Title: NOTE: To appreciate this presentation [and insure that it is not a mess], you need Microsoft fonts: Showcard Gothic, Ravie, Chiller and Verdana
1NOTE To appreciate this presentation and
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fonts Showcard Gothic, Ravie, Chiller
and Verdana
2 Tom Peters Excellence The 14H Theory of
Everything National Business Growth
Summit/Workshop 16 February 2011/Sydney
Convention Center
3 Business has to give people enriching,
rewarding lives or it's simply not worth
doing. Richard Branson
4 The Moral Basis For societal Role of
5Organizations exist to serve. Period. Leaders
live to serve. Period.
6 It is not enough for an agency to be respected
for its professional competence. Indeed, there
isnt much to choose between the competence of
big agencies. What so often makes the
difference is the character of the men and women
who represent the agency at the top level, with
clients and the business community. If they are
respected as admirable people, the agency gets
businesswhether from present clients or
prospective ones. David Ogilvy
7Why in the World did you go to Siberia?
8Enterprise (at its best) An emotional,
vital, innovative, joyful, creative,
entrepreneurial endeavor that elicits maximum
concerted human
potential in the wholehearted service of
others.Employees, Customers, Suppliers,
Communities, Owners, Temporary partners
9 Excellence1982 The Bedrock Eight
Basics 1. A Bias for Action 2. Close to the
Customer 3. Autonomy and Entrepreneurship 4.
Productivity Through People 5. Hands On,
Value-Driven 6. Stick to the Knitting 7. Simple
Form, Lean Staff 8. Simultaneous Loose-Tight
10The Memories That Matter.
11 The Memories
That Matter The people you developed who went on
to stellar accomplishments inside or outside
the company. The (no more than) two or three
people you developed who went on to create
stellar institutions of their own. The longshots
(people with a certain something) you bet on
who surprised themselvesand your peers. The
people of all stripes who 2/5/10/20 years
later say You made a difference in my life,
Your belief in me changed everything. The sort
of/character of people you hired in general. (And
the bad apples you chucked out despite some
stellar traits.) A handful of projects (a half
dozen at most) you doggedly pursued that
still make you smile and which fundamentally
changed the way things are done inside or
outside the company/industry. The supercharged
camaraderie of a handful of Great Teams aiming
to change the world.
12 The Memories
That Matter Belly laughs at some of the
stupid-insane things you and your mates
tried. Less than a closet full of I should have
A frighteningly consistent record of having
invariably said, Go for it! Not intervening in
the face of considerable lossrecognizing that
to develop top talent means tolerating
failures and allowing the person who screwed
up to work their own way through and out of
their self-created mess. Dealing with one or more
crises with particular/memorable
aplomb. Demanding CIVILITY regardless of
circumstances. Turning around one or two or so
truly dreadful situationsand watching almost
everyone involved rise to the occasion (often to
their own surprise) and acquire a renewed
sense of purpose in the process. Leaving
something behind of demonstrable-lasting worth.
(On short as well as long assignments.)
13 The Memories
That Matter Having almost always (99 of the
time) put Quality and Excellence ahead of
Quantity. (At times an unpopular approach.) A
few critical instances where you stopped short
and could have done morebut to have done
so would have compromised your and your
teams character and integrity. A sense of time
well and honorably spent. The expression of
simple human kindness and considerationno
matter how harried you may be/may have
been. Understood that your demeanor/expression of
character always set the toneespecially in
difficult situations. Never (rarely) let your
external expression of enthusiasm/
determination flagthe rougher the times, the
more your expressed energy and bedrock
optimism and sense of humor showed. The respect
of your peers. A stoic unwillingness to badmouth
otherseven in private.
14 The Memories
That Matter An invariant creed When something
goes amiss, The buck stops with me when
something goes right, it was their doing, not
yours. A Mandela-like naïve belief that others
will rise to the occasion if given the
opportunity. A reputation for eschewing the
trappings of power. (Strong self-
management of tendencies toward arrogance or
dismissiveness.) Intense, even driven but not
to the point of being careless of others in
the process of forging ahead. Willing time and
again to be surprised by ways of doing things
that are inconsistent with your certain
hypotheses. Humility in the face of others, at
every level, who know more than you about
the way things really are. Bit your tongue
on a thousand occasionsand listened, really
really listened. (And been constantly delighted
when, as a result, you invariably learned
something new and invariably increased your
connection with the speaker.)
15 The Memories
That Matter Unalloyed pleasure in being informed
of the fallaciousness of your beliefs by
someone 15 years your junior and several rungs
below you on the hierarchical ladder.
Selflessness. (A sterling reputation as a guy
always willing to help out with alacrity
despite personal cost.) As thoughtful and
respectful, or more so, toward thine enemies
as toward friends and supporters. Always and
relentlessly put at the top of your list/any
list being first and foremost of service to
your internal and external constituents.
(Employees/Peers/ Customers/Vendors/Community.)
Treated the term servant leadership as holy
writ. (And preached servant leadership to
othersnew non-managerial hire or old pro,
age 18 or 48.)
16 The Memories
That Matter Created the sort of workplaces youd
like your kids to inhabit. (Explicitly
conscious of this Would I want my kids to
work here? litmus test.) A certifiable nut
about quality and safety and integrity. (More or
less regardless of any costs.) A notable few
circumstances where you resigned rather than
compromise your bedrock beliefs. Perfectionism
just short of the paralyzing variety. A self- and
relentlessly enforced group standard of
EXCELLENCE-in-all-we-do/EXCELLENCE in our
behavior toward one another.
