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We cast the truth against the falsehood, so that it breaks its head, and lo! ... will set up a just balance on the day of resurrection, so no soul shall be dealt ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
Èãåã_éoÂB ãÌðåéxÂB áÌãÆ ãÐðäÃÂCãQ âlåÒâáB
I seek refuge in Allah from the rejected Shaitan
ãÈãcáäoÂB ãÌÇåcáäoÂB ãÐÃÂB ãÈåtãQ
In the name of Allah, the Beneficient, the
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
åÈâÎáÑ åÈâÏâQCátãc ãrCáäËÃã áPáoáXåºB ý1þ
áÉÒâãoåáäÆ èUáÃåá² Øã
211 Their reckoning has drawn near to men, and
in heedlessness are they turning aside.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
âÍÒâáÇáXåsB áäÙãH èZákådâäÆ ÈãÏãäQáän ÌáäÆ
èoå¾ãl ÌãäÆ ÈãÏãWåGáÖ CáÆý2þ áÉÒâRáåÃáÖ åÈâÎáÑ
212 There comes not to them a new reminder
from their Lord but they hear it while they sport,
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
BámáÎ åÄáÎ åBÒâÇáÃ᪠áÌÖãmáäÂB ÓáÒåáäËÂB
åBÑâäoásáFáÑ åÈâÏâQÒâÃ⺠æUáãÎáÚ ý3þ
áÉÑâoãåRâW åÈâXÊáFáÑ áoådãätÂB áÉÒâWåGáXááF
åÈââÃå\ãäÆ çoáxáQ áäÙãH
213 Their hearts trifling and those who are
unjust counsel together in secret He is nothing
but a mortal like yourselves what! will you then
yield to enchantment while you see?
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
ãÇáätÂB áÒâÎáÑ ãånáÛBáÑ ACáÇáätÂB Øã
áÁåÒáåÂB âÈáÃåáÖ ØãäQán áÁCáºý4þ âÈãÃáåÂB
214 He said My Lord knows what is spoken in
the heaven and the earth, and He is the Hearing,
the Knowing.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
CáËãWåGáåÃá çoãCáw áÒâÎ åÄáQ âÍBáoáXåB ãÄáQ
èÅáÚåcáF âZCá³åáF åBÒâÂCẠåÄáQý5þ áÉÒâÂáäÑáÛB
áÄãsånâF CáÇá¾ èUáÖEãQ
215 Nay! say they Medleys of dreams nay! he
has forged it nay! he is a poet so let him
bring to us a sign as the former (prophets) were
sent (with).
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
ý6þ áÉÒâËãÆåKâÖ åÈâÏááF CáÎCáËåáÃåÎáF èUáÖåoáº
216 There did not believe before them any town
which We destroyed, will they then believe?
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
åBÒâÂáGåsCá åÈãÏåáÂãH ØãcÒâäÊ æÙCá_ãn áäÙãH
áÀáÃåRẠCáËåÃásånáF CáÆáÑý7þ áÉÒâÇáÃåáW áÙ
åÈâXËâ¾ ÉãH ãoå¾ãämÂB áÄåÎáF
217 And We did not send before you any but men
to whom We sent revelation, so ask the followers
of the reminder if you do not
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
CáÆáÑ áÅCááäÂB áÉÒâÃâ¾åGáÖ áäÙ Bækátá_
åÈâÎCáËåÃáá_ CáÆáÑý8þ áÌÖãkãÂCág BÒâÊCá¾
218 And We did not make them bodies not eating
the food, and they were not to abide (forever).
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
CáËåáÃåÎáFáÑ ACáxáäÊ ÌáÆáÑ åÈâÎCáËåáÊáGá
ákåáÒåÂB âÈâÎCáËåºáká áäÈâý9þ áÌããoåtâÇåÂB
219 Then We made Our promise good to them, so
We delivered them and those whom We pleased, and
We destroyed the extravagant.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
ý10þ áÉÒâÃãåáW áÚááF åÈâ¾âoå¾ãl ãÐã
CæQCáXã¾ åÈâåáÂãH CáËåÂáqÊáF åkááÂ
2110 Certainly We have revealed to you a Book
in which is your good remembrance what! do you
not then understand?
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
CáÎákåáQ CáÊåGáxÊáFáÑ æUáÇãÂC᪠åYáÊCá¾
èUáÖåoẠÌãÆ CáËåÇáẠåÈá¾áÑý11þ áÌÖãoágD
2111 And how many a town which was iniquitous
did We demolish, and We raised up after it
another people!
