An educational project of Peoples Lobby PLEF Educational Foundation and Peoples Lobby PLI' - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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An educational project of Peoples Lobby PLEF Educational Foundation and Peoples Lobby PLI'


An educational project of Peoples Lobby PLEF Educational Foundation and Peoples Lobby PLI' – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: An educational project of Peoples Lobby PLEF Educational Foundation and Peoples Lobby PLI'

The World including America -- cant wait for
The power of our exampleAmericas World Service
Corps (AWSC)Dwayne Hunn
  • An educational project of Peoples Lobby (PLEF)
    Educational Foundation and Peoples Lobby (PLI).

This presentation gives an overview
  • Of world needs
  • Urges you to support sending our best resources
    to address those needs
  • Via helping enact Peoples Lobbys American World
    Service Corps Congressional Proposals

  • A donation to PLI or PLEF will purchase this
  • Using it allows your school, group, etc., to
    build support for enacting PLIs AWSC

We need more angels of reason
The Worlds More Dangerous
  • If you are the top dog, all the other dogs are
    always biting and chasing after you.

Keep the top dog healthy by
  • Reducing the number of dogs snapping at your
  • Making more friends than enemies.
  • Or suffer a thousand debilitating cuts

  • Is this the answer we want to give the world?

Americas World Service Corps (AWSC) is the answer
  • AWSC can reduce the hungry, angry, attacking
  • Builds a world of growing, prospering, rational
    nations -- including ours.

AWSC builds
  • Homes, health, understanding, crops, small
  • Reduces poverty, terrorist recruitment, hatreds,
    aftereffects of disasters

AWSC is needed now
  • Many world problems stem from
  • Ugly perceptions of us growing in the world
  • Lack of our grassroots, practical participation
    in the world
  • Wrong kind of participation in the world.

Our policies foreign aid, free trade, mega
corporate collusions, etc., are increasingly seen
by the worlds peoples as
  • Covers for Americas Economic Hit men that hurt
    their nations common people.

Flowing US Foreign Aid

Big Consulting firms
Mega Corps
Mega Projects
Energy Infrastructure Military Cities
Water Manufacturing Farming Military
LDCs Big Squueze
Mega Loans
  • To Mega-Corps

Mega Projects
Debtor Nation
Water Manufacturing Farming Military
Energy Infrastructure Military Cities
World Bank Rules
You owe us. Big time..
Debt trap can claim all surplus production
The size of the debt trap can claim all surplus
production of a society. And is harming lesser
developed nations. One trillion dollars
compounded at 10 year become 117 trillion in
fifty years. Even US DEBT CEILING was RAISED TO
9 TRILLION March 2006 Debt/Scale.asp
Third World debt compounding over 20
per year between 1973 and 1993, from 100 billion
to 1.5 trillion Only 400 billion of the 1.5
trillion was actually borrowed money. The rest
was runaway compound interest. If Third World
debt continues to compound at 20 percent per
year, the 117 trillion debt will be reached in
eighteen years and the 13.78 quadrillion debt in
thirty-four years.
Stable nations are built when..
US aid to developing countries .22 of Gross
National Income
  • Includes debt relief to Iraq, Nigeria, Tsunami.

Since 2003 U.S. earmarked
  • 3 trillion to a trumped-up Iraq War
  • Money that could have gone to
  • Jobs, education, health care, high speed rail,
    green tech at home
  • That could have strengthened our families,
    provided jobs, and grown our economy
  • We need to be involved with problems to know how
    to solve them

Robust AWSC can help this too
Adding 20 billion AWSC cost U.S. contributes
.38 GNI
  • Assumes using 2005 GNP/GNI with no increase.
  • Estimate an increase of 800 billion GNP and
    annual increase reduces Foreign Aid age.

Worst unemployment/productivity
  • Middle East North Africa
  • Highest unemployment rate in the world, 13.2.
  • Worse than in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Iraq 55?
  • 5.5 GDP growth 1993-2003 ok but..
  • Productivity - how efficiently GDP resources
  • Increased .1 annually.
  • Better than only one sub-Saharan Africa nation.
  • Arab world only area where productivity did not
    increase with GDP growth.

Africa Middle East
Arab Youth
  • Nearly 60 of Arab world is under 25 with limited
    employment opportunities.
  • ILO estimates region spinning out 500,000 more
    unemployed each year.
  • India, China turning out scientific, innovative,
    critical thinkers. Muslim world not keeping pace.

Arab university system
Dwayne Hunn
  • Paksitans public universities (and all but a
    handful of private) are intellectual rubble,
    their degrees of little consequence
  • Nuclear physics professor, Pervez Hoodbhoy, of
    Quaid-i-Azam University in Islamabad.
  • Pakistanis registered only 8 patents
    internationally in 57 years.
  • Pakistan Council for Science Technology.

Arab Educational Results?
  • Education in science, modernity declining since
    the 14th century
  • Therefore, unprepared young easily enraged with
  • Backward religious teachers, madrases, dictators
    preach and teach their narrow views.

21st Century Middle East
Among 460 million
In the 13 nations of Egypt, Syria, Lebanon,
Jordan, Saudia Arabia, Palestine, Israel, Yemen,
Omar, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, and Afghanistan,
about 460 million reside
How many Peace Corps volunteers serve there?
  • In 2005 39 PCVs served.
  • In 2006 58 PCVs served.

