Title: Improved Tumor Marker Validation Success Using Weighted Gene Co-expression Networks and Random Forest Clustering
1Improved Tumor Marker Validation Success Using
Weighted Gene Co-expression Networks and
Random Forest Clustering
- Steve Horvath
- shorvath_at_mednet.ucla.edu
- Human Genetics Biostatistics
- University of California, Los Angeles
- Describe pathway based tumor marker screening
strategy - Speculate on the biological reasons why it could
work. - Describe 2 empirical success stories for
identifying tumor markers that validated in
independent data sets - Brain cancer survival time
- (Affy) gene expression microarray data
- weighted gene co-expression networks
- Prostate cancer time to PSA recurrence
- tissue microarray data (immunohistochemical
stainings) - random forest clustering
3The Embarassing Validation Problem
- A tumor marker is found to be highly predictive
of a clinical outcome in one data set but fails
to be validated in an independent data set. - Bad (analysis) reasons include
- data snooping
- overfitting
- ascertainment issues
- Good (biological) reasons
- genetic heterogeneity
- Little can be done about this.
- Single markers dont capture the essence of the
whole disease pathway. - A lot can be done about this?NOVEL STATISTICAL
4Outline of standard strategy for screening for
- 1) Regress a clinical outcome y on the molecular
markers (features) X. - 2) Identify the features that are most
significant or most predictive of the outcome
using standard statistical feature selection
methods - Empirical finding often poor validation success.
5Pathway Based Strategy for Screening for
- Find suitably defined clusters in the underlying
high dimensional feature space X. - Relate the clusters to clinical outcomes of
interest. This results in a few disease
clusters (a.k.a. pathways or modules) - Use features (markers) that describe the states
of the disease clusters as final predictors. - (Limited) Empirical Finding improved validation
6Motivating why the pathway based screening
strategy may lead to better validation success
- By first clustering the features, one reduces the
number of multiple comparisons substantially - By looking at aggregates of features (clusters)
the feature definition is much more robust and
more likely to be platform independent. - Combining the features along pathways is the
biologically meaningful thing to do. - Pathways are closer to the clinical phenotype
than the individual constituents of these
pathways. - The whole is more than the sum of its parts
7TEASERValidation success rate of gene
expressions in independent data
300 most significant genes Network based
screening (Cox p-valuelt1.310-3) plt0.05 and
high intramodular connectivity
8Weighted Gene Co-Expression Network Analysis.
9- Novel statistical approach for analyzing
microarray data weighted network analysis - Empirical evidence that it matters in practice
- Identification of Brain Cancer Genes that can be
validated in an independent data set
- Network based methods have been found useful in
many domains, - protein interaction networks
- the world wide web
- social interaction networks
- OUR FOCUS gene co-expression networks
11Does this map tell you which cities are important?
This one does!
The nodes with the largest number of links
(connections) are most important!
Slide courtesy of Paul Mischel and AL Barabasi
12Scale free topology is a fundamental property of
such networks (Barabasi et al)
- It entails the presence of hub nodes that are
connected to a large number of other nodes - Such networks are robust with respect to the
random deletion of nodes but are sensitive to the
targeted attack on hub nodes - It has been demonstrated that metabolic networks
exhibit a scale free topology
13P(k) vs k in scale free networks
- Scale Free Topology refers to the frequency
distribution of the connectivities - Connectivity k
- p(k)proportion of nodes that have connectivity k
14How to check Scale Free Topology?
Idea Log transformation p(k) and k and look at
scatter plots
Linear Regression model fitting index R2 can be
used to quantify goodness of fit
15Gene Co-expression Networks
- In gene co-expression networks, each gene
corresponds to a node. - Two genes are connected by an edge if their
expression values are highly correlated. - Definition of high correlation is somewhat
tricky - we propose a criterion for picking threshold
16Steps for constructing asimple, unweighted
co-expression network
Overview gene co-expression network analysis
- Microarray gene expression data
- Measure concordance of gene expression with a
Pearson correlation - C) The Pearson correlation matrix is dichotomized
to arrive at an adjacency matrix. Binary values
in the adjacency matrix correspond to an
unweighted network. - D) The adjacency matrix can be visualized by a
17Our holistic view.
- Weighted Network View Unweighted View
- All genes are connected Some genes are
connected - Connection WidthsConnection strenghts All
connections are equal
We find theoretical and empirical evidence that
the weighted network view is superior to the
simple network view.