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
ý12þ áÉÒââ¾åoáÖ CáÏåËãäÆ ÈâÎ BálãH CáËásåGáQ
BÒâätácáF CáäÇáÃá
2112 So when they felt Our punishment, lo!
they began to fly
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
åÈâãËã¾CátáÆáÑ ãÐã åÈâXåãoåWâF CáÆ ÔáÂãH
BÒâã_ånBáÑ BÒââ¾åoáW áÚý13þ áÉÒâÂáGåtâW
2113 Do not fly (now) and come back to what
you were made to lead easy lives in and to your
dwellings, haply you will be questioned.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
YáÂBáp CáÇá ý14þ áÌãÇãÂC᪠CáäËâ¾ CáäÊãH
CáËáÃåÖáÑ CáÖ BÒâÂCẠý15þ áÌÖãkãÆCág Bækãác
åÈâÎCáËåÃáá_ ÔáäXác åÈâÎBáÒåáj áÀåÃãäW
2114 They said O woe to us! surely we were
unjust.2115 And this ceased not to be their
cry till We made them cut off, extinct.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
ý16þ áÌãRãáÙ CáÇâÏáËåáQ CáÆáÑ áånáåÛBáÑ
ACáÇáätÂB CáËåáÃág CáÆáÑ
2116 And We did not create the heaven and the
earth and what is between them for sport.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
ÉãH CáäÊâkáä ÌãÆ âÍCáÊåmáháäWáäÙ BæÒåÏáÂ
ámãháäXáäÊ ÉáF CáÊåjánáF åÒáÂý17þ áÌãÃãCá
2117 Had We wished to make a diversion, We
would have made it from before Ourselves by no
means would We do (it).
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
¼ãÎBáp áÒâÎ BálãIá âÐâ³áÆåkáá ãÄãCáRåÂB
ÔáÃá ãä¼ádåÂCãQ âµãmåáÊ åÄáQý18þ áÉÒâãáW
CáäÇãÆ âÄåÖáÒåÂB âÈâáÂáÑ
2118 Nay! We cast the truth against the
falsehood, so that it breaks its head, and lo! it
vanishes and woe to you for what you describe
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
áÉÑâoãRåáXåtáÖ áÙ âÍákËã åÌáÆáÑ ãånáåÛBáÑ
ãVBáÑCáÇáätÂB Øã ÌáÆ âÐáÂáÑý19þ áÉÑâoãtådáXåtáÖ
áÙáÑ ãÐãWájCáRã åÌá
2119 And whoever is in the heavens and the
earth is His and those who are with Him are not
proud to serve Him, nor do they grow weary.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
ý20þ áÉÑâoâXåáÖ áÙ ánCáÏáäËÂBáÑ áÄåáäÃÂB
áÉÒâdãäRátâÖý21þ áÉÑâoãxËâÖ åÈâÎ ãånáåÛB áÌãäÆ
æUáÏãÂD BÑâmáháäWB ãÅáF
2120 They glorify (Him) by night and day they
are never languid.2121 Or have they taken
gods from the earth who raise (the dead).
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
ãÐáäÃÂB áÉCádåRâtá CáWákátáá âÐáäÃÂB áäÙãH
çUáÏãÂD CáÇãÏã áÉCá¾ åÒáÂý22þ áÉÒâãáÖ CáäÇá
ãvåoáåÂB ãäPán
2122 If there had been in them any gods except
Allah, they would both have certainly been in a
state of disorder therefore glory be to Allah,
the Lord of the dominion, above what they
attribute (to Him).
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
ý23þ áÉÒâÂáGåtâÖ åÈâÎáÑ âÄáåáÖ CáäÇá âÁáGåtâÖ
2123 He cannot be questioned concerning what
He does and they shall be questioned.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
âoå¾ãl BámáÎ åÈâáÊCáÎåoâQ BÒâWCáÎ åÄ⺠æUáÏãÂD
ãÐãÊÑâj ÌãÆ BÑâmáháäWB ãÅáFáä¼ádåÂB áÉÒâÇáÃåáÖ
áÙ åÈâÎâoá\å¾áF åÄáQ ØãÃåRẠÌáÆ âoå¾ãláÑ áØãáäÆ
ÌáÆý24þ áÉÒâãoåâäÆ ÈâÏá
2124 Or, have they taken gods besides Him?
Say Bring your proof this is the reminder of
those with me and the reminder of those before
me. Nay! most of them do not know the truth, so
they turn aside.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
âÐáäÊáF ãÐåáÂãH ØãcÒâÊ áäÙãH èÁÒâsáän ÌãÆ
áÀãÃåRẠÌãÆ CáËåÃásånáF CáÆáÑý25þ ãÉÑâkâRåCá
CáÊáF áäÙãH áÐáÂãH áÙ
2125 And We did not send before you any
messenger but We revealed to him that there is no
god but Me, therefore serve Me.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
åÄáQ âÐáÊCádåRâs BækáÂáÑ âÌáÇåcáäoÂB ámáháäWB
BÒâÂCáºáÑý26þ áÉÒâÆáoåâäÆ çjCáRã
2126 And they say The Beneficent Allah has
taken to Himself a son. Glory be to Him. Nay!
