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http://www.amazon.com/Mays-Landing-J-C-Mercer-ebook/dp/B01DKVYI9O Parkhill Mays is a third-year medical school dropout from a prestigious university who wakes up from a failed suicide attempt in Bellevue Hospital in New York City. There he meets T-Bone, a self-described "human lab rat" who takes the vulnerable Mays under his wing. Living beneath the streets of the city they make ends meet selling sperm and other body parts and as paid participants for product and pharmaceutical trials, culminating with an extended Phase III clinical trial for a new anti-depressant wonder drug. We gradually learn more about Mays' mental illness and the reasons behind his suicide attempt as he struggles to find a place between his new underground existence and the "topside" world he left, finding love and fighting his own inner demons in his quest for peace and meaning in his life.