Proposal stories from IPCTE University Lucian Blaga Sibiu Second Transnational Workshop Sofia, Septe - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Proposal stories from IPCTE University Lucian Blaga Sibiu Second Transnational Workshop Sofia, Septe


Proposal stories from IPCTE University Lucian Blaga Sibiu Second Transnational Workshop Sofia, Septe – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Proposal stories from IPCTE University Lucian Blaga Sibiu Second Transnational Workshop Sofia, Septe

Proposal stories from IPCTE University Lucian
Blaga SibiuSecond Transnational Workshop Sofia,
September 2008
Contributors S.A. Luca , Cosmin Suciu, Florian
Dumitrescu, Dragos Diaconescu, Natea Gheorghe,
Claudiu Munteanu
How a neolithic house is build up
Related routes The river (settlemets near by the
river), The religious places (Parta sanctuary
from Timisoara), Fashions (cloths, jewelry.
arts), Cultic objects, tools furniture, places
(neo-eneolithic statues like Orastie or The
Thinker, or the stories about Miercurea
settlement), Start of agriculture/ancient tools,
ethnographic, diet (all neo/eneolithic axes,
flint and obsidian blades used for sickles),
analogies with First houses models, How will
build up a exhibition (Brukenthal replica of
Vinca house from room 2)
Ex. 1. At Parta houses excavations reveals
foundations constructed from a series of holes in
which pillars are inserted to support the basic
structure of the houses. This was the most
frequent system used to build houses
At some structures, there were observed massive
pillars, but at others there were observed even
small poles
How a neolithic house is build up
We know this is how the wooden supporting
structures of the walls were constructed from the
excavated fired clay leaving an imprint of the
wooden structure. When the structure burns, the
clay changes its firmness, it becomes very hard
and it keeps maintaining the marks of the rods
and the pillars
There are added beams on the structure. The
structure must be rigid, so osier, lime tree
crust or bark, twisted rye, and animal bowel were
used to tie the beams, rods and poles together.
The wooden structure of the roof is then made.
The roof is covered with dry hay sheaf, straw,
bulrush or cane . Afterwards, a mixture of clay,
straws and water is added (Figure 2. g) to finish
the walls. In an archaeological experiment for an
Eneolithic house (a house of 7x4 m), there were
used for the wooden structure of the house 2 oak
trees, 33 lime trees and 245 hazel nut rods. The
four walls needed 15 tonnes of clay and 3080
litres of waterhttp//
uar201/sanctuar20120model.wmv For virtual
reconstruction using 3DStudio Max
The end product is a house perfect isolated
against cold and ideal for living and warehouse.
At Miercurea Sibiului-Petris some complexes
reveal Boss Primigenius horns, some of them above
the entrance.
In Neolithic houses were found symbols of
fecundity and fertility with magical and
religious implications.
Story 2. Brukenthal exhibition replica storie
how was buid, links to related story and to the
same routes like previosly (can be linked to
pottery from partners from the same period)
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Story no. 3 Neolithic statues.
Links The religious places (Parta sanctuary from
Timisoara and other), Fashions (cloths, jewelry.
arts), Cultic objects, tools furniture, places
(neo-eneolithic statues like Orastie or The
Thinker, or the stories about Miercurea
settlement), Stories 1,2
A House is having Cultic places like surprised in
house replica from exhibition in Brukenthal Vinca
house were statues were displayed for worship
Marco articles about it.
Story no. 4 grinding process
Route links - The river , Start of
agriculture/ancient tools, ethnographic, diet How
will build up a exhibition, story 1 and 2
Almost each house have a grinding mill system.
Emmer or barley seeds were put on the stone base
and grinded.
Moving a rounded stone to crush the seeds and to
have the flour (whole meal) for flate bread.
Story no. 5 building up a fireplace and a oven
Linksgt Start of agriculture/ancient tools,
ethnographic, diet How will build up a exhibition
There are more types of ovens with analogies
after the form and the constructions system.
