101 Sales Secrets - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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101 Sales Secrets


Have a micro-cassette recorder handy to record ideas and thoughts ... Avoid 'Have you got a minute' meetings. If you do not respect' your time who will! ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: gift | ideas | last | minute | sales | secrets


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: 101 Sales Secrets

101 Sales Secrets
  • Leader Global Consulting

Leader Global Consulting
  • Preparing YOU
  • For The Sale

Leader Global Consulting
  • 1. Why Did You Start Your Own Business?
  • - Time
  • - Money
  • - Passion
  • - Bigger, Meaner, Stronger, Faster than your
    current Employer
  • - The answer to this is fundamentally your
    strategic direction moving forward
  • If you do not know where you are going any road
    will get you there!

Leader Global Consulting
  • 2. Always Be Totally Present Wherever you are.
  • - 80 of all people are never truly present.
    Their body is in one place and their mind another
  • - Most people are very easily distracted and miss
    out on valuable information and communications
    due to wandering minds. These people are also
    generally not aware they are not present either!
  • - So today I would like to suggest you start by
    trying a new approach. After all if we always do
    what we have always done we will keep getting the
    same result! So if you would like to get new
    results start doing things differently

Leader Global Consulting
  • So Start today!Practice being present in this
  • leave all your problems at the door (They will
    still be there later!)
  • And ask yourself the following
  • Am I willing to be paying this the attention it
  • Can I listen more intently to people when they
    talk to me?
  • Should I take more notes than I usually would?
  • All these questions are steps toward being more
    present, being more present adds to quality
    relationships, and quality relationships are the
    foundation of your business!

Leader Global Consulting
Leader Global Consulting
  • 3. Have Massive Belief In Yourself
  • If YOU dont think you can do it, who will?
  • Know What You Want
  • Focus on outcomes not problemswhatever you focus
    on expands!
  • Successful people believe they are worthy of
    achieving positive results so it comes naturally
    to them
  • Take Action
  • Starting is 80 of the battle won
  • Like attracts likeso get out there, be active,
    be positively taking steps in the direction you
    want to go daily!
  • People would rather follow you - than lead
    themselves. Lead them toward where you want to go!

Leader Global Consulting
  • Notice And Measure The Results Of What You Do
  • Tune into whether your actions are taking you
    closer or further from your roadmap
  • Develop Sensory Acuity both positive and
    negative, all feedback is good feedback. Taking
    action accordingly will assist you in achieving
    what you want.
  • Change Your Behaviour Until You Get The Results
    Youre After
  • If at first you dont succeed try something
  • The definition of insanity is doing the same
    thing repeatedly and expecting a different

Leader Global Consulting
  • 4. Develop Maintain A Positive Attitude
  • Your attitude will directly affect your
    experience and the results you achieve personally
    and professionally in your life. So think about
    what you focus on? Is your glass half full or
    half empty?
  • As long as you focus on problems you will always
    find them, just look at the news each night, that
    paints a pretty sad picture of the world. Or you
    can see the good, look for the good, look for
    opportunity, and focus on finding a solution
    because on this planet the stars ALWAYS line up
    towards the result you continually focus on.

Leader Global Consulting
  • Use Positive Affirmations Daily
  • Affirm to yourself what you want to create in
    your life
  • Say an affirmation out loud in the morning I am
    so happy I cant stop smiling!
  • Acknowledge yourself for a job well done at night
    Well done mate, I liked the way you closed that
    deal with ____ today.

Leader Global Consulting
  • 5. What Primary Function Do You Play In Your
  • - Sales
  • - Manager
  • - Operations
  • - Are you doing too much 10/hour work?
  • - What can be outsourced (Bookeeping,
    Accounting, Joint Ventures, Direct Mail,
    Cleaning, Personal Tasks, Human Resources, what
    templates are available to you etc)

Leader Global Consulting
  • 6. What Primary Function Do You Play In Your
  • - What are the Three Biggest Challenges you
    Currently Face?
  • - Time Management
  • - Systems
  • - Staff Issues
  • - Clarity
  • - Focus
  • - Lack of Experience
  • These are areas we MUST strengthen with you and
    ensure this is not where you are focusing your

Leader Global Consulting
  • 7. Have Written Goals Develop Written Plans
  • If It Is Not Written It Is Not REAL!
  • Doing Goals
  • - Learning French
  • - Playing the Piano
  • - Hockey Lessons
  • - More Time with Mathew
  • Getting Goals
  • - A New Car
  • - More Money
  • - Bigger House

Leader Global Consulting
  • Knowing Goals
  • Studying A Course
  • Developing computer skills to compliment day to
    day tasks
  • Relating Goals
  • Getting On Better With/Spending more time with
  • Getting over the ex and back on the surfboard
  • Developing New Friends with Like-Minded Goals
    and Life Direction (Rarely High School Mates)
  • Being Goals
  • I Want To Be 110lbs on Nov 15
  • A Will Have a Bank Balance of 11,146.00 on Nov
  • - Being Happier
  • Make sure all your goals S.M.A.R.T!

