Gene targeting: Silva and Giese' Pharmacological approaches to the study of learning and memory: Whi - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Gene targeting: Silva and Giese' Pharmacological approaches to the study of learning and memory: Whi


Certain post-training treatments can modulate memory storage in ways the enhance ... was susceptible to modulation only during a consolidation period that lasted ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Gene targeting: Silva and Giese' Pharmacological approaches to the study of learning and memory: Whi

Gene targeting Silva and Giese.Pharmacological
approaches to the study of learning and memory
White and Salinas
Types of memory
  • There is general agreement that there are several
    different types of memory, each of which is
    predominantly in a different part of the brain.

Declarative vs. procedural memory
  • Declarative memory facts, dates, events
    (telephone number, birthdate)
  • Hippocampus is critical
  • Procedural memory how to perform an act (ride a
  • Basal ganglia (dorsal striatum /
    caudate-putamen) is critical

  • Patients with Alzheimer's disease are unable to
    learn or remember ordinary facts (declarative
    memory) but are normal or nearly normal at
    learning and remembering how to do things
    (procedural memory).

Memory experiment
  • Alzheimer's patients learned and remembered how
    to read complex words in a mirror as well as
    normal control subjects
  • Were unable to recall the training session or the
    fact that they had acquired this skill.

Classical (Pavlovian) conditioning
  • Another kind of memory is distinct, both
    behaviorally and anatomically, from declarative
    or procedural memory.
  • Pavlovian conditioning is a form of learning
    based on the tendency of certain natural events
    (food presentation) to elicit involuntary
    responses (salivation) with little or no training.

  • Initiating event Unconditioned stimulus (US)
  • Response pattern Unconditioned response (UR)
  • Another "neutral" stimulus (ringing a bell),
    besides the US, does not usually elicit the UR.

  • If another "neutral" stimulus (ringing a bell) is
    presented simultaneously several times with the
    Unconditioned stimulus (food), the "neutral" will
    be able to elicit the Unconditioned response
  • The "neutral" stimulus (ringing a bell) is then
    called the Conditioned stimulus (CS).
  • The response (salivation) is then called the
    Conditioned response (CR)

  • This process of learning an association between a
    CS and a CR is called Pavlovian or classical
    conditioning, or sometimes "associative
  • Pavlovian conditioning occurs automatically, with
    no control, voluntary participation, or (usually)
    even awareness on the part of the individual to
    whom it occurs.

  • Evidence in animals and humans indicate that the
    amygdala is critical for classical conditioning.
  • The studies indicate that the amygdala mediated
    expression of conditioned rewarding and approach
    behaviors as well as conditioned aversive and
    escape responses (e.g., "freezing" in mice).

Fear conditioning
  • A simple form of associative learning (Pavlovian
  • Animals learn to "fear" a previously neutral
    stimulus (conditioned stimulus, CS), because the
    US has been presented at the same time as an
    aversive stimulus (unconditioned stimulus, US)
    such as a foot shock.
  • Conditioned animals, when exposed to the CS, tend
    to refrain from all movement except breathing

  • Freezing responses can be triggered with two
    different types of CS, each working via different
    parts of the brain
  • - In "cued conditioning", the CS is simply a tone
    (e.g., 85 dB, 2800 Hz), and lesions in the
    amygdala, but not the hippocampus, appear to
    disrupt this type of conditioning.
  • - In "contextual conditioning", rodents become
    conditioned to the "context" in which they were
    exposed, such as a particular location.
    Contextual conditioning is thought to depend on
    both the amygdala and the hippocampus.

Information storage / memory
  • The most-widely accepted theory of how
    information is stored in the nervous system is
    based on a concept first described by D.O. Hebb,
    now called Hebbian learning.
  • Start with the idea that each perception evokes a
    unique set pattern of neural activity.
  • The set of activated neurons are connected to
    each other, and reactivate each other for a short
    period of time.

