Title: The%20Challenge:%20%20%20To%20Create%20More%20Value%20in%20All%20Negotiations
1Could Thoroughly Rotten Times Be The Ultimate
Opportunity For Greatness/Excellence? (Hint
The Answer May Be/Is Yes.) (Hint Whats the
Alternative?) London/15.01.09
2When the seas are calm, all ships alike show
mastership in floating. WSC (with apologies)
3 On NELSON other admirals more frightened of
losing than anxious to win
4Tom Peters Excellence. Always. Results
5NOTE To appreciate this presentation and
ensure that it is not a mess, you need Microsoft
fonts Showcard Gothic, Ravie, Chiller
and Verdana
7 Excellence1982 The Bedrock Eight
Basics 1. A Bias for Action 2. Close to the
Customer 3. Autonomy and Entrepreneurship 4.
Productivity Through People 5. Hands On,
Value-Driven 6. Stick to the Knitting 7. Simple
Form, Lean Staff 8. Simultaneous Loose-Tight
8Breakthrough 82 People! Customers! Action!
Values! In Search of Excellence
10 Why in the World did you go to Siberia?
11Enterprise (at its best) An emotional,
vital, innovative, joyful, creative,
entrepreneurial endeavor that elicits maximum
concerted human
potential in the wholehearted service of
others.Employees, Customers, Suppliers,
Communities, Owners, Temporary partners
13Organizations exist to serve. Period. Leaders
live to serve. Period.
14 no less than Cathedrals in which the full and
awesome power of the Imagination and Spirit and
native Entrepreneurial flair of diverse
individuals is unleashed in passionate pursuit of
15The role of the Director is to create a space
where the actors and actresses can become more
than theyve ever been before, more than theyve
dreamed of being. Robert Altman, Oscar
acceptance speech
16Leaders SERVE people. Period. inspired by
Robert Greenleaf
17Business has to give people enriching, rewarding
lives, or it's simply not worth doing. Richard
18 Too Much Cost, Not Enough Value Too Much
Speculation, Not Enough Investment Too Much
Complexity, Not Enough Simplicity Too Much
Counting, Not Enough Trust Too Much Business
Conduct, Not Enough Professional Conduct Too
Much Salesmanship, Not Enough Stewardship Too
Much Focus on Things, Not Enough Focus on
Commitment Too Many Twenty-first Century
Values, Not Enough Eighteenth-Century Values
Too Much Success, Not Enough Character
chapter titles from John Bogle, Enough. The
Measures of Money, Business, and Life (Bogle is
founder of the Vanguard Mutual Fund Group)
19Managers have lost dignity over the past decade
in the face of wide spread institutional
breakdown of trust and self-policing in business.
To regain societys trust, we believe that
business leaders must embrace a way of looking at
their role that goes beyond their responsibility
to the shareholders to include a civic and
personal commitment to their duty as
institutional custodians. In other words, it is
time hat management became a profession. Rakesh
Khurana Niin Nohria, Is ime To Make
Management a True Profession, HBR/10.08
20The 19 Es of Excellence
21If Not Excellence, What? If Not Excellence Now,
When? The 19 Es of Excellence Enthusiasm. (Be
an irresistible force of nature!) Energy. (Be
fire! Light fires!) Exuberance. (Vibratecause
earthquakes!) Execution. (Do it! Now! Get it
done! Barriers are baloney! Excuses are for
wimps! Accountability is gospel!
Adhere to the Bill Parcells
doctrine Blame nobody! Expect nothing! Do
something!) Empowerment. (Respect and
appreciation! Always ask, What do you think?
Listen! Liberate! Celebrate! 100 innovators or
bust!) Edginess. (Perpetually dancing at the
frontier, and a little or a lot beyond.) Enraged.
(Determined to challenge change the status
quo!) Engaged. (Addicted to MBWA/Managing By
Wandering Around. In touch. Always.) Electronic.
(Partners with the world 60/60/24/7 via
electronic community building
and entanglement of every sort.
Crowdsourcing/doing power!) Encompassing.
(Relentlessly pursue diverse opinionsthe more
diversity the merrier! Diversity per se
works!) Emotion. (The alpha. The omega. The
essence of leadership. The essence of sales.
The essence of marketing.
The essence. Period. Acknowledge it.) Empathy.
(Connect, connect, connect with others reality
and aspirations! Walk
in the other persons shoesuntil the soles
have holes!) Experience. (Life is theater! Make
every activity-contact memorable! Standard
Great/Steve Jobs Radically Thrilling/BMW.) Eli
minate. (Keep it simple!) Errorprone. (Ready!
Fire! Aim! Try a lot of stuff and make a lot of
booboos and then try some more stuff
and make some more
booboosall of it at the speed of
light!) Evenhanded. (Straight as an arrow!
Fair to a fault! Honest as Abe!) Expectations.
(Michelangelo The greatest danger for most of
us is not that our aim is too high and we miss
it, but
that it is too low and we reach it.
Amen!) Eudaimonia. (Pursue the highest of human
moral purposethe core of Aristotles philosophy.
Be of service. Always.) Excellence. (The only
standard! Never an exception! Start now! No
excuses! If not Excellence, what?
If not Excellence now, when?)
22Mr. Watson, how long does it take to achieve
231 minute
25Commerce Bank From Service to Experience7X.
730A-800P. F12A.
