Title: How Do You Tell If The Crankcase Vent Valve Is Bad In Your BMW X5
1How Do You Tell If The Crankcase Vent Valve Is
Bad In Your BMW X5?
2The crankcase vent valve or PCV valve is a vital
emission control device.
3It routes blow-by gases from the crankcase to the
combustion chamber.
4By doing so, it achieves the following
- Minimize vehicular emissions
- Lower the crankcase pressure
- Enhance the engine efficiency
5If you want to keep your BMW engine healthy, keep
its PCV valve in good condition.
6Have a look at some of the most common signs that
your PCV valve is failing.
7How to know if you need a new PCV valve?
8The Engine Is Losing Oil
9If your car is leaking oil, your BMW X5 could
have a defective oxygen sensor.
10You should have your car checked by a technician
to find out what the problem is.
11The Engine Is Running Lean
12As your PCV valve is failing you may notice that
your BMW X5 is running lean.
13If you dont address the issue on time, it may
result in expensive car repairs.
14Declining Engine Performance
15Your BMW X5 engine will perform poorly if you
have a clogged PCV valve.
16Nonetheless, bad engine performance should always
be inspected by professionals.
17Odd Exhaust Smoke
18Another sign commonly associated with a faulty
PCV valve is the emergence of dense exhaust smoke.
19It happens due to the seepage of engine oil into
the combustion chamber of the engine.
20Flashing Check Engine Light
21Another sign of a PCV valve problem in your BMW
X5 is a glowing check engine light.
22If your CEL is on, then give your BMW a check-up
from a certified technician.
23Final Thoughts
24PCV valve failure can give rise to all sorts of
performance issues in your BMW X5.
25Therefore, if youre noticing any of the
aforementioned signs, dont ignore them.