that plan changes
arent enough to improve health - Communication fact sheets
- Open enrollment opportunities
- Low health literacy challenges
- Employee education resources
- Preconception, prenatal, and postpartum care
- Child health
- Adolescent health
48Marriott International
49For Additional Information, Contact
- Kathryn Phillips Campbell phillips_at_businessgrouph
ealth.org - 206-708-1610
- Georgette Flood flood_at_businessgrouphealth.org
- 202-585-1837
PDF copies of all materials available
at www.businessgrouphealth.org/healthtopics/mate