26Commerce/7 days/730A-8P/Midnight
Friday/645A.M./2 for No Larry Janesky/Jim
Penman/not cool can be very cool Granite
Rock/Cross it off/Wash trucks Elgin Corrugated
Box/Promised vs Delivered 5X/Acquire vs
maintain (Higher market share
current) Reichheld/One question ComebackgtPerfect
ion Apologize/Bedside manner/Lawsuits Thank
you/10 years Make the call/3 minutes Listen
27The Commerce Bank Model every computer at
commerce bank has a special red key on it
that says, found something stupid that we are
doing that interferes with our ability to service
the customer? Tell us about it, and if we agree,
we will give you 50.Source Fans! Not
customers. How Commerce Bank Created a
Super-growth Business in a No-growth Industry,
Vernon Hill Bob Andelman
28Experience Rebel Lifestyle!What we sell is
the ability for a 43-year-old accountant to dress
in black leather, ride through small towns and
have people be afraid of him.Harley exec,
quoted in Results-Based Leadership
29Experiences are as distinct from services as
services are from goods. Joe Pine Jim
Gilmore, The Experience Economy Work Is Theatre
Every Business a Stage
30The Commerce Bank Modelcost cutting is a death
spiral.Source Fans! Not customers. How
Commerce Bank Created a Super-growth Business in
a No-growth Industry, Vernon Hill Bob Andelman
31The Commerce Bank Model over-invest in our
people, over-invest in our facilities.Source
Fans! Not customers. How Commerce Bank Created a
Super-growth Business in a No-growth Industry,
Vernon Hill Bob Andelman
32WallopWalMart16Or Why its so ABSURDLY
EASY to BEAT a GIANT Company
33I am often asked by would-be entrepreneurs
seeking escape from life within huge corporate
structures, How do I build a small firm for
myself? The answer seems obvious Buy a very
large one and just wait. Paul Ormerod, Why
Most Things Fail Evolution, Extinction and
34 The Small Guys Guide Wallop
WalMart16 Niche-aimed. (Never, ever all
things for all people, a mini-WalMart.) Never
attack the monsters head on! (Instead steal niche
business and lukewarm customers.) Dramatically
Different (La Difference ... within our
community, our industry regionally, etc is as
obvious as the end of ones nose!) (THIS IS WHERE
value/experience/intimacy, not price. (You aint
gonna beat the behemoths on cost-price in 9.99
out of 10 cases.) Emotional bond with Clients,
35You do not merely want to be the best of the
best. You want to be considered the only ones who
do what you do. Jerry Garcia
36 The Small Guys Guide Wallop WalMart16
Hands-on, emotional leadership. (We are a
great cool intimate joyful dramatically
different team working to transform our Clients
lives via Consistently Incredible
Experiences!) A community star! (Sell
local-ness per se. Sell the hell out of it!) An
incredible experience, from the first to last
momentand then in the follow-up! (These guys
are cool! They get me! They love me!) DESIGN
DRIVEN! (Design is a premier weapon-in-pursuit-o
f-the sublime for small-ish enterprises,
including the professional services.)
37 The Small Guys Guide Wallop WalMart16
Employer of choice. (A very cool, well-paid
place to work/learning and growth experience in
at least the short term marked by notably
progressive policies.) (THIS IS EMINENTLY
DO-ABLE!!) Sophisticated use of information
technology. (Small-ish is no excuse for small
aims/execution in IS/IT!) Web-power! (The Web
can make very small very big if the
product-service is super-cool and one
purposefully masters buzz/viral
marketing.) Innovative! (Must keep renewing and
expanding and revising and re-imagining the
promise to employees, the customer, the
38 The Small Guys Guide Wallop WalMart16
Brand-Lovemark (Kevin Roberts) Maniacs!
(Branding is not just for big folks with big
budgets. And modest size is actually a Big
Advantage in becoming a local-regional-niche
lovemark.) Focus on women-as-clients. (Most
dont. How stupid.) Excellence! (A small player
per me has no right or reason to exist unless
they are in Relentless Pursuit of Excellence. One
earns the rightone damn day and client
experience at a time!to beat the Big Guys in
your chosen niche!)
39Small Giants Companies That Choose To Be Great
Instead Of Big by Bo Burlingham
40 Small Giants/Bo
Burlingham "First, I could see that, unlike most
entrepreneurs, their founders and leaders had
recognized the full range of choices they had
about the type of company they would create."
"Second, the leaders had overcome the enormous
pressures on successful companies to take paths
they had not chosen and did not necessarily want
to follow." "Third, each company had an
extraordinarily intimate relationship with the
local city, town, or county in which it did
business -- a relationship that went well beyond
the usual concept of giving back.'" "Fourth,
they cultivated exceptionally intimate
relationships with customers and suppliers, based
on personal contact, one-on-one interaction, and
mutual commitment to delivering on promises."
41 Small Giants/Bo
Burlingham "Fifth, the companies also had what
struck me as unusually intimate workplaces."
"Sixth, I was impressed by the variety of
corporate structures and modes of governance that
these companies had come up with." "Finally, I
noticed the passion that the leaders brought to
what the company did. They loved the subject
matter, whether it be music, safety lighting,
food, special effects, constant torque hinges,
beer, records storage, construction, dining, or
424 Japan2T USA2T China
434 Japan3 USA2 China1 Germany
45Goldmann Produktions(11/50/5M/dip and coat,
expensive pigments vs through coloring,
fadesBekro Chemie)
46Commerce/7 days/730A-8P/Midnight
Friday/645A.M./2 for No/ Red Button/Dog
biscuits Larry Janesky/Jim Penman/not cool
can be very cool Granite Rock/Cross it off/Wash
trucks Elgin Corrugated Box/Promised vs
Delivered 5X/Acquire vs maintain (Higher
market share current) Reichheld/One
question ComebackgtPerfection Apologize/Bedside
manner/Lawsuits Thank you/10 years Make the
call/3 minutes
47Jims Mowing Canada Jims Mowing UK Jims
Antennas Jims Bookkeeping Jims Building
Maintenance Jims Carpet Cleaning Jims Car
Cleaning Jims Computer Services Jims Dog
Wash Jims Driving School Jims Fencing Jims
Floors Jims Painting Jims Paving Jims Pergolas
gazebos Jims Pool Care Jims Pressure
Cleaning Jims Roofing Jims Security Doors Jims
Trees Jims Window Cleaning Jims
Windscreens Note Download, free, Jim Penmans
book What Will They Franchise Next? The Story
of Jims Group
48Basement Systems Inc.Larry JaneskyDry
Basement Science (115,000!)1990 0 2003
13M 2007 62,000,000
49Commerce/7 days/730A-8P/Midnight
Friday/645A.M./2 for No/ Red Button/Dog
biscuits Larry Janesky/Jim Penman/not cool
can be very cool Granite Rock/Cross it off/Wash
trucks Elgin Corrugated Box/Promised vs
Delivered 5X/Acquire vs maintain (Higher
market share current) Reichheld/One
question ComebackgtPerfection Apologize/Bedside
manner/Lawsuits Thank you/10 years Make the
call/3 minutes
50I regard apologizing as the most magical,
healing, restorative gesture human beings can
make. It is the centerpiece of my work with
executives who want to get better. Marshall
Goldsmith, What Got You Here Wont Get You There
How Successful People Become Even More Successfu.