Leader Global Consulting
  • 8. Strengthening your Reticular Activating System
  • The attitude programmer of the brain
  • It will program both good and bad.
  • Your mind is your preview to lifes coming
  • Cooking a meal
  • Im a great cook and enjoy it vs I have no time
    to cook

Leader Global Consulting
  • Find 10 places to write your goal so you are
    constantly focussing on it. The Universe will
    take you!!
  • Like gravity you dont have to know why it
    works. It just works!

Leader Global Consulting
  • 9. Do You Have Call Books for All Enquiries?
  • Always know where to look
  • Always get the right information
  • Know where the enquiries are coming from
  • Easy to track trends
  • These trends most likely present new
  • Easy system for your staff/wife/husband to follow

Leader Global Consulting
  • 10. Do You Track Conversions?
  • How many enquiries per week/month/quarter?
  • - Do you know how many people you need to speak
    to in order to get a sale?
  • - How can this number be improved?
  • - Are you selling 1 in 10?
  • - Have you tested different ways and means of
    increasing these ratios?
  • Letter prior to rolling up for meeting?
  • Email following meeting to decrease chance of
    buyers remorse?
  • Test Measure Decide!

Leader Global Consulting
  • 11. Improve Your Time Management Skills
  • - 80/20 Rules
  • - Structured To Do List
  • - Weekly Default Diary
  • - 12 Month Marketing Plan
  • - Measure this constantly
  • The Most Vital Resource in Your Company Is TIME!

Leader Global Consulting
  • 12. Visualise The Sale Taking Place Before It
  • All elite athletes preach the power of this
  • Remember with as much clarity as possible your
    best sales call/sales result or a time you felt
    you achieved something great.
  • Remember how it felt use all your senses
  • Picture this happening at your next sales call
  • See your prospects excited about their yes
  • Picture yourself filling out the paperwork

Leader Global Consulting
  • Now see your prospects using the product/service
    and loving it
  • See yourself investing a percentage of your sales
    commission/bonus into an income-producing asset.
  • Now go and make all of the above happen
  • Doing this before every sales call youll be a
    lot more assertive, confident and you will double
    your sales results.

Leader Global Consulting
  • 13. Avoid Giving In To Negative Emotions
  • Dont despair
  • Have a positivity partner you can call when the
    chips are down
  • Avoid sappers and surround yourself with zappers
  • Dont look for reasons why things wont work!
  • Dont talk about problems, talk about solutions
  • Remember,
  • If you think you can
  • or if you think you cant you are RIGHT!

Leader Global Consulting
  • 14. What are the Key Strengths to Your Business?
  • Personality
  • Brand (Franchise)
  • Sales Ability
  • Work Ethic
  • Professionalism
  • Your Relationship Network of Good People
  • What Percentage of Time Is Spent In This/These
  • Business Races ARE NOT won behind computers!

Leader Global Consulting
  • 15. What are the Key Weaknesses of Your Business?
  • Personality
  • Branding (Does everything look different and are
    struggling to find a good look and feel?)
  • Sales ability (If this is a weakness
    paramount this is addressed/discussed
  • Work Ethic (Rolling over and hitting the snooze
    button hard habit to break!)

Leader Global Consulting
  • Professionalism
  • Your Network (Play tennis with A graders and
    watch your game improve)
  • You do not need to have a silver tongue in
    order to be good at sales!

Leader Global Consulting
  • 16. What Opportunities Exist For Your Business?
  • What sales are you not capitalizing on?
  • What products do you not have?
  • What cross selling are you not capitalizing on?
  • Do you have an upselling strategy (Do you want
    fries with that?)
  • What soft item (extended warranty, advanced
    training, coaching, seminar, lunch and learn) can
    you throw in with your hard goods for added

Leader Global Consulting
  • What are they doing successfully overseas?
  • Is your skill set being best utilized?
  • Are you educating you customers continually
    (newsletter, seminar, guest speakers, latest
    news, links to valuable articles etc)
  • Opportunities that do not cost you TIME are the
    best and most overlooked.

Leader Global Consulting
  • 17. What Threats Exist?
  • Steer Clear where possible
  • Develop necessary skills (course, diploma etc)
  • Your own organizational skills and strategic
    direction live here for many
  • If your car is a mess. Your head is a mess!

Leader Global Consulting
  • 18. If You Could Start all Over Again What
    Would You Do Differently?
  • More Staff
  • Less Staff
  • Eliminate Yellow Pages
  • Double Your Yellow Pages Ad
  • Advertise in magazines
  • Website immediately
  • Focus on Ebay
  • More Sales Focus
  • Newsletter out immediately
  • Develop Database from Day 1

Leader Global Consulting
  • Products
  • Services
  • Back End of Business more pronounced
  • More Networking

Leader Global Consulting
  • Commit Learning One New Technique A Day
  • What Do You Know About In Your Industry
  • Any of the 1001 other areas you can focus on to
    improve your sales career?

Leader Global Consulting
  • Create A Fantastic First Impression!
  • Personal image
  • Physiology
  • Professionalism

Leader Global Consulting
  • 20. Never Prejudge Prospects
  • Dont look at appearances theyre deceptive
  • Dont mistake lack of interest for lack of
  • Present to everyone the same way enthusiastically
  • Ignore people when they say Im not buying
  • Make sure you dont ignore anyone during your
    sales presentation.