Add 134 million more world citizens
  • Nations
  • Sudan
  • Eritrea
  • United Arab Republic
  • Kuwait
  • Turkey
  • Peace Corps Volunteers (PCVs)
  • 16 . 1984-86
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0

In 18 mostly Muslim countries of 578,340,251
  • In Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudia Arabia,
    Palestine, Israel, Yemen, Omar, Iran, Iraq,
    Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sudan, Eritrea, UAR,
    Kuwait, Turkey
  • One PCV for every
  • 9,971,384
  • helps
  • build
  • Stability?
  • Jordan PCV Gallery

Add Indonesias 245,452,739
  • Largely Muslim population.
  • How many PCVs serve there today?
  • 0
  • How many PCVs have served there since 1961?
  • 47 from 1963-65

So in 19 mostly Muslim countries of 823,792,990
  • In Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudia Arabia,
    Palestine, Israel, Yemen, Omar, Iran, Iraq,
    Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sudan, Eritrea, UAR,
    Kuwait, Turkey, and Indonesia
  • One PCV for each 14,203,327
  • Presents the building, caring, educating face of

Add Somalia Ethiopia
  • Population PCVs 2006
  • Somalia 8,300,000 0
  • Ethiopia 74,777,981 0
  • In 21 mostly Muslim countries of
  • One PCV for each 15,635,706
  • Shares and exchanges American ideas and ideals
    with their peoples.
  • Assist in building stability.

Our Somalian policy
A communiqué issued after the hurriedly convened
meeting is filled with diplomatic but nonspecific
references to the need for "enhanced multilateral
engagement" and "overall coordination of the
international community's support. The
countries in the group are the United States,
Britain, Italy, Norway, Sweden and Tanzania. The
document represents a resurgence for the State
Department, where officials have been critical of
the Bush administration's policy on Somalia,
which consisted largely of C.I.A. payments to
Somali warlords to help them defeat the
Islamic militia extends control over Somalia
  • Islamic militants captured the last strategic
    town held by their warlord rivals Wednesday,
    consolidating their control over a large swarth
    of Somalia even as the countrys parliament
    called for help from foreign peacekeepers.

Who knew?.. Islamic militia extends control over
  • Henry Compton, the State Department
    counterterrorism coordinator, told the Senate
    Foreign Relations Committee on Tuesday that his
    department didnt anticipate the events in
    Somalia and has an imperfect understanding of
    the Islamic group.

Somalias Islamic group
More than 10,000 Somalis demonstrated Friday
incensed by rumors that troops from Ethiopia,
Somalias historic rival might intervene (with
troops) The Islamic group, accused by the U.S.
of harboring al Qaeda, portrays itself as free of
links to Somalias past turmoil and capable of
brining and unity.
New Militant Leader Emerges in Mogadishu
  • Rise of Somali Sheik (Hassam Aweys) Tied to
    Terrorism Is Seen as Blow to US
  • In recent years, the US launched a covert program
    to pay Mogadishus warlords for their assistance
    in tracking down those in Somalia with links to
  • The policy backfired, however, when Islamists
    banded together earlier this year and took on
    American-backed warlords

Kindness counts?
  • No act of kindness, no matter how small, goes
  • Aesop

Strength in numbers counts in war or peace?
  • Our smart military commanders remind us that in
    traditional or guerrilla warfare overwhelming
    force is needed for victory.
  • In the end, they repeat, that must include
    overwhelming foot soldiers.

Ultimate victory requires?
  • General Tony Zinni I saw that military success
    on the battlefield alone was not going to give us
    ultimate victory.
  • Todays smart military commanders know that for
    21st century wars one needs peaceful, productive
    feet on the ground building stability.

General Zinni on NGOs
  • The military may bring emergency capacities at
    scales and speeds that NGOs cant begin to
    approach the NGOs bring a depth of
    understanding of the needs, requirements, and
    capacities for long-term recovery that we dont
  • I came away from Project Comfort with the
    realization that NGOs were new partners on the
    battlefield and we needed to learn how to work

Developed worlds job Gen. Zinni
  • Our job in the developed world is not to command
    and direct but to help, support, and empower. And
    there's a big place in this for every variety of
    actor governments, regional organizations,
    international organizations, NGOs, ad hoc
    international coalitions, single individuals,
    groups and organizations within nations . - .
    anyone who wants to help, who can work with the
    others, and who can do the job effectively.

Not Foreign Aid
  • We must think of these actions not as foreign
    aid that tosses billions of dollars down some
    sinkhole of corruption but as investments in our
    own security and stability. By helping others--a
    good in itself--we are also greatly lessening the
    threats to our own well-being.
  • General Zinni

Or we can do nothing Gen. Zinni
  • We have a choice. We can do all we can to
    create stability ad order in the world. Or we
    can do nothing, hunker down, and gamble that the
    instability and chaos out there will not migrate
    over here knowing that steel and electronic
    barricades will never seal our borders.

Americas Response
  • Build more military bases, deploy more troops,
    dramatically increase military budgets.
  • Kill perceived and ignorant enemies.
  • Increase public relations, media, Radio America
  • Lecture, talk, pay journalists.

Sarge ShriverPeace Corps First
  • If the Pentagons map is more urgent, the Peace
    Corps is, perhaps, in the long run the most
    important..... What happens in India, Africa, and
    South America -- whether the nations where the
    Peace Corps works succeed or not -- may well
    determine the balance of peace.