they are honored servants
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
ý27þ áÉÒâÃáÇåáÖ ãÍãoåÆáGãQ ÈâÎáÑ ãÁåÒáåÂCãQ
âÐáÊÒâãRåtáÖ áÙ
2127 They do not precede Him in speech and
(only) according to His commandment do they act.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
áäÙãH áÉÒâáåxáÖ áÙáÑ åÈâÏáåÃág CáÆáÑ
åÈãÏÖãkåÖáF áÌåáQ CáÆ âÈáÃåáÖý28þ áÉÒâãåxâÆ
ãÐãXáåxág åÌãäÆ ÈâÎáÑ ÔááWånB ãÌáÇãÂ
2128 He knows what is before them and what is
behind them, and they do not intercede except for
him whom He approves and for fear of Him they
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
áÈáäËáÏá_ ãÐÖãqåáÊ áÀãÂámá ãÐãÊÑâj ÌãäÆ çÐáÂãH
ØãäÊãH åÈâÏåËãÆ åÄâáÖ ÌáÆáÑý29þ áÌãÇãÂCáäÂB
ÕãqåáÊ áÀãÂámá¾
2129 And whoever of them should say Surely I
am a god besides Him, such a one do We recompense
with hell thus do, We recompense the unjust.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
CáXáÊCá¾ áånáåÛBáÑ ãVBáÑCáÇáätÂB áäÉáF BÑâoáá¾
áÌÖãmáäÂB áoáÖ åÈáÂáÑáFáÚááF èäØác èAåØáw áäÄâ¾
ACáÇåÂB áÌãÆ CáËåÃáá_áÑ CáÇâÎCáËåáXáá
CæåWáný30þ áÉÒâËãÆåKâÖ
2130 Do not those who disbelieve see that the
heavens and the earth were closed up, but We have
opened them and We have made of water everything
living, will they not then believe?
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
CáÏã CáËåÃáá_áÑ åÈãÏãQ ákãÇáW ÉáF áØãsBáÑán
ãånáåÛB Øã CáËåÃáá_áÑý31þ áÉÑâkáXåÏáÖ
åÈâÏáäÃáá æÚâRâs Cæ_Cáã
2131 And We have made great mountains in the
earth lest it might be convulsed with them, and
We have made in it wide ways that they may follow
a right direction.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
åÈâÎáÑ CæªÒâådáäÆ Cæåás ACáÇáätÂB
CáËåÃáá_áÑý32þ áÉÒâãoåâÆ CáÏãWCáÖD åÌá
2132 And We have made the heaven a guarded
canopy and (yet) they turn aside from its signs.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
çäÄâ¾ áoáÇáåÂBáÑ áuåÇáäxÂBáÑ ánCáÏáäËÂBáÑ
áÄåáäÃÂB á¼áÃág ÕãmáäÂB áÒâÎáÑý33þ áÉÒâdáRåtáÖ
èÀáÃá Øã
2133 And He it is Who created the night and
the day and the sun and the moon all (orbs)
travel along swiftly in their celestial spheres.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
âÈâÏá áäYãäÆ ÉãIááF ákåÃâhåÂB áÀãÃåRẠÌãäÆ
èoáxáRã CáËåÃáá_ CáÆáÑý34þ áÉÑâkãÂCáhåÂB
2134 And We did not ordain abiding for any
mortal before you. What! Then if you die, will
they abide?
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
æUáËåXã ãoåáhåÂBáÑ ãäoáäxÂCãQ Èâ¾ÒâÃåRáÊáÑ
ãVåÒáÇåÂB âUáãMBál èuåáÊ âäÄâ¾ý35þ áÉÒâá_åoâW
2135 Every soul must taste of death and We try
you by evil and good by way of probation and to
Us you shall be brought back.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
BámáÎáF BæÑâqâÎ áäÙãH áÀáÊÑâmãháäXáÖ ÉãH
BÑâoáá¾ áÌÖãmáäÂB á½Dán BálãHáÑáÉÑâoãCá¾ åÈâÎ
ãÌáÇåcáäoÂB ãoå¾ãmãQ ÈâÎáÑ åÈâáXáÏãÂD âoâ¾åmáÖ
2136 And when those who disbelieve see you,
they do not take you but for one to be scoffed
at Is this he who speaks of your gods? And they
are deniers at the mention of the Beneficent
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
ØãWCáÖD åÈâÖãnâGás èÄáá åÌãÆ âÉCátÊãåßB
á¼ãÃâgý37þ ãÉÒâÃãåáXåtáW áÚá
2137 Man is created of haste now will I show
to you My signs, therefore do not ask Me to
hasten (them) on.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
ý38þ áÌãºãjCá åÈâXËâ¾ ÉãH âkåáÒåÂB BámáÎ
2138 And they say When will this threat come
to pass if you are truthful?