51Relationships (of all varieties) THERE ONCE WAS
53Courtesies of a small and trivial character are
the ones which strike deepest in the grateful and
appreciating heart. Henry Clay
54Commerce/7 days/730A-8P/Midnight
Friday/645A.M./2 for No Larry Janesky/Jim
Penman/not cool can be very cool Granite
Rock/Cross it off/Wash trucks Elgin Corrugated
Box/Promised vs Delivered 5X/Acquire vs
maintain (Higher market share
current) Reichheld/One question ComebackgtPerfect
ion Apologize/Bedside manner/Lawsuits Thank
you/10 years Make the call/3 minutes Listen
56 100 purchase/3-cent lemon National
Brand/2-cent candy Disney parking lot
attendants (PPSI) Dave Linnegar/REMAX/Life
success company Hal Rosenbluth/The Customer
Comes Second/Tears for Hal GriffinPlanetree/5
Pianos/Kindness is free/0-15/Cookie
smells/Map/6 Flowers/No cars/Street sweeper/
Mechanics business cards (TAC/ Drive by) Bill
Dave knew/MBWA (WALK)
57The Customer Comes Second Put Your People First
and Watch em Kick Butt Hal Rosenbluth and
Diane McFerrin Peters (no relation)
58You have to treat your employees like
customers. Herb Kelleher, complete answer, upon
being asked his secrets to success Source
Joe Nocera, NYT, Parting Words of an Airline
Pioneer, on the occasion of Herb Kellehers
retirement after 37 years at Southwest Airlines
(SWAs pilots union took out a full-page ad in
USA Today thanking HK for all he had done across
the way in Dallas American Airlines pilots were
picketing the Annual Meeting)
59 We are a Life Success Company.Dave Liniger,
founder, RE/MAX
60 100 purchase/3-cent lemon National
Brand/2-cent candy Disney parking lot
attendants (PPSI) Dave Linnegar/REMAX/Life
success company Hal Rosenbluth/The Customer
Comes Second/Tears for Hal GriffinPlanetree/5
Pianos/Kindness is free/0-15/Cookie
smells/Map/6 Flowers/No cars/Street sweeper/
Mechanics business cards (TAC/ Drive by) Bill
Dave knew/MBWA (WALK)
62Press Ganey Assoc 139,380 former patients from
225 hospitalsnone of THE top 15 factors
determining Patient Satisfaction referred to
patients health outcomeP.S. directly related
to Staff InteractionP.P.S. directly correlated
with Employee Satisfaction Source Putting
Patients First, Susan Frampton, Laura Gilpin,
Patrick Charmel
63Kindness is free.
64There is a misconception that supportive
interactions require more staff or more time and
are therefore more costly. Although labor costs
are a substantial part of any hospital budget,
the interactions themselves add nothing to the
budget. Kindness is free. Listening to patients
or answering their questions costs nothing. It
can be argued that negative interactionsalienatin
g patients, being non-responsive to their needs
or limiting their sense of controlcan be very
costly. Angry, frustrated or frightened
patients may be combative, withdrawn and less
cooperativerequiring far more time than it
would have taken to interact with them initially
in a positive way. Putting Patients First,
Susan Frampton, Laura Gilpin, Patrick Charmel
65 100 purchase/3-cent lemon National
Brand/2-cent candy Disney parking lot
attendants (PPSI) Dave Linnegar/REMAX/Life
success company Hal Rosenbluth/The Customer
Comes Second/Tears for Hal GriffinPlanetree/5
Pianos/Kindness is free/0-15/Cookie
smells/Map/6 Flowers/No cars/Street sweeper/
Mechanics business cards (TAC/ Drive by) Bill
Dave knew/MBWA (WALK)
66You Your calendarCalendars never lie
67 Container Store/2X Circuit City/Geek Squad (vs
Best Buy/fire senior, hire junior) Bloomberg/Se
nd flowers Shrink wrap/2X Bag size/B Big
carts/1.5X Lights/Wide isles Nudgery/Default,
50/6.5 v 3.5, etc Wegmans/1 BIDVest/BKK
(Commerce/Radio City Music Hall) First things
68 Design is everything. Everything is
design. We are all designers. Inspiration
The Power of Design A Force for Transforming
Everything, Richard Farson
69Nudge.Sway.K.I.S.S.Keep It Simple, Stupid
70401(k) active opt-in 45 401(k) as default
86 Source New York Times, 1202.08 (research
by Richard Thaler, co-author Nudge)
71Behavioral Primacy!E.g. plate size location
of platters, 6.5 feet Away -63 Seconds
Source Brian Wansink, Mindless Eating (20
lbs per year 200 decisions per day)
7290K in U.S.A. ICUs on any given day 178
steps/day in ICU.50 stays result in serious
complicationSource Atul Gawande, The
Checklist (New Yorker, 1210.07)
73Peter Pronovost, Johns Hopkins,
2001Checklist, line infections1/3rd at
least one error when he startedNurses/permissio
n to stop procedure if doc, other not following
checklistIn 1 year, 10-day line-infection
rate 11 to 0 Source Atul Gawande, The
Checklist (New Yorker, 1210.07)
74Docs, nurses make own checklists on whatever
process-procedure they chooseWithin weeks,
average stay in ICU down 50Source Atul
Gawande, The Checklist (New Yorker, 1210.07)
75Socks 10K
76 80
77 Everything matters -80 Source Nudge,
Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein, etching of fly
in the urinal reduces spillage by 80,
Schiphol Airport
78Design Ubiquity The Practice of Nudgery
79Why We Buy/Nudge/Sway/ Kahneman-Tversky No
waste baskets/paper recycling Cases vs
charts Default/401(k)/45 vs 86 Designer next to
the CEO Opel plant away from factory Rickovers
chair/Sunlight in my eyes/LBJ on the edge of
the rug Thank you notes/10 years
80 Stew/Wrapped and loose fish/2X Stew/No exit
aisles WalMart/Oversized carts Coins with
likenesses Post Office architecture Pat visits