Some ovens have at their entrance, a hole for
ashes and some of them developed starting from
the hearth on which a cap was constructed. So
there remained a space for the household use. The
cap is built on a pole structure.The ovens have
different variants with the hearth in front and
without hearth.
Miercurea site fire place
Rousse oven model
Dome clay, stones, sometime wood poles.
(reconstruction Brukenthal Museum)
Fire place
Both are used for temperature control and for
food preparation. Can be linked with the flour
grinding story and how can be done a flat bead
(grain or barley)
Fire place clay, stones, strow
Base -clay
When and how pottery was made
Story no. 6 Modelling Neolithic cloths Links
Fashions (cloths, jewelry. arts),
How will build up a exhibition
-Orastie statue
Pentru realizarea materialelor textile se folosea
razboiul de tesut vertical. Firele erau
tensionate cu ajutorul unor greutati din
lut. Materialul textil se trecea printre firele
tensionate. Se foloseau ca materie prime lâna
oilor, inul sau firul de cânepa.
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Îmbracamintea a fost realizata dupa o statueta
petresteana ca si model, iar pentru culoare s-a
folosit un material ceramic asemanator.
Story no. 7 The Dacian fortress from Tilisca
Tilisca map
Cetatea dacica se afla situata în imediata
vecinatate a satului Tilisca. Zona este astazi
împadurita si greu accesibila.
How dacian houses were built.
Pentru acoperis foloseau sistemul cu sita de
Interiorul era functioanal.
Metalurgy and tools
Warehouses, storage story in dacian time
House-defence towers
Turnul-locuinta nu s-a pastrat în totalitate pe
înaltime si trebuie sa remarcam ca, din punct de
vedere estetic, zidul interior nu se poate
compara cu cel exterior.
Între cele doua paramente de piatra fasonata
umplutura (emplecton) consta din piatra de stânca
amestecata cu pamânt de culoare galbena, lutos,
cu nisip în compozitie deasupra emplectonului
zidul continua în elevatia din caramida, dupa ce
în prealabil s-a amenajat un strat nivelator de
4-5 cm. de pamânt galben nears. Grosimea zidului
de caramida se gaseste deasupra întregului
emplecton. Între caramizi s-a folosit ca liant
pasta de lut. Pe latura de sud, în câteva locuri,
se mai pot distinge dimensiunile caramizilor 48
cm. lungime si 8,5 cm. latime.
Conform specialistilor, turnul se înalta pe doua
niveluri, despartite de un plafon/podea din lemn
masiv (grinzi si scânduri de 8-10 cm grosime),
avea acoperis din lemn (probabil acoperit cu
sindrila de brad), iar fragmentele de chirpic,
putin numeroase, demonstreaza ca scheletul
acoperisului era fixat direct pe zidul de
Clothes and weapons
Story no. 8 A roman villa rustica axed on vine
Roman Dacia
Imperiul Roman
Map of Roman Dacia
Presentation of villa rustica from Apoldu de Sus
Story about excavations Apoldu de Sus Livejoare
Planul original al locuintei villa rustica de
la Apoldu de Sus Livejoare.
Reconstruction in museum and role of annexes
Planul original al anexei villa rustica de la
Apoldu de Sus Livejoare.
How we made the reconstruction
Sacred spaces
În spatele locuintei sunt depozitate materiale de
constructie, pregatite pentru ridicarea unui alt
corp de cladire. Sunt expuse caramizi de diferite
dimensiuni, unele prezentând stampila de
producator, tigle, elemente de pavaj si de
tubulatura pentru aductiunea apei.
Story no. 8 Germisara, roman bath
Votive plaques dedicated to Nymphae, sacred
Story no. 8 tools development
CulturaVinca -fazele A2-B3 în Transilvania
CulturaVinca -fazele A2-B3 în Transilvania
Secera neolitica
Lame de obsidiana sau silex.
Structura de lemn sau os.
Trade in neolithic obsidian, pottery and salts.
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CulturaVinca -fazele A2-B3 în Transilvania
Story no. 9 altars
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