Leader Global Consulting
  • 21. Be Fully Prepared
  • Make sure your sales kit tools and paperwork are
    all in order, clean and up to date.
  • Have a list of opening/rapport building questions
    prepared for when you first meet your prospective
    client. For example How has your day been?.
  • Have answers to the commonly asked
    questions/objections ready and practice them so
    they are fluent and natural.

Leader Global Consulting
  • Have a folder of testimonials available for
    clients who need the extra push.
  • Have a select A list of satisfied clients who
    you can call when you are with a prospect for 3rd
    party social proof.
  • Never Ask Yes/No Questions. The Key is to
    ENGAGE them.

Leader Global Consulting
  • 22. Do Your HOMEWORK Before the Sales Call
  • Gather your competitors marketing materials and
    brochures so you know what they are doing in the
  • Look at your clients/their competitors website
    and print off copies so you are better informed.
  • Subscribe to industry journals to remain as up to
    date as possible.
  • Obtain and use industry reports to access the
    latest trends and advancements in your prospects

Leader Global Consulting
  • 23. Utilise any Down Time During Your Day
  • Have your goals laminated and put them in key
    places for easy access and affirmation
  • Have all the common objections and answers
    laminated and read them before every sales call
  • Listen to How To sales tapes in the car not
    radio drivel
  • Have a micro-cassette recorder handy to record
    ideas and thoughts
  • Install a hands free phone kit in your car and
    call at least 2 clients a day just to say hello
  • Keep your environment spotless
  • Keep a file for relevant newspaper/magazine
    articles you can collect and send to clients.

Leader Global Consulting
  • 24. Educate Your Customers
  • Go to a sales call with an idea you think your
    prospect/client can use.
  • Send your clients newspaper clippings, journal
    articles, web addresses, anything which may be of
    use or interest.
  • Send your clients extra business by starting a
    referral network.
  • Offer to conduct a survey or some market research
    about their business/your product!
  • Invite them when a well known speaker is coming
    to town
  • Educated People Buy More!

Leader Global Consulting
  • 25. Develop Great Telephone Skills
  • Telephone is an amazing sales tool use it
  • If this falls into your weaknesses develop
    skills in this area
  • Focus on your tonality whenever you use the phone
  • Use pacing and matching at every opportunity.
  • Write down all the key points raised on the call
    repeat then summarise at end of call

Leader Global Consulting
  • Make 5 10 new prospecting contacts daily
  • Ring 1 2 A class clients daily
  • Always answer within 5 rings and never hang up
  • Ensure you are smiling as youre talking they
    can tell
  • 95 of Business is done over the phone the
    other 5 -- doesnt get done!!

Leader Global Consulting
  • 26. Develop A 30 Second Personal Commercial
  • Create a 30 second answer to these commonly asked
  • So what do you do with yourself?
  • How long have you been in the industry?
  • Why did you decide to become a?
  • Why should I believe in you/your product/your
  • What will happen if it doesnt work out?
  • Your outside interests after work?
  • Become a conversationalist. People love stories
    and relate well to analogies.

Leader Global Consulting
  • 27. Be Conversational In Your Presentation
  • Speak as though you are talking to friends
  • Use pacing, matching and mirroring
  • Ask agreement questions while youre presenting
  • If appropriate gently touch someone whilst making
    a point (anchoring)
  • Gently nod as people talk to you
  • Let people say everything they want to say
  • Dont talk over people and apologise if you do!
  • If You Want to Get Your Hand on Someones Wallet
    Build a Bridge to their Heart!

Leader Global Consulting
  • 28. Develop a list of Qualifying Questions
  • Determine if the person you are talking to is the
    decision maker.
  • Are you the person who has the final say in the
  • Find out early if the prospect is prepared to
    make a decision to purchase TODAY.
  • If I could show you the best (product) available
    today at the absolute best price is there
    anything stopping you from making a decision
  • Make sure there are no other decision makers in
    the loop who are not present.
  • Who else apart from yourself is involved in
    making sales and marketing decisions on behalf of
    the company?

Leader Global Consulting
  • Find out early which payment method your prospect
    normally uses.
  • Ask the prospect if there is an incentive that
    will encourage them to buy today.
  • What do I need to do to get your business today?
  • Ask the prospect to be straight with you.
  • If you like it and you agree you can afford it
    then thats great I can organise immediate
    delivery, but if you dont like it or you cant
    afford it can you be upfront and tell me that
    rather than tell me you want to think about it?

Leader Global Consulting
  • 29. Develop A List Of Probing Questions
  • Find out their approximate budget
  • - Can you remember how much you paid for the last
    ________ you purchased?
  • Find out how often your product/service will be
  • - How often do you think you would be using the
  • Find out who will be using your product/service
  • - Will it be for your own use or for someone
  • Find out how easily they can be upsold (something
    soft with something hard?)
  • - How important is image to you?