the Local president Thom Mayer and the crossed
arms Management of body language (2/3rds
of communication)
81Prowl the bowels of the organization First
question asked Top of the agenda Calendar! Checkli
st/Peter Pronovost/ICU line
infections/50-0 Visible measures/Creech and
billboards Creech/mechanics drive by Food at
82Seating arrangement Table shape Physical
arrangements (distance, co-location, grand or
not/Apple) Geologists/Geophysicists XFX/Cross-func
tional Excellence (meetings, talks, etc) The
hang out axiom (We are what we eat.) See
greenery, recover faster (map, smell of
cookies, pianos/ Planetree) Vary road crossing
83Sexy voice/USAF Walls of yesterday or
tomorrow Staff lives with line Broken
windows-beer and piss patrol/sense of
order, small crimes beget large
ones Washington and dress for
success/winter 1776 Dress code Fly in the
urinal/-80 Parking lot location/elevator
speed/food court
84Plate size/distance from seconds (6.5 feet
63) gt50 feet 50 miles/T Allen Casual
gathering places/ nooks/ 3M-Austin Walk down
the stairs once a month/ 9-11 survivor Glasses
in the cup (two weeks) TP party prepRenegade
buildingsWelcoming reception area (Insta-
smell culture)Burlington Police Department/
decals on glasses/12.31.06
85Bike at the door/Running shoes next to the
bedMeasures/New (TP Seabees)Reports
(WIAR/Womens Initiative Annual
Report/Deloitte Touche)MBWA Grant sleep on the
ground, travel with one assistantPromotions/De
ep dipSmall personal gesturesFocus/One
inescapable campaign/ Welch-GE
86 Container Store/2X Circuit City/Geek Squad (vs
Best Buy/fire senior, hire junior) Bloomberg/Se
nd flowers Shrink wrap/2X Bag size/B Big
carts/1.5X Lights/Wide isles Nudgery/Default,
50/6.5 v 3.5, etc Wegmans/1 BIDVest/BKK
(Commerce/Radio City Music Hall) First things
87Being aware of yourself and how you affect
everyone around you is what distinguishes a
superior leader. Edie Seashore (Strategy
Business 45)
88To develop others, start with yourself.
Marshall Goldsmith
89How can a high-level leader like _____ be so out
of touch with the truth about himself? Its more
common than you would imagine. In fact, the
higher up the ladder a leader climbs, the less
accurate his self-assessment is likely to be. The
problem is an acute lack of feedback especially
on people issues. Daniel Goleman (et al.), The
New Leaders
90 Container Store/2X Circuit City/Geek Squad (vs
Best Buy/fire senior, hire junior) Bloomberg/Se
nd flowers Shrink wrap/2X Bag size/B Big
carts/1.5X Lights/Wide isles Nudgery/Default,
50/6.5 v 3.5, etc Wegmans/1 BIDVest/BKK
(Commerce/Radio City Music Hall) First things
91 Fred S./curiosity/Whos the most interesting
person youve met in the last 90 days? How do I
contact him or her? Innovation 1/You are who
you hang out with./Customers/Vendors/Lunch
dates/Vacations/Community contacts/ Board
members/etc. 1. Period. Hiring. 1T.
Promoting./10 in 5 Strangers funeral/Net
worth? Decency/Thoughtful in all we
do. ROIR/Tea Independence/Vlad goes
partying/EVII dances shakes the world
92Vanity Fair What is your most marked
characteristic? Mike Bloomberg Curiosity.
93 Fred S./curiosity/Whos the most interesting
person youve met in the last 90 days? How do I
contact him or her? Innovation 1/You are who
you hang out with./Customers/Vendors/Lunch
dates/Vacations/Community contacts/ Board
members/etc. 1. Period. Hiring. 1T.
Promoting./10 in 5 Strangers funeral/Net
worth? Decency/Thoughtful in all we
do. ROIR/Tea Independence/Vlad goes
partying/EVII dances shakes the world
94We are the company we keep
95The We are what we eat axiom At its core,
every (!!!) relationship-partnership decision
(employee, vendor, customer, etc) is a strategic
decision about Innovate, Yes or No
96Measure Strangeness/Portfolio
Partners (, Quality)Innovation Alliance
PartnersCustomersCompetitors (who we
benchmark against) Strategic Initiatives
Product Portfolio (LineEx v. Leap)IS/IT
ProjectsHQ LocationLunch MatesLanguageBoard
97CEO A.G. Lafley has shifted PGs focus on
inventing all its own products to developing
others inventions at least half the time. One
successful example Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, based
on a product found in an Osaka market. Fortune
98Diverse groups of problem solversgroups of
people with diverse toolsconsistently
outperformed groups of the best and the
brightest. If I formed two groups, one random
(and therefore diverse) and one consisting of the
best individual performers, the first group
almost always did better. Diversity trumped
ability. Scott Page, The Difference How the
Power of Diversity Creates Better Groups, Firms,
Schools, and Societies Diversity
99 Fred S./curiosity/Whos the most interesting
person youve met in the last 90 days? How do I
contact him or her? Innovation 1/You are who
you hang out with./Customers/Vendors/Lunch
dates/Vacations/Community contacts/ Board
members/etc. 1. Period. Hiring. 1T.
Promoting./10 in 5 Strangers funeral/Net
worth? Decency/Thoughtful in all we
do. ROIR/Tea Independence/Vlad goes
partying/EVII dances shakes the world
100 In short, hiring is the most important aspect
of business and yet remains woefully
misunderstood. Source Wall Street Journal,
10.29.08, review of Who The A Method for
Hiring, Geoff Smart and Randy Street
101Development can help great people be even
betterbut if I had a dollar to spend, Id spend
70 cents getting the right person in the door.