  • When President Kennedy took office, he put Sarge
    (Shriver) in charge of making the Peace Corps a
    reality As Jack liked to say, hed rather send
    in the Peace Corps than the Marine Corps, and
    Sarge was his Peace Corps commandant who always
    got the job done, establishing new beachheads of
    hope and opportunity in lands that had never
    known them before.

Send a million can-do Americans?
  • Would sending a million Americans through the
    Peace Corps, AmeriCorps, Habitat for Humanity,
    Head Start, Doctors Without Borders, Red Cross,
    International Rescue Committee, OxFam, Mercy
    Corps, and State Conservation Corps make a

Building or bombing?
  • To build a Habitat home
  • Global village home 600 to 8,000
  • A stateside home less than 60,000
  • To arm ourselves
  • Kevlar vest 1,600
  • An Armored Humvee 150,000
  • One F22 153 million

Financing Americas World Service Corps
  • Tax Revenues.
  • Contributions - zero tax paying corporations --
    82 (2003).
  • Donations from Forbes Richest 500.
  • NGOs increased participants donations. (Please
    read the proposed legislation)

Zero tax paying corporations
  • Corporate tax rate 35. After 2001, effective tax
    rate fell from 21.4 to 17.2 in 2003.
  • CTJ ITEP Report on 275 profitable Fortune 500
    companies with 1.1 trillion profits 2001-2003.
  • 82 paid 0 or less from 2001-03.

Effective Corporate Tax Rates Falling Dramatically
Why would corporations donate to Americas WSC?
  • Corporate executives have families too.
  • Good will sells.
  • Increased security costs.
  • Stable, prosperous nations buy more.
  • Burdened, taxed, war weary Americans can find the
    AWSC web site

Why would Forbes Richest donate?
  • Gates and Clinton could use 100,000 volunteers
    helping eradicate AIDS.
  • Buffet wonders why rich arent taxed more.
  • Even oil magnates like T. Boone Pickens may see
    benefits in stability.
  • Rich have families too.

NGOs increased participants donations
  • Red Cross, Habitat, OxFam, etc. need more
  • More volunteers bring more family and friend
  • Less drawn on Federal Treasury

Even in Iraq All Politics is Local (as is
  • The coalitions cannot achieve political change in
    the absence of strong local support. And when
    they try to do so, they undermine their local
    allies. Iraqi and Afghan national and regional
    leaders have a far better understanding of the
    limits and possibilities of the local political
    scenes they are more flexible and creative in
    finding compromises and unlike the coalition
    officials, they are elected. They must be given
    real power and authority. This may seem an
    obvious prescription but in fact the coalitions
    are not allowing it to happen

Send soldiers and wonder if
And this too often happens
  • But the Westerners political strategies are too
    often based more on moral ideals than real
    information very few coalition officials serve
    in these countries for more than a year, even
    fewer are specialists in the region, and security
    restrictions prevent them from living in the

Even in Iraq, all politics is local
  • Many have too much faith in their ability to
    create a society in their own image and a
    mistaken belief that they can find clean,
    technocratic, powerful and liberal alternatives
    to these local leaders. They prefer to rely on
    constitutions and abstract economic theories than
    to engage with local personalities.

Now American commanders are trying something new.
  • Instead of continuing to fight for the downtown,
    or rebuild it, they are going to get rid of it,
    or at least a very large part of it.
  • They say they are planning to bulldoze about
    three blocks in the middle of the city, part of
    which has been reduced to ruins by the fighting

nearly all of the fighting has been done by
American marines and soldiers,
  • The Iraqi police patrol the streets in only a
    handful of neighborhoods, the ones closest to the
    American base. In the slow-motion offensive that
    has been unfolding, in which the Americans have
    been gradually clearing individual neighborhoods,
    nearly all of the fighting has been done by
    American marines and soldiers, not the Iraqi

In RamadiUnrelenting Battles
Last week a midnight gun battle between a group
of insurgents and American marines lasted two
hours and ended only when the Americans dropped a
laser-guided bomb on an already half-destroyed
building downtown. Six marines were wounded it
was unclear what happened to the insurgents.   
and Unrelenting Battles
  •  The 800-member Third Battalion, Eighth Marine
    Regiment, which until recently was responsible
    for holding most of the city on its own, has lost
    11 marines since arriving in March. Commanders
    declined to disclose the number of wounded. Over
    all in Iraq the number of American wounded in
    action is roughly seven times the number killed.

Lancet Medical Journal
  • A team of American and Iraqi epidemiologists
    estimates that 655,000 more people have died in
    Iraq since coalition forces arrived in March 2003
    than would have died if the invasion had not
  • ....Of the total 655,000 estimated "excess
    deaths," 601,000 resulted from violence....Of the
    violent deaths that occurred after the invasion,
    31 percent were caused by coalition forces or
    airstrikes, the respondents said.

Johns Hopkins Study post invasion death rate
  • This is remarkable. If you do the arithmetic, it
    means that coalition forces have killed 186,000
    Iraqis in the 39 months between the invasion and
    the period when the study was done. That's about
    4,700 per month and the numbers are on a steady
    upward trend.

