ISLAMOPHOBIA - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... Shaikh Muhammad (U.S.) FCNA Fatwa against terrorism 7/05 al-Hanooti, Sheikh Muhammad Ali - against 9/11 (U.S.) 9/01 al-Hitar, Judge Hamoud (Yemen) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Real or imagined?
  • Compiled by
  • Gulten Ilhan and Sheila Musaji

Its REAL to some.
The British Runnymede Trust described
Islamophobia in 1997
  • as the view that Islam has no values in common
    with other cultures is inferior to the West is
    a violent political ideology rather than a
    religion that its criticisms of the West have no
    substance and that discriminatory practices
    against Muslims are justified

  • What Is the Image of Islam Muslims?
  • Where does this image come from?
  • Where does this image lead?
  • What can we do about this.

What is the Image of Islam and Muslims in the
Could most Americans identify this photo?
  • American Muslim soldiers praying at Camp Taji in

According to PollsAmericans Believe American
  • 57 should undergo more intensive security
    checks at airports. (Gallup)
  • 52 are not respectful of women. (Gallup)
  • 44 are too extreme in their religious beliefs.
  • 40 are not respectful of other religions
  • 39 should be required to carry a special ID
  • 34 are sympathetic to al-Qaida (Gallup)
  • 33 religion Islam - stokes violence (Wa.
    Post/ABC News)
  • 27 should be required to register their
    location with Fed. Govt. (Cornell)
  • 26 Mosques should be monitored by law
    enforcement agencies (Cornell)
  • 22 should be profiled as potential threats.
  • 46 of Americans have a negative view of Islam
    (Wa. Post/ABC News)
  • 40 would be less likely to patronize Muslim
    owned businesses (Zogby)

Where does this image come from?
  • The actions of some Muslims
  • Not differentiating between Islam and Muslims
  • Media and popular stereotypes
  • People who should know better

  • For example SONG LYRICS from ALADDIN
  • "Oh, I come from a land, From a faraway place,
    Where the caravan camels roam. Where they cut off
    your ear if they don't like your face. It's
    barbaric, but, hey, its home."
  • 1993


One-sided news reports negative emphasized,
positive ignored
One-sided news reports double standards
  • Robert Cottage arrested for possession of largest
    amount of chemical explosives ever found in
    Britain. 10-4-06
  • Demetrius Crocker of Tennessee, who told
    undercover FBI agents of his desire to explode a
    briefcase bomb while Congress was in session.
  • In all the fuss about the Dubai ports deal did
    you ever hear that another Dubai company already
    runs 12 U.S. ports and a Chinese company runs
    port terminals on West Coast?
  • Has anyone heard about Robert Goldstein, a
    Florida podiatrist who was caught in the act with
    30 explosive devices, 40 weapons, and a list of
    Muslim targets in his hands. He had planned to
    start his killing spree at a Muslim school near
    his Seminole, Florida home.

One-sided news reports what happened next?
  • Brandon Mayfield - cleared
  • Capt. James Yee - cleared
  • 3 men accused in Walmart Cellphone case -
  • 2 brothers in Britain - released with no charges
  • Newspaper apologizes for false Iran badge story
  • Webmaster al-Hussayen - cleared
  • Indian inquiry clears Muslims of 2002 train fire
  • Sami Hammoudeh - acquitted
  • Sami al-Arian - acquitted
  • Dr. Bassem Hussein - acquitted
  • Muslim charity Interpal - cleared
  • Salman Hamdani cleared actually a hero of 9/11
  • Etc. etc. etc

Distorted View of American Identity
  • America is different. We have no king but Jesus.
    John Ashcroft
  • This is a religious war, not against Islam but
    for Christianity, for a Christian nation. Ann
  • Those who believe the Judeo-Christian values are
    better qualified to govern America than Hindus
    and Muslims. Rev. Pat Robertson

Prejudiced RHETORIC by
  • Media personalities
  • Government leaders political figures
  • Religious leaders
  • The man on the street


American Muslims are
  • Dirty, have poor hygiene
  • Not loyal, a 5th column in the U.S.
  • Silent, dont speak out against terrorism
  • Breed like rabbits
  • Violent
  • Intolerant of other religions
  • Ragheads Sen. Conrad Burns
  • Not really human Michael Savage
  • Preoccupied with sex
  • Afraid of work that dirties their hands
  • Pigs and murderous scum
  • Incapable of being moderate Oliver North
  • Worse than Nazis Pat Robertson

  • The enemy
  • Repelled by modernity
  • A worthless, dangerous Satanic religion
  • A cancer that destroys the body it infects
  • A murderous organization
  • A car burning cult
  • At best false, at worst bloody dangerous

  • If Western civilization is to survive, Islam
    must be destroyed.
  • Islam must be eradicated because it cannot be

The Quran is
  • Strictly a theft of Jewish theology. Rev. Pat
  • The source of Islamic terrorism. according to a
    speaker sponsored by the Simon Wiesenthal
  • Comparable to Hitlers Mein Kampf and teaches
    Muslims to lie.

The prophet of Islam is
  • A demon-possessed pedophile The Rev. Jerry Vines
  • A wild eyed fanatic and a killer Rev. Pat
  • A terrorist Rev. Jerry Falwell

  • A virulent hatred of Muslims is not racism
    because people have a CHOICE TO BE MUSLIM and
    nobody is a member of a race by choice.
  • They Have forfeited their right to be accepted
    as loyal citizens

What should we do about them
  • Dont allow them to have holidays honored by
    public schools
  • Dont allow the call to prayers from mosques
  • Stop printing the Eid holiday postage stamp
  • Make them carry special I.D. cards
  • Profile them
  • Have Muslims only check in lines at airports
  • Dont allow conversion to Islam
  • Put them in internment camps
  • Ban Islam and deport Muslims
  • Invade their countries, kill their leaders and
    convert them to Christianity
  • Kill the Muslims The only good Muslim is a dead



S. Carolina Board of Education member Dr. Henry
  • "Screw the Buddhists and kill the Muslims."
  • the religion of Islam is a "cult" that
    worships "Lucifer."

North Carolina State LegislatorSam Ellis
  • "I don't want the students in the university
    system to be required to study this evil.
  • Referring to college assignment to read the Quran

RepresentativePeter King (R-NY)
  • No American Muslim leaders are cooperating in
    the war on terror.
  • "80-85 of mosques in this country are controlled
    by Islamic fundamentalists.