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
ánCáäËÂB âÈãÏãÎÒâ_âÑ Ìá áÉÒâäâáÖ áÙ áÌãc
BÑâoáá¾ áÌÖãmáäÂB âÈáÃåáÖ åÒáÂý39þ áÉÑâoáËâÖ
åÈâÎ áÙáÑ åÈãÎãnÒâÏ⪠Ìá áÙáÑ
2139 Had those who disbelieve but known (of
the time) when they shall not be able to ward off
the fire from their faces nor from their backs,
nor shall they be helped.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
áÙáÑ CáÎáäján áÉÒâãáXåtáÖ áÚá åÈâÏâXáÏåRáXá
æUáXå³áQ ÈãÏãWåGáW åÄáQý40þ áÉÑâoáËâÖ åÈâÎ
2140 Nay, it shall come on them all of a
sudden and cause them to become confounded, so
they shall not have the power to avert it, nor
shall they be respited.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
BÑâoãhás áÌÖãmáäÂCãQ á¹Cádá áÀãÃåRẠÌãäÆ
èÄâsâoãQ áLãqåÏâXåsB ãkááÂáÑý41þ ÉÒâMãqåÏáXåtáÖ
ãÐãQ BÒâÊCá¾ CáäÆ ÈâÏåËãÆ
2141 And certainly messengers before you were
scoffed at, then there befell those of them who
scoffed that at which they had scoffed.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
åÈâÎ åÄáQ ãÌáÇåcáäoÂB áÌãÆ ãnCáÏáäËÂBáÑ
ãÄåáäÃÂCãQ Èâ¾âKáÃåáÖ ÌáÆ åÄâºý42þ
áÉÒâãoåâäÆ ÈãÏãäQán ãoå¾ãl Ìá
2142 Say Who guards you by night and by day
from the Beneficent Allah? Nay, they turn aside
at the mention of their Lord.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
áoåáÊ áÉÒâãáXåtáÖ áÙ CáËãÊÑâj ÌãäÆ
ÈâÏâáËåÇáW çUáÏãÂD åÈâÏá åÅáFý43þ áÉÒâRádåâÖ
CáäËãäÆ ÈâÎ áÙáÑ åÈãÏãtâÊáF
2143 Or, have they gods who can defend them
against Us? They shall not be able to assist
themselves, nor shall they be defended from Us.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
áÚááF âoâÇâåÂB âÈãÏåáÃá áÁCá ÔáäXác
åÈâÎACáQDáÑ AáÙâKáÎ CáËåáäXáÆ åÄáQâÈâÏááF
CáÏãBáoåáF åÌãÆ CáÏââËáÊ áånáåÛB ØãWåGáÊ
CáäÊáF áÉåÑáoáÖý44þ áÉÒâRãÂCá³åÂB
2144 Nay, We gave provision to these and their
fathers until life was prolonged to them. Do they
not then see that We are visiting the land,
curtailing it of its sides? Shall they then
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
BálãH ACáâäkÂB âäÈâäÂB âáÇåtáÖ áÙáÑ
ãØåcáÒåÂCãQ Èâ¾ânãmÊâF CáÇáäÊãH åÄâºý45þ
áÉÑânámËâÖ CáÆ
2145 Say I warn you only by revelation and
the deaf do not hear the call whenever they are
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
CáËáÃåÖáÑ CáÖ áäÌâÂÒâáá áÀãäQán ãPBámá åÌãäÆ
çUádåáÊ åÈâÏåXáätáäÆ ÌãNáÂáÑý46þ áÌãÇãÂCáª
CáäËâ¾ CáäÊãH
2146 And if a blast of the chastisement of
your Lord were to touch them, they will certainly
say O woe to us! surely we were unjust.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
çuåáÊ âÈáÃåâW áÚá ãUáÆCáãåÂB ãÅåÒáãÂ
áåtãåÂB áÌÖãpBáÒáÇåÂB âááÊáÑÔáá¾áÑ CáÏãQ
CáËåáWáF èÁájåoág åÌãäÆ èUáäRác áÁCáå\ãÆ áÉCá¾
ÉãHáÑ CæNåáwý47þ áÌãRãsCác CáËãQ
2147 And We will set up a just balance on the
day of resurrection, so no soul shall be dealt
with unjustly in the least and though there be
the weight of a grain of mustard seed, (yet) will
We bring it, and sufficient are We to take
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
áÌãáäXâÇåÃãä Bæoå¾ãláÑ ACáãáÑ áÉCáºåoâåÂB
áÉÑânCáÎáÑ ÔásÒâÆ CáËåáWD åkááÂáÑý48þ
2148 And certainly We gave to Musa and Haroun
the Furqan and a light and a reminder for those
who would guard (against evil).
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
áÉÒâãåxâÆ ãUáCáätÂB áÌãäÆ ÈâÎáÑ ãSåá³åÂCãQ
ÈâÏáäQán áÉåÒáxåháÖ áÌÖãmáäÂBý49þ
2149 (For) those who fear their Lord in secret
and they are fearful of the hour.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
ý50þ áÉÑâoãËâÆ âÐá åÈâXÊáGááF âÍCáËåÂáqÊáF
ç½ánCáRâäÆ çoå¾ãl BámáÎáÑý51þ áÌãÇãÂCá ÐãQ
CáäËâ¾áÑ âÄåRẠÌãÆ âÍákåwân áÈãÎBáoåQãH
CáËåáWD åkááÂáÑ
2150 And this is a blessed Reminder which We
have revealed will you then deny it? 2151 And
certainly We gave to Ibrahim his rectitude
before, and We knew him fully well.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
åÈâXÊáF ØãXáäÂB âÄãCáÇáäXÂB ãÍãmáÎ CáÆ
ãÐãÆåÒáºáÑ ãÐãQáãÛ áÁCẠålãHý52þ áÉÒâã¾Cá
2152 When he said to his father and his
people What are these images to whose worship
you cleave?
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
ý53þ áÌÖãkãQCá CáÏá CáÊACáQD CáÊåká_áÑ
BÒâÂCáºý54þ èÌãRâäÆ èÁáÚá Øã åÈâ¾âJCáQDáÑ
åÈâXÊáF åÈâXËâ¾ åkáá áÁCáº
2153 They said We found our fathers
worshipping them.2154 He said Certainly you
have been, (both) you and your fathers, in
manifest error.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
ý55þ áÌãRãáäÚÂB áÌãÆ áYÊáF åÅáF ãä¼ádåÂCãQ
CáËáXåNã_áF BÒâÂCáº
2155 They said Have you brought to us the
truth, or are you one of the triflers?
