This presentation includes the following 10 free electronics project circuits which are all having high demand in engineering. These are mainly helpful for ECE and EEE students to get some idea about the projects: 1) Water Level Indicator, 2) Unbiased Digital Dice with LEDs, 3) Automatic Washroom Light Switch, 4) Automatic Door Bell with Object Detection, 5) Panic Alarm, 6) Thermistor Temperature Sensing Alarm, 7) Hot Water Geyser Controller Circuit, 8) Remote Operated Alarm Circuit, 9) Fire Alarm with Siren Sound, 10) Water Level Alarm Using 555 Timer. We have also more than 45 electronics project circuits in our blog which are all proposed by many professionals. If anybody interested, then visit
A metal detector is used to sense any existing metal which is nearby. A Metal detector is an electronic device which is used in many places like theatres, shopping malls, hotels, etc., to detect any metallic objects like knives, guns or any other explosives kept hidden within.
Block diagram representation of the internal circuit of the 555 integrated ... the driver to be given with a 30 seconds delay before an alarm siren is sounded. ...
Encyclopedia Britannica. What Affects Sound? Two factors that ... Uses TI TL851 and SN28784N Sonar Ranging Integrated Circuits. Convenient Terminal Connector ...
To develop a device that detect rash driving on highways and to alert the traffic authorities wirelessly the speed details and any speed violation and avoid accidents due to rash driving on highways. With the help of this system the speed will be calculated by a Microcontroller program and if the vehicle crosses the speed limit a buzzer sounds alerting the police both at the location and wirelessly at the control room.
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How is energy conserved on a roller coaster? Roller Coasters Millennium ... should have these setup instructions Physics stand CPO Timer II Car and Ramp Ropes and ...