17Joe J. Jones 1942 2010 Net
18In a way, the world is a great liar. It shows
you it worships and admires money, but at the end
of the day it doesnt. It says it adores fame and
celebrity, but it doesnt, not really. The world
admires, and wants to hold on to, and not lose,
goodness. It admires virtue. At the end it gives
its greatest tributes to generosity, honesty,
courage, mercy, talents well used, talents that,
brought into the world, make it better. Thats
what it really admires. Thats what we talk about
in eulogies, because thats whats important. We
dont say, The thing about Joe was he was rich!
We say, if we can
19We say, if we can The thing about Joe was
he took good care of people. Peggy Noonan,
A Lifes Lesson, on the astounding response to
the passing of Tim Russert, The Wall Street
Journal, June 21-22, 2008
20Four really First things Before First Things
22If the regimental commander lost most of his 2nd
lieutenants and 1st lieutenants and captains and
majors, it would be a tragedy. If he lost his
sergeants it would be a catastrophe. The Army and
the Navy are fully aware that success on the
battlefield is dependent to an extraordinary
degree on its Sergeants and Chief Petty Officers.
Does industry have the same awareness?
231 cause ofemployee Dis-satisfaction?
24Employee retention satisfaction Overwhelmingly
based on the first-line manager!Source Marcus
Buckingham Curt Coffman, First, Break All the
Rules What the Worlds Greatest Managers Do
25I am sure you spend time on this. My
question Is it an OBSESSION worthy of the
impact it has on enterprise performance?
26E.g. Do you have the ... ABSOLUTE BEST
subset thereof) for first-line supervisors?
27Suggested addition to your statement of Core
Values We are obsessed with developing a cadre
of 1st line managers that is second to nonewe
understand that this cadre per se is arguably one
of our top two or three most important Strategic
29Problem 1.Opportunity 1.
30XFX 1 Cross-Functional eXcellence
31 Never waste a lunch!
32Allied commands depend on mutual confidence and
this confidence is gained, above all through
the development of friendships. General
D.D. Eisenhower, Armchair General Perhaps
his most outstanding ability at West Point was
the ease with which he made friends and earned
the trust of fellow cadets who came from widely
varied backgrounds it was a quality that would
pay great dividends during his future coalition
34Return On Investment In Relationships
35 XF lunches Measure! Monthly! Part of
evaluation! The PAs Club.
36Lunch gt SAP/ Oracle
37XFX Social accelerators
38 XFX Social Accelerators. 1.
EVERYONEs more or less JOB 1 Make friends in
other functions! (Purposefully. Consistently.
Measurably.) 2. Do lunch with people in other
functions!! Frequently!! (Minimum 10 to 25 for
everyone? Measured.) 3. Ask peers in other
functions for references so you can become
conversant in their world. (Its one helluva sign
of ... GIVE-A-DAMN-ism.) 4. Invite counterparts
in other functions to your team meetings.
Religiously. Ask them to present cool stuff
from their world to your group. (B-I-G deal
useful and respectful.) 5. PROACTIVELY SEEK
A DAY make a short call or visit or send an
email of Thanks for some sort of XFX gesture by
your folks and some other functions folks.) 6.
Present counterparts in other functions awards
for service to your group. Tiny awards at least
weekly and an Annual All-Star Supporters from
other groups Banquet modeled after superstar
salesperson banquets. 7. DiscussA SEPARATE
AGENDA ITEMgood and problematic acts of
cross-functional co-operation at every Team
39Present counterparts in other functions
recognition/awards for service to your group
Tiny awards at least weekly. An Annual All-Star
Supporters from other groups Banquet modeled
after and equivalent to! superstar salesperson
40 XFX Social Accelerators. 8.
When someone in another function asks for
assistance, respond with more alacrity than
you would if it were the person in the cubicle
next to yoursor even more than you would for a
key external customer. (Remember, XFX is the key
to Customer Retention which is in turn the key to
all good things.) 9. Do not bad mouth ... the
damned accountants, the bloody HR guy. Ever.
(Bosses Severe penalties for thisincluding
public tongue-lashings.) 10. Get physical!!
Co-location may well be the most powerful
culture change lever. Physical X-functional
proximity is almost a guarantee of remarkably
improved co-operationto aid this one needs
flexible workspaces that can be mobilized for a
team in a flash. 11. Formal evaluations.
Everyone, starting with the receptionist, should
have a significant XF rating component in their
evaluation. (The XFX Performance should be
among the Top 3 items in all managers
evaluations.) 12. Demand XF experience for,
especially, senior jobs. For example, the U.S.
military requires all would-be generals and
admirals to have served a full tour in a job
whose only goals were cross-functional
achievements. 13. XFX is PERSONAL as well as
about organizational effectiveness. PXFX
Personal XFX is arguably the 1 Accelerant to
personal successin terms of organizational
career, freelancer/Brand You, or as an
41Formal evaluations. Everyone, starting with the
receptionist, should have a significant XFX
rating component in their evaluation. (The XFX
Performance should be among the Top 3 items in
all managers evaluations.)
42 Incidentally
43 Womens Negotiating
StrengthsAbility to put themselves in their
counterparties shoesComprehensive, attentive
and detailed communication styleEmpathy that
facilitates trust-buildingCurious and attentive
listeningLess competitive attitudeStrong
sense of fairness and ability to
persuadeProactive risk managerCollaborative
decision-makingSource Horacio Falcao, Cover
story/May 2006, World Business, Say It Like a
Woman Why the 21st-century negotiator will need
the female touch
45The doctor interrupts after Source
Jerome Groopman, How Doctors Think
4718 seconds!
