Perkins IV Secondary Indicators - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Perkins IV Secondary Indicators


... one (1) or more credits in any career and technical education (CTE) program area. ... 3S1: Placement in Employment and/or Continuing Postsecondary Education ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Perkins IV Secondary Indicators

Perkins IV - Secondary Indicators
  • Carol Brooks
  • Illinois State Board of Education

Intent of Perkins IV
  • The Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical
    Education Improvement Act of 2006 makes several
    key changes regarding accountability and program

State and Local Accountability
  • Under the 1998 law, the major provisions of the
    Perkins accountability system applied only to
    states. The new law extends the accountability
    system to local programs as well.

Performance Indicators
  • Under the 2006 law, states and local programs
    will be required to report on separate core
    performance indicators for secondary and
    postsecondary students. Measures for each
    indicator must be valid and reliable.

Secondary Definitions
  • CTE Participant A secondary student who has
    earned one (1) or more credits in any career and
    technical education (CTE) program area.

Secondary Definitions
  • Program Area Program of Study, Sequence of
    courses (Cluster/Pathway).
  • Course One hour year long study or one semester
    multiple hour block or other state time standard
    of state designation.

Secondary Definitions
  • CTE Concentrator A secondary student who has
    earned three (3) or more credits in a single CTE
    program area (e.g., health care or business
    services), or two (2) credits in a single CTE
    program area, but only in those program areas
    where 2 credit sequences at the secondary level
    are recognized by the State and/or its local
    eligible recipients.

Secondary Indicators
  • 1S1 Academic Attainment Reading /
    Language Arts
  • 1S2 Academic Attainment Mathematics
  • 2S1 Technical Skill Attainment
  • 3S1 Secondary School Completion
  • 4S1 Student Graduation Rates
  • 5S1 Secondary Placement
  • 6S1 Nontraditional Participation
  • 6S2 Nontraditional Completion

1S1 Academic Attainment Reading/Language Arts
  • Numerator Number of CTE concentrators who have
    met the proficient or advanced level on the
    Statewide high school reading/language arts
    assessment administered by the State under
    Section 1111(b)(3) of the Elementary and
    Secondary Education Act (ESEA) as amended by the
    No Child Left Behind Act based on the scores that
    were included in the States computation of
    adequate yearly progress (AYP) and who, in the
    reporting year, left secondary education.
  • Denominator Number of CTE concentrators who took
    the ESEA assessments in reading/language arts
    whose scores were included in the States
    computation of AYP and who, in the reporting
    year, left secondary education.

1S2 Academic Attainment Mathematics
  • Numerator Number of CTE concentrators who have
    met the proficient or advanced level on the
    Statewide high school mathematics assessment
    administered by the State under Section
    1111(b)(3) of the Elementary and Secondary
    Education Act (ESEA) as amended by the No Child
    Left Behind Act based on the scores that were
    included in the States computation of AYP and
    who, in the reporting year, left secondary
  • Denominator Number of CTE concentrators who
    took the ESEA assessments in mathematics whose
    scores were included in the States computation
    of AYP and who, in the reporting year, left
    secondary education.

2S1 Technical Skill Attainment
  • Numerator Number of CTE concentrators who
    passed technical skill assessments that are
    aligned with industry-recognized standards, if
    available and appropriate, during the reporting
  • Denominator Number of CTE concentrators who
    took the assessments during the reporting year.

2S1/1P1 Technical Skill Attainment
  • Final Desired Approach
  • Gold An external 3rd party (eg. ASE) assessment
    of state/industry/postsecondary agreed upon
    standards (clusters/pathways)
  • Interim Approach
  • Silver Teacher/Instructor developed assessment
    of state/industry/postsecondary agreed upon
    standards (clusters/pathways) meeting state
    established validity and reliability guidelines
  • Bronze No longer available after phase-in
    period includes other indicators of technical
    skill attainment such as GPA, course completion,
    program completion, etc.

3S1Secondary School Completion
  • Numerator Number of CTE concentrators who
    earned a regular secondary school diploma, earned
    a General Education Development (GED) credential
    as a State-recognized equivalent to a regular
    high school diploma (if offered by the State) or
    other State-recognized equivalent (including
    recognized alternative standards for individuals
    with disabilities), or earned a proficiency
    credential, certificate, or degree, in
    conjunction with a secondary school diploma (if
    offered by the State) during the reporting year.
  • Denominator Number of CTE concentrators who left
    secondary education during the reporting year.

4S1 Student Graduation Rates
  • Numerator Number of CTE concentrators who, in
    the reporting year, were included as graduated in
    the States computation of its graduation rate as
    described in Section 1111(b)(2)(C)(vi) of the
  • Denominator Number of CTE concentrators who, in
    the reporting year, were included in the States
    computation of its graduation rate as defined in
    the States Consolidated Accountability Plan
    pursuant to Section 1111(b)(2)(C)(vi) of the ESEA.

5S1 Secondary Placement
  • Numerator Number of CTE concentrators who left
    secondary education and were placed in
    postsecondary education or advanced training, in
    the military service, or employment in the second
    quarter following the program year in which they
    left secondary education (i.e., unduplicated
    placement status for CTE concentrators who
    graduated by June 30, 2007 would be assessed
    between October 1, 2007 and December 31, 2007).
  • Denominator Number of CTE concentrators who left
    secondary education during the reporting year.

6S1 Nontraditional Participation
  • Numerator Number of CTE participants from
    underrepresented gender groups who participated
    in a program that leads to employment in
    nontraditional fields during the reporting year.
  • Denominator Number of CTE participants who
    participated in a program that leads to
    employment in nontraditional fields during the
    reporting year.

6S2 Nontraditional Completion
  • Numerator Number of CTE concentrators from
    underrepresented gender groups who completed a
    program that leads to employment in
    nontraditional fields during the reporting year.
  • Denominator Number of CTE concentrators who
    completed a program that leads to employment in
    nontraditional fields during the reporting year.

  • 1S1 Academic Attainment Reading /
    Language Arts
  • 1S2 Academic Attainment Mathematics
  • 2S1 Technical Skill Attainment
  • 3S1 Secondary School Completion
  • 4S1 Student Graduation Rates
  • 5S1 Secondary Placement
  • 6S1 Nontraditional Participation
  • 6S2 Nontraditional Completion
  • 1S1 Academic Skill Attainment (Proxy)
  • 1S2 Occupational Skill Attainment (Proxy)
  • 2S1 High School Completion
  • 3S1 Placement in Employment and/or Continuing
    Postsecondary Education
  • 4S1 Nontraditional Program Participation
  • 4S2 Nontraditional Program Completing

Performance Levels
  • States must at minimum include objective,
    quantifiable, and measurable target performance
    levels for each of the core performance

Performance Levels
  • The law requires the Secretary of Education and
    States to negotiate performance measures for the
    first two program years covered by the State plan
    and reach agreement.

Performance Levels
  • These negotiations would be repeated in
    subsequent years, prior to the third and fifth
    program years covered by the State plan.

Performance Levels
  • Local programs must either accept the state
    adjusted levels of performance as the local
    levels of performance or negotiate with the State
    to reach agreement on new local adjusted levels
    of performance.

Performance Levels
  • Local performance levels must also be objective,
    quantifiable, and measurable.

Disaggregation of performance data
  • The law requires State and local programs to
    annually report on the performance of CTE
  • Data must be disaggregated by special populations
    (as defined in the Act) and subgroups as defined
    under the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB).

  • Publisher ACTE
  • Date published 2006
  • ISBN bperkins06
  • Member price 34.95
  • Non-member 39.95

CAR Reporting Timeline
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