Title: Best way to learn programming for kids at home | Online robotics classes for kids
1Best way to learn programming for kids at home
Online robotics classes for kids
HOME Coding is an essential skill of the future
as technology is here to stay and be very much
part of our lives. Tech and automation require
children to learn coding as a basic valuable
skill. We at DIYA strongly believe that Coding
is the next revolution. If we wish to help our
children be future ready, they need to be
introduced to coding and concepts of coding
early, as developmentally, a younger child can
absorb new concepts much faster and easier than a
grown adult. Here are a few fun ways to make
coding interesting for kids and can be learned
from the comfort of home too. Introducing your
kids to block programming for coding where
cumbersome lines of code are replaced with a
simple drag drop of blocks that use logical
problem-solving methods, enabling the child to
understand the concepts of problem solving and
workflow in a play method. Examples of such
programs are Scratch, Snap, and Code
Monkey. Once the child is old enough to start
with text-based computer programming languages,
they can be slowly introduced to HTML/CSS,
Python, Javascript and more.
2Kids programming games
Keeping in mind what is the preference of the
current student group (5 17/20 yrs), coding
games are also a great option to introduce coding
to children. Not all games are played just for
fun and entertainment. Roblox, Minecraft, Tynker,
Hopscotch, and Goldiebox are all great games
that teach children coding concepts in a fun
way. STEM toys for kids
STEM toys also help in developing the skills that
are required for coding including problem
solving, workflow, process flow, logical
reasoning and more. Games like puzzles,
LittleCodr Card game, Think and Learn
Code-a-pillar (a game that enables a child to
understand importance of routines and planning
meals for the caterpillar, ROBOT War Coding Board
Games (coding language converted to English
instructions), and Code Master (logic game
without a computer), are great games to introduce
to kids through play.
3Live Online Coding for Kids
Kids can start coding at any age. There are many
live online free coding platforms, collaborative
or individualistic, for children who would like
to go deeper into coding. If you would like a
structured curriculum that can help in
age-appropriate coding programs for kids, then
reach out to DIYA to understand how our courses
can enable your child to be their best and
develop additional futuristic skills while they
learn to code. We at DIYA have designed Online
robotics classes for kids that will
simultaneously engage them as well as introduce
them to the online learning methodology, which is
here to stay!