48An obsession with Listening is ... the ultimate
of Respect. Listening is ... the
heart and soul of Engagement. Listening is ...
the heart and soul of Kindness. Listening is ...
the heart and soul of Thoughtfulness. Listening
is ... the basis for true Collaboration. Listening
is ... the basis for true Partnership. Listening
is ... a Team Sport. Listening is ... a
Developable Individual Skill. (Though women
are far better at it
than men.) Listening is ... the basis for
Community. Listening is ... the bedrock of Joint
Ventures that work. Listening is ... the bedrock
of Joint Ventures that grow. Listening is ... the
core of effective Cross-functional
Communication (Which is in turn
Attribute 1 of
organizational effectiveness.) cont.
49 Listening is ... the engine of superior
EXECUTION. Listening is ... the key to making the
Sale. Listening is ... the key to Keeping the
Customers Business. Listening is ...
Service. Listening is ... the engine of Network
development. Listening is ... the engine of
Network maintenance. Listening is ... the engine
of Network expansion. Listening is ... Social
Networkings secret weapon. Listening is ...
Learning. Listening is ... the sine qua non of
Renewal. Listening is ... the sine qua non of
Creativity. Listening is ... the sine qua non of
Innovation. Listening is ... the core of taking
diverse opinions aboard. Listening is ...
Strategy. Listening is ... Source 1 of
Value-added. Listening is ... Differentiator
1. Listening is ... Profitable. (The R.O.I.
from listening is higher than
from any other single
activity.) Listening is the bedrock which
underpins a Commitment to
50If you agree with the above, shouldnt listening
be ... a Core Value? If you agree with the above,
shouldnt listening be ... perhaps Core Value
1? (We are Effective Listenerswe treat
Listening EXCELLENCE as the Centerpiece of our
Commitment to Respect and Engagement and
Community and Growth.) If you agree, shouldnt
listening be ... a Core Competence? If you agree,
shouldnt listening be ... Core Competence 1? If
you agree, shouldnt listening be ... an explicit
agenda item at every Meeting? If you agree,
shouldnt listening be ... our Strategyper se?
(Listening Strategy.) If you agree, shouldnt
listening be ... the 1 skill we look for in
Hiring (for every job)?
51 Suggested addition to your statement of Core
Values We are Effective Listenerswe treat
Listening EXCELLENCE as the Centerpiece of our
Commitment to Respect and Engagement and
Community and Growth.
52 If you agree, shouldnt listening be ... the 1
attribute we examine in our Evaluations? If you
agree, shouldnt listening be ... the 1 skill we
look for in Promotion decisions? If you agree,
shouldnt listening be ... the 1 Training
priority at every stage of everyones careerfrom
Day 1 to Day LAST? If you agree, what are you
going to do about it ... in the next 30
MINUTES? If you agree, what are you going to do
about it ... at your NEXT meeting? If you agree,
what are you going to do about it ... by the end
of the DAY? If you agree, what are you going to
do about it ... in the next 30 DAYS? If you
agree, what are you going to do about it ... in
the next 12 MONTHS?
53Listening is of the utmost strategic
importance!Listening is a proper core
value ! Listening is trainable !
Listening is a profession !
54 Listen!
Ask! Listening Leaders The Ten Golden Rules
To Listen, Lead SucceedLyman Steil and
Richard Bommelje The Zen of ListeningRebecca
Shafir Effective Listening SkillsDennis Kratz
and Abby Robinson Kratz Are You Really
Listening?Paul Donoghue and Mary
Siegel Active Listening Improve Your Ability to
Listen and LeadMichael Hoppe Listening The
Forgotten Skill Madelyn Burley-Allen Leading
with Questions How Leaders Find the Right
Solutions by Knowing What to AskMichael
Marquardt Smart Questions Learn to Ask the
Right Questions for Powerful ResultsGerald
Nadler and William Chandon The Art of Asking
Ask Better Questions, Get Better Answers Terry
Fadem How to Ask Great QuestionsKaren
Lee-Thorp Change Your Questions, Change Your
LifeMarilee Adams Asking the Right Questions A
Guide to Critical Thinking Neil Browne and
Stuart Keeley
561/8 seconds20 years
57Date 1/1/11Activity Boomers start
turning 65Rate 7.5 per minute/ 10,000
per day/ 4,000,000 per yearDuration 20
yearsImpacted EVERYTHING
58!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! People turning 50 today have
more than half of their adult life ahead of
them. Bill Novelli, 50 Igniting a Revolution
to Reinvent America
6055 gt 55- 55-plus are more active in
online finance, shopping and entertainment than
those under 55?Forrester Research (USA Today,
8 January 2009)
6144-65 New Customer Majority Source Ageless
Marketing, David Wolfe Robert Snyder
62Marketers attempts at reaching those over 50
have been miserably unsuccessful. No markets
motivations and needs are so poorly understood.
Peter Francese, founding publisher, American
63Baby-boomer Women The Sweetest of Sweet Spots
for Marketers David Wolfe and Robert Snyder,
Ageless Marketing
64Median Household Net Worthlt35 7K35-44
44K45-54 83K55-64 112K65-69 114K70-74
120Kgt74 100KSource U.S. Census
65 Suggested addition to your statement of Core
Values We understand that there is an aging
tsunami that will alter the marketplace
dramaticallyand we stand ready to respond
to/shape this humongous markets needs and
66Four really First things Before First Things
67 Four
First Things Before First Things
Core Values/Surpassing Business Assets/
Sustainable Competitive Advantages
1. EXCELLENCE First-line management
cadre as engine of
performance!2. EXCELLENCE Value-added
opportunity 1
through seamless
cross-functional integration!3. EXCELLENCE
Strategic listening as
peerless enterprise
differentiator!4. EXCELLENCE Seizing
the stupendous
aging market opportunity!
