Chapter 6: IP Techniques - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 6: IP Techniques


2. Eliminate the subtree (fathom/prune it) if ... on xj = 0 vs xj = 1.The hope is that a subdivision with xj = 0 can be pruned. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 6: IP Techniques

Chapter 6 IP Techniques
  • Overview
  • Enumeration Techniques
  • Complete Enumeration list all solutions and
    choose the best
  • Branch and Bound Implicitly search all
    solutions, but cleverly eliminate the vast
    majority before they are even searched
  • Implicit Enumeration Branch and Bound applied to
    binary variables
  • Cutting Plane Techniques Use LP to solve integer
    programs by adding constraints to eliminate the
    fractional solutions.

Complete Enumeration
  • Systematically considers all possible values of
    the decision variables If there are n binary
    variables, there are 2n different ways.
  • Usual idea iteratively break the problem in two.
    At the first iteration, we consider separately
    the case that x1 0 and x1 1.
  • Suppose that we could evaluate 1 billion
    solutions per second.
  • Let n number of binary variables
  • Solutions times
  • n 30, 1 second
  • n 40, 17 minutes
  • n 50, 11.6 days
  • n 60, 31 years

Branch and Bound
  • General idea Divide-and-conquer
  • Branching we break a big problem into manageable
    size problems and solve them
  • Bounding At each node Si
  • 1. Solve the linear program at the node
  • 2. Eliminate the subtree (fathom/prune it) if
  • Optimality An optimal solution of IPi is found
    the solution is integer (there is no need to go
    further) or
  • Value Dominance We can establish that
    ziIP? zIP ( for the max problem ). The best
    solution in the subtree cannot be as good as the
    best available solution (the incumbent) or
  • Infeasibility Si ? There is no feasible

  • max -100x1 72x2 36x3
  • s.t. -2x1x2 ? 0, -4x1x2 ? 0, x1x2x3 ? 1 and
    x ? B3

x1 1
x1 0
Pruned because S0 ?
x2 1
x2 0
Pruned by value dominance -10036 lt 8
x3 0
x3 1
z110 -28
z111 8
BB Algorithm
  • Consider the IP zIP max cx x ? S
  • (Initialization) ? IP, S0 S, ,
  • (Termination test) If ? ?, then solution x0
    is optimal
  • (Problem Selectionrelaxation) Select and remove
    a problem IPi from ? and solve its relaxation
  • (Pruning) Test if the tree can be pruned at Ipi
  • ? then go to Termination test
  • go to next step
  • , set . Delete from
    ? all problems with . If
    go to step 2 otherwise step 5
  • (Division) Add IPijj1K to ?

Implementation Issues
  • There are a number of unspecified steps in the
  • Branching how do we divide a problem into
  • Searching how do we select the next node to
  • Bounding how do we develop the relaxation of a

Bounding Techniques
  • We use the bound obtained by dropping the
  • integrality constraints (LP relaxation). There
  • Key tradeoff for bounds time to obtain a bound
  • If one can obtain a bound much quicker,
  • sometimes we would be willing to get a bound
  • It usually is worthwhile to get a bound that is
  • better, so long as it doesnt take too long

  • Branching determining children for a node. There
    are many choices.
  • Rule of thumb 1 solution, it is often good to
    branch on xj 0 vs xj 1.The hope is that a
    subdivision with xj 0 can be pruned.
  • Rule of thumb 2 branching on important variables
    is worthwhile. e.g., in the location problem,
    branch on the plant location variables first
  • Given that we are working with a linear
    relaxation, one possibility is to perform a
    disjunction on Si Si ? x dx ? d0 and Si ? x
    dx ? d01 where (d, d0) is integral
  • In practice, only very special choices of (d, d0)
    are used
  • Variable dichotomy Choose d ej for some j and
  • GUB dichotomy Assuming the model has
    perform the division with constraints
  • and

