Odoo All In One Import Data App - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Odoo All In One Import Data App


By using this module you can import all important data whether its Sales, Purchase, Invoice, Inventory, Bill of material,Customer/Supplier Payment,Serial number with Stock, Bank Statement, Journal Entry, Picking, Product, Customer, Sale Pricelist, Purchase Pricelist and Product Pricelist. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Odoo All In One Import Data App

Odoo All In One Import Data App
  • Browseinfo

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About App
  • By Using this All in one import data Odoo App you
    can Import All Data of Odoo like Sales,
    Purchase, Invoice, Inventory,Bill of material,
    Customer/Supplier Payment, Bank Statement,
    Journal Entry, Picking, Product, Customer, Sale
    Price List, Purchase Price List and Product Price
    List, Chart Of Account.

  • If you want to import extra fields from default
    odoo apart from our sample files, we will add
    those on our import module without any extra
    cost. You can purchase our All type of data
    import app in Odoo and contact us on
  • e.,g If you want to add Analytic accounts on sale
    order or analytic tags details on sale order line
    or on purchase order vendor reference we will add
    without any cost

Import Order Import Product Template with
Attributes Import Accounting Data Different
Warning Import Warehouse Data Import and
Update Master Data Supported Community and
Enterprise Edition
Import Order Lines Import Product Variant
with Attributes Import Bill of Material
Support Translation Import Price List Import
Order with Date CSV/XLS file Supported
Import Customer/Supplier Invoice
You have 3 different options to import invoice
order 1) Import with Code. 2) Import with
Barcode. 3) Import with Name.
Find Article here Odoo Import Bridge(CSV or
Excel File) app
Some important points
Tax column is important you have to add "Tax
column" though there is no need of adding tax.
When code is selected in Import option, please
select file that contains code of products.
When barcode is selected in Import option, please
select file that contains barcode of products.
When Name is selected in Import option, please
select file that contains name of products.
Import Invoice Menu
Menu for importing data of invoice orders
Find Video Tutorial here Import all
invoice,sales,purchase data Odoo app
Import Invoice Wizard
1. Sequence Option If you want to import
details of invoice number from CSV/XLS you can
also have option regarding this in import invoice
wizard. If you select "Use Excel/CSV Sequence
Number" option then name field will came from
CSV/XLS file.
Import Invoice Wizard
2. Invoice Stage Option If you select
"Import Draft Invoice" option then invoice will
be import in draft stage. If you select
"Validate Invoice Automatically With Import"
option then invoice will be import in
validate/Open stage.
Import Invoice Wizard
3. Account Option If you want to import Account
from XLS/CSV so you have option for "Account
Option" regarding this in import invoice
wizard. 4. Type You have also option for
import invoice for Customer, Vendors, Customer
Refund(Customers Credit Note) or Vendors Refund.
Import Invoice Wizard
5. Import Product By You have also option to
import products by it's Name/ Barcode or
Code(Internal Reference). If you want to create
product while importing invoice order then you
have to select import with "Name".
(No Transcript)
If you select "Validate Invoice Automatically
With Import" option then you can see the invoice
is in Open stage.
If you select "Customer Credit Note" option then
you can see the invoices created as a Customer
Credit Note (Customer Refund).
1. It will generate error if you import wrong
partner. 2. It will also generates errors when
you import wrong value of Currency,Price List,
UOM, Salesperson and Tax.
Other Data that you can Import
Import Incoming Shipment/Delivery
Order/Internal Transfer Import Invoice Lines /
Journal Entry Import Customer/Supplier
Payment Import Bank Statement Lines Import
Sales Order Import Product Template Import
Products With Vendor Import Inventory
Other Data that you can Import
Import Chart Of Account Import Product Price
List Import Vendor Price List Import Sale
Price List Import Bill of Material
Import/Update Partners Import Purchase Order
Lines Import Purchase Order
Import Product Template and it's Product Variants
with Attributes and Attributes Values
Here this import "Product Template with
Attributes" feature allows user to import product
template with multiple product variant along with
its attributes and attributes value. single line
of template with multi attribute creates several
variant automatic same as odoo process. if we
assign 2 attributes with 3 values then it will
create 1 product template with attributes value
along with 6 variants.
Installation Guide
Before installing this Odoo all import data
Module you have to install following packages in
your system 1.sudo pip install xlrd 2.sudo pip
install xlwt OR 1.sudo apt-get install
python-xlrd 2.sudo apt-get install python-xlwt
Importing different sort of data is always been
headache, But Now by using this Import data
management Odoo apps It become easy never been
before. It can reduce you work efforts and
makes your life hassle free. Also available in
many updated versions like V13, V12, V11, V10,
V9, V8
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Sensing your needs
Contact on contact_at_browseinfo.in
Email contact_at_browseinfo.in Contact
079-29700001 Address A-310, Siddhivinayak
Tower, Makarba, Ahmedabad
380051, Gujarat, India.
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