Title: How to Draw Entity Relationship Diagrams using MS PowerPoint
1How to Draw Entity Relationship Diagrams using MS
- Richard Holowczak
- Computer Information Systems
- Zicklin School of Business
- Baruch College, CUNY
- Richard_Holowczak_at_baruch.cuny.edu
2Step 1 Create a blank presentation Step 2
Insert a new, completely blank slide as below
3Step 3 If you do not see the drawing tools on
the tool bar, make certain they are
displayed View -gt Toolbars -gt Drawing This
toolbar is usually at the Bottom of the screen
4Model Salon Core Business Creation Date/Time
August 30, 2002 801 PM Modified Date/Time
September 9, 2002 345 PM Last Modified by R.
12 pt. font Gray background
Step 4 Create a legend on the diagram Use the
Text Box drawing tool Include what the ER model
represents, when it was Created and last modified
and who modified the diagram
5Model Salon Core Business Creation Date/Time
August 30, 2002 801 PM Modified Date/Time
September 9, 2002 345 PM Last Modified by R.
- Step 5 Create an entity
- Use the text box tool
- Format the box with a solid border
- Make the Entity name Bold
- Use the space bar to center
- Make dashes to indicate the attributes
- Put (id) next to the identifier(s)
- Customer
- CustomerID (id)
- FirstName
- LastName
- CustPhone
- Street
- City
- State
- Zip
14 pt. font size and 2 pt. sized black border
6Model Salon Core Business Creation Date/Time
August 30, 2002 801 PM Modified Date/Time
September 9, 2002 345 PM Last Modified by R.
Step 6 Once you have one nice entity, just copy
and paste it to make more
- SalonService
- ServiceID (id)
- ServiceName
- ServiceDuration
- ServicePrice
- ServiceRendered
- LineItemNumber (id)
- ServiceExtendedPrice
Note Use a double border to indicate
Id-dependent entities
- Appointment
- AppointmentID (id)
- AppointmentDate
- AppointmentTime
- Employee
- EmployeeID (id)
- FirstName
- LastName
- PayRate
- Customer
- CustomerID (id)
- FirstName
- LastName
- CustPhone
- Street
- City
- State
- Zip
- Payment
- PaymentID (id)
- PaymentDate
- PaymentAmount
- PaymentMethod
- ReferenceNumber
7Model Salon Core Business Creation Date/Time
August 30, 2002 801 PM Modified Date/Time
September 9, 2002 345 PM Last Modified by R.
Step 7 Add relationships Use the line drawing
tools in 4 parts Dashed line (optional) Solid
Line (mandatory) Crows foot (Many) two small
lines Group these and copy/paste to make
more Dont forget to add relationship
dashed line, 2pt. weight
solid line, 2pt. weight
- Customer
- CustomerID (id)
- FirstName
- LastName
- CustPhone
- Street
- City
- State
- Zip
Two small solid lines
a payment submitted by
- Payment
- PaymentID (id)
- PaymentDate
- PaymentAmount
- PaymentMethod
- ReferenceNumber
Hint Try and make all relationships go in the
same direction
8Collection of pre-made relationships
One to many Optional to Mandatory
One to One Optional to Mandatory
Many to Many Optional to Mandatory
9Model Salon Core Business Creation Date/Time
August 30, 2002 801 PM Modified Date/Time
September 9, 2002 345 PM Last Modified by R.
Step 8 Copy and paste relationships Make certain
the relationships make sense!
- SalonService
- ServiceID (id)
- ServiceName
- ServiceDuration
- ServicePrice
a rendering of
- ServiceRendered
- LineItemNumber (id)
- ServiceExtendedPrice
a service rendered as
a specific service rendered during
rendered by
a reservation to provide
- Appointment
- AppointmentID (id)
- AppointmentDate
- AppointmentTime
- Employee
- EmployeeID (id)
- FirstName
- LastName
- PayRate
a reservation for
- Customer
- CustomerID (id)
- FirstName
- LastName
- CustPhone
- Street
- City
- State
- Zip
Example ONE Customer May Be making MANY
Appointments ONE Appointment Must Be a
reservation for ONE Customer
- Once youve completed one, youll never have to
do it again - just copy and paste ?