RepresentativeFrank Lasee
  • Islam is NOT a religion of peace.
  • Islam IS a religion intent on conquering the
    world this is a central theme in the Koran.

Attorney General of the U.S.John Ashcroft
  • "Islam is a religion in which God requires you to
    send your son to die for him. Christianity is a
    faith in which God sends his son to die for you."

GeneralWilliam Boykin
Representative Saxby Chambliss (R-GA)
  • Arrest every Muslim that comes across the state

CongressmanTom Tancredo (R-CO)
  • If a terrorist attack were to occur in the USA
    by Muslim extremists then our response could be
    to bomb Mecca.
  • you cannot integrate some people into your

U.S. Civil Rights CommissionPeter Kirsanow
  • I can foresee a scenario in which the public
    would demand internment camps for Arab Americans
  • If there's a future terrorist attack in America
    you can forget about civil rights.''

30th annual Conservative Political Action
Conference in Washington, D.C.
  • anti-Islam paraphernalia being sold at a
    right-wing conference kicked off by Vice
    President Cheney.


Media pundits celebrities
  • Ann Coulter
  • Sean Hannity
  • Michael Savage
  • Glenn Beck
  • Daniel Pipes
  • Jackie Mason

Media pundits celebrities
  • Neal Boortz
  • Oliver North
  • Bill OReilly
  • Imus in the Morning show
  • Laura Ingraham
  • Dr. Laura Schlessinger

Paul Weyrich et al
  • Would our country have issued a swastika flag
    stamp in 1941? Would our country have issued a
    hammer and sickle stamp in 1955?

Saddest of all

Signs at Churches
Signs at Churches
Clergymen religious leaders
  • Muslims are worse than Nazis.
  • Islam is a violent religion.
  • "Islam is essentially a Christian heresy
  • Muhammad Was a Terrorist.

(No Transcript)
Clergymen religious leaders
  • Rev. John Hagee
  • Rev. Pat Robertson
  • Rev. Jerry Falwell
  • Rev. David Clippard
  • Lord Carey
  • Rev. J. Grant Swank
  • Rev. Franklin Graham


Bumper stickers
Tee shirts
  • Thats Allah Folks!

  • Boeing ad
  • Showing
  • Helicopter
  • attacking a
  • Mosque

Ohio car dealership radio ad
  • called for a "jihad on the automotive market." It
    said salespeople would be wearing burqas, a
    traditional garment in some Muslim nations, and
    kids would get rubber swords on "fatwa Friday."
  • "Our prices are lower than the evildoers' every
    day," the script said. "Just ask the pope!

Restaurant sign
  • The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • This seems to be a popular idea and turns up many

There are thousands of anti-Muslim blogs and
sites online
  • Here are a few images taken from these blogs

Spoof of a CAIR ad

(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
  • Text says How things would be if Islam had to
    obey truth in advertising laws.

  • The rhetoric is becoming increasingly more
  • And now we are seeing the result

One of these on a tee-shirt could keep you from
boarding a plane
  • ????
  • ??????
  • ???
  • Pace
  • ????
  • Peace

Arabic writing on Tee-shirt keeps man from
boarding plane
  • "You can't wear a T-shirt with Arabic script and
    come to an airport. It is like wearing a T-shirt
    that reads 'I am a robber' and going to a bank,"
    was the security man's statement.

One of these prayers could keep you from boarding
a plane
  • Passengers refused to fly on a plane until
    Asians were removed. 
  • A Muslim doctor was put off a plane because other
    passengers were alarmed to see him quietly
    praying in his seat. August 2006
  •  5 Muslim men were detained and questioned for
    praying at Giants Stadium in New York. November
  • 6 Imams were removed from a plane because
    passengers had seen them praying and speaking in
    Arabic before boarding. November 2006

Mosque vandalism in Ballwin, MO
Second Shooting at Florida Mosque
  • On the first day of Ramadan, an unknown gunman
    shot into the crowded mosque in Brevard, Florida.
    October 2006

Muslim school vandalism
U.S. Mosque Incidents
  • U.S. mosques are becoming dangerous places.
    There have been
  • 11 threats
  • 51 vandalisms
  • 1 cross burning
  • 2 vehicles driven into mosque
  • 1 bomb plot and 5 bombings
  • 2 assaults
  • 6 shootings
  • 7 arsons