Leader Global Consulting
  • 30. Take Detailed Notes As The Prospect Is
  • Dont rely on your memory as you will forget
  • The more interested you are in what theyre
    saying the more important they will feel
  • Curiosity factor is HUGE

Leader Global Consulting
  • Include all the notes as an addition to your
    database so you can capture information which can
    be used to-
  • Custom make direct mail pieces
  • Create targeted surveys
  • Provide referrals for your alliance network
  • Maximise cross selling opportunities
  • Create a client information form which prompts
    you to ask certain questions
  • Curiosity is a VERY Powerful Motivator

Leader Global Consulting
  • 31. Communicate To Be Understood
  • Be Clear
  • Tell them what youre going to tell them, tell
    them, then tell them what youve told them
  • Settle their sub-conscious
  • Use matching and pacing
  • Be Concise
  • Dont waffle
  • Avoid Jargon
  • Avoid Puffery
  • Retaining Peoples Attention Is getting harder
    (impossible?) 3000 commercial messages daily
  • Be Brief
  • Practice Your Presentation
  • Use a Timer
  • Remember to Bullet Point your speech

Leader Global Consulting
  • 32. Sell To Help Assist
  • Ask people what outcome they want from your
    product/service then provide it!
  • Focus on your Products/Services benefits remember
    features tell benefits sell
  • Ask satisfied clients for testimonials which
    describe how your product/service helped and
    benefited from them!

Leader Global Consulting
  • Mortgage Broker quadruples return! We ran an ad
    for 350 and it provided a 27,415.00 return!
    Thanks to LGC this was over a 400 improvement on
    the previous effort.
  • Monica McLeod
  • Survey clients to see how you can help them
    better you will be amazed at what you will
  • Marketing is nothing more than asking what people
    want and then delivering it!
  • Marketing is nothing more than asking people what
    they want and then delivering it!

Leader Global Consulting
  • 33. Develop And Practice Networking Skills
  • When going to a networking function roll up
    with something FREE (workshop, trial, example,
    tickets or consultation etc)
  • Create a list of Dream Contacts
  • Now build a program to visit them
  • Make friends with your competitors
  • Chamber of Commerce
  • Help others get business
  • Have a templated email re introducing yourself
    and reconfirming your FREE offer waiting to send
  • Networking is powerful when done correctly!

Leader Global Consulting
  • 34. Develop a Contact Strategy
  • It costs 6-8 times more to get a new client than
    its does to generate business from an old one!
  • 1. Great follow up letter within 3 days
  • 2. The follow up call day after letter arrives
  • 3. Something humorous or of genuine interest
    within 3-4 weeks
  • 4. A meal and further bonding within 2 months
  • 5. Another Fax, letter or card after .- 3 days

Leader Global Consulting
  • 6. Something fun, even with the family,
    sports event random
  • 7. Something to help their business - random
  • 8. Another card, letter, gift fax - random
  • 9. Make them into a friend
  • There will be a direct correlation between the
    size of your database the consistency by which
    you educate them and your INCOME!

Leader Global Consulting
  • 35. Have 1000 Belief In Your Company and Your
    Product! It shows!
  • Firstly, learn everything you possibly can about
    your company and the products/services it sells.
  • Treat the business like you own it!
  • Treat the product like you invented it!
  • Be passionate about everything your company and
    product does
  • If you dont truly believe in your company and
    product it will show.
  • Treat every day like its your first day!
  • Try to learn one (1) new thing daily about your
    company and/or product.

Leader Global Consulting
  • 36. Become A Better Time Manager
  • Avoid Have you got a minute meetings
  • If you do not respect your time who will!
  • Work out the most productive two hours of your
  • What are you presently doing that can be
    outsourced? ie Personal tasks farmed to Quest
    for Time Concierge Service
  • Write To Do Lists often
  • Dont re-read things read once then action it

Leader Global Consulting
  • Plan your day
  • Keep accurate files
  • Use systems wherever possible
  • Acknowledge and subsequently Avoid duplicated
    efforts develop systems around them
  • Luck is what happens when preparation meets

Leader Global Consulting
  • 37. Be Prompt
  • Set your watch five minutes early
  • Allow yourself extra time
  • Dont be too early
  • Respect peoples time
  • Ask how long you have got to present your story

Leader Global Consulting

Leader Global Consulting
  • 38. Understand the Power of the Questions
  • Questions Can
  • Qualify prospects
  • Can you make a decision today?
  • Establish rapport
  • What has your day looked like so far?
  • Eliminate competition
  • Have you seen the reports in the news about?
  • Establish credibility
  • Did you know that our organisation won the latest

Leader Global Consulting
  • Identify needs
  • What problems are you currently facing?
  • Find hot buttons
  • Is image important to you?
  • Get personal information
  • Do you have any children what are their names?
  • Close the sale
  • Would you like me to wrap it for you?
  • Develop 25 killer questionslike what???

Leader Global Consulting
  • 39. What business you are in? (pain vs pleasure)
  • Focus on educating your clients.
  • Ask questions designed to generate an increase in
    emotional feeling
  • can you remember how you felt as a kid going
    to the dentist
  • can you remember the smile from your first
    girlfriend when you gave her flowers

Leader Global Consulting
  • Link your product/service to an emotion
  • The best salespeople can convey feelings and stir
    emotions with the words they use (Passion sells
    over all other skills).