Iraq now ranked second among world's failed
  • David Morgan - Mon Jun 18, 2007
  • Iraq has emerged as the world's second most
    unstable country, behind Sudan, more than four
    years after President George W. Bush ordered the
    U.S. invasion to topple Saddam Hussein, according
    to a survey released on Monday Iraq suffered a
    third straight year of deterioration in 2006 with
    diminished results across a range of social,
    economic, political and military indicators. Iraq
    ranked fourth last year.
  • Afghanistan, another war-torn country where U.S.
    and NATO forces are battling a Taliban insurgency
    nearly six years after a U.S. led invasion, was
    in eighth place. http//

Or Send AWSC and rely on practical experiences
that engages personalities and builds community
State Departments International Narcotics
Strategy Report,March 4, 2005
  • Afghanistan is on the verge of becoming a
    narcotics state.

Afghanistans Opium Poppy UNDCP Report 1986-2004
1986 1997.20012004
One less of an estimated 80 million worldwide
  • I dont like begging So I grew poppies (opium)
    to feed my family.
  • Afghani farmer after his orchard had been
    destroyed by warring Russian and Taliban fighters.

Afghan village's currency opiumMerchants keep
track with ledgers -- debts paid after poppy
harvest 5-7-07 SF Chronicle
  • Shahran-e-Khash, Afghanistan -- The people of
    this impoverished corner of Badakhshan province
    rarely have money to buy even the simplest items
    from their local market. Instead, they use a
    different currency -- opium.

Afghan village's currency opium
  • "All the children put a little bit of opium on a
    leaf as payment. They ask the shopkeeper, 'Please
    give me a pen, give me two notebooks, give me two
    biscuits and three pieces of chewing gum,' " said
    a tribal elder who asked that his name not be
    published to avoid coming under pressure from the

Afghanistans drug/warlords
  • Fears that Afghanistan is becoming a full-fledged
    narco-state are swelling fast. Poppy
    cultivation dipped by 21 in 2005, but is
    expected to to rise sharply this year, according
    to the U.N. Office of Drugs and Crime. The
    greatest spike, as much as 100, is expected in
    Helmand province, where Adam, the well-known
    smuggler, lives

Major offensive targets Taliban in Afghanistan
  • The US military and more than 11,000 Afghans, ,
    and Canadian troops will begin Operation
    Mountain American, British Thrust against
    Taliban fighters today
  • They have been relatively short of troops, of
    boots on the ground, Lt. Gen. David Richards
    told a Kabul news conference on June 4.

Rising Opium Production in Afghanistan Funds
U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan have driven out the
opium unfriendly Taliban making it safe enough
for opium war lords to increase opium production
123-fold from 2001-2004, according to this
commentary in the Miami Herald. The large profits
made under this protection are used, in part, to
fund terrorism in Afghanistan and elsewhere. We
are, in essence, holding hands with our worst
enemy. June 10, 2005

Afghan President Under Fire Over Poverty SNIK
  • While a small elite has enjoyed unprecedented
    prosperity, more than half of Afghanistan's 31
    million people live below the poverty line and 40
    percent are unemployed. Electricity and water
    shortages are acute. Illicit crops like opium
    represent more than a third of gross domestic

Afghanistan Opium Cultivation Skyrockets
  • Opium cultivation in Afghanistan jumps 60 percent
    in a year to hit new record, U.N. says
  • KABUL, Afghanistan, Sep. 3, 2006MATTHEW
    PENNINGTON Associated Press Writer

Yet AWSC alleviates poverty, Taliban ... Trouble
for Karzai
  • Afghanistan relies on foreign aid, about 10.5
    billion of which was pledged at a February donor
    conference in London. Few would deny some
    progress has been made since the austere days of
    the Taliban, notably in access to education and
    health care - but social services remain sparse
    and infrastructure poor.
  • "People want jobs and security, but the
    government cannot provide them with either," said
    Akhgar. "People also complain about corruption
    and government does nothing about it."

Afghanistan Peace Corps Volunteers
  • From 1962 1979
  • 1,739 in education, health,
  • rural community development
  • A few more went from 1988-91

Villagers in southern Afghanistan caught in the
tug of war
  • "We have no choice. They come in groups of 5, 10
    or 20. Some are local, are speaking Urdu or
    Arabic. They ask for food, but you can't refuse.
    You can't argue with men with guns."
  • Now the meek-looking farmer said he felt trapped
    between the insurgents and the central
    government. "To be honest, we cannot fight
    anyone. We don't like either side."
  • Mirza, a 26 year old, who uses just one name

caught in tug of war
  • The U.S. base outside Qalat, a desert citadel
    ringed by razor wire, provides some security. But
    1,000 American soldiers are stretched thin across
    6,700 square miles of terrain and face an
    often-invisible yet agile enemy.

Villagers in southern Afghanistan
  • One recent day, a U.S. convoy screeched in with
    three men, blindfolded and at the wrist, hunkered
    in the back of a humvee. Hours earlier, the
    Taliban had ambushed a joint Afghan-American
    patrol, killing four police, two American troops
    and destroying an armored humvee.
  • "It's a cat-and-mouse game with the enemy.
    Every time I get ahead of him, a new tactic comes
    up," said Sturek, the U.S. commander.
  • Echoing many Afghan officials, he said the
    insurgents were streaming across the nearby
    border, where they attended pro-Taliban Islamic
    schools. The ones who come shooting hard are
    straight from the madrassas in Pakistan," he

Dave Wilson reflects on his Peace Corps
assignment in Afghanistan
  • Wilson began to bicycle home with another teacher
    after school each day became good friends to
    that teacher's entire family. Then,
    communists took over Afghanistan in 1979, and
    Wilson's life, as well as the lives of everyone
    around him, changed completely"I was pulled off
    my bike and questioned with a gun to my head or
    my stomach," Wilson said. Worse, Wilson said,
    was that his new friends were tortured because of
    their association with him. Still, they remained
    his friends. "They always took me in as one of
    their own," Wilson said.