  • Hebb suggested that this period of recurrent
    activation repeatedly activates the synapses
    connecting the neurons, causing the synapses to
    undergo permanent changes. These changes
    facilitate future activation of the synapses.
  • The pattern of permanently facilitated synapses
    increases the probability that on future
    occasions activation of one part of some of the
    neurons will activate the rest of the neurons,
    leading to recall of the information it

  • Changes in synapses resulting from the
    simultaneous (or near simultaneous) activation of
    neurons is generally thought to be the basis of
    all learning, including procedural, declarative,
    and conditioned learning.
  • We will see that the central role of synaptic
    changes in learning and memory provides the bases
    for the action of neurologic drugs.

Memory consolidation
  • When first acquired, memories are stored in a
    labile state (represented by Hebb's recurrent
    activation phase) and are subject to disruption
    by external events.
  • With the passage of time their storage may become
    more permanent (Hebb's synaptic changes) and are
    less susceptible to disruption.
  • This process by which memories become permanent
    is called "consolidation". The interval during
    which the hypothesized process of synaptic change
    occurs is called the consolidation period.

Gene TargetingMethods exist to
  • add, delete, or modify genes in the mouse genome.
  • restrict expression of mouse genes to specific
    regions of the brain,
  • restrict expression to specific experimental
  • high/low temperature
  • presence/absence of antibiotic
  • These methods can be used to create mouse models
    of human disease, e.g., Alzheimer' disease.

  • ltFigure 2. Illustration of gene targeting

  • The hippocampus has long been known to be
    involved in memory.
  • ltdescribe patientgt

  • Genetic work on hippocampal-based learning and
    memory has focused on long-lasting changes in
    synaptic efficacy (long-term potentiation and
    long-term depression)
  • Concept memories can be stored in neural
    circuits by changing the strength of synaptic
    connections in neurons that are activated
    simultaneously in a learning event.

  • Computer simulations have demonstrated that
    information (memories) can be stored and recalled
    in a "neural network" in which the weights
    between "neurons" are altered as a result of
  • The hippocampus is capable of long-lasting
    changes in synaptic strength.
  • Drugs that block these synaptic changes also
    block memory formation.

Biochemistry of LTP
  • Induction of LTP in the CA1 region of the
    hippocampus involves
  • NMDA receptor activation
  • consequent post-synaptic increase in calcium
  • activation of protein kinases and other enzymes
  • a partially-characterized sequence of events
    leading to increased synaptic strength

Mutants in genes in this pathway cause changes in
learning ability
  • ltTable 1. Gene mutants that impair LTP in

  • The first gene-targeting study of LTP and
    learning used mice with a null mutation for the
    alpha CaMKII gene.
  • This gene responds to changes in calcium (Ca) ion
    changes related to memory formation.
  • Alpha CaMKII mutants showed impaired LTP and LTD
    in the hippocampus and neocortex.

  • Although the alpha CaMKII mutant mice were
    severely impaired in the hippocampal-dependent
    version of the water maze, they were able to
    learn the "visible-platform" version of this
    task, which is known not to depend on hippocampal

  • alpha CaMKII mutants
  • can learn that the platform is the only escape in
    the pool
  • have the motivation to escape the water
  • have the motor coordination and sensory
    perception required to efficiently swim to the
    escape platform,
  • but they are unable to learn the spatial
    relationships required to guide them to the
    hidden platform.

  • CaMKII appears to be involved in the early stages
    of memory formation (during initial learning),
    but not in long-term memory formation.

Gene transcription, translation, and memory
  • DNA is transcribed to produce RNA
  • RNA is translated to produce protein
  • DNA -gt RNA -gt protein
  • Transcription factors are proteins that regulate
    what genes are transcribed (expressed).
  • Transcription factors typically bind near the
    promoter region of a gene (the on/off switch).

  • Studies in the 1980's showed using drugs that
    inhibit protein synthesis also inhibit long-term
    memory formation.
  • Several inhibitors of RNA synthesis or protein
    synthesis block long-term memory, but do not
    affect short-term memory.

  • The Aplysia snail a favorite model organism for
    memory research

  • Experiments with Aplysia showed that long term
    memory required the activation of transcription
    factors such as CREB (Cyclic AMP Response Element
    Binding protein).
  • To trigger transcription, CREB binds to a
    specific regulatory DNA sequence (TGACGTCA) in
    the promoter region of certain genes.
  • This sequence is the Cyclic AMP Response Element

  • When DNA or RNA fragments with the CRE sequence
    are injected into Aplysia, so that they bind to
    any available CREB, they block long-term but not
    short-term memory formation.