A Arizona - Anti Muslim Posters posted at
mosque June 2006, - Glendale mosque burned
December 2004 California - Southern Calif.
Mosque vandalized twice August 2006 - Milpitas
Mosque vandalized again June 2006 - front door
shattered at Milpitas mosque May 2006 -
threatening flyer left at Pomona mosque February
2006 - mosque vandalized September 2005 -
Adelanto mosque arson June 2005 - San Luis
Obispo mosque vandalized September 2003 -
Milpitas mosque site vandalized June 2002 -
Lomita mosque vandalized December 2001 - Pigs
blood thrown at San Francisco mosque September
2001 - Yuba City mosque burned September 1994
Colorado - Fort Collins mosque vandalized April
2005 - Denver mosque receives threats May 2004
- plot to bomb Aurora mosque May 1999 - Fort
Collins mosque vandalized January 1998
Connecticut - Bridgeport mosque vandalized
September 2001 D.C.  - sign vandalized
September 2005 Florida - Sniper Shooting at
Florida Mosque September 2006 - Broward County
mosque vandalized April 2006 - Boca Raton mosque
vandalized February 2005 - two mosques
vandalized May 2004 - man drives truck into
mosque March 2002 - Lake County mosque
vandalized September 2001 Georgia - Augusta
mosque vandalized September 2001 - Clarkson
mosque vandalized September 1995 Hawaii -
anti-Muslim leaflets left at mosque October 2002
Idaho - mosque vandalized October 2002
Illinois - Schaumburg mosque ransacked August
2006 - Chicago mosque attacked March 2003 -
Villa Park mosque vandalized March 1995 - 300
march on Bridgeview mosque September 2001
Indiana - Mosque vandalized July 2006 -
Bloomington mosque vandalized July 2005 -
Evansville mosque vandalized September 2001 -
Bloomington mosque vandalized February 1998
Kentucky - Lexington mosque vandalized
September 2001 Louisiana - Muslim school
vandalized March 2006 - Arabi mosque vandalized
September 2001 Maine - Pigs head thrown into
mosque July 2006 Maryland - shots fired into
Mosque April 2006 - mosque vandalized September
2005 - cross burned in front of mosque July 2005
- Imams wife assaulted April 2004
Massachusetts - Springfield mosque burned down
December 2004 Michigan - mosque vandalized
March 2006 - mosque vandalized February 2006 -
mosque vandalized September 2005 - Flint mosque
vandalized October 1995 Minnesota - Mosque
arson August 2006 - Minneapolis mosque burned
March 1999 Mississippi - Starkville mosque
vandalized September 2001 Missouri - Ballwin
mosque vandalized June 2004 Nebraska - Lincoln
mosque vandalized twice September 2005 - voice
mail threat to mosque November 2004 Nevada -
man beaten outside Reno mosque January 2005 New
Jersey - Toms River mosque vandalized January
2006 New York - mosque vandalized August 2006
- mosque vandalized September 2005 - mosque
vandalized April 2004 North Dakota - feces
smeared on mosque October 2004 Ohio - new
threats at Ohio mosque July 2006 - mosque bombed
December 2005 - Columbus mosque vandalized
December 2001 - shots fired at Toledo mosque
September 2001 - man drives car into Parma
mosque September 2001 Oregon - Portland mosque
threatened September 2001 Pennsylvania -
shooting in mosque parking lot November 2005
South Carolina - Charleston mosque vandalized
September 2001 - Greenville mosque burned
October 1995 Tennessee - Bullet Ridden Quran
Thrown at Tenn. Mosque July 2006 - Nashville
mosque bombed February 2006 - Memphis mosque
shooting June 2000 Texas - San Antonio mosque
vandalized May 2006 - anti-Muslim sign posted on
Houston Mosque February 2006 - Austin mosque
vandalized again January 2006 - Irving mosque
vandalized September 2005 - El Paso mosque
firebombed September 2004 - Denton mosque
firebombed September 2004 - Champion mosque
vandalized June 2004 - shots fired at Denton
mosque April 2004 - Austin mosque firebombed
September 2001 - Irving mosque vandalized
September 2001 Virginia - mosque vandalized
January 2006 - Sterling mosque vandalized
November 2003 - James City mosque threatened
September 2001 - Norfolk mosque vandalized
September 2001 Washington - Mount Lake Terrace
mosque vandalized November 2001 - Lynwood mosque
threatened September 2001 Z
Being a Muslim student is not safe
  • UCLA TASER Incident

Wearing this peace of cloth could get you KILLED
  • Religious hate seen as motive in killing
  • A mother of six was killed Thursday by a single
    bullet to the head as she walked with her
    3-year-old daughter on a well-to-do residential
    street in Fremont, California.

Being mistaken for a Muslim could get you KILLED
  • Balbir Singh Sodhi, a Mesa, Arizona gas station
    owner was shot to death. http//


American Muslims
  • Vote run for office

  • Muslim military members at White House Iftaar
    dinner in 2006
  • Muslim military members participate in
    commemoration of 9/11

  • Keith Ellison - Congressman MN
  • Yaphett el-Amin State Rep. MO
  • Mohamed Khairullah Mayor Prospect Park NJ
  • Saqib Ali State Rep. MD
  • M.J. Khan Houston City Council TX
  • Malik ibn Noel, Navys 1st Muslim Chaplain

  • Zakia Mahasa, Circuit Court Judge MD
  • Omar T. Mohammadi, NY Civil Rights Commission
  • Shirin Tahir-Kheli, 1st American Muslim Woman

Shahram Hashemi a Hero of 9/11
  • Fazlur Khan, Architect of Sears Towers, Chicago
  • Ismael Merchant,
  • filmaker

  • Emad Al-Turk Co-founder
  • International Museum of
  • Muslim Cultures, Mississippi

  • Mustapha al-Akkad
  • filmaker
  • Dr. Edward Zarhounim, head Natl Instit. For

  • Bijan, fashion designer
  • Iman, fashion model

Inspire us
  • Anousheh Ansari, 1st Muslim woman in space - 2006

Touch our hearts
  • Daniel Moore Mohamed Zakaria
  • Poet Calligrapher

  • Coleman Barks

  • Poet

  • Peter Sanders, photographer

Muslims Voices Against Extremism Terrorism
  • Muslim voices have been loud and clear they are
    simply not heard or ignored.