PIPA .7 GDP to Poverty?
  • At 2005 G8 Summit rich nations discussed
    dedicating .7 GDP to combat poverty.
  • PIPA poll support was higher among Democrats
    (77), but was still a majority among Republicans

These are deadly, costly
Ways to win hearts minds an hour later this
Marine in Afghanistan was dead.
And do nation building
Invest in cost effective Americans
  • Even though these targets and agendas have been
    set, year after year almost all rich nations have
    constantly failed to reach their agreed
    obligations of the 0.7 target. Instead of 0.7,
    the amount of aid has been around 0.2 to 0.4,
    some 100 billion short.

Sending our best can-do AWSC volunteers -- is
  • Better than sending mega corporate loans that
    enriches power brokers and trickles little down
    to the needy.
  • Better at building homes, schools, health,
    friends, nations while raising Americas policy
    making IQ.

Senator Harris Wofford on JFKs hopes
  • "He told me he wanted the Peace Corps to reach
    100,000 a year," Wofford recalled. "He said it
    would then be considered serious. In one decade,
    it would reach 1 million volunteers." "I don't
    want AmeriCorps to suffer the same fate," Wofford
    said. "The time to move is now."

Where can we give our kids education?
  • Asks a former prominent Sudanese teacher from his
    Darfur refugee encampment. Its been going on
    so long, people have forgotten about us Darful
    Crisis CNN May 14, 2006
  • Answer A robust American World Service Corps

General Zinnis Foxhole understanding of the world
  • Our leaders error is their simplistic view of
    what is actually out there, their lack of
    understanding of the complexities, the fine
    points, the subtleties of conditions on the
    ground (an understanding you get from long
    experience working in the foxhole).

Africa Middle East
In Oil Rich Angola, Cholera Preys Upon the
Africas World of Forced Labor, in a 6-Year-Olds
I dont like it here, he whispered, out of Mr.
Takyis earshot.
  • He last ate the day before. His broken wooden
    paddle was so heavy he could barely lift it. But
    he raptly followed each command from Kwadwo
    Takyi, the powerfully built 31-year-old in the
    back of the canoe who freely deals out beatings.
  • Mark Kwadwo is 6 years old. About 30 pounds,
    dressed in a pair of blue and red underpants and
    a Little Mermaid T-shirt, he looks more like an
    oversized toddler than a boat hand. He is too
    little to understand why he has wound up in this
    fishing village, a two-day trek from his home.

Darfur, Sudan
  • Lining up for water.

Medecins Sans Frontieres in Sudan
  • Providing medical and psychosocial care to
    victims of violence and specifically of sexual
    violence treating malnourished children and
    providing clean water and improving sanitation to
    reduce the risk of disease.

Darfur, Sudan violence for 3 years
  • Nearly two million fled their destroyed villages
  • Doctors Sans Borders has nearly 80 international
    aid worker working alongside 2,000 national staff
    in approximately 15 locations in North, South,
    and West Darfur Respiratory infections,
    diarrhea, hepatitis E, and malaria
  • Peace Corps Volunteers 0

Cholera in Angola
Both medical and logistical staff are working
flat out
  • the logisticians hastily putting up another tent
    to house twenty more beds, but the truth is they
    are running out of space. The CTC itself is quite
    basic at the entrance there is a disinfection
    area where everyone is sprayed with chlorine, to
    kill the bacteria that cause cholera. Cholera is
    highly contagious so. There is also a triage
    area for newly arrived patients, a pharmacy,
    water points, latrines, and several large tents
    with rows upon rows of beds. Each bed has a hole
    in the middle and two buckets underneath, one
    labelled vómito the other excremento but
    the only way to treat cholera is to allow
    patients to flush the bacteria out of their
    bodies and to rehydrate them as quickly as

11 sub-Saharan nations with gt15 orphans
Rates of orphaning in sub-Saharan Africa
HIV/AIDS hits sub-Saharan Africa hardest
16 Million Refugees in 2008
Half Refugees in 6 countries/regions
26 Million Internally Displaced Persons
Half IDPs in 6 regions
42 Million Displaced by war in 2008
  • Do you believe war breeds dislocation, anger,
    poverty, ignorance, hatred, and terrorists?
  • If so, what teams are you sending to heal the
    wounds of refugees, IDPs, and those angered and

Fewer friends more help?
  • From 1999 to 2006 Americas favorable opinion has
    fallen in
  • Canada 71 - 59
  • Britain 83 - 55
  • Germany 78 - 41
  • Indonesia 75 - 38
  • Pakistan 23 - 23 Zagby Poll

This morning, I didnt eat. Im hungry.Marin
IJ 8-27-06
  • Children as young as 4 work six and seven days a
    week in quarries near Lusaka, Zambia, breaking
    stones into gravel sold at roadside stalls. ..
    Lacking a hammer, he uses a thick steel bolt
    gripped in his right hand.
  • In a good week, he can make enough powder to fill
    half a bag. His grandmother, Mary Mulelema, sells
    each bag, to be used to make concrete, for 10,000
    kwacha, less than 3. Often, she said, it is the
    difference between eating and going hungry.

