Title: Kick Start Collaboration
1Kick Start Collaboration
- Getting your teachers to understand that you have
the KEYS!
2Presentation handouts available for download at
5, 2005Darla Maganamagana_at_svusd.org
3Collaborationwhat are we talking about?
Collaboration Teacher and LMT plan, present,
and assess a learning activity.
Teaching Teachers bring students to receive a
lesson that aides students in learning process
Support Teacher requests direct assistance from
the librarian
Communication Teachers supplies lesson plan prior
to bringing students.
Nonexistence Teachers bring students to the
library without previous communication
4Kick-Start it!
- Raising Awareness
- Go after them one by one!
5Raising Awareness
- The General Staff Meeting
- The Library Open House
- The Brochure
- The Department Meeting
- The Administrative Meeting
6Kicking them to StartOngoing discussion with
individual teachers
- Meet them at their point of need.
- Offer baby steps.
- Be a GOOD teacher.
- Know the curriculum.
- Anticipate the needs.
- Be ready and willing to assess.
- Manipulate genuinely.
7The Overworked Teacher
- Emphasize sharing the load
- When planning, offer easy assessment options
- Check-offs
- Progressive assessment
- Group presentations
- Offer premade lessons
- Webquests
- BlueWebn.com
8The New Teacher
- This is what you are supposed to be doing.
- Collaboration Forms
- Stress team teaching
- Offer premade lessons
- Approach them with fun new ideas
- Mentor
9The Lesson Plan Disaster
- Anticipate the lesson.
- Accentuate the good.
- Define the problem and offer solutions.
- Try not to start from scratch.
10The Scheduled Teacher
- Anticipate the need
- Understand and accept the schedule
- Plan concretely
11The Teacher of the Year
- Accentuate the benefits for the student
- Use Flattery but, be genuine
- Stress your strengths
- Tell them to spread the word
12On the Verge of Retirement Teacher
- Stress the new stuff AND your strengths.
- Stress that you will teach AND assess.
- You are right!!
- Make time for it.
- Celebrate the small triumphs.
- Dont dwell on the failures.
"The key word is flexibility, the ability to
adapt constantly. Darwin said it clearly. People
thought that he mainly talked about survival of
the fittest. What he said was that the species
that survive are usually not the smartest or the
strongest, but the ones most responsive to
change. So being attentive to potential partners
is my best advice--after, of course, perseverance
and patience." (Philippe Kahn, founder of
Borland International and Starfish Software)