FCNA (U.S.) Fatwa against terrorism 7/05
Abdullah, Sh. M. Nur, FCNA (U.S.) minority
rights apostasy 3/06 Abdullah, Shaikh Muhammad
Nur (U.S.) FCNA Fatwa against terrorism 7/05 al
Abidin, Ali Zain al Jifri Renowned Islamic
Scholar (Yemen) 2/06 Danish cartoons Al-Akiti,
Shaykh Muhammad Afifi against killing civilians
6/05 Amjad, Moiz Refutation of bin Ladens
defense of terrorism (Pakistan) al Alwani,
Shaykh Taha Jabir (U.S.) against 9/11 attack 9/01
Al Alwani, Dr. Taha Jabir (U.S.) FCNA Fatwa
against terrorism 7/05 Al Alwani, Shaikhah
Zainab (U.S.) FCNA Fatwa against terrorism 7/05
al Alwini, Muhammad Head of European Academy of
Islamic Culture Sciences, Brussels (Belgium)
2/06 Danish cartoons al Awda, Salman General
Supervisor of Islam Today Institution (Saudi
Arabia) 2/06 Danish cartoons Al-Awdah, Shaykh
Salman (Saudi Arabia) condemns terrorism 5/03 Al
Azhari, Muhammad Akhtar Rida Head of Barelwi
Ulama (India) 2/06 Danish cartoons Al Bouti,
Muhammad Saeed Ramadan Department Chair of
Theology, University of Damascus (Syria) 2/06
Danish cartoons Al Hanooti, Shaikh Muhammad
(U.S.) FCNA Fatwa against terrorism 7/05
al-Hanooti, Sheikh Muhammad Ali - against 9/11
(U.S.) 9/01 al-Hitar, Judge Hamoud (Yemen) he
and four other Islamic scholars used Quran to
challenge Al Qaedas views on terror 2/05 Al
Husary, Yasmin Mahmud Khalil Head of Husary
Islamic Foundation (Egypt) 2/06 Danish cartoons
al Jundi, Khalid Renowned Islamic Scholar
(Egypt) 2/06 Danish cartoons Al Kahlawi, Abla
Muhammad Dean of Islamic Arabic Studies College
at Azhar University, Port Said (Egypt) 2/06
Danish cartoons Al Khalili, Ahmad bin Hamad
General Mufti of the Sultanate of Oman (Oman)
2/06 Danish cartoons al Kubaysi, Ahmad Renowned
Islamic spokesperson (Iraq) 2/06 Danish cartoons
al Luheidan, Shaikh Saleh Chairman of the
Supreme Judicial Council (Saudi Arabia) against
9/11 9/01 Al Mansur, Muhammad bin Muhammad
Islamic Scholar of the Zaydi branch(Yemen) 2/06
Danish cartoons al Mazrui, Hamdan Muslim
Assistant Undersecretary for Islamic Affairs in
Ministry of Endowments (UAE) 2/06 Danish cartoons
Al Milibari, Abu Bakr Ahmad Secretary General of
Ahl al Sunna Association (India) 2/06 Danish
cartoons Al Mashur, Abu Bakr al Adani bin Ali
General Director of Islamic Tarbiya League
(Yemen) 2/06 Danish cartoons Al-Munajid, Shaykh
Muhammad, against violence Al Mutawwaa, Jasim
Head of Iqra Satellite Channel (Kuwait) 2/06
Danish cartoons Al Qadiri, Muhammad Tahir
Founder of Minhaj ul Quran International
Organization (Pakistan) 2/06 Danish cartoons al
Qaradawi, Shaykh Yusuf (Qatar) against 9/11
attack 9/01 Al-Qaradawi, Shaykh Yusuf condemns
Bali attacks 10/02 al-Qaradawi, Shaykh Yusuf -
against harming places of worship (specifically a
Jewish synagogue) 4/02 al Qarni, Aid Renowned
Islamic Scholar (Saudi Arabia) 2/06 Danish
cartoons Al Qudat, Nuh Ali Salman Renowned
scholar of Jordan, former Mufti of the Jordanian
Army (Jordan) 2/06 Danish cartoons al Sabil,
Shaykh Muhammad bin Abdallah member of the
Council of Senior Religious Scholars (Saudi
Arabia) against terrorism, obligation to protect
non Muslims 12/01 Agence France Press al Saffar,
Hasan Shiite Islamic Spokesperson (Saudi Arabia)
2/06 Danish cartoons Al-Sudeis, Sheikh
Abdulrahman (Saudi Arabia) tells 2 million
pilgrims at Hajj that violence is not justified
by Islam 1/05 al Suweidan, Tariq Renowned
Islamic Spokesperson (Kuwait) 2/06 Danish
cartoons Al Tantawi, Shaykh Muhammed Sayyid Imam
of al Azhar Mosque (Egypt) against 9/11 attack
9/01 Al-Tantawi, Sheikh Muhammad Syed (Egypt)
Condemned suicide bombings against Israeli
civilians, and all terrorism 12/01 Alush Shaykh,
Shaykh Abdul Aziz Grand Mufti (Saudi Arabia)
against 9/11 attack 9/01 Alush Shaykh, Shaykh
Abdul AzizGrand Mufti (Saudi Arabia) against
suicide terrorism 5/01 al Zuhayli, Wahba
Department Chair of Islamic Jurisprudence,
College of Islamic Law, Damascus University
(Syria) 2/06 Danish cartoons Awwa, Muhammad S
(Egypt) against 9/11 attack 9/01 Badawi, Jamal
FCNA (U.S.) minority rights apostasy 3/06
Badawi, Dr. Jamal (U.S.) FCNA Fatwa against
terrorism 7/05 Bagby, Dr. Ihsan (U.S.) FCNA
Fatwa against terrorism 7/05 Bakri, Shaykh Omar
leader of al Muhajirun (a radical group)
(England) against 9/11 If Islamists did itand
most likely it is Islamists, because of the
nature of what happenedthen they have fully
misunderstood the teachings of Islam. ... Even
the most radical of us have condemned this. I am
always considered to be a radical in the Islamic
world and even I condemn it. 9/01 Bayyoumi,
Abdel Motei al Azhar Islamic Research Academy,
Cairo (Egypt) against 9/11 attack 9/01 Bayyah,
Abdullah bin Professor in King Abdalaziz
University Jeddah (Mauritania) 2/06 Danish
cartoons Belkaziz, Dr. AbdelaouahedSecretary
General of the OIC against 9/11 attack 9/01
Bishri, Tariq (Egypt) against 9/11 attack 9/01
Fadaq, Abdullah Renowned Islamic Spokesperson
(Saudi Arabia) 2/06 Danish cartoons Fadlallah,
Muhammad Husayn Renowned Shiite Scholar (Lebanon)
2/06 Danish cartoons Fadlallah, Muhammad Husayn
Renowned Shiite Scholar (Lebanon) against 9/11
9/01 Faqih, Kaya Hajji Abdullah Head of
Langitano Academy, Islamic Scholar, East
Java(Indonesia) 2/06 Danish cartoons French
Muslim Leaders Rioting, 11/05 Ghannoushi, Rashid
President, Nahda Renaissance Movement (Tunisia)
condemning 9/11 attack 9/01 signed by 46 scholars
leaders Hafeez, Umar bin Muhammad bin Salem
bin Dean of Dar al Mustafa Institute, Hadramawt
(Yemen) 2/06 Danish cartoons Hammad, Dr. Nazih
(U.S.) FCNA Fatwa against terrorism 7/05 Hassun,
Ahmad Badr al Din General Mufti of the Syrian
Arab Republic (Syria) 2/06 Danish cartoons
Hamada, Faruq Professor of Hadith Studies,
Muhammad V University(Morocco) 2/06 Danish
cartoons Hamza, Mustafa bin Professor of Islamic
Law, Muhammad I University,(Morocco) 2/06 Danish
cartoons Hijjawi, Saeed AbdalHafizGeneral Mufti
of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan(Jordan) 2/06
Danish cartoons Hindi, Shaikh Yahya (U.S.) FCNA
Fatwa against terrorism 7/05 Huwaydi, Fahmi
(Egypt) against 9/11 attack 9/01 Huzami, Haji