Branching variable
  • User specified priorities
  • Degradation or penalty to estimate the decrease
    in the upper bound of a node from forcing a
    variable to be integral
  • xj
  • When we branch on xj, estimate a decrease of
    for one child and for the
    other child
  • can be user supplied or
    estimated in the procedure

Node Selection
  • A priori rules
  • Depth-first search with back tracking
  • Breadth-first search
  • Adaptive rules
  • Node with the best upper bound
  • Node with the best estimate
  • Node that is likely to yield the quickest
    improvement on

Branch and Bound Example
A Internet service provider is considering the
purchase of two types of servers (large
computers). The ISP has a budget of 400,000 and
200 square feet of available space at its server
farm. Purchase prices, space requirements, and
expected daily revenues are shown below.
BB Formulation
Max Z 1,000x1 1,500x2 s.t. 80,000x1
40,000x2 ? 400,000 15x1 30x2 ? 200 x1, x2 ? 0
and integer
BB Solution
Cutting Planes Algorithm
  • Instead of partitioning the feasible region, the
    (pure) cutting plane technique works with a
    single LP
  • It adds cutting planes (valid linear programming
    inequalities) to this LP iteratively.
  • At each iteration the feasible region is
    successively reduced until an integer optimal is
    found by solving the LP
  • In practice, it is also used as part of branch
    and bound. The essential idea is finding valid
    cuts or inequalities.
  • Where do these cuts come from? ? Two approaches
  • Problem specific Illustrated on Traveling
    Salesman Problem and Knapsack Problem
  • LP-based approach, that works for general integer
    programs Gomory cutting planes

Problem Specific Cuts The capital budgeting
(knapsack) problem
  • Formulation
  • maximize 16x1 22x2 12x3 8x4 11x5 19x6
  • subject to 5x1 7x2 4x3 3x4 4x5 6x6 14
  • xj binary for j 1 to 6
  • The LP Relaxation
  • maximize 16x1 22x2 12x3 8x4 11x5 19x6
  • subject to 5x1 7x2 4x3 3x4 4x5 6x6 14
  • 0 xj 1 for j 1 to 6
  • The optimal solution x1 1, x2 3/7, x3 0,
    x4 0, x5 0, x6 1
  • Can we find a valid inequality (cut) that
    eliminates this solution?
  • 5x1 7x2 6x6 14 ? x1 x2 x6 2

The Knapsack Problem
  • After one cut
  • maximize 16x1 22x2 12x3 8x4 11x5 19x6
  • subject to 5x1 7x2 4x3 3x4 4x5 6x6 14
  • x1 x2 x6 2
  • 0 xj 1 for j 1 to 6
  • The optimal solution x1 0, x2 1, x3 ¼,
    x4 0, x5 0, x6 1
  • 7x2 4x3 6x6 14 ? ?????
  • After two cuts
  • maximize 16x1 22x2 12x3 8x4 11x5 19x6
  • subject to 5x1 7x2 4x3 3x4 4x5 6x6
  • x1 x2 x6 2
  • x2 x3 x6 2
  • 0 xj 1 for j 1 to 6
  • The optimal solution x1 1/3, x2 1, x3
    1/3, x4 0, x5 0, x6 1
  • 5x1 7x2 4x3 6x6 14 ? ?????

The Knapsack Problem
  • Obtaining the valid cut it is easy to
  • maximize x1 x2 x3 x6
  • s.t. 5x1 7x2 4x3 6x6 14
  • xj binary for j 1, 2, 3, 6.
  • Greedily put the smallest budget items in the
    knapsack until no more can be put in. In this
    case, items 1 and 3 are put in, and there is no
    room for item 2 or 6. So x1 x2 x3 x6 2.
  • After three cuts
  • maximize 16x1 22x2 12x3 8x4 11x5 19x6
  • subject to 5x1 7x2 4x3 3x4 4x5 6x6
  • x1 x2 x6 2
  • x2 x3 x6 2
  • x1 x2 x3 x6 2
  • 0 xj 1 for j 1 to 6
  • Note the new cuts dominates the other cuts.