69All you need to know HiltonHowardHerbHenry
IHenry IIHamelHillHarleyHandyHartvilleHeath
70Conrad Hilton, at a gala celebrating his career,
was asked, What was the most important lesson
youve learned in your long and distinguished
career? His answer
71remember to tuck the shower curtain inside the
72Execution is strategy. Fred Malek
73We have a strategic plan. Its called doing
things. Herb Kelleher
74Execution is the job of the business
leader.Larry Bossidy Ram Charan/ Execution
The Discipline of Getting Things Done
75When assessing candidates, the first thing I
looked for was energy and enthusiasm for
execution. Does she talk about the thrill of
getting things done, the obstacles overcome, the
role her people played or does she keep
wandering back to strategy or philosophy?
Larry Bossidy, Execution
76Execution is a systematic process of
rigorously discussing hows and whats,
tenaciously following through, and ensuring
accountability. Larry Bossidy Ram Charan/
Execution The Discipline of Getting Things Done
77Does/will the next presentation you
give/review allot more time to the
process/details of implementing than to the
analysis of problem/opportunity?
78In real life, strategy is actually very
straightforward. Pick a general direction and
implement like hell. Jack Welch
79The art of war does not require complicated
maneuvers the simplest are the best and common
sense is fundamental. From which one might wonder
how it is generals make blunders it is because
they try to be clever. Napoleon
80Internal organizational excellence Deepest
Blue Ocean
81The score takes care of itself. Bill Walsh
83All you need to know HiltonHowardHerbHenry
IHenry IIHamelHillHarleyHandyHartvilleHelge
85Im always stopping by our stores at least 25
a week. Im also in other places Home Depot,
Whole Foods, Crate Barrel. I try to be a
sponge to pick up as much as I can. Howard
SchultzSource Fortune, Secrets of Greatness
86MBWAManaging By Wandering Around/HP
8750.Un-scheduled.Source Dov Frohman
88You Your calendarThe calendar never lies.
89Your calendar knows Precisely what youreally
care about. Do you????
90Dennis, you need a To-dont List !
91Dont gt Do Donting must be systematic gt
92If there is any one secret to effectiveness,
it is concentration. Effective executives do
first things first and they do one thing at a
time. Peter Drucker
93 and they do one thing at a time.
94You must be the change you wish to see in the
95 Its always showtime. David DAlessandro,
Career Warfare
96Monday/Tomorrow Script your first 5-10
plays. (I.e., carefully launch the day/week in
a purposeful fashion.)
97I am a dispenser of enthusiasm. Ben Zander
98Nothing is so contagious as enthusiasm.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
99A leader is a dealer in hope. Napoleon
(TPs writing room pics)
100It suddenly occurred to me that in the space of
two or three hours
101It suddenly occurred to me that in the space of
two or three hours he never talked about cars.
Les Wexner           Â
103All you need to know HiltonHowardHerbHenry
IHenry IIHamelHillHarleyHandyHartvilleHelge
104You have to treat your employees like
customers. Herb Kelleher, upon being asked his
secret to successSource Joe Nocera, NYT,
Parting Words of an Airline Pioneer, on the
occasion of Herb Kellehers retirement after 37
years at Southwest Airlines (SWAs pilots union
took out a full-page ad in USA Today thanking HK
for all he had done) across the way in Dallas,
American Airlines pilots were picketing AAs
Annual Meeting)
105"If you want staff to give great service, give
great service to staff." Ari Weinzweig,
106 A Nice Place to Work Some of our people
spend their entire working lives in our agency.
We do our damnedest to make it a happy
experience. I put this first, believing that
superior service to our clients, and profits for
our stockholders, depend on it. David
Ogilvy, on Ogilvy Mathers corporate culture
107 The path to a hostmanship culture
paradoxically does not go through the guest. In
fact it wouldnt be totally wrong to say that the
guest has nothing to do with it. True hostmanship
leaders focus on their employees. What drives
exceptionalism is finding the right people and
getting them to love their work and see it as a
passion. ... The guest comes into the picture
only when you are ready to ask, Would you prefer
to stay at a hotel where the staff love their
work or where management has made customers its
highest priority? We went through the hotel
and made a ... consideration renovation.
Instead of redoing bathrooms, dining rooms, and
guest rooms, we gave employees new uniforms,
bought flowers and fruit, and changed colors. Our
focus was totally on the staff. They were the
ones we wanted to make happy. We wanted them to
wake up every morning excited about a new day at
work. Source Jan Gunnarsson and Olle Blohm,
Hostmanship The Art of Making People Feel
108Zabars Parking GarageRetail Superstars
Inside the 25 Best Independent Stores in America,
by George Whalin
109 List 5 (10?) (2?) Zabars garage equivalents
in your organization.
110 We are a Life Success Company.Dave Liniger,
founder, RE/MAX
111The role of the Director is to create a space
where the actors and actresses can become more
than theyve ever been before, more than theyve
dreamed of being. Robert Altman, Oscar
acceptance speech
112 Brand Talent.
113Our MissionTo develop and manage talentto
apply that talent,throughout the world, for the
benefit of clientsto do so in partnership to
do so with profit.WPP
114 no less than Cathedrals in which the full and
awesome power of the Imagination and Spirit and
native Entrepreneurial flair of diverse
individuals is unleashed in passionate pursuit of
115 Oath of Office Managers/Servant
Leaders Our goal is to serve our customers
brilliantly and profitably over the long
haul. Serving our customers brilliantly and
profitably over the long haul is a product of
brilliantly serving, over the long haul, the
people who serve the customer. Hence, our job as
leadersthe alpha and the omega and everything
in betweenis abetting the sustained growth and
success and engagement and enthusiasm and
commitment to Excellence of those, one at a
time, who directly or indirectly serve the
ultimate customer. Weleaders of every
stripeare in the Human Growth and
Development and Success and Aspiration to
Excellence business. We leaders only grow
when they each and every one of our
colleagues are growing. We leaders only
succeed when they each and every one of our
colleagues are succeeding. We leaders
only energetically march toward Excellence when
they each and every one of our colleagues
are energetically marching toward
Excellence. Period.