Paul Russell, Director, Leadership
Development, Google
102 Who? The screening
interview The Topgrading Interview (story
and patterns) Focused interview Reference
interview Detailed rituals, goals,
followup Source Who The A Method for Hiring,
Geoff Smart and Randy Street
1032/year legacy.
1041 cause ofDis-satisfaction?
105 Fred S./curiosity/Whos the most interesting
person youve met in the last 90 days? How do I
contact him or her? Innovation 1/You are who
you hang out with./Customers/Vendors/Lunch
dates/Vacations/Community contacts/ Board
members/etc. 1. Period. Hiring. 1T.
Promoting./10 in 5 Strangers funeral/Net
worth? Decency/Thoughtful in all we
do. ROIR/Tea Independence/Vlad goes
partying/EVII dances shakes the world
106We are thoughtful in all we do.
107Thoughtfulness is key to customer
retention. Thoughtfulness is key to employee
recruitment and satisfaction. Thoughtfulness
is key to brand perception. Thoughtfulness is key
to your ability to look in the mirrorand tell
your kids about your job. Thoughtfulness is
free. Thoughtfulness is key to speeding things
up it reduces friction. Thoughtfulness is key
to transparency and even cost containmentit
abets rather than stifles truth-telling.
108 Fred S./curiosity/Whos the most interesting
person youve met in the last 90 days? How do I
contact him or her? Innovation 1/You are who
you hang out with./Customers/Vendors/Lunch
dates/Vacations/Community contacts/ Board
members/etc. 1. Period. Hiring. 1T.
Promoting./10 in 5 Strangers funeral/Net
worth? Decency/Thoughtful in all we
do. ROIR/Tea Independence/Vlad goes
partying/EVII dances shakes the world
110Allied commands depend on mutual confidence
and this confidence is gained, above all
through the development of friendships.
General D.D. Eisenhower, Armchair General
(05.08)Perhaps his most outstanding ability
at West Point was the ease with which he made
friends and earned the trust of fellow cadets
who came from widely varied backgrounds it was
a quality that would pay great dividends during
his future coalition command.
111Give good tea!
112 Berezovsky came under attack from the newly
powerful Primakov, and was shunned by most of
the political elite. Putin made a point of
attending Berezovskys wifes birthday party.
Berezovsky repaid Putin by championing his
candidacy to run the F.S.B., Russias secret
police, formerly the K.G.B., and ultimately by
suggesting that the Family make him president. To
sum up, the mans qualifications were he did not
take a bribe from a car dealership and had been
unafraid to go to a party for an acquaintance who
had fallen into disfavor. Dead Soul, Vanity
Fair, October 2008
113The Real Worlds Little Rule Book Ben/tea Norm
/tea DDE/make friends WFBuckley/make friends-help
friends Gust/Suck down Charlie/poker
pal-BOF Eddie VII/dance-flatter-mingle-learn the
language Vlad/birthday party of outgroup guys
wife CIO/finance network ERP installer/consult-on
e line of code GE Energy/make friends risk
assessment GWB/check the invitation
list GHWB/T-notes Hank/60 calls MarkM/5K-5M Delawa
re/show up Oppy/snub Lewis Strauss NM/smile -4.3T
/tin ear TP/3M, Im sorry tp.com/Big 4-What do
you think? Women/genes Banker/after church Total
Bloody Mess/Can they pay back the loan?
114Top4/What do you think? Matthew Kelly/Dream
manager XFX/Cross-functional excellence/
Lunch/ of lunches Suck down PSF/Professional
Service Firm/Every function/RD Words
matter/Radically Thrilling/ Insanely
Great/Make something great/Astonish me/
Only ones who Fred Malek/U.S. Grant/Conrad
Hilton Gold Corp/Goldrush on the Web/
115The four most important words in any
organization are What do you think?
Source courtesy Dave Wheeler, posted at
tompeters.com, source of original unknown
116Top4/What do you think? Matthew Kelly/Dream
manager XFX/Cross-functional excellence/
Lunch/ of lunches Suck down PSF/Professional
Service Firm/Every function/RD Words
matter/Radically Thrilling/ Insanely
Great/Make something great/Astonish me/
Only ones who Fred Malek/U.S. Grant/Conrad
Hilton Gold Corp/Goldrush on the Web/
117The Dream Manager Matthew KellyAn
organization can only become the-best-version-of-i
tself to the extent that the people who drive
that organization are striving to become
better-versions-of-themselves. A companys
purpose is to become the-best-version-of-itself.
The question is What is an employees purpose?
Most would say, to help the company achieve its
purposebut they would be wrong. That is
certainly part of the employees role, but an
employees primary purpose is to become
the-best-version-of-himself or herself. When a
company forgets that it exists to serve
customers, it quickly goes out of business. Our
employees are our first customers, and our most
important customers.
118Top4/What do you think? Matthew Kelly/Dream
manager XFX/Cross-functional excellence/
Lunch/ of lunches Suck down PSF/Professional
Service Firm/Every function/RD Words
matter/Radically Thrilling/ Insanely
Great/Make something great/Astonish me/
Only ones who Fred Malek/U.S. Grant/Conrad
Hilton Gold Corp/Goldrush on the Web/
119Conrad Hilton, at a gala celebrating his life,
was asked, What was the most important lesson
youve learned in your long and distinguished
career? His immediate answer
120Conrad Hilton, at a gala celebrating his life,
was asked, What was the most important lesson
youve learned in your long and distinguished
career? His immediate answer remember to
tuck the shower curtain inside the bathtub
121Execution is strategy. Fred Malek fffffii
122almost inhuman disinterestedness in strategy
Josiah Bunting on U.S. Grant (from Ulysses S.
123Top4/What do you think? Michael Kelly/Dream
manager XFX/Cross-functional excellence/
Lunch/ of lunches Suck down PSF/Professional
Service Firm/Every function/RD Words
matter/Radically Thrilling/ Insanely
Great/Make something great/Astonish me/
Only ones who Fred Malek/U.S. Grant/Conrad
Hilton Gold Corp/Goldrush on the Web/
124 PSF Transformation Credit
IsCredit Dept
ServicesHammer on dealers until
Make dealers successful so theythey pay
sold to 3rd party Trek is
the commercial financialcommercial co.
