Title: Herbs Every Pediatrician Should Know
1Herbs Every Pediatrician Should Know
- Kathi J Kemper, MD, MPH
- Director, Center for Integrative Medicine
- Professor of Pediatrics and Public Health
Sciences - Wake Forest University Health Sciences
- I have the following financial relationships with
the manufacturer(s) of any commercial product(s)
and/or provider of commercial services discussed
in this CME activity - American Academy of Pediatrics, Mental
Health, Naturally Author. Royalties
anticipated. - The presentation will include no description of
any proprietary items for screening, diagnosis,
or treatments. - I do not intend to discuss an unapproved or
investigative use of a commercial product in my
- By the end of this presentation, participants
will be able to - Describe the role of herbal medicine in the
overall scheme of health care - Identify at least one herbal product they already
use - Confidently and effectively ask patients about
their use of herbal products - Use evidence-based resources to advise patients
about the safe and effective use of herbal
products and report adverse events
4Integrative Approach herbs role?
- Lifestyle Environment, Exercise/Sleep,
Nutrition, Mind-Body - Supplements, including herbs vitamins, minerals,
amino acids, hormones, medications - Massage, PT, chiropractic, osteopathic, surgical
and other biomechanical approaches - Biofield therapies
5Role of herbs ask all
- NOT a replacement for fundamentals
- May be a useful adjunct if used wisely
- Patients may be using ask!
- What is this patient ALREADY taking???? Ephedra?
Laxative herbs? Diuretic herbs? Stimulant herbs?
6Asking patients
- By show of hands, how many people in this room
use an herbal product 4 days weekly to achieve
a health goal?
7Common, unconscious
- When you ask, give examples!
- For example, coffee, tea, commonly used products
for age/gender/condition - For children - echinacea, goldenseal, elderberry
- For men - saw palmetto
- For women - cranberry, vitex, black cohosh
- For elderly - ginkgo
- Unique cultural/ethnic traditions - garlic,
8Be Safe!
- Ask all patients and document the product,
ingredients and manufacturer in medical record - Herb-drug interactions can occur
- 94 DSHEA means little consumer protection
marked variability in purity and potency - Use caution during pregnancy, lactation and
infancy, and with other biochemical remedies - Opportunity costs - using herbs when another
approach would be more cost-effective and safer - M Cirigliano, JAMA, 19982801565-6
9Herbs and Medication - differences
- Processing
- Purity
- Potency
- Politics/ regulation
- PR perceptions, marketing
- Power of advertising impact on peer review
101994 DSHEA on food supplements
- 1. Supplements can be marketed without testing
efficacy. - 2. Safety need not be proved before marketing.
Burden is on FDA to prove product is unsafe.
(Ephedra was banned in 2004 after YEARS after
reports of deaths) - 3. Standards not required for manufacture.
- 4. Structure/function product claims allowed.
- 5. Label claims do not require extensive
evidence. - 6. FDA approval not needed for marketing claims.
- More recent requirements for GMP
- FTC has cracked down on marketing more in last 5
years. - Report adverse effects to FDA MedWatch
- test.fda.gov/medwatch/
- Herbs themselves direct (eg allergies or rashes
from echinacea) - Natural variability
- Wrong or diluted product
- Wrong dose (Excessive ephedra)
- Manufactured NOT customary (kava)
- Heavy metals (Ayurveda, Mexican, Asian -
melamine, anyone?) - Drugs intentional spiking
13Safety Summary
- Herbs are not necessarily safe just because
theyre natural - Herbs work biochemically
- FDA regulation needed to assure purity/potency
- Manufacturer has base in Germany, France or
Canada - Label
- Scientific (Latin species) name of plant
- standardized extract
- expiration date, lot
- source (leaves, root, flower, etc.)
- Local manufacturer whose plant you have visited?
- You have just spent a little too much time in the
sun, getting your vitamin D and enjoying the
pools and beach - Skin is red, not blistered
- What herbal product can you use to help relieve
the pain and promote healing?