Muhammad ShafiRenowned Islamic Scholar of Jakarta
(Indonesia) 2/06 Danish cartoons Izzat, Hiba
RaoufLecturer in College of Economics and
Political Science, Cairo University (Egypt) 2/06
Danish cartoons Jackson, Dr. Abdul Hakim (U.S.)
FCNA Fatwa against terrorism 7/05 Jumua,
AliGrand Mufti of the Arab Republic of Egypt
(Egypt) 2/06 Danish cartoons Kachat,
LarbiDirector of Dawah Mosque and Head of the
Islamic Cultural Center, Paris (France) 2/06
Danish cartoons Kashmiri, Anzar ShahHead of
Ulama of Deoband (India) 2/06 Danish cartoons
Khalid, Rashid, Maulana Darul Ifta Firangai
Mahal (Lucknow, India) attacking houses of
worship terrorism 3/06 Khamenei, Ayatollah
Ali supreme jurist ruler of (Iran) Killing of
people, in any place and with any kind of
weapons, including atomic bombs, long range
missiles, biological or chemical weapons,
passenger or war planes, carried out by any
organization, country or individuals is
condemned. ... It makes no difference whether
such massacres happen in Hiroshima, Nagasaki,
Qana, Sabra, Shatila, Deir Yassin, Bosnia,
Kosovo, Iraq or in New York and Washington.
Islamic Republic News Agency, September 16, 2001,
Khatami, Muhammad President (Iran) at U.N.
against 9/11 attack 9/01 Khayyat, Haytham
(Syria) against 9/11 attack 9/01 Maghraoui, Dr.
Mukhtar (U.S.) FCNA Fatwa against terrorism 7/05
Mustafa Mashhur General Guide, Muslim
Brotherhood (Egypt) condemning 9/11 attack 9/01
signed by 46 scholars leaders Mirzayev, Sultan
mufti of (Chechnya) declares Jihad on terrorism
8/05 Muhammad, Dr. Akbar (U.S.) FCNA Fatwa
against terrorism 7/05 Nasr, Seyyed Hossein
Islam and the question of violence Nizami, Mufti
Rahman, Ameer Jamaat e Islami (Bangladesh)
condemning 9/11 attack 9/01 signed by 46 scholars
leaders Nour, Fazil President, PAS Parti Islam
Se (Malaysia) condemning 9/11 attack 9/01 signed
by 46 scholars leaders Qabbani, Muhammad
Rashid General Mufti of Lebanon (Lebanon) 2/06
Danish cartoons Qadri, Tahirul head of the Awami
Tehrik Party (Pakistan) against 9/11 attack 10/01
Qazi Hussain Ahmed Ameer, Jamaat e Islami
(Pakistan) condemning 9/11 attack 9/01 signed by
46 scholars leaders Qazwini, Shaikh Hassan
(U.S.) FCNA Fatwa against terrorism 7/05
Rabbani, Shaykh Faraz on kidnapping and
terrorism Sabri, Ikrimah Mufti of Jerusalem
(Palestine) 2/06 Danish cartoons Sayf, Ahmad
NurDirector of Islamic Sciences Research
Institute (UAE) 2/06 Danish cartoons Al-Tantawi,
Shaykh M. Sayyid condemns bin Laden 11/01 Shah,
Dr. Zulfiqar Ali (U.S.) FCNA Fatwa against
terrorism 7/05 Shleibak, Dr. Ahmad (U.S.) FCNA
Fatwa against terrorism 7/05 Shaltoot, Sh.
Mahmood (Saudi Arabia) former head of Al Azhar
(Egypt) on permissibility of following Shia
schools of law 12/02 Sheikh, Dr. Muhammad Adam
(U.S.) FCNA Fatwa against terrorism 7/05
Shinwari, Fazli Hadi Council of Islamic Leaders
(Afghanistan) against kidnapping harming
foreigners 5/05 Siddiqi, Dr. Muzammil H (U.S.)
FCNA Fatwa against terrorism 7/05 Sultan, Dr.
Salah (U.S.) FCNA Fatwa against terrorism 7/05
Taskhiri, Muhammad AliSecretary General of the
International Assembly for Understanding between
the Islamic Sects (Iran) 2/06 Danish cartoons
Taisaruddin Mufti of Darul Ifta Majidia
(Varanasi, India) attacking houses of worship
terrorism Ul-Qadri, Tahir condemns bin Laden
(Pakistan) Usmani, Sh.Grand Mufti, Dar ul Uloom
(Punjab, India) terrorism 7/06 Yilmaz, Mehmed
Nuri Directorate of Religious Afairs (Turkey)
against 9/11 attack 9/01 Yusuf, Hamza Renowned
Islamic Scholar, Director of Zaytuna
Institute(USA) 2/06 Danish cartoons Yassin,
Shaykh Ahmad Founder, Islamic Resistance Movement
HAMAS (Palestine) condemning 9/11 attack 9/01
signed by 46 scholars leaders
American Muslim Alliance, Agha Saeed statement
against 9/11 attacks American Muslim
Organizations statement against 9/11 attacks by
15 organizations 9/01 American Muslim CEOs
Fight Terrorism American Muslim Political
Coordination Cuncil statement against 9/11
attacks 9/01 American Muslim Alliance (AMA) -
against 9/11 (U.S.) American Muslim Foundation
(AMF) - - against 9/11 (U.S.) American Muslims
for Global Peace and Justice (AMGPJ) - against
9/11 (U.S.) American Muslims for Jerusalem (AMJ)
- against 9/11 (U.S.) American Muslim Leaders
call for release of journalist in Iraq 1/06
American Muslims Scholars denounce terrorism
(signed by 57 leaders of National Islamic
Organizations and 199 International scholars)
9/2002 Arab American Media Syndicate speaks out
against extremism 3/04 Amman Conference bans
killings in name of Islam (signed by 180
scholars) 7/05 American Muslim Organizations
condemn Berg beheading 5/04 Australian Muslims
condemn 9/11 attack British Muslim Council
(Britain) condemnation of London bombing Fatwa
against terrorism signed by 500 leaders 7/05
British Muslim Scholars - against terrorism
(signed by 500 scholars) 7/05 CAIR Condemns
murder of Daniel Pearl 2/02 Council on American
Islamic Relations (CAIR) - against 9/11 (U.S.)
CAIR Not in the name of Islam petition (U.S.)
signed by 691,531 Muslims 5/04 CAIR Day of Unity
and Prayer 9-11-03 CAIR condemns Beslan killings
9/04 CAIR condemns burning of Nigerian churches
2/06 CAIR condemns Philippines airport bombing
3/03 CAIR-CANcondemns attack on Passover
celebration in Israel 3/02 CAIR launches TV ad
campaign against terrorism 10/06 CAIR-CAN
condemns vandalism of Jewish homes in Toronto
3/04 CAIR-CAN condemns rape of Mukhtaran Mai in
Pakistan 7/02 CAIR-CAN target"_blank"
CAIR-CAN/url condemns killing of innocent
Christians in Pakistan 10/01 CAIR-CAN offers
condolences to Coptic Christian community 1/05
Canadian Muslims condemn anti-Jewish article
1/04 Canadian Muslims condemn church attack in
Pakistan 3/02 Canadian Muslims condemn vandalism
of Jewish synagogues 4/02 Canadian Society of
Muslims (Canada) against 9/11 attack 9/01
Coalition of Islamic Organizations of Chicago
condemn London bombings 7/05 Coordinating
Council of Muslim Organizations (CCMO) - -
against 9/11 (U.S.) Center for Understanding
Islam - Fundamentalism, Extremist and Terrorism