Company23 employees
12 employeesOversee
peak AR of 70M Oversee peak AR of
160MIdentify risky dealers
Identify opportunitiesCost Center
Profit CenterNo
Products Consulting, MC/Visa,
value of gift cards, Gift card
peripherals, Online paymentsSource John
125Top4/What do you think? Michael Kelly/Dream
manager XFX/Cross-functional excellence/
Lunch/ of lunches Suck down PSF/Professional
Service Firm/Every function/RD Words
matter/Radically Thrilling/ Insanely
Great/Make something great/Astonish me/
Only ones who Fred Malek/U.S. Grant/Conrad
Hilton Gold Corp/Goldrush on the Web/
126Rob McEwen/CEO/Goldcorp Inc./Red Lake
goldSource Wikinomics How Mass Collaboration
Changes Everything, Don Tapscott Anthony
127The Billion-man Research Team Companies
offering work to online communities are reaping
the benefits of crowdsourcing. Headline,
FT, 0110.07
128Podcasting/Is there a 4-year-old on the top
team? Whats in a word?/Excellence Hard is
soft. Soft is hard./ Intangibles/Perception E
nthusiasm Gorillas in our midst/50 She/the
market She/the leader Boomers/Geezers//many/
1 next 25 years/e55gte55- Diversity vs
diversity NZ/Better By Design/Steve
129In Blackburn, four-year-olds are making
podcasts. In Suffolk, the sometimes tedious and
impractical ritual of morning Assembly has been
replaced in one school by a news video compiled
by pupils posting it on YouTube means parents
can watch as welland they do. Learners at all
stages and ages, from all over the world, are
downloading free tutorials while they replenish
their iPods, courtesy of iTunes U. Source
The Guardian, 0113.09, Resource 2009, a preview
of BETT 2009
130Podcasting/Is there a 4-year-old on the top
team? Whats in a word?/Excellence Hard is
soft. Soft is hard./ Intangibles/Perception E
nthusiasm Gorillas in our midst/50 She/the
market She/the leader Boomers/Geezers//many/
1 next 25 years/e55gte55- Diversity vs
diversity NZ/Better By Design/Steve
131Nothing is so contagious as enthusiasm.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
132TP How to flush 500,000 down the toilet in
one easy lesson!!
133lt CAPEXgt People!
134Our MissionTo develop and manage talentto
apply that talent,throughout the world, for the
benefit of clientsto do so in partnership to
do so with profit.WPP
135 Brand Talent.
136Podcasting/Is there a 4-year-old on the top
team? Whats in a word?/Excellence Hard is
soft. Soft is hard./ Intangibles/Perception E
nthusiasm Gorillas in our midst/50 She/the
market She/the leader Boomers/Geezers//many/
1 next 25 years/e55gte55- Diversity vs
diversity NZ/Better By Design/Steve
137Forget China, India and the Internet Economic
Growth Is Driven by Women. Headline, Economist,
April 15, 2006, Leader, page 14
138Women are the majority market Fara
Warner/The Power of the Purse
139The most significant variable in every sales
situation is the gender of the buyer, and more
importantly, how the salesperson communicates to
the buyers gender. Jeffery Tobias Halter,
Selling to Men, Selling to Women
140The Perfect Answer
Jill and Jack buy slacks in black
141(No Transcript)
142Cases! Cases! Cases!McDonalds
(mom-centered to majority consumer not via
kids)Home Depot (Do it everything!
Herself)PG (more than house cleaner)
DeBeers (right-hand rings/4B)AXA
FinancialKodak (women emotional centers of
the household)Nike (gt jock endorsements new
def sports majority consumer)AvonBratz (young
girls want friends, not a blond
stereotype)Source Fara Warner/The Power of the
143Goldman Sachs in Tokyo has developed an index of
115 companies poised to benefit from womens
increased purchasing power over the past decade
the value of shares in Goldmans basket has risen
by 96, against the Tokyo stockmarkets rise of
13. Economist, April 15
144AS LEADERS, WOMEN RULE New Studies find that
female managers outshine their male counterparts
in almost every measure TITLE/ Special
Report/ BusinessWeek
RULE Women make all the financial
decisions.Women control all the wealth. Women
substantially outlive men. Women start most of
the new businesses. Womens work force
participation rates have soared
worldwide. Women are closing in on same pay for
same job. Women are penetrating senior
ranks rapidly even if the pace is slow for
the corner office per se. Womens
leadership strengths are exceptionally well
aligned with new organizational effectiveness
imperatives. Women are better salespersons than
men. Women buy almost everythingcommercial
as well as consumer goods. So what exactly is
the point of men?
146One thing is certain Womens rise to power,
which is linked to the increase in wealth per
capita, is happening in all domains and at all
levels of society. Women are no longer content to
provide efficient labor or to be consumers with
rising budgets and more autonomy to spend.
This is just the beginning. The phenomenon will
only grow as girls prove to be more successful
than boys in the school system. For a number of
observers, we have already entered the age of
womenomics, the economy as thought out and
practiced by a woman. Aude Zieseniss de Thuin,
Financial Times, 10.03.2006
147 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! People turning 50 today have
more than half of their adult life ahead of
them. Bill Novelli, 50 Igniting a Revolution
to Reinvent America
1492000-2010 Stats18-44 -155 21(55-64
15044-65 New Customer Majority 45 larger
than 18-43 60 larger by 2010Source Ageless
Marketing, David Wolfe Robert Snyder
151Baby-boomer Women The Sweetest of Sweet Spots
for Marketers David Wolfe and Robert Snyder,
Ageless Marketing
152We are the Aussies Kiwis
Americans Canadians. We are
the Western Europeans Japanese. We
are the fastest growing, the
biggest, the wealthiest, the
boldest, the most
(yes) ambitious, the most experimental
exploratory, the most different, the
most indulgent, the most
difficult demanding, the most service
experience obsessed, the most vigorous, (the
least vigorous,) the most health conscious,
the most female, the most profoundly important
commercial market in the history of the worldand
we will be the Center of your universe for the
next twenty-five years. We have arrived!