18A general frame work for defining weighted gene
co-expression networksBin Zhang, Steve
HorvathTechnical report and R code at
19Beyond the standard approach
- Dichotomization allows one to easily define
network-based concepts but it eliminates some
information regarding the strength of
interaction. - To overcome the disadvantage of the
dichotomization, we generalize the approach - Measure co-expression by a similarity s(i,j) with
range 0,1 e.g. absolute value of the Pearson
correlation - Define an adjacency matrix A(i,j)AF(s(i,j))
- The adjacency function AF is a monotonic,
non-negative function defined on 0,1 and
depends on parameters. The choice of the
parameters determines the properties of the
network. - We consider 2 types of AFs
- Step function AF(s)I(sgttau) with parameter tau
- Power function AF(s)sb with parameter
20Comparing adjacency functions
21How to estimate the parameter values of an
adjacency function?
- We propose to use the following criteria
HIGHEST MEAN NUMBER OF CONNECTIONS - Criterion A is motivated by the finding that most
metabolic networks (including gene co-expression
networks, protein-protein interaction networks
and cellular networks) have been found to exhibit
a scale free topology - Criterion B is motivated by our desire to have
high sensitivity to detect modules (clusters of
genes) and hub genes.
22Criterion A is measured by the linear model
fitting index R2
Step AF (tau) Power AF (b)
23Trade-off between criterion A (R2) and criterion
B (mean no. of connections) when varying the
power b
criterion A SFT model fit R2 criterion B mean
24Empirical insights for determining the adjacency
- For criterion A measure compliance with scale
free topology by using the adjusted R2 value for
the linear regression fit between log(p(k)) and
log(k) - Usually require R2gt0.8
- For criterion B aim to get a mean(k)50 when
dealing with 2000 genes.
25Trade-off between criterion A and B when varying
Step Function I(sgttau)
criterion A criterion B
26Mathematical Definition of an Undirected Network
27NetworkAdjacency Matrix
- A network can be represented by an adjacency
matrix, Aaij, that encodes whether/how a pair
of nodes is connected. - A is a symmetric matrix with entries in 0,1.
- For unweighted network, entries are 1 or 0
depending on whether or not 2 nodes are adjacent
(connected). - For weighted networks, the adjacency matrix
reports the connection strength between gene
28Generalized Connectivity
- Gene connectivity correspond to the row sums of
the adjacency matrix - For unweighted networksnumber of direct
neighbors - For weighted networks sum of connection
strengths to other nodes
29Network Analysis Flow Chart
30Define a Gene Co-expression Similarity
Define a Family of Adjacency Functions
Determine the AF Parameters
Define a Measure of Node Dissimilarity
 Identify Network Modules (Clustering)
Relate Network Concepts to Each Other
Relate the Network Concepts to External Gene or
Sample Information
31Network Distance Measure Topological Overlap
32How to measure distance in a network?
- Mathematical Answer Geodesics
- length of shortest path connecting 2 nodes
- we have found no empirical evidence that this is
a biologically meaningful concept in
co-expression networks - Biological Answer look at shared neighbors
- Intuition if 2 people share the same friends
they are close in a social network - Use the topological overlap measure based
distance proposed by Ravasz et al 2002 Science)
33Topological Overlap (Ravasz et al) leads to a
network distance measure
- Generalized in Zhang and Horvath (2005) to the
case of weighted networks - Generalized in Yip and Horvath (2005) to higher
order interactions
34Using the TOM matrix to cluster genes
- To group nodes with high topological overlap into
modules (clusters), we typically use average
linkage hierarchical clustering coupled with the
TOM distance measure. - Once a dendrogram is obtained from a hierarchical
clustering method, we choose a height cutoff to
arrive at a clustering. - Here modules correspond to branches of the
TOM plot
Genes correspond to rows and columns
TOM matrix
Hierarchical clustering dendrogram
Module Correspond to branches
35More traditional view of module
ColumnsBrain tissue samples
RowsGenes Color band indicates module
Message characteristic vertical bands indicate
tight co-expression of module genes
36Different Ways of Depicting Gene Modules
Topological Overlap Plot Gene
Functions We proposed Multi Dimensional
Scaling Traditional View
1) Rows and columns correspond to genes 2) Red
boxes along diagonal are modules 3) Color
Idea Use network distance in MDS
37 Hub Genes Predict Survival for Brain Cancer
PatientsMischel PS, Zhang B,et al, Horvath S,
Nelson SF.
