Title: Buy Wallpaper Online India by interiordecor.in
1InteriorDecor India's Trustable Buy Wallpaper
Online India Provider
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Some of this is partly due to the recent revival
of Florence Broadhurst designs, the eccentric and
talented Australian designer famous for her
hand-printed wallpapers.
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She was also well known for printing onto
transparent Mylars, foils and metallic papers.
She called her revolutionary hand-printed
creations vigorous designs for modern living'.
4Phone 919711153587
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Adding wallpaper to your home is a great way to
create atmosphere in a room, often all it takes
is one wall of an interesting and vivid design
and it will prove to be a talking point for
anyone visiting your home.
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metallic geometrics, flocked wallpapers are
available, and for the natural look there are
papers that mimic the look of natural grasses and
botanical prints. Some totally new ideas feature
metal sheeting and wood veneer.
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Email info_at_interiordecorindia.in
Broadhurst combined fuscia pinks, lemon yellows,
lime greens, vivid oranges, turquoise, blacks,
metallic silvers and gold - all perfectly
matching her own flamboyant personality..
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