153We are the Kiwis Aussies
Americans Canadians. We are
the Western Europeans Japanese. We
are the fastest growing,
the biggest, the
wealthiest, the boldest, the
most (yes) ambitious, the most
experimental exploratory,
the most different, the most
indulgent, the most difficult demanding, the
most service experience obsessed, the most
vigorous, (the least vigorous,) the most health
conscious, the most female, the most
profoundly important commercial market in the
history of the worldand we will be the Center of
your universe for the next twenty-five years.
We have arrived!
154Podcasting/Is there a 4-year-old on the top
team? Whats in a word?/Excellence Hard is
soft. Soft is hard./ Intangibles/Perception E
nthusiasm Gorillas in our midst/50 She/the
market She/the leader Boomers/Geezers//many/
1 next 25 years/e55gte55- Diversity vs
diversity NZ/Better By Design/Steve
155You know a design is good when you want to lick
it. Steve Jobs Source Design Intelligence
Made Visible, Stephen Bayley Terence Conran
156Hypothesis DESIGN is the principal difference
between love and hate!Not like and
157ltTGWvs. gtTGRThings Gone WRONG/Things Gone
158The Black Swan has landed!
159Basics. ROIR X10 Execution X10 Values
X10 Quality X10 Empowerment (More
initiative) Transparency Decisiveness MBWA Com
municate X10 Keep It Simple Decency Truthfulnes
160 Energy! On guard/Constant attitude checks
Beware Training. RD. Sales. (Across the
board Insanity) Small wins/Positives Deep
recession/The best years of our professional
life Commitment to growth/All Deep
recession/Innovations finest hour No cut
161A leader is a dealer in hope. Napoleon
(TPs writing room pics)
162USNWR What traits do successful activists
share?Studs Terkel, age 91 They have hope,
and they imbue others with hope.
163Focus on upside! Period!Best Time of your
164 On NELSON other admirals more frightened of
losing than anxious to win
165The Have you 50
166Mapping your competitive position or
1671. Have you in the last 10 days visited a
customer? 2. Have you called a customer
TODAY? 3. Have you in the last 60-90 days had
a seminar in which several folks from the
customers operation (different levels, different
functions, different divisions) interacted, via
facilitator, with various of your folks? 4. Have
you thanked a front-line employee for a small act
of helpfulness in the last three days? 5. Have
you thanked a front-line employee for a small act
of helpfulness in the last three hours? 6.
Have you thanked a frontline employee for
carrying around a great attitude today? 7. Have
you in the last week recognizedpubliclyone of
your folks for a small act of cross-functional
co-operation? 8. Have you in the last week
recognizedpubliclyone of their folks (another
function) for a small act of cross-functional
co-operation? 9. Have you invited in the last
month a leader of another function to your weekly
team priorities meeting? 10. Have you personally
in the last week-month called-visited an internal
or external customer to sort out, inquire, or
apologize for some little or big thing that went
awry? (No reason for doing so? If truein your
mindthen youre more out of touch than I dared
1681. Have you in the last 10 days visited a
customer?2. Have you called a customer TODAY?
16911. Have you in the last two days had a chat with
someone (a couple of levels down?) about specific
deadlines concerning a projects next steps? 12.
Have you in the last two days had a chat with
someone (a couple of levels down?) about specific
deadlines concerning a projects next steps and
what specifically you can do to remove a hurdle?
(Ninety percent of what we call management
consists of making it difficult for people to get
things done.Peter His eminence Drucker.) 13.
Have you celebrated in the last week a small
(or large!) milestone reached? (I.e., are you a
milestone fanatic?) 14. Have you in the last week
or month revised some estimate in the wrong
direction and apologized for making a lousy
estimate? (Somehow you must publicly reward the
telling of difficult truths.) 15. Have you
installed in your tenure a very comprehensive
customer satisfaction scheme for all internal
customers? (With major consequences for hitting
or missing the mark.) 16. Have you in the last
six months had a week-long, visible, very
intensive visit-tour of external customers? 17.
Have you in the last 60 days called an abrupt
halt to a meeting and ordered everyone to get
out of the office, and into the field and in
the next eight hours, after asking those
involved, fixed (f-i-x-e-d!) a nagging small
problem through practical action? 18. Have you in
the last week had a rather thorough discussion of
a cool design thing someone has come
acrossaway from your industry or functionat a
Web site, in a product or its packaging? 19.
Have you in the last two weeks had an informal
meetingat least an hour longwith a frontline
employee to discuss things we do right, things we
do wrong, what it would take to meet your mid- to
long-term aspirations? 20. Have you had in the
last 60 days had a general meeting to discuss
things we do wrong that we can fix in the
next fourteen days?
170 UniCredit Group/
UniCredito Italiano 3rd party
measurementPrimary incentivesFactories
Primary Corporate InitiativeEtc13TP/1
17121. Have you had in the last year a one-day,
intense offsite with each (?) of your internal
customersfollowed by a big celebration of
things gone right? 22. Have you in the last
week pushed someone to do some family thing that
you fear might be overwhelmed by deadline
pressure? 23. Have you learned the names of the
children of everyone who reports to you? (If not,
you have six months to fix it.) 24. Have you
taken in the last month an interesting-weird
outsider to lunch? 25. Have you in the last month
invited an interesting-weird outsider to sit in
on an important meeting? 26. Have you in the last
three days discussed something interesting,
beyond your industry, that you ran across in a
meeting, reading, etc? 27. Have you in the last
24 hours injected into a meeting I ran across
this interesting idea in strange place? 28.
Have you in the last two weeks asked someone to
report on something, anything that constitutes an
act of brilliant service rendered in a trivial
situationrestaurant, car wash, etc? (And then
discussed the relevance to your work.) 29. Have
you in the last 30 days examined in detail (hour
by hour) your calendar to evaluate the degree
time actually spent mirrors your espoused
priorities? (And repeated this exercise with
everyone on team.) 30. Have you in the last two
months had a presentation to the group by a
weird outsider?