Leader Global Consulting
  • 40. The Sales Cycle

Leader Global Consulting
  • 41. Be A Master At Rapport
  • People only buy off people they like
  • People like people who are like themselves
  • Get to know the prospect before your start the
  • Matching and mirroring
  • Tonality and pacing
  • Know when to start selling
  • Ask better questions and you will get better

Leader Global Consulting
  • 42. Disturb and/or Educate Your Clients
  • Educated people buy more
  • Point out the problems if they dont use your
  • Point out the benefits if they do use your
  • Create an information flyer The 10 things you
    didnt know about

Leader Global Consulting
  • 43. Relieve and Reassure Your Clients
  • Remember people are afraid of making the wrong
  • Let your prospects know that you understand
    Buyers Remorse but it wont happen because
  • Tell your prospects why youre different
  • Create a guarantee Our electricians will be
    there on time or its FREE
  • Develop the Irrefutable offer so people simply
    cant say no.

Leader Global Consulting
  • Clients To Buy!
  • Always assume the sale, ALWAYS!
  • Be confident when asking people to buy
  • When asking maintain eye contact, gently nod your
    head and use SILENCE!
  • Have answers to objections ready just in case
  • Remember you have to ask for the order 6 times
  • 63 of sales situations do not end in an attempt
    to make a sale. Letting them think about it
    and asking them to get back to you is totally
    UNACCEPTABLE after spending your hard earned time
    educating them.

Leader Global Consulting
  • 45. Trial Closing
  • Make sure you ask lots of smaller
    non-threatening questions which are easy to
    answer and are always answered with a yes
    response. Example Can you see how despite the
    small size it is loaded with features and
  • Ask loaded questions which steer your clients to
    where you want to take them. Example Given that
    I can see you appreciate quality and can tell the
    difference, Im sure you would like to see our
    exclusive line, yes?
  • The more times you can have someone say yes to
    you, as you explain your product/service, the
    more likely it is that they will say yes when you
    ask them to buy it!
  • Do not talk/think about this practice it in the
    mud hut!

Leader Global Consulting
  • 46. Try the sequence close
  • Repeat the objection just to understand you
    correctly, what youre saying is (take the
    control back)
  • Confirm your understanding I can appreciate how
    you feel about that (takes the sting away from
    the objection)
  • Tell them theyre not alone compliment them In
    fact we have had a number of astute buyers who
    have mentioned the same thing to us before.
    (They will feel more comfortable knowing that
    they are not the only ones)

Leader Global Consulting
  • Explain your guarantee and tell them its ok to
    buy but when they understood exactly how much we
    stand behind or guarantee (repeat guarantee) then
    they felt it was all OK
  • Re-build rapport but anyway forgetting that for
    a second when would you
  • - let the kids use this if they were
  • - Like to take delivery so you can use it
    this week?
  • Ask for the sale Pick it up or have us deliver -
    in red or blue?

Leader Global Consulting
  • 47. Use the Lifetime Value of Product Close
  • 80 of a sale is optically stimulated
  • Divide the time by the cost - Break it down

Leader Global Consulting
  • Or

Leader Global Consulting
  • 48. Up selling - Would you like fries with
  • Can you create a checklist (value adding
    proposition) of other related items which are an
    obvious fit with what you are selling. Example
    Childrens Birthday Party
  • Can you bundle up certain products into
    packages to help people make their buying
    decision easier.
  • - Example- Students furniture package.

Leader Global Consulting
  • Can you create booklets of services so you can
    receive pre-payment for yet delivered benefits
  • - Buy a book of 12 massages only pay for 10
    and receive a free Oil burner and aromatherapy
  • Can you create your own extended warranty
  • Can you include advanced training (maintenance)
    in 6 months to get back in the door
  • Include something soft with something hard

Leader Global Consulting
  • 49. Referral Selling
  • Your Vendors Whether current or former, your
    vendors are an excellent form of referrals.
    Vendors are in an excellent position to link up
    two of their current customers in a mutually
    beneficial business relationship. Notwithstanding
    they are in a position to foster goodwill and
    most importantly the more successful you are
    presumably the more successful they will be!

Leader Global Consulting
  • Customers and Direct Contacts Conversely, you
    are a vendor as well to your customers. These
    people are a goldmine of referrers waiting to
    happen provided you develop a forum to ask. At
    LGC we have a referral program to be launched
    that makes our alliances thousands of dollars and
    prizes that include a trip for two to Australia.
    These are the people that know your product and
    services you provide presumably they know
    others who can benefit as well. Dont forget to
    ask them for prospects and contacts within their
    own office or organization. Do not limit yourself
    to work with just one person per office.

Leader Global Consulting
  • Employees and Colleagues Men and women who work
    for you are each at the heart of an ever-growing
    network of people who might like to hear more
    about what you do. Whom do they know?
    Professionally? Personally? Where have they been
    what have they seen? Your assistants wifes
    cousins best friends workmate might be the
    biggest account you land this year!

Leader Global Consulting
  • Competitors Tricky, perhaps, but also
    potentially very lucrative! I have helped
    clients in all sorts of industries buy leads from
    their competition (they are spending a fortune in
    the yellow pages and in other marketing efforts
    these are people that said no to their offer but
    were clearly predisposed to assistance in what
    you offer) and seen some impressive profits as a
    result. You must learn to view your competition
    in a less aggressive manner then you most likely
    do now.