1167 Steps to Sustaining Success You take care of
the people. The people take care of the service.
The service takes care of the customer. The
customer takes care of the profit. The profit
takes care of the re-investment. The
re-investment takes care of the re-invention.
The re-invention takes care of the future. (And
at every step the only measure is EXCELLENCE.)
1177 Steps to Sustaining Success You take care of
the people. The people take care of the service.
The service takes care of the customer. The
customer takes care of the profit. The profit
takes care of the re-investment. The
re-investment takes care of the re-invention.
The re-invention takes care of the future. (And
at every step the only measure is EXCELLENCE.)
118The ONE Question In the last year 3 years,
current job, name the three people whose
growth youve most contributed to. Please explain
where they were at the beginning of the year,
where they are today, and where they are heading
in the next 12 months. Please explain in
painstaking detail your development strategy
in each case. Please tell me your biggest
development disappointmentlooking back, could
you or would you have done anything differently?
Please tell me about your greatest development
triumphand disasterin the last five years. What
are the three big things youve learned about
helping people grow along the way?
1192/year legacy.
120Promotion Decisionslife and death
decisionsSource Peter Drucker, The Practice
of Management
121A man should never be promoted to a
managerial position if his vision focuses on
peoples weaknesses rather than on their
strengths. Peter Drucker, The Practice of
122Andrew Carnegies Tombstone Inscription Here
lies a manWho knew how to enlistIn his
serviceBetter men than himself.Source Peter
Drucker, The Practice of Management
123PARCs Bob Taylor Connoisseur of Talent
12453 53
125People are not Standardized. Their evaluations
should not be standardized. Ever.
126Development can help great people be even
betterbut if I had a dollar to spend, Id spend
70 cents getting the right person in the door.
Paul Russell, Director, Leadership and
Development, Google
127 In short, hiring is the most important aspect
of business and yet remains woefully
misunderstood. Source Wall Street Journal,
10.29.08, review of Who The A Method for
Hiring, Geoff Smart and Randy Street
128What will you do in the next 90 days to begin the
journey to all pro hire-er??
129I cant tell you how many times we passed up
hotshots for guys we thought were better people,
and watched our guys do a lot better than the big
names, not just in the classroom, but on the
fieldand, naturally, after they graduated, too.
Again and again, the blue chips faded out, and
our little up-and-comers clawed their way to
all-conference and All-America teams. Bo
Schembechler (and John Bacon), Recruit for
Character, Bos Lasting Lessons
130TP How to throw 500,000 into the sea in one
easy lesson!!
131lt CAPEXgt People!
132 2X Source Container Store/Goal increase
average sale per shopper
133Exhibitions of bravery All hail the TRAINING
134No company ever Expended too much thought/Effort/
on training! ESPECIALLY
small company
135The four most important words in any
organization are
136The four most important words in any
organization are What do you think?
Source courtesy Dave Wheeler, posted at
137Tomorrow How many times will you ask the WDYT
question? Count em!! Practice makes better!
This is a STRATEGIC skill!
138What do managers do for a living? Help! Right? Ho
w many of us could call ourselves professional
helpers, meaning that we have studiedlike a
professional mastering her musical
crafthelping? (Not many, Id judge.) Ed
Schein Helping How to Offer, Give, and Receive
Help Last chapter 7 principles.
E.g. PRINCIPLE 2 Effective Help Occurs When
the Helping Relationship Is Perceived to Be
Equitable. PRINCIPLE 4 Everything You Say or Do
Is an Intervention that Determines the Future
of the Relationship.. PRINCIPLE 5 Effective
Helping Begins with Pure Inquiry. PRINCIPLE 6
It Is the Client Who Owns the Problem. (Love
the idea that the employee is a Client ! Words
matter!! Read a quote from NFL player-turned
lawyer-turned professional football coach,
calling his players my clients.) Employee as
Client! Helping is what we leaders do for
a living! STUDY/PRACTICE helping as you would
neurosurgery! (Helping is your neurosurgery!)
139 2 /98
140Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a
great battle. Philo of Alexandria
141Being aware of yourself and how you affect
everyone around you is what distinguishes a
superior leader. Edie Seashore (Strategy
Business 45)
142How can a high-level leader like _____ be so out
of touch with the truth about himself? Its more
common than you would imagine. In fact, the
higher up the ladder a leader climbs, the less
accurate his self-assessment is likely to be. The
problem is an acute lack of feedback especially
on people issues. Daniel Goleman (et al.),
The New Leaders
144All you need to know HiltonHowardHerbHenry
IHenry IIHamelHillHarleyHandyHartvilleHelge
145Courtesies of a small and trivial character are
the ones which strike deepest in the grateful and
appreciating heart. Henry Clay,American
Statesman (1777-1852)
147Press Ganey Assoc 139,380 former patients from
225 hospitalsnone of THE top 15 factors
determining Patient Satisfaction referred to
patients health outcome.Instead directly
related to Staff Interaction directly correlated
with Employee Satisfaction Source Putting
Patients First, Susan Frampton, Laura Gilpin,
Patrick Charmel
148There is a misconception that supportive
interactions require more staff or more time and
are therefore more costly. Although labor costs
are a substantial part of any hospital budget,
the interactions themselves add nothing to the
budget. Kindness is free. Listening to patients
or answering their questions costs nothing. It
can be argued that negative interactionsalienatin
g patients, being non-responsive to their needs
or limiting their sense of controlcan be very
costly. Angry, frustrated or frightened
patients may be combative, withdrawn and less
cooperativerequiring far more time than it
would have taken to interact with them initially
in a positive way. Source Putting Patients
First, Susan Frampton, Laura Gilpin, Patrick
Charmel (Griffin Hospital/Derby CT Plantree
149K R PKindness Repeat business Profit
150K R P/Kindness Repeat business
Profit Kindness Kind. Thoughtful. Decent.
