Mainland Chinese Undergraduates - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mainland Chinese Undergraduates


... three new wordlists for the day. For other lists that I should review for the day, I just read Chinese and ... Ann Arbor, The University of Michigan Press. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Mainland Chinese Undergraduates

Mainland Chinese Undergraduates English-learning
Experiences in Hong Kong A Case Study focusing
on Learning Strategy Use
  • GAO, Xuesong (Andy)
  • English Centre/ Faculty of Education
  • Nov. 8th, 2006, HKU Constituent Theme,
  • Languages, media and Communication Language in
    Education and Assessment Seminar

  • A case study on one mainland Chinese
    undergraduates language learning experiences in
    Hong Kong
  • limited in generalization
  • Researchers background, position, and
  • Drawing on a larger interpretative, ethnographic
    and longitudinal inquiry
  • A sociocultural perspective on learning and
    learning strategy

Background Constructivist Learning
  • Learning through cooperative social
    activity, discourse, and debate in the
    communities of practice (Fosnot, 2005, p. ix)
  • The classroom seen as a mini-society, a
    community of learners engaged in activity,
    discourse, interpretation, justification, and
    reflection (ibid, p. ix)
  • The role of language medium vs. means
    (Glaserfeld, 1998 Scheinder, 2006)
  • a shared repertoire of stories, artifacts,
    tools, actions, historical events, discourses,
    and concepts, and styles to negotiate meaning
    without the constant need to compare notes
    (Wenger, 1998, p. 84)

Background Constructivist Learning
  • Language problems related to constructivist
    learning in Hong Kong (e.g. Jackson, 2002 Liu
    Littlewood, 1997)
  • Causes of students apparent reticence (Liu
    Littlewood, 1997)
  • Lack of experience in speaking English
  • Hong Kong as input-poor learning environment
  • The dominance of Cantonese
  • The arrival of mainland Chinese students

Background Language Learning Strategy
  • Social turn in language learning research
  • Learning is both a kind of action and a form of
    belonging (Wenger, 1998, p. 4)
  • Learners are able to reflect upon and seek to
    alter or reinforce, the fitness of the social
    arrangements for the realization of their own
    interests. (Sealey Carter, 2004, p. 11)

Background Language Learning Strategy
  • Learning strategy Learners contributions to
    their own language learning (Chamot, 2001)
  • Learning strategy open up access within power
    structures and seek cultural alternatives
    (Oxford, 2003, p.79)

Background Language Learning Strategy
  • Accounts of strategy use reveal the interplay of
    structure and agency
  • Structure anterior and enduring (Layder, 1991,
  • Structural constraints/facilitation (Norton,
    2000 Norton Toohey, 2001 Palfreyman, 2003,
    2006) discursive resources, material resources,
    and social agents
  • The role of agency (Tseng et al, 2006 Wenden,
    1998, 2002)
  • Agency revealed in the use of power, the will
    and capacity (Giddens, 1984)

Background A Realist Perspective
Background Mainland Undergraduates
  • Cultural tradition a pragmatic approach
  • Hierarchical worldview
  • Acquire academic and literacy skills, upward
    social mobility, and personal development
    (Thogersen, 2002)
  • Learning for earning or learning (Cheng, 1996)

Background Mainland Undergraduates
  • Contextual reality on the Chinese mainland
  • Overcrowded and competitive educational context
  • Search for better educational opportunities
  • The increasing importance of English
  • Motives for coming to Hong Kong for tertiary
    studies quality education, English and better
    opportunities for social advance

Background Mainland Undergraduates
  • Mainland undergraduates in Hong Kong social and
    cultural vulnerability
  • Huge investment, uncertain results
  • Linguistic problems Cantonese vs. Putonghua
  • Differences between mainlanders and Hong Kongers
    may be diminishing but still ongoing and enduring
    (Li, et al, 1995 Ho, Chau, Chiu Peng, 2003)

Background Mainland Undergraduates
  • English is widely spoken by the foreign community
    and in business circles, but not every Chinese
    person will necessarily understand English, as
    many are new immigrants from mainland China (The
    University of Hong Kong, 2005, p. 39).
  • ??????????????????,???????,???????,????????,??????
    ???????,??????????,????????????????(HKU Post,
    2006, p. 4)

Background Mainland Undergraduates
Background Mainland Undergraduates
The Study
  • It has three stages
  • 1) Interviewed twenty-two mainland undergraduates
    in 2004
  • 2) follow-up ethnographic inquiry into 6
    volunteer participants learning experiences
  • 3) Interviewed 15 out of the original 22 in 2006