Canadian Society of Muslims (Canada) against
9/11 attack 9/01 Council of Senior Religious
Scholars (Saudi Arabia) terrorism
responsibility to report 6/04 Council of Ulema
(Saudi Arabia) against terrorism 2/03 Dar ul
Ehsaan (U.S.) condemns all acts of terrorism
Delhi Muslim Conference condemns terrorism
(India) 3/06 Federation of Islamic Organizations
(New Zealand) against 9/11 attacks Fiqh Council
of North America - against terrorism (U.S.) 7/05
(endorsed by 130 Muslim organizations and leaders
in the U.S French scholars fatwa prohibits
rioting (France) Human Development Foundation -
Call to join the movement for the eradication of
terrorism (U.S.) 9/02 Islamic Commission of
(Spain) Fatwa against terrorism 3/05 Islamic
Society of North America, ISNA (U.S.) Statement
Against Terrorism and Religious Extremism 8/05
Islamic Society of North America ISNA (U.S.)
Terrorism is not in the name of Islam signed by
72 scholars and leaders 5/04 International
Islamic Conference, Amman (Jordan 8 schools of
Islamic Law 9/05 signed by 170 scholars Islam
America - Overcoming religiously motivated
violence Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA)
- against 9/11 (U.S.) Islamic Circle of North
America Condemns London Bombings 7/05 Islamic
Media Foundation (IMF) - against 9/11 (U.S.)
Islamic Society of North America Condemns London
Bombings 7/05 Leaders of Chicago Area Mosques
(U.S.) Support FCNA Fatwa Against Terrorism 7/05
League of Arab States against 9/11 attack 9/01
MPAC Mosque Guidelines to Fight Terrorism MPAC
National Grassroots Campaign to Fight Terrorism
Moscow Conference Against Terrorism (Russia) 250
leaders signed statement against terrorism 6/04
Muslim Brotherhood an opposition Islamist group
(Egypt) against 9/11 attack 9/01 Muslim American
Society (MAS) - against 9/11 (U.S.) Muslim Arab
Youth Association (MAYA) - against 9/11 (U.S.)
Muslim Alliance of North America (MANA) -
against 9/11 (U.S.) Muslim Council of
Britaincondemns lunatic fringe 9/01 Muslim
Public Affairs Council (U.S.) condemns London
bombing 7/05 Muslim Student Organization MSA
(U.S.) Condemns London Bombings 7/05 Muslim
Student Association (MSA), Islamic Association
for Palestine (IAP) - against 9/11 (U.S.)
Muslim Brotherhoodan opposition Islamist group
(Egypt) against 9/11 attack 9/01 Organization of
the Islamic Conference Foreign Ministers against
9/11 attack 10/01 Organization of the Islamic
Conference Summit OIC Conference against 9/11
attack 12/01 OIC Conference Makkah Declaration
on Iraq situation - houses of worship, sunni shia
violence, 11/06 Pakistan-American Congress
condemns bombing in Pakistan 4/06 Saudi scholars
define what is Jihad and what is terrorism
Scholars Taskforce Against Terrorism (Indonesia)
religious scholars fatwa against terrorism and
public education 11/05 Sunni Muslim Groups in
Iraq Condemn Kidnapping United Association for
Studies and Research (UASR) - against 9/11 (U.S.)
United Muslim Americans Association (UMAA) -
against 9/11 (U.S.) 5
Abdullah, Aslam Anatomy of Violence 6/05
Abdullah, Aslam Letter to Al Qaeda Kill Us Too,
We Are Also Americans King Abdullah (Jordan)
urges Muslims to unite against extremism 12/05
Abdullah, Aslam Whither Muslims? 2/06
Abu-Nimer, Muhammad - Values of Peacebuilding
and Non-Violence in Islam. Adi, Imam Tammam -
Fanatics and Terrorists are Misguided 9/02 Adi,
Imam Tammam - on War 5/2003 Afflito, Frank M.
A Condemnation of Al Qaeda 9/02 Ahmad, Dr. Imad
ad-Deen - Islam Demands a Muslim Response to 9/11
(U.S.) 8/02 Akhter, Javeed - Does Islam Promote
Violence? (U.S.) 8/02 Ali, Syed Mumtaz - against
terrorism (Canada) 9/01 Al-Rashed, Abdel Rahman
- Innocent Religion Is Now a Message of Hate
Alam, M. Shahid - Dialectics of Terror Ali,
Muhammad condemns 9/11 attacks Al-Qaradawi,
Shaykh Yusuf Jihad Renegotiated Al-Rashed, Abdul
Rahman Generalizing the Islamic Label Amanullah,
Shahed Massacre in Ossetia, How Did It Come to
This? Amanullah, shahed A Murder in Saudi, Its
our Problem Too Amanullah, Shahed The Extremists
Among Us Arjomand, Said Can Rational Analysis
Break a Taboo? Asmal, Abdul Cader - Bin
Ladenism, the Heresy That Must Be Exposed 3/06
Athar, Dr. Shahed We Must Love Others To Be
Loved By God Azam, Hina Terrorism, A Return to
Jahiliyya 8/05 Aziz, Harris (U.S.) against
Anti-Semitism Amongst Muslims 3/06 Badawi, Zaki
- Terrorism has no place in Islam, (Britain)
9/01 Baig, Khaled What Does Islam Teach About
Justice? Bakkar-Poe, Aisha, U.S. Marine Corps
Capt. - Those terrorists must be reading a
completely different Quran than the rest of us. 
This isnt about Islam. Its about terrorism.
Barlas, Asma Interpretation and Exceptionalism
Benhabib, Seyla Unholy Politics Brown, Yasmine
Alibhai Chechen Case Is Now Poisoned Cornell,
Vincent Jihad, Islams Struggle for Truth Crane,
Dr. Robert Islam, Terrorism, and the Separation
of Church and State Crane, Dr. Robert D. The
Analogical Bird of Abu Nur Crane, Dr. Robert D.
Counter-Terrorism 201 3/05 Crane, Dr. Robert D.
Religious Extremism 9/02 Crane, Dr. Robert D.
Waging Jihad Against Muslims Who Hijack Islam
7/06 Crane, Dr. Robert D. Taproot to Terrorism
6/05 Crane, Dr. Robert D. - Economic Justice A
Cure for Terrorism Darwish, Mahmoud - Nothing
Justifies Terrorism Dixon, Richard L Not In My
Name El Fadl,Khaled Abou-Islam and the Theology
of Power against terrorism 0/04 El Fadl,
Khaled Abou Terrorism is at odds with Islamic
tradition 8/01 Elmasry, Mohamed Does the
Quran Sanction Violence? 9/02 Elmasry, Mohammad
Jihad Means Waging Peace and Justice Engineer,
Dr. Ali Asghar Fundamentalism and Extremism
Gatto, Omar - Bizarro Ummah Hajoo, Imam Jamil
Abdul (U.S.) - Terrorism not a doorway to heaven
9/01 Hassaballa, Hesham (U.S.) On multi
culturalism Hasan, Khalid Hijackers of Islam
Hassaballa, Hesham And the Difference Is ...?
7/05 Hassaballa, Dr. Hesham - Are We Really
supposed to Kill All the Infidels? Hassaballa,
Dr. Hesham From Uhud to Beslan Hassaballa, Dr.
Hesham - Are We Really supposed to Kill All the
Infidels? Hassaballa, Dr. Hesham Do Not Let
Hatred Drive You to Injustice Hassan, Khalid -