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
áäÌâÎáoáá ÕãmáäÂB ãånáåÛBáÑ ãVBáÑCáÇáätÂB
âäPán åÈââäQáän ÄáQ áÁCáºý56þ áÌÖãkãÎCáäxÂB
áÌãäÆ ÈâãÂál ÔáÃá CáÊáFáÑ
2156 He said Nay! your Lord is the Lord of
the heavens and the earth, Who brought them into
existence, and I am of those who bear witness to
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
ý57þ áÌÖãoãQåkâÆ BÒâäÂáÒâW ÉáF ákåáQ
ÈâáÆCáËåáF áäÉákã¾ááÛ ãÐáäÃÂCáWáÑ
2157 And, by Allah! I will certainly do
something against your idols after you go away,
turning back.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
ý58þ áÉÒâã_åoáÖ ãÐåáÂãH åÈâÏáäÃáá åÈâÏáäÂ
BæoãRá¾ áäÙãH BælBámâ_ åÈâÏáÃáááý59þ
áÌãÇãÂCáäÂB áÌãÇá âÐáäÊãH CáËãXáÏãÂEãQ BámáÎ
áÄáá ÌáÆ BÒâÂCáº
2158 So he broke them into pieces, except the
chief of them, that haply they may return to
it.2159 They said Who has done this to our
gods? Most surely he is one of the unjust.
ý60þ âÈãÎBáoåQãH âÐá âÁCáâÖ åÈâÎâoâ¾åmáÖ
ÔæXá CáËåãÇás BÒâÂCáºý61þ áÉÑâkáÏåxáÖ
åÈâÏáäÃáá ãrCáäËÂB ãÌâåáF ÔáÃá ãÐãQ BÒâWåGá
2160 They said We heard a youth called
Ibrahim speak of them.2161 Said they Then
bring him before the eyes of the people, perhaps
they may bear witness.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
áÁCẠý62þ âÈãÎBáoåQãH CáÖ CáËãXáÏãÂEãQ BámáÎ
áYåÃáá áYÊáFáF BÒâÂCẠý63þ áÉÒâãËáÖ BÒâÊCá¾
ÉãH åÈâÎÒâÂáGåsCá BámáÎ åÈâÎâoãRá¾ âÐáÃáá åÄáQ
2162 They said Have you done this to our
gods, O Ibrahim?2163 He said Surely (some
doer) has done it the chief of them is this,
therefore ask them, if they can speak.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
ý64þ áÉÒâÇãÂCáäÂB âÈâXÊáF åÈâáäÊãH BÒâÂCáá
åÈãÏãtâÊáF ÔáÂãH BÒâá_áoááÉÒâãËáÖ AáÙâKáÎ
CáÆ áYåÇãÃá åkáá åÈãÏãsÑâJân ÔáÃá BÒâtãâÊ
2164 Then they turned to themselves and said
Surely you yourselves are the unjust2165
Then they were made to hang down their heads
Certainly you know that they do not speak.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
áÙáÑ CæNåáw åÈââáËáÖ áÙ CáÆ ãÐáäÃÂB ãÉÑâj
ÌãÆ áÉÑâkâRåáXááF áÁCáºý66þ åÈâ¾âäoâáÖ
2166 He said What! do you then serve besides
Allah what brings you not any benefit at all, nor
does it harm you?
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
ý67þ áÉÒâÃãåáW áÚááF ãÐáäÃÂB ãÉÑâj ÌãÆ
áÉÑâkâRåáW CáÇãÂáÑ åÈâáä èäµâFý68þ áÌãÃãCá
åÈâXËâ¾ ÉãH åÈâáXáÏãÂD BÑâoâÊBáÑ âÍÒâºãäoác
2167 Fie on you and on what you serve besides
Allah what! do you not then understand?2168
They said Burn him and help your gods, if you
are going to do (anything).
