The Plant Kingdom: Gymnosperms Chapter 24 LEARNING OBJECTIVE 1 Compare the features of seeds with those of spores Discuss the adaptive advantages of plants that ...
Gymnosperms and Angiosperms Gymnosperm Intro and evolution Life cycle and reproduction Uses and significance Angiosperms: Flowering plants Intro and evolution
12: Gymnosperms and Angiosperms Gymnosperm Intro and evolution Life cycle and reproduction Uses and significance Angiosperms: Flowering plants Intro and evolution
... cycads, gnetophytes, and conifers Ginkgo Cycad Welwitschia Gnetum Ephedra Gymnosperms called gnetophytes; only 3 extant species Conifers: top row ...
... water-dwelling red and green algae as well as terrestrial ... Sand is gritty when rubbed between the thumb and index finger. Silt feels floury and velvety. ...
Chapter 29 Plant Diversity I: How Plants Colonized Land Figure 29.2 Charophyceans: Chara (top), Coleochaete orbicularis (bottom) Figure 3.2 Water transport in plants ...
Seed Plants 3 Characteristics of Seed Plants Most seed plants have leaves, stems, roots, and vascular tissue. They also produce seeds, which usually contain an embryo ...
Title: Slide 1 Last modified by: Ralph Sinibaldi Created Date: 2/2/2005 1:51:52 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Company: home Other titles
A large, diverse phylum of plants that form flowers for sexual reproduction and ... and green fruits of black walnut (Juglans nigra) make the tree easy to recognize. ...
The history of Agriculture in India dates back to Indus Valley Civilization Era and even before that in some parts of Southern India. Today, India ranks second worldwide in farm output
MACC BIOLOGY 101 LECTURE 3 THE FIVE KINGDOMS Plants Bill Palmer Extra Credit: 10 points Find, copy and read an article from a peer reviewed scientific journal about ...
Five Kingdom System Kingdom Monera Kingdom Protista Kingdom Planta Kingdom Fungi Kingdom Animalia Kingdom Monera Contains the bacteria and cyanobacteria The only ...
consumers heterotrophic producers autotrophic No organelles 1 2 DNA PROTISTA MONERA Single cell PROKARYOTA NO NUCLEUS Amoeba Proctoctista A Algae Simple organisation
Angiosperms, with their flowers and fruits, have adapted even further to the ... They flower and develop seeds the second summer, followed by death. Biennials ...
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: nbri Last modified by: Dr.p.pushpangadan Created Date: 3/14/2003 6:14:49 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show
Habit Make a list of families in which all members are herbaceous. Make a list of families in which all members are woody. Which families contain members that are ...
Kingdom is subdivided into divisions, which are the ... Dicots include oaks, maples, roses, sunflowers, and most familiar plants. Monocots vs. Dicots ...
Kingdom: Plants Domain: Eukarya What is the first plants? For more than the first 3 billion years of Earth s history, the terrestrial surface was lifeless Life ...
India has become the member of International bodies like international Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), World Wildlife Fund (WWF), etc.
Apical meristems. Alternation of generations. Walled spores produced in sporangia ... Apical meristems of plant shoots. and roots. The light micrographs ...
Giant seqoia (a conifer) Angiosperms. The defining feature of angiosperms is the flower. ... Flatworm. Cnidaria Jellyfish, Jellyfish, Hydra, Obelia. Porifera ...
Evolution of Biodiversity and Strategy for its Conservation and Sustainable Utilization Dr. P.Pushpangadan Director National Botanical Research Institute
CHAPTER 29 PLANT DIVERSITY I: HOW PLANTS COLONIZED LAND 1. Evolutionary adaptations to terrestrial living characterize the four main groups of land plants
Describe the forest resources of Louisiana and our region. Explain primary and secondary growth of a tree. ... Fugitive easily distributed seeds (pines) ...
Diversity of Plants Features of plants Photosynthetic with Chlorophylls a and b and carotene accessory pigment cellulose cell walls carbohydrate storage as starch in ...
Extended Appalachians. Alleghenian mountains. Formed Ouachita Belt ... Westward continuation of Appalachians. Fold and thrust belt of offshore deposits ...
xylem carries water and inorganic nutrients, usually from roots to stems and leaves ... xylem - hard walled; conduct water. Seedless Vascular Plants ...
Coastal wetlands are coastal watersheds that drain to the ocean or to an estuary or bay. Traditional Hawaiian Uses of Wetlands Seaweeds limu Hooks and Lures Fishing ...
Muddy bottom and sandy bottom communities. Salt marshes and seagrass ... live within the sediment, mostly soft bottom; mostly clams and worms (polychaetes) ...
Most important single controlling factor: total annual precipitation ... 1. Commercial vs. noncommercial. 2. Forests vs. woodlands. 3. Forest cover types ...
10,000 years ago become herders of animals and improved farmers. Development of Ecology ... farmers started to choose seeds from useful plants for next years crops ...