38Comparing the Module Structure in Cancer and
Normal tissues
55 Brain Tumors
Messages 1)Cancer modules can be independently
validated 2) Modules in brain cancer tissue can
also be found in normal, non-brain tissue. --gt
Insights into the biology of cancer
Normal brain (adult fetal)
Normal non-CNS tissues
39Mean Prognostic Significance of Module Genes
Message Focus the attention on the brown module
40Module hub genes predict cancer survival
- Cox model to regress survival on gene expression
levels - Defined prognostic significance as
log10(Cox-p-value) the survival association
between each gene and glioblastoma patient
survival - A module-based measure of gene connectivity
significantly and reproducibly identifies the
genes that most strongly predict patient survival
Validation set 65 gbms r 0.55 p-2.2 x 10-16
Test set 55 gbms r 0.56 p-2.2 x 10-16
41The fact that genes with high intramodular
connectivity are more likely to be prognostically
significant facilitates a novel screening
strategy for finding prognostic genes
- Focus on those genes with significant Cox
regression p-value AND high intramodular
connectivity. - It is essential to to take a module centric view
focus on intramodular connectivity of disease
related module - Validation success rate proportion of genes with
independent test set Cox regression p-valuelt0.05.
- Validation success rate of network based
screening approach (68) - Standard approach involving top 300 most
significant genes 26
42Validation success rate of gene expressions in
independent data
300 most significant genes Network based
screening (Cox p-valuelt1.310-3) plt0.05 and
high intramodular connectivity
43New ApplicationTissue Microarray Data
44Tissue MicroarrayDNA Microarray
45Tissue Array Section
700 Tissue Samples
0.6 mm 0.2mm
46Ki-67 Expression in Kidney Cancer
High Grade
Low Grade
Message brown staining related to tumor grade
47Multiple measurements per patientSeveral spots
per tumor sample and several scores per spot
- Each patients (tumor sample) is usually
represented by multiple spots - 3 tumor spots
- 1 matched normal spot
- Maximum intensity Max
- Percent of cells staining Pos
- Percent of cells staining with the
- maximum intensity PosMax
- Spots have a spot grade NL,1,2,..
- Indicator of missingness
48Properties of TMA Data
- Highly skewed, non-normal,semi-continuous.
- Often a good idea to model as ordinal variables
with many levels. - Staining scores of the same markers are highly
49Histogram of tumor marker expression scores POS
and MAX
Percent of Cells Staining(POS)
Maximum Intensity (MAX)
50Frequency plot of the same tumor marker in 2
independent data sets
DATA SET 1 Validation Data Set 2
The cut-off corresponds roughly to the 66
percentile. Thresholding this tumor marker allows
one to stratify the cancer patients into high
risk and low risk patients. Although the
distribution looks very different the percentile
threshold can be validated and is clinically
51Thresholding methods for tumor marker expressions
- Since clinicians and pathologists prefer
thresholding tumor marker expressions, it is
natural to use statistical methods that are based
on thresholding covariates, e.g. regression
trees, survival trees, rpart, forest predictors
etc. - Dichotomized marker expressions are often fitted
in a Cox (or alternative) regression model - Danger Over-fitting due to optimal cut-off
selection. - Several thresholding methods and ways for
adjusting for multiple comparisons are reviewed
in - Liu X, Minin V, Huang Y, Seligson DB, Horvath S
(2004) Statistical Methods for Analyzing Tissue
Microarray Data. J of Biopharmaceutical
Statistics. Vol 14(3) 671-685
52Finding tumor markers for predicting clinical
outcomes on the basis of Tissue Microarray Data
53Using the clustering based strategy for finding
tumor markers
- 1) Find distinct patient clusters without regard
to outcome - 2) Find whether patient clusters have distinct
PSA recurrence profiles - 3) If so, find rules (classifiers) for predicting
cluster membership - 4) Validate those rules in independent data.
54(No Transcript)
55Cluster Analysis of Low Gleason Score Prostate
Samples(UCLA data)
561) Construct a tumor marker rule for predicting
RF cluster membership.2) Validate the rule
predictions in an independent data set
Threshold Rule Validation
57Discussion Prostate TMA Data
- Very weak evidence that individual markers
predict PSA recurrence - None of the markers validated individually
- However, cluster membership was highly
predictive, i.e the rule could be validated in an
independent data set.
58How to cluster patients on the basis of Tissue
Microarray Data?
59Questions 1)Can TMA data be used for tumor
class discovery, i.e unsupervised learning?2)
If so, what are suitable unsupervised learning
60Tumor Class Discovery using DNA Microarray Data
- Tumor class discovery entails using a
unsupervised learning algorithm (i.e.
hierarchical, k-means, SOM clustering etc.) to
automatically group tumor samples based on their
gene expression pattern.
Bullinger et al. N Engl J Med. 2004
61Clusters involving TMA data may have
unconventional shapesLow risk prostate cancer
patients are colored in black.