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
ý69þ áÈãÎBáoåQãH ÔáÃá CæÆáÚásáÑ BæjåoáQ ØãÊÒâ¾
ânCáÊ CáÖ CáËåÃâºý70þ áÌÖãoátågáåÛB
âÈâÎCáËåÃááá Bækåá¾ ãÐãQ BÑâjBánáFáÑ
2169 We said O fire! be a comfort and peace
to Ibrahim2170 And they desired a war on
him, but We made them the greatest losers.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
CáÏã CáËå¾ánCáQ ØãXáäÂB ãånáåÛB ÔáÂãH
CæÒâÂáÑ âÍCáËåáäáÊáÑý71þ áÌãÇáÂCáåÃãÂ
2171 And We delivered him as well as Lut
(removing them) to the land which We had blessed
for all people.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
CáËåÃáá_ æäÚâ¾áÑ æUáÃãCáÊ áPÒâåáÖáÑ á¹CádåsãH
âÐá CáËåRáÎáÑáÑý72þ áÌãdãÂCá
2172 And We gave him Ishaq and Yaqoub, a son's
son, and We made (them) all good.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
åÈãÏåáÂãH CáËåácåÑáFáÑ CáÊãoåÆáGãQ áÉÑâkåÏáÖ
æUáäÇãMáF åÈâÎCáËåÃáá_áÑBÒâÊCá¾áÑ ãTCá¾áäqÂB
ACáXÖãHáÑ ãTáÚáäÂB áÅCáºãHáÑ ãVBáoåáhåÂB
áÄåãý73þ áÌÖãkãQCá CáËáÂ
2173 And We made them Imams who guided
(people) by Our command, and We revealed to them
the doing of good and the keeping up of prayer
and the giving of the alms, and Us (alone) did
they serve
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
ØãXáäÂB ãUáÖåoáåÂB áÌãÆ âÍCáËåáäáÊáÑ
CæÇåÃãáÑ CæÇåâc âÍCáËåáWD CæÒâÂáÑáÌããsCá
èAåÒás áÅåÒẠBÒâÊCá¾ åÈâÏáäÊãH áãMCáRáhåÂB
âÄáÇåáäW YáÊCá¾ý74þ
2174 And (as for) Lut, We gave him wisdom and
knowledge, and We delivered him from the town
which wrought abominations surely they were an
evil people, transgressors
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
ý75þ áÌãdãÂCáäÂB áÌãÆ âÐáäÊãH CáËãXáÇåcán Øã
2175 And We took him into Our mercy surely he
was of the good.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
âÐáÃåÎáFáÑ âÍCáËåáäáËá âÐá CáËåRááXåsCá
âÄåRẠÌãÆ ÓájCáÊ ålãH CæcÒâÊáÑý76þ ãÈãáåÂB
ãPåoáåÂB áÌãÆ
2176 And Nuh, when he cried aforetime, so We
answered him, and delivered him and his followers
from the great calamity.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
åÈâÏáäÊãH CáËãWCáÖEãQ BÒâQáämá¾ áÌÖãmáäÂB
ãÅåÒáåÂB áÌãÆ âÍCáÊåoááÊáÑý77þ áÌãáÇå_áF
åÈâÎCáËåºáoå²áGá èAåÒás áÅåÒẠBÒâÊCá¾
2177 And We helped him against the people who
rejected Our communications surely they were an
evil people, so We drowned them all.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
ãÐã åYáxááÊ ålãH ãZåoádåÂB Øã ãÉCáÇâådáÖ
ålãH áÉCáÇåáÃâsáÑ ájÑâÑBájáÑý78þ áÌÖãkãÎCáw
åÈãÏãÇåâdã CáäËâ¾áÑ ãÅåÒáåÂB âÈáËá²
2178 And Dawood and Sulaiman when they gave
judgment concerning the field when the people's
sheep pastured therein by night, and We were
bearers of witness to their judgment.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
CáÊåoáähásáÑ CæÇåÃãáÑ CæÇåâc CáËåáWD æäÚâ¾áÑ
áÉCáÇåáÃâs CáÎCáËåÇáäÏááý79þ áÌãÃãCá
CáäËâ¾áÑ áoåáäÂBáÑ áÌådãäRátâÖ áÁCáRãåÂB
ájÑâÑBáj ááÆ
2179 So We made Sulaiman to understand it and
to each one We gave wisdom and knowledge and We
made the mountains, and the birds to celebrate
Our praise with Dawood and We were the doers.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
åÄáÏá åÈâãsåGáQ ÌãäÆ ÈâáËãådâXã åÈâáäÂ
èrÒâRá áUáåËá âÍCáËåÇáäÃááÑý80þ áÉÑâoã¾Cáw
2180 And We taught him the making of coats of
mail for you, that they might protect you in your
wars will you then be grateful?
