Title: Using Computers in Educational Programs Association of Gospel Rescue Missions June, 2002
1Using Computers in Educational
ProgramsAssociation of Gospel Rescue
MissionsJune, 2002
- Andrew Sears
- Association of Christian Community Computer
Centers - Providing Skills to Make a Living and the
Spiritual Foundation to Make a Life - www.ac4.org or
- E-mail info_at_ac4.org
- Why Computers in Education?
- Ideas for Computer Education
- Computer Classes, Computer Access, Computers
Youth - Resources for computer-based education
- Computer Based ABE/GED Training
- Training for Computer Skills
3The New Economy
4Association of Christian Community Computer
- Mission
- To support and promote the use of computers and
technology in Christian outreach ministries - To assist the 250 identified existing Christian
community computer centers and help others get
started - To partner with national organizations to support
Christian computer centers - Web www.ac4.org
- E-mail info_at_ac4.org
5Use of Computers in Gospel Missions
- Computers as Part of Discipleship Program
- Computerized GED/ABE Training
- Computer Classes on Basic Computer Skills
- Current Focus Mostly Adults
6Who to serve with each program?
Discipleship Participants
Computer Access
Computer Classes
Transient Homeless Population
Local Community
7Christian Community Computer Centers
8Tips for Basic Computer Classes
- Classes can easily be taught by volunteers
- Get more advanced students to assist in classes
- One instructor, 3-4 assistants and 20 students
- LCD projector is very helpful can get for 1,100
from lightware.com - Classes can be as little as once a week (good for
most volunteers) with homework they do during
walk-in lab period - Typing can be taught with minimal instruction
using supervised, scheduled time with Mavis
Beacon Teaches Typing - Curriculum/lesson plans available at www.ac4.org
9Office Track Classes
Intro to Computers 1 2
Intro to the Internet
Intermediate Word
Intro to Excel
Advanced Level
Excel MOUS Test PREP
(or start Track for Multimedia)
An arrow indicates a prerequisite of either
taking the class or good subject knowledge.
10Recruiting Volunteers
- Announcements in Churches for Tech Volunteers
- Computer Ministries
- Computer ministries are teams of volunteers from
churches or staff that support community computer
centers - Online volunteer recruitment
- Like online job posting for volunteers
- No way to limit inquiries to Christians only
- Register opportunities at volunteermatch.org,
volunteersolutions.org, servenet.org and
11Volunteer Ideas
- Instructors (if you are teaching classes)
- Need significant expertise in subject matter
- Primary responsibility for class falls on
instructor - Tech Professional in subject area who volunteers
(or staff instructor) - Assistants who have demonstrated their commitment
and expertise - Assistants/Mentors/Lab Monitors
- Assistants only need basic knowledge of subject
matter - Many students can return following semester to
assist and continue learning - Serve as instructor in training for new
volunteers and provides ability to try it out to
determine commitment level - Help reduce the student-teacher ratio (need at
least 15)
12Tips for Computer Access Center
- Provide free computer and Internet access
- High speed Internet connection is very helpful
- Allows students time to work on homework
- Can often be directly supervised by advanced
students (with staff near by) - Safety issues vary based on local situation
13After School Technology Time
- Integrate computers with other activities in
after school program - Black History Month, Scan in Art, Themes
- Project based learning works best
- Teaching software does not work without a goal
- We split K-2nd grade and 3-7th grade
- We use Jumpstart software with kids
- Youth Tech Curriculum
- Youth curriculum and resources at www.ac4.org
14After School Tech Curriculum Ideas
- Greeting cards we use Microsoft Publisher
- Research on the Internet
- Searched for poets and their poetry
- History of Hip Hop on the Internet. Present
findings using PowerPoint - Poetry taught formatting in Microsoft Word by
having students write their own poems and then
type them into Word. - Students often need to compose poems before
coming to computer - Encyclopedia Africana do a Scavenger Hunt
through the time line portion - Calendars students scan in photos
- Newsletter written, edited, and laid-out by the
students - E-mail accounts and their own web pages
- Lego Mindstorm Robotics with programmable legos
(300 per set) - Suggestions and curriculum ideas provided by Mary
Pavan and Chris Tsang from PREP Computer Center
15Other Ideas for Youth
- Computer Club
- Meet for tech projects or field trips
- Music Mixing
- Hip Hop eJay (www.voyetra.com)
- Acid Music (www.sonicfoundry.com)
- Youth Run Business
- Web Design, Graphics Design, T-Shirts, etc.