Leader Global Consulting
  • If your competition are unable to fill a
    prospects needs (they cater to a more expensive,
    less expensive, different geographical, different
    style of market), might they recommend you to do
    the job for a 15 20 finders fee. Why not!
    The remaining 80 85 is unexpected found
    profit anyway. And of course you can reciprocate.
    We franchised a business overseas on this basic
    premise we knew where to advertise, how to get
    the phone to ring and where to find the leads
    they sold the leads to people who bought in for
    50K. Notwithstanding your COMPETITION as you
    see it is SELDOM your COMPETITION!!

Leader Global Consulting
  • Friends, Neighbors, and Relatives Most of them
    have jobs (except maybe uncle Scotty). And all of
    them have friends. They know you, how hard you
    work, what you represent, what your company
    offers (or do they!! Most people do not take the
    time to explain it PROPERLY abstract
    descriptions do not make you money) and they want
    to see you succeed. If you sell patio
    furniture I hope you do not tell your loved
    ones -- I sell patio furniture!! You sell much
    much more than that.

Leader Global Consulting
  • Current Prospects Even if youre still selling
    to them, even if youre still trying to bring
    them aboard, even if theyre still unsure whether
    theyll give you their business, your current
    prospects can point you in the direction of other
    companies or people who also might be in need of
    your business. Dont make it a hard sell. Asking
    for referrals shouldnt be an obstacle to getting
    a new client or customer. In fact it just be
    routine and not withstanding it illustrates
    confidence in what it is you do and you just
    might find your conversions go up within your
    current sales funnel as a result.

Leader Global Consulting
  • Others are looking for some more time to make
    their decision and like the idea of you giving
    you others to call on whilst they make the
    decision themselves and alleviates some pressure.
    And, if they help you get other customers, why
    not offer them a preferred price (they could be
    struggling for cash and this is the reason they
    have not signed kills two birds with one

Leader Global Consulting
  • Unconverted Former Prospects Just because
    someone did not take up your offering or even
    they decided to go somewhere else doesnt
    necessarily mean you should wash your hands of
    them. Unconverted prospects are in a unique,
    useful position. They have been in your sales
    process, so they have a clear understanding of
    what it is you offer. They also know which of
    your needs you did not meet with that knowledge
    they are well placed to give you some excellent
    referrals, people and companies who would benefit
    from what you do best. And let them know what
    they, too, will benefit by giving you referrals.
    Gifts, prizes, and finders fees are useful
    incentives to help them think of appropriate
    people. Never give up on an unconverted prospect!
    Databases make you rich

Leader Global Consulting
  • Fellow Members of Churches, Associations and
    Special-Interest Groups - Here you will find
    like-minded men and women, who in many ways
    already share your view. Associations and special
    interest groups (eg CGAA, church, cigar clubs,
    poker club, travel groups, musical organization,
    car club etc) are great places to strike up
    social relationships that can turn into warm
    business contacts.

Leader Global Consulting
  • Industry Leaders Who are the respected figures
    in your industry? Do they know about you and your
    business? Why not? Get their attention. Get to
    know them. Let them know you admire them, that
    you respect their opinion. Ask them for advice.
    And make sure you get to know what kind of person
    you are. If you are patterning yourself after
    them, they cant help but like you, can they?
    These men and women are an invaluable source to
    which others will turn when looking for services
    and businesses they can trust. How effective
    would it be if, when asked, this industry leader
    a celebrity in his or her field suggests you
    and your business?
  • The bus is travelling downhill regardless you
    might as well get behind the wheel and steer!

Leader Global Consulting
  • 50. Cross Selling
  • What other companies products/services can you
    sell along side your own?
  • Work out where you are on the food chain and
    promote whoever comes next.
  • For example
  • Cabinet maker Attic Storage Specialists
  • Electrician
  • Sky light installer
  • Cabinet maker
  • Carry other peoples business cards or Speed
    dial them to set up appointments.
  • Formalise the arrangements and review them

Leader Global Consulting
  • 51. Reactivation Selling
  • Clients lose your phone number just like you
    lose theirs!
  • Christmas is coming what are you doing
    special to generate sales?
  • Build a strong database of past clients
  • Use CRM software to its maximum benefit.
  • Example Act, Goldmine Tracka
  • Break your clients into ABC grade clients
  • Contact your client base every 90-120 days with a
    compelling offer
  • - Run Out Stock
  • - Monthly Specials
  • - Seasonal introductory offers
  • Create an incentive program for re-activated

Leader Global Consulting
  • 52. Do you have a Joint Marketing Program?
  • Who has exhausted a whole lot of time money and
    resources to deal with whom you wish to deal?
  • Make a list of 25 working in a complimentary
  • Powerful to have someone with credibility to say
    good things about you
  • Initiate Co-op advertising
  • Where do you fit in the food chain?
  • Forward-thinking, successful-people are who you
    should be aligning with
  • Personal trainer does direct mail with local gym.
    Both take one side of the page and split the cost
    in half. If it works once, it will work again!
    Next time double your coverage and include two
    tickets to your next event/workshop

Leader Global Consulting
  • Get your accountant/web designer/graphic
    designer/active networker etc to send a letter
    offering a sample of your services/free
    trial/free lunch and learn as a thank you for
    his/her clients being loyal
  • Do a workshop presentation with another industry
  • Have other businesses sell your products and
    services for a 20 commission
  • Always amazes me how many people cold call ice
    prospects and do not bother to try align with
    people servicing their market!

