Title: India Sugar Confectionery (Confectionery) Market Outlook to 2022
1India Sugar Confectionery Market Outlook to 2022
Market Reports On India
- Sugar Confectionery (Confectionery) Market in
India - Outlook to 2022 Market Size, Growth and
Forecast Analytics is a broad level market review
of Sugar Confectionery market in India. - Sugar Confectionery - sugar-based confectionery
items including hard boiled sweets, mints,
caramels toffees, gums and jellies,
marshmallows, fudges and medicated throat
lozenges. - Sugar Confectionery market in India registered a
positive compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of
12.30 during the period 2012 to 2017 with a
sales value of INR 74,782.38 Million in 2017, an
increase of 9.59 over 2016. - The research handbook acts as an essential tool
for companies active or planning to venture in to
India's Sugar Confectionery market.
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3Market Key Segments
By Product Type
Hard-Boiled Sweets
Caramel Toffees
Gums Jellies
Medicated Confectionery
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4Market Sales By Distribution Channel
- Hypermarkets Supermarkets
- Convenience Stores
- Department Stores
- Dollar Stores
- Variety Store
- Cash Carries and Warehouse clubs
- eRetailers
- Food Drinks specialists
- Drug stores Pharmacies
- Health Beauty Stores
- Other general retailers
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5Reasons To Buy
- Get access to authoritative and granular data on
the Sugar Confectionery market - Fill in the gaps in understanding of trends and
the components of change behind them. - Enhance your understanding of the market to
update your strategic and tactical plans - Analyze the components of change in the market by
looking at historic and future growth patterns - Use the data to understand future patterns of the
market trends from winners and losers to category
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6Key Players
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7Table of Contents
1 Sugar Confectionery Market Overview 2 India
Sugar Confectionery Market Analytics, 2012-22 3
India Sugar Confectionery Market Analytics, by
Segment 2012-22 4 India Sugar Confectionery
Brand Analytics, 2014-17 5 India Sugar
Confectionery Distribution Channel Analytics by
Value, 2014-17 6 Appendix
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India Sugar Confectionery Market Outlook to 2022
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