172You Your calendarCalendars never lie
17331. Have you in the last two months had a
presentation to the group by a customer, internal
customer, vendor featuring working folks 3 or 4
levels down in the vendor organization? 32. Have
you in the last two months had a presentation to
the group of a cool, beyond-our-industry ideas by
two of your folks? 33. Have you at every meeting
today (and forever more) re-directed the
conversation to the practicalities of
implementation concerning some issue before the
group? 34. Have you at every meeting today (and
forever more) had an end-of-meeting discussion on
action items to be dealt with in the next 4, 48
hours? (And then made this list publicand
followed up in 48 hours.) And made sure everyone
has at least one such item.) 35. Have you had a
discussion in the last six months about what it
would take to get recognition in local-national
poll of best places to work? 36. Have you in
the last month approved a cool-different training
course for one of your folks? 37. Have you in
the last month taught a front-line training
course? 38. Have you in the last week discussed
the idea of Excellence? (What it means, how to
get there.) 39. Have you in the last week
discussed the idea of Wow? (What it means,
how to inject it into an ongoing routine
project.) 40. Have you in the last 45 days
assessed some major process in terms of the
details of the experience, as well as results,
it provides to its external or internal customers?
17441. Have you in the last month had one of your
folks attend a meeting you were supposed to go to
which gives them unusual exposure to senior
folks? 42. Have you in the last 60 (30?) days sat
with a trusted friend or coach to discuss your
management styleand its long- and short-term
impact on the group? 43. Have you in the last
three days considered a professional relationship
that was a little rocky and made a call to the
person involved to discuss issues and smooth the
waters? (Taking the blame, fully deserved or
not, for letting the thing-issue fester.) 44.
Have you in the last two hours stopped by
someones (two-levels down") office-workspace
for 5 minutes to ask What do you think? about
an issue that arose at a more or less just
completed meeting? (And then stuck around for 10
or so minutes to listenand visibly taken
notes.) 45. Have you in the last day looked
around you to assess whether the diversity pretty
accurately maps the diversity of the market being
served? (And ) 46. Have you in the last day at
some meeting gone out of your way to make sure
that a normally reticent person was engaged in a
conversationand then thanked him or her, perhaps
privately, for their contribution? 47. Have you
during your tenure instituted very public
(visible) presentations of performance? 48. Have
you in the last four months had a session
specifically aimed at checking on the corporate
culture and the degree we are true to itwith
all presentations by relatively junior folks,
including front-line folks? (And with a
determined effort to keep the conversation
restricted to real world small casesnot
theory.) 49. Have you in the last six months
talked about the Internal Brand Promise? 50. Have
you in the last year had a full-day off site to
talk about individual (and group) aspirations?
175Relationships (of all varieties) THERE ONCE WAS
177Return On Investment In Relationships
178Courtesies of a small and trivial character are
the ones which strike deepest in the grateful and
appreciating heart. Henry Clay
179 (1) sum of Projects Goal
(Vision) (2) sum of Milestones
project(3) rapid Review
Truth-telling accountability
180Excellence 1/40Try It!Tom Peters
182 try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it.
Try it. Try it. Screw it up. Try it. Try it. Try
it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Screw it up.
it. Try it. Try it. try it. Try it. Screw it up.
Try it. Try it. Try it.
183What makes God laugh?
184People making plans!
185The secret of fast progress is inefficiency,
fast and furious and numerous failures.Kevin
186do things.
187We have a strategic plan. Its called doing
things. Herb Kelleher
188do them.
189A man approached JP Morgan, held up an envelope,
and said, Sir, in my hand I hold a guaranteed
formula for success, which I will gladly sell you
for 25,000.Sir, JP Morgan replied, I do
not know what is in the envelope, however if you
show me, and I like it, I give you my word as a
gentleman that I will pay you what you ask.The
man agreed to the terms, and handed over the
envelope. JP Morgan opened it, and extracted a
single sheet of paper. He gave it one look, a
mere glance, then handed the piece of paper back
to the gent.And paid him the agreed upon
190 1. Every morning, write a list of
the things that need to be done that
day. 2. Do them. Source Hugh
191 drill.
192 This is so simple it sounds stupid, but it is
amazing how few oil people really understand that
you only find oil if you drill wells. You may
think youre finding it when youre drawing maps
and studying logs, but you have to drill.
Source The Hunters, by John Masters, Canadian
O G wildcatter
193try things.
194We made mistakes, of course. Most of them were
omissions we didnt think of when we initially
wrote the software. We fixed them by doing it
over and over, again and again. We do the same
today. While our competitors are still sucking
their thumbs trying to make the design perfect,
were already on prototype version 5. By the
time our rivals are ready with wires and screws,
we are on version 10. It gets back to planning
versus acting We act from day one others plan
how to planfor months. Bloomberg by Bloomberg
195Experiment fearlesslySource BW0821.06, Type
A Organization Strategies/ How to Hit a Moving
TargetTactic 1
197You cant be a serious innovator unless and
until you are ready, willing and able to
seriously play. Serious play is not an
oxymoron it is the essence of innovation.
Michael Schrage, Serious Play
198Culture of PrototypingEffective prototyping
may be the most valuable core competence an
innovative organization can hope to have.
Michael Schrage
199Learn not to be careful. Photographer Diane
Arbus to her students (Careful The sidelines,
fromHarriet Rubin in The Princessa)
200Think about It!?Innovation Reaction to the
PrototypeSource Michael Schrage
201Screw. things.Up.
202Natural selection is death. ... Without huge
amounts of death, organisms do not change over
time. ... Death is the mother of structure. ...
It took four billion years of death ... to invent
the human mind ... The Cobra Event
204Fail . Forward. Fast.High Tech CEO,
205Fail faster. Succeed Sooner.David
206Sams Secret 1!
207Reward excellent failures. Punish mediocre
successes.Phil Daniels, Sydney exec
208If people tell me they skied all day and never
fell down, I tell them to try a different
mountain. Michael Bloomberg (BW/0625.07)
209In business, you reward people for taking risks.
When it d