the Hijackers of Islam Hathout, Dr. Maher
Calling on the Ulema Helminski, Sheikh Kabir -
Dialogue of Civilizations and Globalization of
Spirit Henzell-Thomas, Jeremy - Islamic or
Muslim Terrorism or Extremism a Contradiction in
Terms Ibrahim, Anwar (Malaysia) Iftikhar,
Arsalan Devoted to My Faith and Country Imtiaz,
S.M. Events of September 11th Islahi, Shaikh M.
Yusuf (U.S.) Islam, Yusuf (Britain) Jackson,
Dr. Sherman - Jihad and the Modern World Kassim,
Abubakar Extremism Is a Deadly Disease Keller,
Nu Ha Meem (U.S.) Khaki, Jawad Interfaith Forum
on Islam and Terrorism Khan, Liaqat Ali -
Morality, Terrorism, and the Laws of Motion
Khan, Ali - Attack on America An Islamic
Perspective (U.S.) Khan, Badshah A Pacifist
Uncovered Khan, Muqtedar Esposito, John The
Threat of Internal Extremism Khan, Muqtedar
(U.S.) On Muslim taxi drivers refusal to carry
passengers with alcohol Khan, Muqtedar - Memo to
bin Laden 2/03 Khan, Muqtedar - A memo to
American Muslims Khan, Muqtedar - Muslims Must
Develop an Intolerance for Intolerance Khan,
Faiz - Aftermath at Ground Zero Mahathir,
Malaysian PM Condemns Attacks on Civilians
Mamood, Imam Sahib (U.S.) - Islam Under Attack
9/02 Manzoor, Dr. S. Parvez (Sweden) - Against
the Nihilism of Terror Maqsood, Ruquaiyah Waris
On the Hijacking of Islam Mattson, Ingrid Faith,
Justice, and Terrorism Mattson, Ingrid -
American Muslims Have a Special Obligation
(U.S.) 10/01 Manzoor, Dr. S. Parvez (Sweden)
Marwat, Dr Fazal-ur-Rahim - Remembering Abdul
Ghaffar Khan a Nonviolent Soldier Memon, Kamran
Can Only Muslims Be Terrorists Minai, Ali Ahmed
- A Time for Renewal Minai, Ali Ahmed - A Time
for Renewal (U.S.) 9/02 Motiar, Ahmed The Real
Meaning of Jihad Muhaiyaddeen, Asmael - An Open
Letter to America and the World Murad, Abdul
Hakim - Islamic Spirituality the Forgotten
Revolution Murad, Abdul Hakim - Recapturing
Islam From the Terrorists Murad, Abdul Hakim -
Muslim Terrorists Embrace a Very Secular Heresy
Musaji, Sheila (U.S.) Muzaffar, Chandra -
Hegemony and Civilizational Dialogue Muhammad,
Maulana Shafayat - Condemns call for holy war
(U.S.) 10/01 Murad, Abdal-Hakim against 9/11
(Britain) Murad, Abdul Hakim - Bombing Without
Moonlight 6/05 Murad, Sheikh Abdul Hakim - Bin
Ladens Violence Is a Heresy Against Islam
(Britain) Musaji, Sheila (U.S.) Statement on
September 11th Musaji, Sheila Religious
Terrorism Is an Oxymoron Musaji, Sheila (U.S.) A
Spiritual Jihad Against Terrorism 8/05 Muwakkil,
Salim Faith Based Violence and Religious Zealotry
Nadvi, Lubna - An Open Letter to Muslim
Extremists Who Kill In Our Name Nahdi, Fuad
Bringing Back Real Islam Nasr, Seyyed Hossein -
Civilizational Dialogue and the Islamic World
Noor, Farish - Malaysias Efforts at Countering
Terrorism (Malaysia) 9/02 Noor, Farish Jihad in
Islamist Political Discourse Noor, Dr. Farish A
Brutal Murder Olajuwon, Hakeem condemns 9/11
attack Omar, A. Rashied - A Muslims Anguish in
the Midst of the Attack on America 9/02
Pickthal, Muhammad - Tolerance in Islam
(Britain) Poonawalla, Aziz - Bin Ladens Fatwa,
A Call to Harabah 2/03 Rahman, Mushfiqur - From
a Conflicting Past to a Future of Tolerance
Ramadan, Tariq Living Together Takes Effort
Rashid, Shaykh Ahmed Abdur Rashid - Fundamentals
and Fundamentalism A Parting of the Ways in
Islam 9/02 Rahim, Hassan Zillur (U.S.) -
American Muslims Struggle for the Soul of Islam
6/02 Rashid, Shaykh Ahmed Abdur - Letter on the
Events of September 11th (U.S.) 8/02 Rauf, Imam
Feisal Abdur (U.S.) - A Call to Conscience 2/06
Rauf, Imam Feisal Abdul - Bridging the Chasm
Between East and West Rauf, Imam Feisal What Is
the Contribution of Religions Towards Peace?
Rehman, Mahbubur - Beware of Injustice, Its
Hell Ricci, Omar - An American Muslim Prayer to
Remember September 11th (U.S.) 8/02 Safi, Louay
- Islam, World Peace and the Terrorism Discourse
Sachedina, Dr. Abdulaziz - Where Was God on
September 11th (U.S.) Saeed, Dr. Agha - against
9/11 (U.S.) Saeed, Azzam Finding Good in Evil
Sardar, Ziauddin 9/01 (Britain) Sardar,
Ziauddin When the Innocent Are Murdered We All Go
Into the Dark With them Sardar, Ziauddin 9/01
(Britain) Schleifer, S. Abdullah (Egypt)
Confronting Our Own Demons 1/06 Sehgal, Ikram
9/11 a Dastardly Act 9/01 Shahabuddin, Syed -
Global war against terrorism the Islamic
dimension, 11/01 Shaheen, Sultan-Jihadism is
Kufr, Not Islam (Pakistan) 12/99 Siddiqui,
Abdul-Hamid What Islam Actually Says About
Killing Innocents Shakir, Imam Zaid On the
terrorist attacks Shakir, Imam Zaid We Are All
Collateral Damage Siddiqui, Dr. Muzammil -
Jihad, Its True Meaning and Purpose (U.S. 9/02
Siddiqui, Muzammil Healing Our Brokeness
Siddiqui, editor of Crescent International
(Britain) - against terrorism 2/02 Siddiqui,
Habib When Criminals and Demons Rule Our World
8/06 Squires, Abdur Rahman - Monkey See, Monkey
Do, Not an Islamic Ideal Sullivan, Antony -
Terrorism, Jihad and the Struggle for New
Understandings (Britain) 12/02 Syed, Ibrahim Is
Killing an Apostate in the Islamic Law? Talal,
Prince Denounces London Attacks Wahaj, Imam
Siraj Violence against innocents violates
Islamic Law 9/01 Wolfe, Michael - As the Smoke
Begins to Clear (U.S.) 12/02 Wahid, Kyai Haji
Abdurrahman Former President (Indonesia) speaks
against terrorism Yahya, Harun (Adnan Okhtar)
(Turkey Yahya, Harun Murdering innocent people
in the name of religion is wrong Yusuf, Hamza
A Time for Introspection Yusuf, Shaykh Hamza -
Americas Tragedy
Shaykh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, chairman of the Sunna
and Sira Council, Qatar
  • Islam, the religion of tolerance, holds the human
    soul in high esteem, and considers the attack
    against innocent human beings a grave sin, this
    is backed by the Quranic verse which reads Who
    so ever kills a human being as punishment for
    crimes other than manslaughter or sowing
    corruption in the earth, it shall be as if he has
    killed all mankind, and who so ever saves the
    life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the
    life of all mankind (Al-Maidah32)."