CREB in long-term memory in Drosophila
  • Dominant-negative mutation of Drosophila CREB
    block long term memory, but do not affect other
    memory stages.
  • Studies were performed using temperature
    sensitive CREB mutants, which were only
    inactivated in high temperature.
  • Wild type and mutant CREB flies grew up in the
    permissive (low) temperature, and were then given
    memory tasks at high temperature. Only flies with
    the mutant CREB showed long-term memory deficits.

  • A different CREB mutant expressed CREB at high
    levels at high temperature (under the control of
    a heat-shock promoter).
  • These flies could learn in a single training
    trial (super memory), where wild type flies
    required multiple spaced trials.
  • These results indicate that CREB is required for
    long-term memory, and is the rate-limiting factor
    in the nuclear events leading to long-term memory
    in flies.

Problems in gene knockout studies of memory
  • Compensatory effects of other genes
  • Genetic background effects
  • Developmental effects
  • Impact of unknown physiological or environmental

Altering memory using drugs
  • Certain post-training treatments can modulate
    memory storage in ways the enhance retention.
  • First observed with stimulant drugs
  • strychnine (very low doses)
  • amphetamine
  • caffeine

Example experiment
  • Rats were put into a cage where they could drink
  • After being put in the cage, the rats heard a
    series of 10 second tones, each terminated with a
    brief foot shock.
  • The shock caused the animals to stop moving
  • After several such tone-shock pairings, the rats
    acquired a conditioned freezing response, which
    lasted for several minutes each time the tone was

  • The next day, the rats were placed in the
    drinking cage.
  • Tone came on when they began to drink.
  • Animals froze
  • Duration of freezing was used as a measure of the
    rats' memory for the tone-freezing association.
  • Rats that experiences more pairings (12) froze
    significantly longer than rats that had fewer
    pairings (2).

  • Some rats got drug injections immediately after
    their experience of the tone-shock pairings.
  • Rats that got two pairings followed immediately
    by a saline injection froze for slightly longer
    than rats that got two pairings but no injection.
  • However, rats that got two pairings followed
    immediately by an amphetamine injection froze for
    about the same length of time as rats that got 12
    pairings (but no drug).

  • Another group of rats got 2 pairings followed by
    amphetamine injection 2 hours later.
  • These rats froze for the same length of time as
    rates that received saline or no injection, that
    is, the drug had no effect.

  • The results indicate that the immediate
    amphetamine injections improved the rats' memory
    for the tone-freezing association.
  • The fact that the delayed drug injection had no
    effect is consistent with the idea that the
    memory was susceptible to modulation only during
    a consolidation period that lasted less than two

How might drugs that affect memory work?
  • Access to the brain from the circulatory system
    is controlled by the blood-brain barrier (BBB).
  • This barrier is made up of a layer of cell
    surrounding the blood vessels that supply the
  • These cells determine the degree to which
    substances in the blood can enter the brain.

  • Fat-soluble substances (e.g., alcohol) cross the
    BBB more easily than water soluble substances.
  • Drugs and hormones with large molecular weights
    do not easily pass the BBB.
  • Some substances, including glucose and insulin,
    are actively transported into the brain.
  • The degree to which drugs cross the BBB is
    critical to their effects on memory.

How drugs act on synapses
  • Neurons communicate with each other at synapses
    using chemical neurotransmitters.
  • This provides the bases for drugs (and poisons)
    to affect synaptic transmission.
  • Drugs with chemical properties similar in some
    way to those of neurotransmitters can act on
    synapses to alter behavior and thoughts
    (psychotropic or psychoactive drugs)

  • Drugs that increase synaptic transmission are
  • Drugs that block or reduce synaptic transmission
    are "antagonists".

  • About 25 neurotransmitters are known in the
    mammalian brain.
  • Most psychoactive drugs act on the synapses of a
    single neurotransmitter.
  • These synapses often occur in different,
    functionally unrelated parts of the brain,
    controlling many different behaviors
  • The psychological actions of drugs can be quite
    complex and difficult to predict
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