The Knapsack Problem
  • Eliminating the redundant constraints
  • maximize 16x1 22x2 12x3 8x4 11x5 19x6
  • subject to 5x1 7x2 4x3 3x4 4x5 6x6 14
  • x1 x2 x3 x6 2
  • 0 xj 1 for j 1 to 6
  • The optimal solution x1 0, x2 1, x3 0, x4
    0, x5 1/4, x6 1 z 43 ¾ So, z 43
  • Summary for knapsack problem
  • We could find some simple valid inequalities that
    showed that z 43. This is the optimal objective
  • It took 3 cuts Had we been smarter it would have
    taken 1 cut.
  • We had a simple approach for finding cuts This
    does not find all of the cuts.
  • Recall, it took 25 nodes of a branch and bound
  • In fact, researchers have found cutting plane
    techniques to be necessary to solve large integer
    programs (usually as a way of getting better

The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)
  • Very well studied problem. Its often the problem
    for testing out new algorithmic ideas
  • NP-complete (it is intrinsically difficult in
    some technical sense)
  • Large instances have been solved optimally (5000
    cities and larger)
  • Very large instances have been solved
    approximately (10 million cities to within a
    couple of percent of optimum.)
  • We will formulate it by adding constraints that
    look like cuts
  • Formulation of the TSP as an IP
  • Let xij 1 if arc (i, j) is in the tour, xij
    0 otherwise
  • Minimize ?(i,j)?Acijxij
  • subject to ?i(i,j)?Axij 1, ?j(i,j)?Axij
  • Are these constraints enough? No? if U?V and 2
    U V - 2 then
  • ?i?U,j ?V\U,(i,j) ?A xij 1 (subtour breaking
  • The subtour elimination constraints are good in
    the sense that for practical problem the LP bound
    is usually 1 to 2 from the optimal TSP tour
  • One can add even more complex constraints, and
    people do. (and it helps)
  • Other subtour constraints ?i?U,j ?U,(i,j) ?A xij
    U-1 and Tahas book

The Chvatal-Gomory rounding method (C-G method)
  • Let Aj denote the jth column of A
  • For any u ? Rm, u ? 0,
  • x ? 0 implies
  • Therefore,
  • After integer rounding

  • Consider P (x1, x2) x12x2 ? 5,
  • -x1 ? 0,

  • -x2 ? 0.
  • Therefore, A1 (1, -1, 0) and A2 (1, 0, -1)
  • Using u (0.5, 0, 0), we get 0.5x1x2 ? 2.5
  • After integer rounding x2 ? 2

An Algorithm for Pure IPs
  • Problem max cx Ax ? b, x ? 0, x integer
  • Assume A and b have only integer entries, and the
    problem is bounded
  • Change inequalities to equalities by adding m
    slack variables
  • Max cx Ax Is b, x, s ? 0, x integer
  • Solve the linear programming relaxation
  • Max cx Ax Is b, x, s ? 0
  • If the optimal solution is integral, we are done.
  • Otherwise, there must be a row in the simplex
    tableau with fractional right hand side. Assume
    its the jth row xj ?, where ? is
    positive fractional.

Algorithm for Pure IPs
  • We obtain the valid inequality by C-G method
    where uj 1 and all other values are 0
  • xj ?
  • Add the inequality to the LP and resolve
  • The Gomorys Fractional Cutting Plane Algorithm
  • Repeat
  • Solve current linear program
  • If the LP optimal solution is fractional
  • Identify an LP row with fractional right hand
  • Use the row to generate a valid inequality using
    C-G method that cuts the optimal LP
  • Until
  • Either LP optimal is integer (IP optimal)
  • Or LP is infeasible (? IP infeasible)
  • Note that the algorithm relies on LP solution to
    be bounded!

  • Consider the following IP
  • maximize z 7x1 10x2
  • subject to x1 3x2 6
  • 7x1 x2 35
  • x1, x2 0 and integer
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