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
ØãXáäÂB ãånáåÛB ÔáÂãH ãÍãoåÆáGãQ ÕãoåáW
æUáãCá áeÖãäoÂB áÉCáÇåáÃâtãÂáÑý81þ
áÌãÇãÂCá èAåØáw ãäÄâãQ CáäËâ¾áÑ CáÏã
2181 And (We made subservient) to Sulaiman the
wind blowing violent, pursuing its course by his
command to the land which We had blessed, and We
are knower of ail things.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
áÀãÂál áÉÑâj æÚáÇá áÉÒâÃáÇåáÖáÑ âÐáÂ
áÉÒâÒâ³áÖ ÌáÆ ãÌãCááäxÂB áÌãÆáÑý82þ
áÌããCác åÈâÏá CáäËâ¾áÑ
2182 And of the rebellious people there were
those who dived for him and did other work
besides that, and We kept guard over them
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
âÈácånáF áYÊáFáÑ âäoâäÂB áØãËáätáÆ ØãäÊáF
âÐáäQán ÓájCáÊ ålãH áPÒâäÖáFáÑý83þ áÌãÇãcBáäoÂB
2183 And Ayub, when he cried to his Lord,
(saying) Harm has afflicted me, and Thou art the
most Merciful of the merciful.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
âÐáÃåÎáF âÍCáËåáWDáÑ èäoâ ÌãÆ ãÐãQ CáÆ
CáËåáxáá âÐá CáËåRááXåsCá ý84þ
áÌÖãkãQCáåÃã Óáoå¾ãláÑ CáÊãkËã åÌãäÆ æUáÇåcán
åÈâÏááäÆ ÈâÏáÃå\ãÆáÑ
2184 Therefore We responded to him and took
off what harm he had, and We gave him his family
and the like of them with them a mercy from Us
and a reminder to the worshippers.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
ý85þ áÌÖãoãQCáäÂB áÌãäÆ çäÄâ¾ ãÄåãåÂB BáláÑ
áuÖãnåjãHáÑ áÄãCáÇåsãHáÑý86þ áÌãdãÂCáäÂB
áÌãäÆ ÈâÏáäÊãH CáËãXáÇåcán Øã åÈâÎCáËåÃágåjáFáÑ
2185 And Ismail and Idris and Zulkifl all
were of the patient ones2186 And We caused
them to enter into Our mercy, surely they were of
the good ones.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
ãÐåáÃá ánãkåáäÊ Ìáä ÉáF áäÌáá CæRãCá³âÆ
áSáÎáäl lãH ãÉÒâäËÂB BáláÑØãäÊãH áÀáÊCádåRâs
áYÊáF áäÙãH áÐáÂãH áäÙ ÉáF ãVCáÇâÃâäÂB Øã
ÓájCáËáý87þ áÌãÇãÂCáäÂB áÌãÆ âYËâ¾
2187 And Yunus, when he went away in wrath, so
he thought that We would not straiten him, so he
called out among afflictions There is no god but
Thou, glory be to Thee surely I am of those who
make themselves to suffer loss.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
ØãËâÊ áÀãÂámá¾áÑ ãäÈá³åÂB áÌãÆ âÍCáËåáäáÊáÑ
âÐá CáËåRááXåsCáý88þ áÌãËãÆåKâÇåÂB
2188 So We responded to him and delivered him
from the grief and thus do We deliver the
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
âoåág áYÊáFáÑ Bæjåoá ØãÊånámáW áÙ ãäPán
âÐáäQán ÓájCáÊ ålãH CáäÖãoá¾ápáÑý89þ
2189 And Zakariya, when he cried to his Lord
O my Lord leave me not alone and Thou art the
best of inheritors.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
âÐá_åÑáp âÐá CáËådáÃåáFáÑ ÔáådáÖ âÐáÂ
CáËåRáÎáÑáÑ âÐá CáËåRááXåsCáCæRá²án
CáËáÊÒâåkáÖáÑ ãVBáoåáhåÂB Øã áÉÒâãnCátâÖ
BÒâÊCá¾ åÈâÏáäÊãHý90þ áÌããwCág CáËá BÒâÊCá¾áÑ
2190 So We responded to him and gave him Yahya
and made his wife fit for him surely they used
to hasten, one with another In deeds of goodness
and to call upon Us, hoping and fearing and they
were humble before Us.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
CáÎCáËåÃáá_áÑ CáËãcÑâän ÌãÆ CáÏã CáËåhááËá
CáÏá_åoá åYáËáåcáF ØãXáäÂBáÑý91þ
áÌãÇáÂCáåÃãä æUáÖD CáÏáËåQBáÑ
2191 And she who guarded her chastity, so We
breathed into her of Our inspiration and made her
and her son a sign for the nations.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
ý92þ ãÉÑâkâRåCá åÈââäQán CáÊáFáÑ æTákãcBáÑ
æUáäÆâF åÈââXáäÆâF ãÍãmáÎ áäÉãH
2192 Surely this Islam is your religion, one
religion (only), and I am your Lord, therefore
serve Me.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
ý93þ áÉÒâã_Bán CáËåáÂãH çäÄâ¾ åÈâÏáËåáQ
ÈâÎáoåÆáF BÒâáäááWáÑ
2193 And they broke their religion (into
sects) between them to Us shall all come back.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
ãÐãåátã áÉBáoåâ¾ áÚá çÌãÆåKâÆ áÒâÎáÑ
ãVCádãÂCáäÂB áÌãÆ åÄáÇåáÖ ÌáÇáý94þ áÉÒâRãWCá¾
âÐá CáäÊãHáÑ
2194 Therefore whoever shall do of good deeds
and he is a believer, there shall be no denying
of his exertion, and surely We will write (It)
down for him.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
ý95þ áÉÒâã_åoáÖ áÙ åÈâÏáäÊáF CáÎCáËåáÃåÎáF
èUáÖåoẠÔáÃá çÅBáoácáÑ
2195 And it is binding on a town which We
