Title: New Year Poems - Happy New Year - New Year poems for friends
1New Year poems
2New Year poems
3New Year poems
"My Happy New Year wish for you, Is for your best
year yet, A year where life is peaceful, And
what you want, you get, A year in which you
cherish. New Year is coming, If you need New
Year Poems then you are at right place. Large
number of poems available online at one place,
read New Year Poems.
4New Year poems
Begin this year with something new Start morning
with a honeydew Play darts, paint bees, grow
trees, feed cats New Year?s about changing
5New Year poems
I want to kiss you as the clock strikes twelve,
To put out troubles on a distant shelf The things
get better when you?re here Don?t ever try to
6New Year poems
A new year?s gift to you, pushing through To star
galaxies still unmapped and to you, BW,
Sonneteer of silence, huddled in the fourth
month Of your outdoor vigil, measuring in blood,
tears and rain Your syllable count in hour-glass
of pain.
7New Year poems
Happy New Year 2 u!May every great new
dayBring u sweet surprises--A happiness
buffet.Happy New Year 2 u, wen the new year's
done,May the next year be even better,Full of
pleasure, joy fun.
8New Year poems
A time 2 4get the misfortune that's goneBut
celebrate the long year dat we awaitPray that
there will be no tragedy, misery or sorrowJst
that the year 2 come is full of joy fateA
chance 2 remember the memories we hadA chance 2
start over, have another shot wid no fearA
chance that won't come until the earth has
orbitedA chance that seems 2 pop up from year 2
9New Year poems
A new year is beginning 2 peak throughsoftly
beautiful different like new falling
snow,each day unique shaped jst 4 u.Ur life
adding something as each day does grow.My wish
4 ur new year is beauty softness with surprises
thrown in 4 delight.Luv 4 each day bringing
happiness 2 u,making ur life a scene of sparkle
shining sunlight.
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