By the United Nations latest estimate,
  • more than 49 million sub-Saharan children age 14
    and younger worked in 2004, 1.3 million more than
    at the turn of the century just four years earlier

  • Children as young as 4 work six and seven days a
    week in quarries near Lusaka, Zambia, breaking
    stones into gravel sold at roadside stalls. ..
    Lacking a hammer, he uses a thick steel bolt
    gripped in his right hand.
  • In a good week, he says, he can make enough
    powder to fill half a bag. His grandmother, Mary
    Mulelema, sells each bag, to be used to make
    concrete, for 10,000 kwacha, less than 3. Often,
    she said, it is the difference between eating and
    going hungry.

China cultivates Africa We spend on war
  • China has waived about 1.4 billion of debt owed
    by 31 heavily indebted African countries.
  • China owns 321 Billion of our debt
  • US Debt 8.5 trillion, 2trillion owned by
  • About one 2 Billion week of Iraq War feeds
    Africa for a year

African leaders see China
  • as a new kind of global partner that has lots of
    money but treats them as equals, said Wenran
    Jiang, a political scientist at the University of
    Alberta who has studied Chinese-African ties.
    Chinese leaders see Africa, in a strategic
    sense, as up for grabs.
  • Chinas enthusiasm for Africa has raised concerns
    among many in the West while the United States is
    distracted by its efforts to curb terrorism, and
    France, Britain and other former colonial powers
    exert less influence in Africa than they once did.

PEW Poll 2006
  • 72 of US Soldiers In Iraq Think US Should Pull
    Out Within A Year.

AWOL (American Way Of Life)Each American soldier
16 gallons/day
  • Each American soldier fighting in Iraq and
    Afghanistan to protect the American Way Of Life
    (AWOL) is using 16 gallons of oil per day.
  • Half the oil goes to the Air Force alone, 85 as
    jet fuel burned up just to move more fuel,
    soldiers, and supplies to the hundreds of bases
    and military ventures overseas.

Initial public offerings Infrastructure
  • In 2000, the United States had 50 of the total
    valuation of all global initial public offerings
    (IPOs), while in 2005, United States had only 5.
  • Finally, according to the American Society of
    Civil Engineers the current condition of our
    nations major infrastructure systems earns a
    grade of D.

while a third of humanity lives in fear and
  • The critical reality of our times is that we live
    in an increasingly interconnected community of 6
    1/2 billion people drawn together by a
    complicated and powerful global economy that
    rewards many but has left out a significant
    number. The world cannot sustain this vast
    productive machine while a third of humanity
    lives in fear and poverty. Therefore, the

who will continue to be the main cause of
instability and insecurity.
  • Therefore, the greatest task that we face as a
    global community in the 21st century is somehow
    making a place for 2 1/2 billion people who have
    been left behind by the advances of the last
    half-century. It is those wretched of the earth
    who are and who will continue to be the main
    cause of instability and insecurity.

have to focus on them
  • We can't fix their problem in the next year or
    the next five years but we're going to have to
    focus on them not only because we owe it to our
    fellow humans, but because it is essential for
    our security as Americans. Addressing the
    despair, hunger, poverty, and injustice that
    breed violence and unrest can be the centerpiece
    for a new global policy.

UNESCO Says The World Faces An 18 Million Teacher
Shortfall In Coming Decade
  • The world will need 18 million new teachers in
    the coming decade in order to meet demand
    worldwide for primary education, with sub-Saharan
    Africa facing the greatest challenge, to boost
    its teacher force by 68 per cent, United Nations
    officials said today

How do we overcome poverty, AIDS, hatred,
ignorance, warfare
  • Annually field peaceful, productive teams of one
    million Americans for 20 consecutive years
  • Kindness beget kindness and the inverse is also
    true.. American Hiroshima

And AWSC works at home on Katrina and other
Build the robust, can-do AWSC teams and
volunteers will come
Marin high-schoolers doing post Katrina service
  • .. It looks like a Third World country.
  • I had no idea it was that bad

Post Katrina cleanup an inspirational task
  • Part of New Orleans is not very wealthy and
    these houses are pretty much the only things some
    of the families had and theyre just gone. It
    looks like a Third World country. It was
    complete devastation and I did not know that.
    The media havent really displayed that side of
    the story. I had no idea it was that bad.

Looking for the Will Beyond the Battlefield
  • And thats the essence. The other side considers
    it a privilege to fight and die for its beliefs.
    Those on the other side cannot wait to line up to
    blow themselves up for their vision of heaven. On
    our side, its Let the other poor sap do it.
    Ive got to make money. How can we fight this
    fight with the brightest and best educated
    rushing off and working night and day to do
    private equity deals and derivatives trading? How
    can we fight this fight with the ruling class
    absent by its own sweet leave?
  • Ben Stein, former advisor to Pres. Nixon

  • Now, whos fighting for us in the fight of our
    lives? Brave, idealistic Southerners. Hispanics
    from New Mexico. Rural men and women from upstate
    New York. Small-town boys and girls from the
    Midwest. Do the children of the powers on Wall
    Street resign to go off and fight? Fight for the
    system that made them rich? Fight for the way of
    life that made them princes? Surely, you jest.

  • Todays battles are for hearts and minds.
  • A strategy with too much collateral damage will
    not win hearts and minds.
  • The AWSC wins hearts and minds.

Ed Koupal. Peoples Lobbys Co-Founder
  • This country runs on laws. If you want to
    change the country, write its laws.
  • Final authority rests with the people.
    Therefore, never is final authority delegated.