destroy that they shall not return.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
ÈâÎáÑ âÒâ_åGáÆáÑ âÒâ_åGáÖ åYádãXâ BálãH
ÔáäXácý96þ áÉÒâÃãtËáÖ èPákác ãäÄâ¾ ÌãäÆ
2196 Even when Gog and Magog are let loose and
they shall break forth from every elevated place.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
áÌÖãmáäÂB ânCáåQáF çUáãgCáw áØãÎ BálãIá
âä¼ádåÂB âkåáÒåÂB áPáoáXåºBáÑCáäËâ¾ åÄáQ BámáÎ
åÌãäÆ èUáÃåá² Øã CáäËâ¾ åkẠCáËáÃåÖáÑ CáÖ
BÑâoáá¾ý97þ áÌãÇãÂCáª
2197 And the true promise shall draw nigh,
then lo! the eyes of those who disbelieved shall
be fixedly open O woe to us! surely we were m a
state of heedlessness as to this nay, we were
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
åÈâXÊáF áÈáäËáÏá_ âSáác ãÐáäÃÂB ãÉÑâj ÌãÆ
áÉÑâkâRåáW CáÆáÑ åÈâáäÊãHý98þ áÉÑâjãnBáÑ CáÏáÂ
2198 Surely you and what you worship besides
Allah are the firewood of hell to it you shall
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
ý99þ áÉÑâkãÂCág CáÏã çäÄâ¾áÑ CáÎÑâjánáÑ CáäÆ
æUáÏãÂD AáÙâKáÎ áÉCá¾ åÒáÂý100þ áÉÒâáÇåtáÖ áÙ
CáÏã åÈâÎáÑ çoãáp CáÏã åÈâÏáÂ
2199 Had these been gods, they would not have
come to it and all shall abide therein. 21100
For them therein shall be groaning and therein
they shall not hear.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
áÀãNáÂåÑâF ÔáËåtâdåÂB CáäËãäÆ ÈâÏá åYááRás
áÌÖãmáäÂB áäÉãHý101þ áÉÑâkáåRâÆ CáÏåËá
21101 Surely (as for) those for whom the good
has already gone forth from Us, they shall be
kept far off from it
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
CáÆ Øã åÈâÎáÑ CáÏátãtác áÉÒâáÇåtáÖ áÙý102þ
áÉÑâkãÂCág åÈâÏâtâÊáF åYáÏáXåwB
21102 They will not hear its faintest sound,
and they shall abide in that which their souls
long for.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
BámáÎ âUáãMáÚáÇåÂB âÈâÎCáäáÃáXáWáÑ âoáRå¾áåÛB
âáqáåÂB âÈâÏâÊâqådáÖ áÚý103þ áÉÑâkáÒâW
åÈâXËâ¾ ÕãmáäÂB âÈââÆåÒáÖ
21103 The great fearful event shall not grieve
them, and the angels shall meet them This is
your day which you were promised.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
CáÊåFákáQ CáÇá¾ ãSâXâåÃã ãäÄããätÂB ãäØáá¾
ACáÇáätÂB ÕãÒåáÊ áÅåÒáÖý104þ áÌãÃãCá CáäËâ¾
CáäÊãH CáËåáÃá BækåáÑ âÍâkãâäÊ è¼åÃág áÁáäÑáF
21104 On the day when We will roll up heaven
like the rolling up of the scroll for writings,
as We originated the first creation, (so) We
shall reproduce it a promise (binding on Us)
surely We will bring it about.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
CáÏâãoáÖ áånáåÛB áäÉáF ãoå¾ãämÂB ãkåáQ ÌãÆ
ãnÒâQáäqÂB Øã CáËåRáXá¾ åkááÂáÑý105þ
áÉÒâdãÂCáäÂB áÕãjCáRã
21105 And certainly We wrote in the Book after
the reminder that (as for) the land, My righteous
servants shall inherit it.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
ý106þ áÌÖãkãQCá èÅåÒáãä Cæ²áÚáRá BámáÎ Øã
áäÉãHý107þ áÌãÇáÂCáåÃãä æUáÇåcán áäÙãH
á½CáËåÃásånáF CáÆáÑ
21106 Most surely in this is a message to a
people who serve (Us).21107 And We have not
sent you but as a mercy to the worlds.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
åÄáÏá çkãcBáÑ çÐáÂãH åÈââÏáÂãH CáÇáäÊáF
áäØáÂãH ÔácÒâÖ CáÇáäÊãH åÄâºý108þ áÉÒâÇãÃåtâäÆ
21108 Say It is only revealed to me that your
Allah is one Allah will you then submit?
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
çSÖãoáºáF ÕãnåjáF åÉãHáÑ ABáÒás ÔáÃá åÈââXÊálD
åÄâá BåÒáäÂáÒáW ÉãIáý109þ áÉÑâkáÒâW CáäÆ
çkãáQ ÅáF
21109 But if they turn back, say I have given
you warning in fairness and I do not know whether
what you are threatened with is near or far
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
ý110þ áÉÒâÇâXåáW CáÆ âÈáÃåáÖáÑ ãÁåÒáåÂB áÌãÆ
áoåÏáåÂB âÈáÃåáÖ âÐáäÊãHý111þ èÌãc ÔáÂãH
çCáXáÆáÑ åÈâáä çUáËåXã âÐáäÃáá ÕãnåjáF
21110 Surely He knows what is spoken openly
and He knows what you hide 21111 And I do not
know if this may be a trial for you and a
provision till a time.
Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa
ÔáÃá âÉCááXåtâÇåÂB âÌáÇåcáäoÂB CáËâäQánáÑ
ãä¼ádåÂCãQ ÈâåcB ãäPán áÁCáºý112þ áÉÒâãáW CáÆ
21112 He said O my Lord! judge Thou with
truth and our Lord is the Beneficent Allah,
Whose help is sought against what you ascribe (to
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