The Case Study ParticipantJo
  • Born in a middle-class professional family
  • Parents closely involved in her previous language
    learning experiences
  • Use of rote memory strategies on the Chinese
  • Studying in a faculty where there is a constant
    need for defending her designs in English
  • Most of her time spent in a studio, working in
  • A desire to continue studying and working in Hong
    Kong to acquire her professional qualification

The Case Study Participant
  • Highly motivated
  • Positive perceptions of learning environment
  • Some disappointment with learning progress
  • Strategy use (from a questionnaire in the 3rd

Experiential Narrative Learning Cantonese
  • I try to communicate with my classmates in
    Cantonese because local students, after all, like
    to use Cantonese. If I use Putonghua or English,
    it will cause barriers in our exchanges. They
    will not be too willing to talk to me. If I use
    Putonghua, Putonghua will be too difficult for
    them (Sept. 28th, 2004).
  • If I keep speaking Putonghua, maybe they (local
    students) do not want to speak to me. (Because)
    They have a lot of chances to speak to other
    students in Cantonese. So I will have less chance
    to communicate with others. I speak Putonghua
    to myself. And I speak Cantonese to my classmates
    in order to be part of them (Nov. 20th, 2004).

Experiential Narrative Learning Cantonese
  • I do not feel good about it. (Interviewer Why?)
    It was just like this. If I do not speak, they
    cannot tell me that I am not one of them. They
    cannot tell that I am actually not from Hong
    Kong. The sudden change in their ways of talking
    to me always reminds me of the fact that I am not
    from Hong Kong. It is an act to differentiate my
    identity from theirs. I feel annoyed for there is
    always someone who wants to separate me out from
    them (May 30th, 2006).
  • their lifestyle is a bit different from mine.
    They like to sing KARAOKE. Sometimes they spent
    too much time on doing something meaningless. I
    think that they are wasting time (Nov. 20th,

Interpreting Narratives
  • The need for learning Cantonese
  • partially generated by constructivist learning on
    the campus
  • a cultural fear of being isolated and

Experiential Narrative Struggle for English
  • In fact, English matters more to me than
    Cantonese (Sept. 28th, 2004).
  • I watch TV in English. When I watch TV, I just
    want to improve my English (Dec. 12th, 2004).
  • I watch TV, most of the time, English TV, on
    CCTV, ATV world. I watch David Late Show.
    CCTV 9 is much easier for me to understand. Maybe
    because of its accent and the key words they
    chose. For the other English channels, I have
    difficulty in understanding them. (March,
    3rd, 2005).

Experiential Narrative Struggle for English
  • Speaking English with teammates
  • I cannot express myself in Cantonese efficiently.
    So I use English and Cantonese at the same time
    (Nov. 20th, 2004).
  • I still made some progress in English, in
    spoken English. When we (my partner and I) were
    designing the model, I kept talking English (Dec.
    18th, 2004).
  • Memorization
  • I really need words helping me to understand
    other peoples English I just have one book
    on vocabulary and tried to remember words.
    Everyday twenty words or so. Just go through it.
    Most of them, I have already been familiar with.
    I just take out those difficult ones. I also
    tried to memorize words from architecture
    textbooks (Nov. 6th, 2004).

Interpreting Narratives
  • The struggle for learning English English medium
    of instruction the critical importance of English
  • Strategy use
  • Contextual facilitation rich resources,
    availability of English speakers (limited)
  • Contextual constraints learning without
  • An intriguing question to what extent watching
    TV programs has benefited her learning English?

Experiential Narrative GRE
  • One of my classmates (mainland Chinese student)
    who is from Beijing went to New Oriental School
    because she wanted to take GRE or TOEFL. She
    wanted to go abroad after her undergraduate
    study. I have not decided whether to go or not.
    But I need to take it as well. I plan to take
    the course in Beijing in August. I just want to
    push myself to learn more English. Everybody
    else is doing the same thing. If I do not do it,
    I feel that I am losing something. They say
    that the school is very good at this thing,
    guessing exam questions. a lot of people have
    decided to take the course even they have not
    decided whether to go abroad or not. They just
    said that they wanted to improve their English
    (April 16th, 2005).

Experiential Narrative GRE
  • I spent about ten days trying to memorize all the
    GRE words. I used the Red book and memorized
    most of them. Ten days, I just memorized
    these words. And I did nothing else. Our
    teacher told us that we did not need to remember
    the words pronunciation. Because we only used
    them in the exam and we did not have to read
    them. I just read all the sample sentences for
    three new wordlists for the day. For other lists
    that I should review for the day, I just read
    Chinese and English. I did not have time to read
    all the sample sentences if I had to memorize
    twenty four lists on one day (Sept. 17th, 2005).