Caring. Attentive. Engaged. Listens
well/obsessively. Appreciative. Open. Visible. Hon
est. Responsive. On time all the time. Apologizes
with dispatch for screwups. Over-reacts to
screwups of any magnitude. Professional in all
dealings. Optimistic. Understands that kindness
to staff breeds kindness to others/outsiders. Appl
ies throughout the supply chain. Applies to
100 of customers staff. Explicit part of values
statement. Basis for evaluation of 100 of our
151The deepest human need is the need to be
appreciated.William James
152One kind word can warm three winter months.
Japanese Proverb
153Tomorrow How many times will you mange to blurt
out, Thank you? Count em! Practice makes
better! This is a STRATEGIC skill!
154appreciation is of the utmost strategic
importance!appreciation is a proper core
value ! appreciation is trainable !
appreciation is a profession !
habitually express appreciation for one anothers
effortsbecause we do in fact consciously
appreciate everyones ordinary daily
contributions, let alone the extraordinary ones.
156Ladies and gentlemen serving ladies and
gentlemen. Ritz Carlton credo
157I regard apologizing as the most magical,
healing, restorative gesture human beings can
make. It is the centerpiece of my work with
executives who want to get better. Marshall
Goldsmith, What Got You Here Wont Get You
There How Successful People Become Even More
158With a new and forthcoming policy on apologies
Toro, the lawn mower folks, reduced the average
cost of settling a claim from 115,000 in 1991 to
35,000 in 2008and the company hasnt been to
trial in the last 15 years! Source John
Kador, Effective Apology
159Keep a short enemies list. One enemy can do more
damage than the good done by a hundred friends.
Bill Walsh (from The Score Takes Care of
160 One of the secrets of a long and fruitful life
is to forgive everybody of everything every night
right before going to bed. Bernard Baruch
161Its a simple fact. Many people will remember a
simple sleight for decades! Beware! consumer
goods exec
162Relationships (of all varieties) THERE ONCE WAS
of a BILLION aircraft sale, etc., etc.
164Comeback big, quick response gtgt Perfection
165Acquire vs. maintain 5X Hence Service gtgt
Sales (!!)
166Will you guys please come up front. Will you
guys please move to the rear.
167Service gt Sales
168 Sales gt Marketing
170All you need to know HiltonHowardHerbHenry
IHenry IIHamelHillHarleyHandyHartvilleHelge
171READY.FIRE!AIM.H. Ross Perot (vs Aim! Aim!
Aim! /EDS vs GM/1985)
172 This is so simple it sounds stupid, but it is
amazing how few oil people really understand that
you only find oil if you drill wells. You may
think youre finding it when youre drawing maps
and studying logs, but you have to drill.
Source The Hunters, by John Masters, wildly
successful Canadian Oil Gas wildcatter
173In Search of Excellence /1982 The Bedrock
Eight Basics 1. A Bias for Action 2. Close to
the Customer 3. Autonomy and Entrepreneurship 4.
Productivity Through People 5. Hands On,
Value-Driven 6. Stick to the Knitting 7. Simple
Form, Lean Staff 8. Simultaneous Loose-Tight
175What makes God laugh?
176People making plans!
177We made mistakes, of course. Most of them were
omissions we didnt think of when we initially
wrote the software. We fixed them by doing it
over and over, again and again. We do the same
today. While our competitors are still sucking
their thumbs trying to make the design perfect,
were already on prototype version 5. By the
time our rivals are ready with wires and screws,
we are on version 10. It gets back to planning
versus acting We act from day one others plan
how to planfor months. Bloomberg by
178 Mickey
Drexler/The Gap-J CrewBias for instant
action/Towering impatience with
in-actionImpatient but not brutal
Relentless/Speed-of-light experimentation
more ASAP if works, drop if notVibrates with
energy (literally)Always on the
prowlanywhere, everywherefor ideasLots of
cisionsall contributingLikes working with
women more than men because F more intuitive than
MDresses like the brandat 66Offense, not
defenseCommunicates all the time removes fear
of CEO presence. Everyone, including most
junior, made part of the decision-making
teamListens attentively regardless of
age/seniorityObvious in his transparent
respect for young employeesTrusts intuition
plus fanatic about the numbers Expects
everyone to know their numbers cold from
memoryAlways aware of the business caseas
well as fashion-masterAggressive
pricingMBWA/Managing By Wandering
AroundOpen with everyone, from youth to folks
at Earnings CallConstant customer
contact-dialogue/Reacts instantly to customer
feedbackWilling to act (experiment) based on
one datapointEngages with the most junior of
his peopleAt 66, comfortably uses hot words
like Cool WowSource The New Yorker/0920.10
179Experiment fearlesslySource BusinessWeek,
Type A Organization Strategies How to Hit a
Moving TargetTactic 1
180relentless trial and error Cornerstone of
effective approach to rebalancing company
portfolios in the face of changing and uncertain
global economic conditions (Wall Street Journal,
181Read ItRichard Farson Ralph Keyes Whoever
Makes the Most Mistakes Wins The Paradox of
182Fail. Forward. Fast.High Tech CEO,
183Fail. Fail again. Fail better.Samuel Beckett
184It is not enough to tolerate failureyou must
celebrate failure. Richard Farson (Whoever
Makes the Most Mistakes Wins)
185No man ever became great except through many and
great mistakes. William Gladstone (from
Timeless Wisdom, compiled by Gary Fenchuk)
186You miss 100 of the shots you never take.