Leader Global Consulting
  • 53. FREE in order to attract clients?
  • Free offers
  • Free one week trials
  • Free Workshops
  • Free Seminars
  • Free Events
  • Example Restaurant
  • Free 20 Dinner provided you come in within 14
    days (get them to act). In real costs you are
    looking at 6 and I can guarantee your staff are
    going to get some great tips which is great for
    motivation. Do the math if you give away 25
    dinners and find only one customer that comes in
    once a month for the next 12 months with a family
  • Think your advertising might pull a little better
    with a FREE Dinner? The 30 second elevator speech
    work a little more effective at the CGAA
    Networking function?

Leader Global Consulting
  • Example Laundromat
  • Target key potential clients (via joint ventures)
    for a FREE Bag Wash worth 25. Hard cost to you
    is approximately 6. Find one god customer that
    comes once a week for an entire year and only
    receives the minimum 25 order multiply the 25
    by 52 weeks and you have 1300.00 over one year.
  • Think this would be an ok FREE offer for the
    local day care Centre and they might send you a
    few clients after the special is well and truly

Leader Global Consulting
  • 54. Learn the F.A.B. Rule
  • Features
  • Learn and know all the features of your
  • Determine what are the most important/desirous
    features of your product/service
  • Advantages
  • Point out the advantages of the particular
    features your product/service has
  • Use these advantages to compare with other
    similar products/services
  • Benefits
  • Explain how your clients will ultimately benefit
    from your product/service

Leader Global Consulting
  • For Example

Leader Global Consulting
  • 55. What Is The Biggest Buying Signal In The
  • How much is it?
  • Dont reveal the price until the prospect asks.
  • Have finance available for clients
  • Offer vendors finance
  • Learn To Recognise Buying Signals
  • Prospects often tell you when theyre ready to
  • Pay attention
  • Look for non-verbal cues
  • - Leaning forward
  • - Eyes focussed
  • - Increased concentration
  • - Smiling
  • - Nodding
  • - Read and react to body language

Leader Global Consulting
  • 56. Overcome Objections
  • You already know what they are have you
    practiced over coming them?
  • Have you scripted what you came up with and used
    it on to your prospective clients?
  • Assume the sale, but expect an objection
  • Understand that objections are seldom objections
    - just stalls
  • Listen to the prospect but listen to understand
  • Think of the solution/ask the client to think of
    the solution
  • Create an atmosphere of trust
  • Answer the objection then immediately move on.
  • Incorporate answers to common objections into
    your presentation.
  • Use a diagram
  • Once you an order do not keep talking about

Leader Global Consulting
  • 57. Learn to Love Objections
  • They
  • - Indicate buyer interest
  • - Customers often wont tell you their objection
    at first?
  • - Have 10 answers ready and know them verbatim
  • - Check your ego at the door!!

Leader Global Consulting
  • 58. Use Testimonials
  • They are like sales weapons
  • Get letters from satisfied customers that
    overcome standard objections.
  • Try to have the testimonials pre-empt peoples
    concerns about buying your product or service.
  • I was originally concerned whether your
    companys product would be good value and pay for
    itself. But after
  • Take a photo of you and the client and print the
    testimonial underneath.
  • If you feel the appointment/ sale is shaky send a
    testimonial with a positive note afterwards.
  • Develop a list of satisfied clients that are
    happy to take interested prospects phone calls.

Leader Global Consulting
  • Testimonials

Leader Global Consulting
  • Testimonials

Leader Global Consulting
  • 59. How Do You Maintain A Relationship With
    Customers After They Buy From You?
  • Thank You Cards
  • Special Offers
  • Newsletters
  • Personalized Communications
  • Loyalty Program
  • Articles of Interest
  • Discount Cards to Premium Clients
  • The Frequency at Which People Buy Is the Most
    Underutilized Area of Increasing Business.

Leader Global Consulting
  • 60. Customer Surveys
  • Marketing is asking what they want and
    delivering it
  • Great way to keep in touch
  • A 10 response is excellent
  • What one person says you can bet 10 are
    thinking it
  • Have you sent one out to your customers?

Leader Global Consulting
  • 61. Do you have a Corporate ID for Your Business?
  • Make everything look the same
  • Branding is paramount to your success as a
  • Use the right colors and design to get your
    message across

Leader Global Consulting
  • 62. Do You Have a Media Release
  • Do three
  • Send one to the papers every week
  • Be controversial
  • They like unique stats and graphs
  • Slow news day they go looking
  • Use a powerful headline

Leader Global Consulting
  • 63. Have You Tried Direct Mail?
  • Do not say it doesnt work until you have tried
  • Can increase cold calling ratios by 2000
  • Fax, Email Traditional Snail Mail
  • No pretty pictures tell them what you want to
    tell them!

