Title: Basic Robotics For Kids To Explore - Online robotics classes for kids
1Basic Robotics For Kids To Explore - Online
robotics classes for kids
Robotics has seen immense advancement with new
technologies and programs used every day.
However, whats even better is the fact that new
technologies have come out to help children
learn the coding required for robotics as well!
If a child wishes to learn robotics, then there
are some phenomenal options that a parent can
help with. While an actual robot would take time
and requires a skillset you and your child may
not have yet, there are some fun robots you
could build to get them interested! Show them
their first Robot car! A robot car is hardly as
complicated as one would think and can be
absolutely delightful when put into practice. To
a parent, it may seem like a fun but incredibly
simple toy with batteries and a motor. But to a
child, it could easily be a robot if you just put
some cute eyes and paint in some facial features.
2But how does one build a robot car? Thats easy!
Just take a box (body of the car), two sticks
(axles), 4 bottle caps (wheels) less than 1m of
wire, an electric switch, a 1.5V motor, a rubber
band, your hands, and your childs
attention! Step 1 Wired up Get the wiring in
place before you proceed. Connect the battery
holder to the switch in order to be able to
control the flow of current. Then connect the
switch to the motor in a closed circuit that also
includes the batteries. Turn the switch on to
check if the motor works. Step 2 setting up the
suspension Take the sticks and push them through
the sides of the box where you want your wheels
to be. Make them pass through the rubber band
inside the box. Step 3 Fitting the
engine Place the motor, switch, and battery
set-up on top of the box and cut a hole in the
top of the box for the rubber band to pass
through from inside the box. Loop the rubber band
on the motors shaft and use tape or glue to
keep everything in place. Step 4 Painting Once
the glue dries, take this opportunity to make
this a little art project. This is a great way
for you and your child to create the robot and
add delightful bits that give the robot car a
personality. Step 5 Have fun Everything is
done and now all you have to do is turn on the
switch so you and your child can enjoy the robot
youve both made together. Whats next? Once
theyre interested and want to make more robots,
you can find a few more online. You should
consider enrolling them in a course that will
teach them how to build actual robots that can
move on their own. Technology today has come up
with simple tools that will teach your child how
to code under the careful guidance of a mentor
and the point is to make sure they have FUN! We
at DIYA Robotics might just have what youre
looking for. You can easily find out by asking
us for a free demo session that will allow you to
understand what the course will be like! Reach
out to us Online robotics classes for kids today!