Wayne Gretzky
           Source Locker room sign posted by
NFL football coach Bill Parcells
189All you need to know HiltonHowardHerbHenry
IHenry IIHamelHillHarleyHandyHartvilleHelge
190 You will become like the five people you
associate with the mostthis can be either a
blessing or a curse. Billy Cox
191We are What We Eat/We Are the company we keep
192Measure Strangeness/Portfolio
Partners (, Quality)Innovation Alliance
PartnersCustomersCompetitors (who we
benchmark against) Strategic Initiatives
Product Portfolio (LineEx v. Leap)IS/IT
ProjectsHQ LocationLunch MatesLanguageBoard
193The We are what we eat/ We are who we hang
out with Axiom At its core, every (!!!)
relationship-partnership decision (employee,
vendor, customer, etc, etc) is a strategic
decision about Innovate, Yes or No
194CEO A.G. Lafley has shifted PGs focus on
inventing all its own products to developing
others inventions at least half the time. One
successful example, Mr. Clean Magic Eraser,
based on a product found in an Osaka market.
195CUSTOMERS Future-defining customers may account
for only 2 to 3 of your total, but they
represent a crucial window on the
future.Adrian Slywotzky, Mercer Consultants
196Axiom Never use a vendor who is not in the top
quartile (decile?) in their industry on RD
197Dont benchmark, futuremark! Impetus The
future is already here its just not evenly
distributed William Gibson
199Can you pass the Squint test?
200Whos the most interesting person youve met in
the last 90 days? How do I get in touch with
them? Fred Smith
201(No Transcript)
202The Bottleneck
203The Bottleneck Is at the Top of the
BottleWhere are you likely to find people
with the least diversity of experience, the
largest investment in the past, and the greatest
reverence for industry dogma At the top!
Gary Hamel/Harvard Business Review
205All you need to know HiltonHowardHerbHenry
IHenry IIHamelHillHarleyHandyHartvilleHelge
206 2,000,000
2077X. 730A-800P. F12A.730AM 715AM.800PM
208Conveyance Kingfisher Air Location Approach to
New Delhi
209May I clean your glasses, sir?
210 It BEGINS (and ENDS) in the
211parking lotDisney
212Carls Street- Sweeper
213ltTGWand gtTGRThings Gone WRONG-Things
214TGRs. Manage em. Measure em.
215Little BIG
216 Big carts 1.5X Source Walmart
217 Bag sizes New markets B Source
218 Broken windows Clean the streets, fix the
broken windows, ticket the open-beer-can holders,
etc, etc Sense of order Crime way down
220All you need to know HiltonHowardHerbHenry
IHenry IIHamelHillHarleyHandyHartvilleHelge
221And in Milwaukee
222Experience Rebel Lifestyle!What we sell is
the ability for a 43-year-old accountant to dress
in black leather, ride through small towns and
have people be afraid of him.Source Harley
exec, quoted in Results-Based Leadership
223Experiences are as distinct from services as
services are from goods. Joe Pine Jim
Gilmore,The Experience Economy Work Is Theatre
Every Business a Stage
224At our core, were a coffee company, but the
opportunity we have to extend the brand is beyond
coffee its entertainment. Howard Schultz
(The Starbucks Aesthetic, NYT)
225 CXOChief eXperience Officer
226 Words! Magician of
Magical Moments Maestro of Moments of Truth
Recruiter of Raving Fans Impresario of First
ImpressionsChief of Last Impressions Wizard
of WOW! Captain of Brilliant Comebacks
Director of Electronic Customer Experiences
Conductor of Customer Intimacy King of Customer
Community Queen of Customer Retention CEO of
Ownership Experience Managing Director of
After-sales Experience
227The Value-Added LadderSpellbinding Experiences
ServicesGoods Raw Materials
229All you need to know HiltonHowardHerbHenry
IHenry IIHamelHillHarleyHandyHartvilleHelge
230All Equal Except At Sony we assume that all
products of our competitors have basically the
same technology, price, performance and features.
Design is the only thing that differentiates one
product from another in the marketplace. Norio
231Design is treated like a religion at BMW.
232With its carefully conceived mix of colors and
textures, aromas and music, Starbucks is more
indicative of our era than the iMac. It is to the
Age of Aesthetics what McDonalds was to the Age
of Convenience or Ford was to the Age of Mass
Productionthe touchstone success story, the
exemplar of the aesthetic imperative. Every
Starbucks store is carefully designed to enhance
the quality of everything the customers see,
touch, hear, smell or taste, writes CEO Howard
Schultz. Virginia Postrel, The Substance of
Style How the Rise of AestheticValue Is
Remaking Commerce, Culture and Consciousness
233Hypothesis DESIGN is the principal difference
between love and hate!Not like and
234Design is never neutral.
235CDOChief Design Officer
236 Design is everything. Everything is
design. We are all designers. Inspiration
The Power of Design A Force for Transforming
Everything, Richard Farson
237One bank is currently claiming to leverage
its global footprint to provide effective
financial solutions for its customers by
providing a gateway to diverse markets.Charles
238I assume that it is just saying that it is there
to help its customers wherever they are.
Charles Handy
239Beauty. Grace. Clarity. Simplicity.