Final authority rests with the people.
Therefore, never is final authority delegated.
Ed Joyce Koupal
People can and should lead it is what Americas
reputation is founded on
  • We the People of the United States, in Order to
    form a more perfect Union, establish Justice,
    insure domestic tanquility, provide for the
    common defence, promote the general welfare, and
    secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and
    our posterity, do ordain and establish this
    Constitution for the United States of America.

Implementing the American World Service Corps
Congressional Proposals sending
  • care for the world

Help PLI and PLEF establish critically needed law
  • Sign the on-line Petition.
  • Provide speaking opportunities.
  • Contact your elected representatives.
  • Spread the world.
  • Volunteer time talents.
  • Donate.

(No Transcript)
Help pass PLIs citizen-initiated AWSC
legislation that builds the teams the 21st
century needs

Help educate spread the word
  • Purchase for a nominal donation from Peoples
    Lobby (501c4) or Peoples Lobbys Education
    Foundation (501c3).
  • Use to educate and advocate for passage of PLIs
    American World Service Corps Congressional
  • Contact 415-383-7880

  • Thank Congresswoman Woolsey for offering to
    introduce PLIs already written AWSC
    Congressional Proposals in the 111th Congress.
  • Encourage Senators Feinstein and Boxer to do the
    same in the Senate.

Does too much of this?
And too much of this?
And too much of this?
Lead to too much of
And too much
And too much
Because we dont do enough..
That builds more than walls
Gold Star Service afterwards who cares?
  • Patrick Mom Nadia McCafffrey

Too many
  • Gold Star Moms.
  • Dying soldiers.
  • Troubled soldiers returning.

Too many
  • Vets suffering debilitating physical and mental
  • Too Few
  • Solutions and alternatives.

Patrick McCaffrey He loved children
Mom, Dad I have to serve. I have to do
something. Patrick
  • I have two children and a wife, so I want to
    serve but not leave the country

The National Guardsman went to serve
He returned home
  • He was a natural leader with his care for his
    fellow soldiers and the way others would look up
    to him for advice He provided care for the
    other soldiers constantly.

  • When a Combat Life Saver was called he was
    always one of the first, if not the first to
    respond . SGT McCaffrey was a hard charger and
    very proactive
  • . He was more than just a friend to many of the
    soldiers, he was a brother.    
  • Chris Murphy, brother fellow soldier       

Some of his friends returned with other hidden
  • Friend Steven Edwards

Iraq Vets need more than words
  • Iraq war vets fight an enemy at home,Experts say
    up to 30 may need psychiatric care
  • SF Chronicle
  • Monday, January 17, 2005

Mission of Patrick McCaffreys Foundation
  • is to promote mental and holistic wellness and
    palliative care among veterans returning from the
    war in Iraq and Afghanistan, especially those
    suffering from post traumatic stress disorder
    (PTSD), by providing a live-in retreat village,
    wherein with the help of trained professional
    staff and volunteers, veterans will find inner
    healing and an eventual re-entry into society.

Short term solution Vet Centers that clear the
  • Build support for and pass the PLIs
    citizen-initiated congressional proposals that
    would create Gold Star Moms Retreat Centers for
    War Ravaged Soldiers.

Establish a series of regional readjustment
  • Dealing with some memories.
  • Easing post traumatic stress syndrome.
  • Reducing lingering physical and mental issues.
  • Preparing soldiers for a more productive future

How did this war and its aftereffects happen?
  • We too often enter the world unaware of its
    present needs, dangers, cultures.
  • Myopic entries into the world do not build
    domestic and world-wide stability..

General Zinnis Foxhole View of World
  • Our current war in Iraq may be turning into a
    repetition of Vietnam. The military out there
    goes from operation to operation our leaders in
    Washington assure us we are powering ahead
    success to success yet our young nineteen or
    twenty-year-old soldiers are now asking hard
    questions I can win any battle. But am I
    winning the war? Battle for Peace

Downward Spiral or Build Stability
  • When institutions that provide for stability
    (government, economic, social, religious) cant
    bear up under those pressures when the
    institutions are destroyed, collapse or break
    down then the standards, rules, systems those
    institutions enforced and promoted disappear.
    Order collapses, disorder and stability increase
    and if nothing is done to halt the downward
    spiral , anarchy and chaos will result. General
    Anthony Zinni

Alternatives Considered
  • Continue entering the global village with little
    vision and without a plan to build world

A long term solution Enter smartly
  • Smartly enter the world with can-do Americans who
    know how and want to build stability.

Destroy and Suffer or Build, House,
Solution Implement visionary law
  • For todays need, develop and pass Patrick
    McCaffreys) Veterans Centers for Health
    Welfare Congressional Proposals.
  • Address Vets mental psychological needs.
  • Help make our Vets have productive tomorrows.
  • To save tomorrow, pass the American World
    Service Corps Congressional Proposals.
  • Attack poverty and ignorance.
  • Reduce terrorist recruitment.
  • Make life safer for young, older, and soldiers.

Educate, campaign for the citizen-initiated
legislation that
  • Builds Veterans Recovery Centers
  • Sends the American World Service Corps

Educate, Campaign for the citizen-initiated
legislation that
  • Builds
  • Veterans
  • Recovery
  • Centers

Patrick McCaffreys Centers
  • Building much of their own center will be part
    of the veterans therapy.

Growing from serving those who have served
  • Veterans Villages.
  • Where AWSC volunteers could also help in the
    building of centers and in working in them to
    help vets prepare for the needs of American life.

