Title: Tips For People Living With Hiv | Hiv Singles Dating Site
- If You are HIV Positive, dont worry ,youre not
alone Here are some tips that may help You
2Always Stay connected You are strong, but you
dont have to go alone. Reach out to those
People who want to help. Emotional support and
Care can come from many different people and
3- 5. Take your medications every day Without
Skipping - Most people dont like to take medicine, but here
are some things you should know if Your use
medicine. - HIV medicines will reduce the amount of HIV in
your body. Skipping once in a while, allows the
HIV virus to grow Very quickly. - Keeping your HIV levels low is most important for
your health and also reduces your risk of passing
HIV to others. So Never Skip Your medicines.
42. Communicate openly and honestly with your
doctor When you communicate with doctor, be
honest about your Disease Because some behaviors
may put you in risk of getting other diseases and
affect your health. Always Remember, your doctor
is not there to judge. He or she needs to have
the most accurate information to manage you.
53. Get into Medical care Getting into care as
soon as possible after your diagnosis can make a
big difference in how effectively you manage your
HIV. The choices What you make can really help
you stay healthy for many years.
6- 4. Learn about your benefits
- There are number of benefits available for People
Living With Hiv. Check your local HIV or AIDS
service organization for help applying for these
and other benefits. - some common benefits are
- ADAP and ADAP Plus (AIDS Drug Assistance Program)
- Medicaid
- Medicare
- Programs from Housing Urban Development (HUD)
- Social Security Disability Insurance (SSD)
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