- Scatter plot involving 2 dependent tumor
markers. The remaining, less dependent markers
are not shown. - Low risk cluster can be described using the
following rule - Marker H3K4 gt 45 and H3K18 gt 70.
- The intuition is quite different from that of
Euclidean distance based clusters.
62Unconventional shape of a clinically meaningful
patient cluster
- 3 dimensional scatter plot along tumor markers
- Low risk patients are colored in black
63A dissimilarity measure is an essential input for
tumor class discovery
- Dissimilarities between tumor samples are used in
clustering and other unsupervised learning
techniques - Commonly used dissimilarity measures include
Euclidean distance, 1 - correlation
- Conventional dissimilarity measures that work for
DNA microarray data may not be optimal for TMA
data. - Dissimilarity measure that are based on the
intuition of multivariate normal distributions
(clusters have elliptical shapes) may not be
optimal - For tumor marker data, one may want to use a
different intuition clusters are described using
thresholding rules involving dependent markers. - It may be desirable to have a dissimilarity that
is invariant under monotonic transformations of
the tumor marker expressions.
65We have found that a random forest (Breiman 2001)
dissimilarity can work well in the unsupervised
analysis of TMA data.Shi et al 2004, Seligson et
al 2005.http//www.genetics.ucla.edu/labs/horvath
66Kidney cancerComparing PAM clusters that result
from using the RF dissimilarity vs the Euclidean
Kaplan Meier plots for groups defined by cross
tabulating patients according to their RF and
Euclidean distance cluster memberships.
Message In this application, RF clusters are
more meaningful regarding survival time
67The RF dissimilarity is determined by dependent
tumor markers
Tumor markers
- The RF dissimilarity focuses on the most
dependent markers (1,2). - In some applications, it is good to focus on
markers that are dependent since they may
constitute a disease pathway. - The Euclidean distance focuses on the most
varying marker (4)
Patients sorted by cluster
68The RF cluster can be described using a
thresholding rule involving the most dependent
- Low risk patient if marker1gtcut1 marker2gt cut2
- This kind of thresholding rule can be used to
make predictions on independent data sets. - Validation on independent data set
69Theoretical reasons for using an RF dissimilarity
for TMA data
- Main reasons
- natural way of weighing tumor marker
contributions to the dissimilarity - The more related a tumor marker is to other tumor
markers the more it contributes to the definition
of the dissimilarity - no need to transform the often highly skewed
features - based feature ranks
- Chooses cut-off values automatically
- resulting clusters can often be described using
simple thresholding rules - Other reasons
- elegant way to deal with missing covariates
- intrinsic proximity matrix handles mixed variable
types well - CAVEAT The choice of the dissimilarity should be
determined by the kind of patterns one hopes to
find. There will be situations when other
dissimilarities are preferrable.
70The random forest dissimilarityL. Breiman RF
manualTechnical Report Shi and Horvath
71SummaryRandom forest clustering
- Intrinsic variable selection focuses on dependent
variables - Depending on the application, this can be
attractive - Resulting clusters can often be described using
thresholding rules?attractive for TMA data. - RF dissimilarity invariant to monotonic
transformations of variables - In some cases, the RF dissimilarity can be
approximated using a Euclidean distance of ranked
and scaled features. - RF clustering was originally suggested by L.
Breiman (RF manual). Theoretical properties are
studied as part of the dissertation work of Tao
Shi. Technical report/code can be found at
Fclustering.htm www.genetics.ucla.edu/labs/horvat
- There is a need to identify/develop appropriate
data mining methods for TMA data - highly skewed, semi-continuous, non-normal data
- tree or forest based methods work well
- Former students Postdocs for TMA
- Tao Shi PhD
- Xueli Liu PhD
- Yunda Huang PhD
- Tuyen Hoang PhD
- Tissue Microarray Core
- David Seligson, MD
- Hyung Kim, MD
- Arie Belldegrun, MD
- Robert Figlin, MD
- Siavash Kurdistani, MD
74References RF clustering
- Unsupervised learning tasks in TMA data analysis
- Review random forest predictors (introduced by L.
Breiman) - Shi, T. and Horvath, S. (2005) Unsupervised
learning using random forest predictors Journal
of Computational and Graphical Statistics - www.genetics.ucla.edu/labs/horvath/RFclustering/RF
clustering.htm - Application to Tissue Array Data
- Shi, T., Seligson, D., Belldegrun, A. S.,
Palotie, A., Horvath, S. (2004) Tumor Profiling
of Renal Cell Carcinoma Tissue Microarray Data - Seligson DB, Horvath S, Shi T, Yu H, Tze S,
Grunstein M, Kurdistani S (2005) Global histone
modification patterns predict risk of prostate
cancer recurrence.