Patrick McCaffreys Wellness Center
  • All the care that will be given to the Veterans
    will be palliative care, therapy care,
    monitoring, and care. Thats what we have to
    have and thats what we will offer to build self
    confidence, self power, understanding and renewed
  • .

To deal with the mess we have laid upon todays
  • For the short term.
  • Pass the citizen-initiated legislation that will
    establish Veterans Restorative Retreat Centers
    (Veterans Villages)

  • This Act may be cited as the Veteran Centers
    for Health and Welfare Act of 2006.
  • This Act is to give our veterans, particularly
    those exposed to combat or the combat environment
    or experience, quality assistance in dealing with
    the mental, psychological, and hidden traumas
    that too often come with putting our solders into
    or near harms way

To honor those families like Patricks..
  • And those brothers and sisters who returned with

Its not the same mommy who left
  • For Johnson, treatment at Walter Reed made things
    better, with group sessions, art therapy and
    combat-stress counseling. "You're in there with
    other people who are going through the same
    things," she said, "and you kind of feel like,
    'Okay, now I don't feel crazy.' "

Iraq war first hard look at womens level of
combat PTSD
  • Johnson received a Purple Heart for hearing loss
    in her left ear but stayed in Iraq for several
  • I just get scared that Ill be one of those
    homeless people that you see holding signs
    because Ive lost my mind.
  • Trinette Johnson

(No Transcript)
To avoid future dumb policies and resultant wars
  • Pass the PLIs American World Service Corp
    Congressional Proposals.
  • So for the long-term America will have enough
    citizens experienced with the world and our
    nations needs to avoid unnecessary future wars.

What does Patrick Tillmans mother believe about
his death in Afghanistan?
Educate, Campaign for the citizen-initiated
legislation that
  • Sends the American World Service Corps

To avoid unnecessarily placing soldiers in messes
  • Lift the worldHave a million Americans a year
    voluntarily serve nation and world via passing
    PLIs citizen- initiated American World Service
    Corps congressional proposals.

Caring, teaching, building, recycling... makes
friends, erases wars horrors...
  • SECTION 1. SHORT TITLEThis Act may be cited as
    the World Service Corps ActTwo Year
  • It is the purpose of this Act to enhance
    prospects for world peace. The Act does so by
    promoting understanding, addressing human,
    resource, and developmental needs, and responding
    to disasters by building a World Service Corps
    that annually deploys a million peaceful,
    productive American at home and abroad.
    Americans consistently prove themselves in
    serving their country, addressing world needs,
    and helping neighbors near and far grow and

AWSC Financial inducements
  • Financial inducements. Two years of service
    will be required of volunteers in order for those
    volunteers to qualify for the federal government
    financing two years of community college or
    equivalent vocational training
  • Those who have moved beyond the need for tuition
    payments may invest their post-service grants
  • IRA and or Medical Health Savings accounts and
  • Transfer their educational, Medical, or IRA
    Account grants to friends and relatives of their
  • Federally registered non-profit foundations that
    will use the donated grants to provide
    scholarships to address low and moderate-income
    students educational needs.

COST. -- The cost of operation of the United
States WSC will be funded through
  • Traditional budgetary appropriations.
  • Donations by the richest 1 of taxpayers. --
    Over the last 30 years, the wealth of Americas
    richest taxpayers has increased
    disproportionately as compared to the stagnated
    and declining wealth increase among Americas low
    and middle classes .. Consequently, a WSC public
    web site will use the The Forbes list of richest
    Americans who have benefited most from the human
    and physical infrastructure will be listed at the
    WSC web site. Those who live in luxury bestowed
    in large part by the skill and education of all
    Americans will be asked at the web site, What
    have you contributed lately to help make the
    world safer for todays children?

COST. -- The cost of operation of the United
States WSC will be funded through
  • Donations by certain low tax paying
    corporations. -- A large number of Fortune 500
    corporations annually pay little or no taxes,
    according to such organizations as Citizens for
    Tax Justice (CTJ) and the Institute on Taxation
    and Economic Policy (ITEP). These Fortune 500
    corporations would be asked to donate funds to
    the WSC to make the world safer for all of us
    The (AWSC web) site will remind them, including
    their stockholders that by doing good, companies
    can do well. These donations would be listed
    alongside their researched effective corporate
    tax rates and tax payments.

How to win and change the life losing culture
  • Gain signatures and resolutions of support for
    each congressional proposal.
  • Publicize, educate, spread the word.
  • Get candidates, especially congressional
    candidates, to support and campaign on these
  • Set November 06 and February 07 goals of electing
    50 cosponsors.

Time Table November 06 and February 07
  • Build support among congressional candidates.
  • Encourage them to support Vets Readjustment
    Centers and American World Service Corps
    congressional proposals.
  • Elect supporters. Have 50 cosponsors supporting
    each proposal.
  • Pass them early in the next Congress and start
    building stability at home and abroad.

If you want to change the change the country,
write its laws Ed Koupal, PLI Founder
  • Our public policy becomes smarter.
  • Poverty, climate change, needs are addressed.
  • Our soldiers are less often placed in harms way.

For today and tomorrow
Spread the word
  • Purchase for a nominal donation and use in group,
    teaching, organizing sessions
  • Contact Patrick McCaffreys Foundation
  • 209-814-7182 or
  • Peoples Lobby or Peoples Lobbys Education
    Foundation 415-383-7880
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