Leader Global Consulting
  • 64. Have You Explored Telemarketing?
  • Can be VERY Profitable
  • Must have a Great Offer
  • Test - Measure - Decide Offers
  • Develop Script that works
  • Outsource this to single Mom or someone with time
    at home
  • Can you structure it so you pay for results?
    (This is dependant upon your offering)

Leader Global Consulting
  • 65. Do You Do the Yellow Pages?
  • MUST measure results!!
  • What does your ad say?
  • Does it have a headline
  • Does it have an element of disturb?
  • Does it have an offer?
  • Do you promote a guarantee?
  • Do you have a FREE Consultation?
  • Do you have a FREE Report they can phone for?
  • Do you look like/say what EVERYONE else in your
    section does?

Leader Global Consulting
  • 66. Have You Experimented With Small
  • If you could gamble 500 in the casino with the
    possibility of never cold calling again would
  • Jive Weekly
  • Good Morning News
  • Coupon Books

Leader Global Consulting
  • 67. Does the Internet Work FOR YOU?
  • Website
  • E News
  • E Zine
  • Newsletter
  • Do you Ebay
  • Do you Use Buy and Sell

Leader Global Consulting
  • 68. Is Your Website/Email Address Mentioned on
    all Your Marketing Material?
  • Be consistent
  • Make it easy for people to contact you their
  • yourname_at_yourcompany.com is more professional
    than an _at_hotmail account

Leader Global Consulting
  • 69. Do You Have Ten Domain Names Registered all
    Directed to Your Site?
  • What creative names can you think of that
  • Do you own www.yourname.com

Leader Global Consulting
  • 70. When Was the Last Time Your Website Was
  • Paramount your content is continually updated
  • New Stock and Events Must Be Uploaded
  • Schedule one hour per week
  • Is there a 16 year old You Can Pay To Do This
  • Keep it fresh if you expect people to come back

Leader Global Consulting
  • 71. Do You Have an Auto Respond Feature On Your
  • The first person to respond has top of mind
  • Young Professionals use the internet like the
    Yellow Pages were used in the 80s
  • A great chance to give an outline of your
  • Do not make it a two sentence disaster!

Leader Global Consulting
  • 72. Does Your Website Make You Money?
  • Most companies should be able to use the net to
    generate sales

Leader Global Consulting
  • 73. Do You Have a Database on Your Computer?
  • CRM Software
  • Segment the database (cities, products, service,
    A B C class client)

Leader Global Consulting
  • 74. Do You Have a Strategy Specifically For
    Collecting Database Info?
  • Paramount you have this strategy in place
  • Collect business cards at Trade Shows/Fairs
  • Develop a KPI for this and challenge yourself
  • Have a Weekly World Record

Leader Global Consulting
  • 75. Do You Have a Script to Record Information
    For Database Even If It Is Not A Sale?
  • Ring a Real Estate Agent and see how they handle
    your call
  • Develop something similar
  • Just because they are not keen to do business
    this second doesnt mean via constant contact
    they will get over the line in 6 months
  • Your Database can make You Rich Your Products
    and Services Will Not!

Leader Global Consulting
  • 76. Do You Have a Strategy Developed Around
    Contacting Your Database Monthly?
  • Your database can be contacted twice a month
  • Contact them every two weeks to educate them
    contact them every two weeks with an offer
  • Basically develop a good mix of education vs
    trying to sell them something
  • MUST veer towards the educational side of the

Leader Global Consulting
  • 77. Dont Force the Sale
  • Dont ever be a desperate sales person
  • Avoid the hard sell always and walk them around
    the outcome you would like
  • Never think about the money
  • Close firm not hard
  • Make people buy from you the cult of personality

Leader Global Consulting

Leader Global Consulting
  • 78. Study Neuro Linguistic Programming
  • NLP was started by John Grinder, a linguistic
    professor, and Richard Bandler, a mathematician,
    at the University of California at Santa Cruz
    (UCSC), around 1975.
  • Program your subconscious
  • Learn to influence other peoples sub conscious
  • Matching mirroring look the same way, copy
    facial expressions body language
  • Modelling behaviour find a mentor or hero and
    copy what they do down to the last detail
  • Pacing and Pitching talk at the same rate, use
    the same words

Leader Global Consulting
  • 79. Become a master at body language

Leader Global Consulting
  • 80. Know the 4 personality types
  • Belongers 55
  • Love normality and regularity
  • Creatures of habit
  • Football team, Sunday roast, Pontiac cars
  • Achievers 10
  • Buy Branded goods
  • High income
  • Like exclusivity

Leader Global Consulting
  • Emulators 20
  • Champagne taste on a beer income
  • Highly leveraged
  • Try to afford the best
  • Socially Conscious 15
  • Concerned about environment
  • Practicality Important
  • Energy efficiency, pollution aware

Leader Global Consulting
  • 81. How to sell to Belongers
  • All the smart people know how good this is
    compared to the other model
  • Everyone is focussing on this at the moment
  • More and more people are buying this brand now
  • We do expect to run out quickly due to its
  • Weve been swamped with offers
  • This will stay in the family for generations
  • Most people who buy a __________ never change
  • Its comfortable, reliable and will never look out
    of place
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