The Tough Part of Downsizing: How to say what you don - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Tough Part of Downsizing: How to say what you don


The Tough Part of Downsizing: How to say what you don t want to say to people who don t want to hear it Ethel Williams School of Public Administration – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The Tough Part of Downsizing: How to say what you don

The Tough Part of Downsizing How to say what
you dont want to say to people who dont want
to hear it
  • Ethel Williams
  • School of Public Administration
  • University of Nebraska-Omaha

  • What is Downsizing?
  • Downsizing - process of reducing the number of
    employees within an organization by eliminating
  • Downsizing doesnt guarantee improvements or cost
  • It can have a devastating impact on employee
  • From the perspective of those affected,
    downsizing is a constellation of stressors
    related to workforce reductions which require
    processes of coping and adaptation.

Employee Reactions To Recession2008 (EASNA
Whats Wrong With This Picture?
  • http//
  • http//

There is no perfect way to handle a layoff that
feels right or goes well for everyone
Faulty Assumptions
  • Everyone affected by layoffs will react
  • No one affected will over react
  • Leaders will handle the layoffs just fine because
    they are leaders
  • Once we get past the layoff, things will return
    to normal
  • We only need to worry about what is happening
    inside the organization walls

What happens to the organization?
  • Employees can turn into headcounts where there is
    a decreased emphasis on understanding the
    personal impact of layoffs and change
  • Stress typically increases in response to
    restructuring or increased workload
  • The work environment is marked by fear of job
    loss and paranoia (both real and imagined)
  • The focus on employee engagement can change to
    just be glad you have a job
  • Resources shift away from softer people issues
    like diversity, learning, safety and instead
    focus on economic or business outcomes

The impact on surviving employees
  • Threat of job loss can increase the risk of
    workplace accidents as surviving employees show
    less concern for safety in order to meet
    production standards
  • (2001 Journal of Occupational Health)
  • Increased physical complaints, stress, substance
    abuse, and domestic/social problems result in
    increased healthcare utilization
  • Crime, workplace theft, violence, and suicide
    rates tend to increase

HR Challenges in Downsizing
  • What are fair and effective HR policies for
    separations, and downsizing?
  • How can legal issues be minimized in separations?

Prepare for Downsizing
  • Communication is key
  • Give as much warning as possible for layoffs
  • Announcement of layoff(s) must be managed
  • Group meeting-individual meetings
  • Individual meetings-group mee4ting
  • Give facts - why and how of lay off
  • Determine where to hold the meeting

Dont Fire/Layoff Impersonally
Prepare for Downsizing Meetings
  • Know organization policies and benefits
  • Determine if EAP counselors should be on site
  • Determine if security should be present
  • Determine who will give notice and when
  • Consider notice given by higher level manager
  • Followed by meeting with immediate manager
  • Determine when notice is to be given
  • Late in the day so employee(s) can leave
  • Early in the morning before employees arrive
  • Early in the week so supports can be accessed

In the Process of Separation
  • Use a private office
  • Sit down one-on-one with the individual
  • Be sure the employee hears about his or her
    termination from a manager, not a colleague.
  • Be clear
  • Dont leave room for confusion.
  • Put everything in writing
  • Provide written explanation of severance
  • Allow no time for debate
  • Tell the individual in the first sentence he or
    she is terminated or laid off.
  • Complete a firing session within 15 minutes.

In the Process of Separation
  • Maintain the integrity of all
  • Dont make personal comments keep the
    conversation professional.
  • Dont rush the employee off-site unless security
    is really an issue.
  • Provide outplacement services away from the
  • Express appreciation for what the employee has
    contributed, if appropriate.
  • Dont fire or lay people off on significant
    dates, like the twenty-fifth anniversary of their
    employment or the day their mother died.
  • Dont fire employees when they are on vacation or
    have just returned.

What to say in Downsizing
  • Get to the point quickly
  • Avoid words like fire and terminate
  • Do not argue or justify
  • Be prepared to listen sensitively but limit
    discussion- refer to EAP

What to say in Downsizing
  • Be honest 
  • Tell the employee why he or she is being laid
    off, even if it's for poor performance. You're
    not doing the employee or yourself any favors by
    concealing the reason. You may cushion the poor
    performance assessment in a variety of ways, but
    the truth must be told.
  • For any layoffs due to poor performance, a recent
    record of poor performance reviews will support
    your decision and justify it to the employee. It
    may also be used as evidence if a wrongful
    dismissal suit is filed against the employer. 

What to say in Downsizing
  • Be compassionate 
  • Being laid off can be painful. Show the
    terminated employee some compassion and
  • If your agency has the capability, provide
    outplacement services or job counseling to help
    cushion the blow. 
  • Keep the employee's ego in mind - it may need a
    hefty boost at this time, and you can provide it
    by praising previous accomplishments.

Completing the Downsizing Meeting
  • Listen and acknowledge concerns
  • Remember this is not about you
  • Stop giving information- the employee is not
    hearing you
  • Have tissues available
  • Offer to end the meeting or give the employee a
    moment to pull themselves together

Completing the Downsizing Meeting
  • Listen intently by concentrating on what the
    person is saying
  • Dont interrupt- focus on the employee, not what
    you plan to say
  • Be patient hear the employee out in the limited
    amount of time allotted

Completing the Downsizing Meeting
  • Give employee(s) written materials
  • Thank the employee for service and commitment to
    the organization
  • Discuss reference for future employment

Do Not - Checklist
  • Do Not
  • Skip good byes
  • Hide bad news
  • Disappear
  • Play favorites

Preparing for a worse case scenario
Recognizing the Angry/Threatening Employee
  • Early identification is key
  • Employees who may respond with potential violence
    are those who
  • Continually express discontent
  • Display unmanageable incidents of anger
  • Demonstrate verbal/non-verbal threats or
  • Verbalize plan to hurt self or others
  • Manifest an inability to take criticism
  • Express feelings of being victimized

Responding to the Angry/Threatening Employee
  • Have security available before the meeting
  • Project calmness
  • Acknowledge the persons feelings
  • Establish ground rules if unreasonable behavior
  • Use delaying tactics
  • Leave the room
  • Offer water

Responding to the Angry/Threatening Employee
  • Sit so that you cannot be blocked to access the
  • Accept criticism of the organization or self in a
    positive way
  • Be an empathetic listener
  • Maintain a relaxed yet attentive posture

Responding to the Angry/Threatening Employee
  • Do NOT
  • Use styles of communication such as condescension
    or apathy
  • Pose in challenging stances such as standing with
    arms crossed or at hips
  • Challenge or threaten the individual(s)
  • Attempt to bargain with the threatening
  • Make false statements or promises you cannot keep

Responding to the Remaining Employees
  • Communicate, communicate, communicate
  • Recognize, support and reward good performance
  • Give frequent feedback on impending changes
  • Provide a realistic picture of the organizations
  • Listen and show empathy
  • Ask employees their opinion about things

Responding to the Remaining Employees
  • Acknowledge the right direction and right
    attitudes, do not wait until a project is
  • Celebrate small successes
  • Make training/development opportunities available
  • Offer group for survivors to share feelings,
    concerns about the past
  • Refer employees to the EAP
  • Encourage and coach

  • Be calm and honest
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