- www.prepenterprises.com
16Becoming a Certified MOUS Testing Center
- MOUS Certification in Microsoft Office
- Cost 495 to become a certified testing center
- comes with 10 test practice software
- Additional tests are 50 each
- To sign up call Alex McCabe at DDC Training
Services (800-528-3897 ext. 315) - ask for their application and order form to
become an iQ Testing Center for MOUS Exams
17General Discounted Software
- AC4 Discounted Software Info Page
- www.ac4.org/resources/software.html
- Software to Serve Participants and Community
- Get 30 most Microsoft, Adobe, Symantec products
- At www.computmentor.org and at www.giftsinkind.org
- Software for staff
- Get copies of Microsoft Office XP Professional
for 65 - Order at www.CCBNonprofits.com
18GED Training Software
- Innovative Learning Systems Nova
- www.ilsnova.com
- American Guidance Service
- www.agsnet.com
- Aztec Software
- www.aztecsoftware.com
- McGraw-Hill/Contemporary
- www.ntc-cb.com
- Plato Learning System
- www.plato.com
- Steck-Vaughn
- www.steck-vaughn.com
- Merit Software
- www.meritsoftware.com
19Online GED Test and Classes
- Free GED Practice Tests
- http//www.dmacc.cc.ia.us/GED/Regist.htm
- http//www.gedpractice.com/
- Online GED Classes
- Self-Study GED Materials http//www.free-ed.net/f
r10/default.asp - Free full online GED prep course
- GED Online http//www.gedonline.org
- Online self-paced instruction for GED students.
An initial four-month tuition and registration
fee of 50, then 10/month is charged. - Maricopa Online Program www.rio.maricopa.edu/ci/p
rograms/ged/start_ged.shtml - This costs 25 to take the pre-tests, and 25 for
each 14-week online course. - OLT Online Training Institute
http//www.oltraining.com/ - Online self-paced instruction for GED students.
A 150 tuition fee is charged for each test prep
area, or 600 tuition for all five tests.
20Computer Donations
- Gifts in Kind International (www.giftsinkind.com)
- Cost 125 to register and must be Non profit
501(c)(3) and use software for service to
community - Cost 225 for 5 used computers 486 above
laptops/desktops - Network hubs for 50
- Provide great discounts (90 off) on office
products, projectors, clothes, etc. - Computer Refurbishing
- Accept computers along with clothes other
donations - Have a minimal acceptance standard (I.e Pentium
or above) - Request written agreement they are transfering
software license with computer
21Information Resources
- Association of Christian Community Computer
Centers - E-mail List www.ac4.org
- Community Technology Centers Network
www.ctcnet.org - Good E-mail list and go to national conference
each June - Provides Community Technology Center start up
manual - Youth Learn www.youthlearn.org
- Provides manual and E-mail list for youth and
technology - Compumentor www.compumentor.org
- Provides technology information to non-profits
- Visit HUDs Neighborhood Networks at
www.neighborhoodnetworks.org - Adult Literacy E-mail Lists literacy.nifl.gov/for
ums.html - NTIA Report Falling through the Net
- www.digitaldivide.gov/reports.htm
22Joining AC4
- Join for free now, but may have a fee in the
future - Benefits
- Keep informed of events of interest to Community
Computer Centers, Grants, Computer Donations - Share program information
- Participate in future joint programs
- Low cost web design service
- Sign up on survey or send E-mail to info_at_ac4.org
24Web Site Filtering Software
- Filtering Service by Promise Keepers
(pkfamily.com) - 5.95 per month for existing DSL or cable modem
connection - Filtered dial-up Internet access for 15.95
- Filtering Server or Client Software
- CleanWeb (www.cleanweb.net)
- CyberPatrol (www.microsys.com)
- Cybersitter (www.solidoak.com)
- CyberSnoop (www.pearlsw.com)
- Net Nanny (www.netnanny.com)
- Net Shepherd (www.netshepherd.com)
- Safesurf (www.safesurf.com)
- Watchdog (www.sarna.com)
- We Blocker (free at www.we-blocker.com)
- X-Stop (www.xstop.com)
25Digital Divide
26(No Transcript)
27Other Software for Adult Ed
- Curriculum Associates
- Math Software
- www.curricassoc.com
- Good list of software (National Adult Literacy
Database) - http//www.nald.ca/netlinks/resource/res13.htm