Interpreting Narratives
  • GRE effort
  • Exercise of learner agency
  • Anxiety over uncertain outcomes of educational

  • Learning is both doing and belonging
  • Language learning success lies at what levels
    learners participated in particular communities
    of practice in the target language (s) (at least
  • Individual learners responsible for deploying
    strategic efforts to create such communities
    and/or enhance their participation in such
  • What about language teachers, administrators,
    policy-makers, and?

Questions and Answers
  • Chamot, U. A. (2001). The role of learning
    strategies in second language acquisition. In M.
    Breen (ed.), Learner Contributions to Language
    Learning (pp. 25-43). Harlow Pearson Education.
  • Cheng, K.M. (1996, November). Excellence in
    education Is it culture-free? Keynote paper
    presented at the annual conference of the
    Educational Research Association, Singapore.
  • Fosnot, C. T. (Ed.) (2005). Constructivism
    Theory, perspectives and practice. New York
    Teachers College Press.
  • Giddens, A. (1984). The constitution of society
    Outline of the theory of structuration.Berkeley
    University of California Press.
  • von Glaserfeld, E. (1998). Why constructivism
    must be radical? In M. Larochelle, N.Bednarz, and
    J. Garrison (Eds.) Constructivism and education
    (pp. 23-28). Cambridge Cambridge University
  • ??? (2006). ??????????(Culture or
    internationalization, original in Chinese). HKU
    Post, Issue 19, 4.
  • Ho, D.Y. F., Chau, A.W.L., Chiu, C., Peng,
    S.Q.(2003). Ideological orientation and political
    transition in Hong Kong Confidence in the
    future. Political Psychology, 24(2), 403-413.
  • Jackson, J. (2002). Reticence in second language
    case discussions Anxiety and aspirations.
    System, 30, 65-84.
  • Layder, D. (1991) The realist image in social
    science. Basingstoke Macmillan Press.
  • Layder, D. (1993) New strategies in social
    research An introduction and guide. Cambridge
    Polity Press.
  • Li, F.L.N., Jowett, A.J., Findlay, A.M., and
    Skeldon, R.S. (1995) Discourse on immigration and
    ethnic identity Interviews with professionals in
    Hong Kong. Transactions of the Institute of
    British Geographers, 20(3), 342-256.
  • Liu, N. Littlewood, W. (1997). Why do many
    students appear reluctant to participate in
    classroom learning discourse? System, 25,
  • Norton, B. (2000). Identity and Language
    Learning Gender, Ethnicity, and Educational
    Change. New York Longman.

  • Norton, B., and Toohey, K. (2001) Changing
    perspectives on good language learners. TESOL
    Quarterly, 35, 307-321.
  • Oxford, R. (Ed.) (2003). Towards a more
    systematic model of L2 learner autonomy. In D.
    Palfreyman R.C. Smith (eds.), Learner Autonomy
    across Cultures Language Education Perspectives
    (pp. 75-92). Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Palfreyman, D. (2003). Expanding discourse on
    learner development A reply to Anita Wenden.
    Applied Linguistics, 24(2), 243-248.
  • Schack, T. and Schack, E. (2005) In- and outgroup
    representation in a dynamic society Hong Kong
    after 1997. Asian Journal of Social Psychology,
    8, 123-137.
  • Schneider, J. G. (2006). Language and mediality
    On the medial status of everyday language.
    Language and Communication, 26, 331-342.
  • Sealey, A., Carter, B. (2004). Applied
    linguistics as social science. London Continuum.
  • Thogersen, S. (2002). A county of culture
    Twentieth-Century China seen from the village
    schools of Zouping, Shangdong. Ann Arbor, The
    University of Michigan Press.
  • Tseng, W., Dornyei, Z., Schmitt, N. (2006) A
    new approach to assessing strategic learning The
    case of self-regulation in vocabulary
    acquisition. Applied Linguistics, 27(1), 78-102.
  • The University of Hong Kong (2005). Guide for
    newcomers. Hong Kong Office of Student Affairs,
    The University of Hong Kong.
  • Wenden, A. (1998). Metacognitive knowledge and
    language learning. Applied Linguistics, 19 (4),
    515-537. Wenden, A. (2002). Learner development
    in language learning. Applied Linguistics,23(1),
  • Wenger, E. 1998. Community of practices
    Learning, meaning, and identity. New York
    Cambridge University Press.
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