240 CGRO CGRO/ Chief Grunge Removal Officer (CDC/
Chief of De-Complexification) (CAO/ Chief
Anti-systems Officer) (CBSEO/ Chief BS
Eradication Officer)
242All you need to know HiltonHowardHerbHenry
IHenry IIHamelHillHarleyHandyHartvilleHelge
243I am often asked by would-be entrepreneurs
seeking escape from life within huge corporate
structures, How do I build a small firm for
myself? The answer seems obvious
244I am often asked by would-be entrepreneurs
seeking escape from life within huge corporate
structures, How do I build a small firm for
myself? The answer seems obvious Buy a very
large one and just wait. Paul Ormerod, Why
Most Things Fail Evolution, Extinction and
245Mr. Foster and his McKinsey colleagues collected
detailed performance data stretching back 40
years for 1,000 U.S. companies. They found that
none of the long-term survivors managed to
outperform the market. Worse, the longer
companies had been in the database, the worse
they did. Financial Times
246Data drawn from the real world attest to a fact
that is beyond our control Everything in
existence tends to deteriorate. Norberto
Odebrecht, Education Through Work
2474 Japan3 USA2 China1 Germany
248 MittELstand agile creatures darting
between the legs of the multinational monsters"
(Bloomberg BusinessWeek, 10.10)
249Larry Janesky Rocks
250Basement Systems Inc. (Seymour CT)Dry
Basement Science (115,000 copies!)1990 0
2003 13M 2008 62,000,000
251The Red Carpet Store (Joel Resnick/Flemington NJ)
252Be the best. Its the only market thats not
crowded. From Retail Superstars Inside the 25
Best Independent Stores in America, George Whalin
253Retail Superstars Inside the 25 Best Independent
Stores in America by George Whalin
254 Hartville HardwareHartville,
Ohio, pop lt2,500100,000 square feet (plus
catalog, Web serve location)Family runOne
of biggest and best tool merchants in
USACustomers from 100s of miles awayRenowned
semi-annual tool sale (12,000 transactions at
recent incarnation)Anchor for 110-independent
shops _at_ Hartville MarketPlaceStaff are
premier trainersEtc.Etc.Source Retail
Superstars Inside the 25 Best Independent Stores
in America, George Whalin
255Jungle Jims International Market, Fairfield,
Ohio An adventure in shoppertainment, as
Jungle Jims call it, begins in the parking lot
and goes on to 1,600 cheeses and, yes, 1,400
varieties of hot saucenot to mention 12,000
wines priced from 8 to 8,000 a bottle all this
is brought to you by 4,000 vendors. Customers
come from every corner of the globe. Bronners
Christmas Wonderland, Frankenmuth, Michigan, pop
5,000 98,000-square-foot shop features the
likes of 6,000 Christmas ornaments, 50,000 trims,
and anything else you can name if it pertains to
Christmas. Source George Whalin, Retail
256 Abt Electronics/Family/1936Ins
ane competition (Chicagoland!)Campus/350K
sq.ft./37 acres/300M revenueDesign Center
(Classes on every-damn-thing, etc.)Destination
like Ikea (restaurant, atrium with spectacular
flowers, 7,500 gallon aquarium, etc.)In-house
delivery teams (spiffy uniforms,
etc.)Training/knowledge training!!!!!!!!Yes.
Period. NO EXCUSES.Over-staffedMerchandising
(boats displaying marine electronics, cars
with various systems, etc.)Web (encyclopedic
info re almost all stuff sold, blog, live chat
with live experts 24/7, etc.)Rating of
services (gtgtgt Home Depot, Lowes, etc.)Source
George Whalin, Retail Superstars
257 Lessons for Everyone from Retail
Superstars! 1. Courses/Workshops/Demos/Engagement
2. Instructional guides/material/books 3.
Events Events Events 4. Create Community
of customers 5. Destination 6.
Women-as-customer 7. Staff selection/training/rete
ntion (FANATICISM) 8. Fanaticism/Execution 9.
Design/Atmospherics/Ambience 10.
Tableaus/Products-in-use 11. Flow/starts
finishes (Disney-like) 12. 100 orchestrated
experience/focus Moments of truth 13.
Constant experimentation/Pursue Little BIG Things
14. Social Media/Ongoing conversation with
customers 15. Community star 16. Aim
high 17. PASSION
HOLD IT. If I werent already married, Id
have my wedding there. Dallas Morning News
Metro blogger
261All you need to know HiltonHowardHerbHenry
IHenry IIHamelHillHarleyHandyHartvilleHeath
262Forget China, India and the Internet Economic
Growth Is Driven by Women. Source Headline,
263- W gt 2X (C I)
- Women now drive the global economy. Globally,
they control about 20 trillion in consumer
spending, and that figure could climb as high as
28 trillion in the next five years. Their 13
trillion in total yearly earnings could reach 18
trillion in the same period. In aggregate, women
represent a growth market bigger than China and
India combinedmore than twice as big in fact.
Given those numbers, it would be foolish to
ignore or underestimate the female consumer. And
yet many companies do just thateven ones that
are confident that they have a winning strategy
when it comes to women. Consider Dells - Source Michael Silverstein and Kate Sayre, The
Female Economy, HBR, 09.09
264One thing is certain Womens rise to power,
which is linked to the increase in wealth per
capita, is happening in all domains and at all
levels of society. Women are no longer content to
provide efficient labor or to be consumers with
rising budgets and more autonomy to spend.
This is just the beginning. The phenomenon will
only grow as girls prove to be more successful
than boys in the school system. For a number of
observers, we have already entered the age of
womenomics, the economy as thought out and
practiced by a woman. Aude Zieseniss de Thuin,
Womens Forum for the Economy and Society
265Women are the majority market Fara
Warner/The Power of the Purse
266Women as Decision Makers/Various sourcesHome
Furnishings 94Vacations 92 (Adventure
Travel 70/ 55B travel equipment)Houses
91D.I.Y. (major home projects) 80Consumer
Electronics 51 (66 home comput