Khamenei, Ayatollah Ali, Supreme jurist-ruler
of Iran
  • Killing of people, in any place and with any
    kind of weapons, including atomic bombs,
    long-range missiles, biological or chemical
    weapons, passenger or war planes, carried out by
    any organization, country or individuals is

Leader of al-Muhajirun, a radical Islamist
movement Shaykh Omar Bakri
  • Condemned 9/11 attack. If Islamists did itand
    most likely it is Islamists, because of the
    nature of what happenedthen they have fully
    misunderstood the teachings of Islam. ... Even
    the most radical of us have condemned this. I am
    always considered to be a radical in the Islamic
    world and even I condemn it.

The Grand Sheikh of the al-Azhar mosque, Sheikh
Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi
  • Condemned suicide bombings against Israeli
    civilians and condemned terrorism in all its

  • Does Islamophobia exist?
  • Is there anything we can do about it?

Pastor Martin Niemoller
Elie Wiesel
  • Unless we safeguard the liberties of all our
    citizens, the Pledge of Allegiance and the
    Declaration of Independence mean about as much as
    a plastic flag bumper sticker.

Declaration of Independence
  • that all men are created equal, that they are
    endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable
    Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and
    the pursuit of Happiness
  • July 4, 1776

Margaret Mead
  • Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
    committed citizens can change the world indeed
    its the only thing that ever has.

(No Transcript)
  • 4913 Oh mankind! We created you from a single
    (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into
    nations and tribes, that you may know each other
    (Not that you may despise each other).
  • 569 Surely, those who believe, those who are
    Jewish, the converts, and the Christians any of
    them who (1) believe in GOD and (2) believe in
    the Last Day, and (3) lead a righteous life, have
    nothing to fear, nor will they grieve.

  • 2563 The worshippers of the All-Merciful are
    they who tread gently upon the earth, and when
    the ignorant address them, they reply, "Peace!
  • 2855, And when they hear vain talk, they turn
    away from it and say "To us our deeds, and to
    you yours peace be to you we do not seek out
    the ignorant."
  • 494 . . . Do not say to one who offers you
    peace, "You are not a believer," seeking the
    spoils of this life. For God has abundant
    treasure. You used to be like them, after all,
    and then God blessed you.

  • Unto every one of you have We appointed a
    different law and way of life. And if God had so
    willed, He could surely have made you all one
    single community but He willed it otherwise in
    order to test you by means of what He has
    revealed to you. Compete then with one another in
    doing good works! Unto God you all must return
    and then He will make you truly understand all
    that on which you were wont to differ. 548

  • True piety (or righteousness) does not consist in
    turning your faces towards the cast or west but
    truly pious is he who believes in God and the
    last day and the angels and revelation, and the
    prophets and spends his substance upon his near
    of kin, and the orphans, and the needy, and the
    wayfarer, and the beggar, and for the freeing of
    human beings from bondage and is constant in
    prayer, and renders the purifying dues and truly
    pious are they who keep their promises whenever
    they promise, and are patient in misfortune and
    hardship and in time of peril, it is they that
    have proved themselves true, and it is they, they
    who are conscious of God. 2 177

  • From Terrorism to Global Ethics Conference
    Religions and Peace in Turkey
  • Masum Kirmizigul singing
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