16Aloe vera - History and Common uses
- used by Egyptians (Cleopatras beauty secret?),
Greeks, Chinese, Ayurveda, S. Africa, S. America - Used for
- burns and skin irritations
- ulcers, canker sores
- laxative
17Aloe - active ingredients
- glucomannan - emollient polysaccharide
- carboxypeptidase - bradykininase, reduces pain
- magnesium lactate zinc, calcium, glucose,
cholesterol, triglycerides - salicylic acid and other anti-prostaglandin/
anti-thromboxane compounds - acemannan - immune stimulator
- aloin or barbaloin- strong laxative uterine
18Aloe - scientific evidence of effectiveness
- minor burns and wound healing, comparable to
Silvadene good antibacterial properties - acemannan stimulates killer T cells and fights
viral replication, including HIV increases WBC
in HIV infected persons no studies on aloe
affecting AIDS clinical course - preliminary studies suggest potential use in
duodenal ulcer, canker sores - barbaloin, aloin are potent cathartics
19Aloe - bottom line
- good for home treatment of minor wounds including
burns, scrapes, etc. - possibly useful for canker sores
- very safe for external use
- You have just had a rough day at the office. You
come home and try to decide which herbal product
might help you relax. Assuming you arent
allergic to any, which of the following herbal
remedies is safest? - A. Beer
- B. Whiskey
- C. Chamomile/lemon balm tea
- D. Kava kava
- Mild anti-inflammatory
- Mild sedative (stress, insomnia)
- Mildly relaxes intestinal spasms (colic)
- Yes, Peter Rabbits mother was on to something (1
Tablespoon to be taken before bedtime - rabbit
22Chamomile - Biochemistry/ Active Ingredients
- chamazulene
- alpha-bisapolol
- apigenin
- flavonoids and other antioxidants
23Chamomile - Scientific Evidence
- apigenin binds GABA receptors - like many
sedatives - RCT of essential oil fragrance in young adults
signif. calming - Case series10/12 hospitalized patients drinking
c. tea slept - Helps rats sleep
- Shinomiya K. Biol Pharm Bull, 2005
- Good for stressed cows, too
- Reis LS. J Vet Sci, 2006
24Other herbal sedatives
- Valerian (sleep aid), hops, lemon balm,
passionflower (anxiety), skullcap - All recommended by German commission E to treat
restlessness - Low risk
- Often found in combination products
- NOT processed kava kava - potent liver toxicity
25Valerian - Smelly soporific
- Galen used to treat seizures
- 1700s - sedative, anti-spasmodic
- WW1 - treat shell shocked soldiers anti-anxiety
- 120 chemical constituents potency varies by
species and wanes over time - GABA receptors positive effects in mice and men
- Helpful for sleep, anxiety
26Valerian - Scientific Evidence anxiety and sleep
- RCT of 40 anxious adults 100 mg TID X 21 d,
signif improved sx compared with placebo - DB X-over study of 128 insomniac adults, 400 mg
qhs -gtsignif improvement in sleep onset compared
with placebo - Comparison study of 450 mg qhs shorter sleep
onset and no hangover - Young adults 450 mgs qhs shorter sleep onset and
better quality of sleep than placebo
27Valerian - Toxicity/Side Effects
- Very safe even in those whove taken huge
intentional ODs - Mild side effects - headaches, restlessness
- No apparent addictive or dependent qualities no
interaction with EtOH
28Stress, part 2
- You like caffeine, but want to avoid the
jitteriness and irritability. What else might you
drink? - WHY?
29Green tea
- Theanine (amino acid)
- Counteracts negative effects of caffeine without
making you sleepy - Kimura K. Biol Psychiatry, 2007
30Immune Function
- You are seeing a patient for a health supervision
visit (check-up). She is starting to develop cold
symptoms, and has taken vitamin C and zinc
lozenges, and plans to make some chicken soup. - She washes her hands, sleeps well and covers her
cough. - What herbal remedies does evidence suggest MIGHT
be helpful (safe for most people) to boost immune
31Immune boosters?
- Echinacea - maybe (I do)
- Elderberry (brand tested has been Sambucol) -
maybe (I do) - Ginseng (brand tested has been Cold-FX) - maybe
(I do) - Astragalus - maybe (I dont)
32Echinacea- Botany
- Activity varies by species, part used, harvest
timing, preparation, storage - MANY different constituents
33Echinacea - Scientific Evidence Immune System
- Polysaccharides increase WBCs released from
bone marrow activate phagocytosis enhance
production of TNF, interferon, interleukeins 1
and 6 - Inulin stimulates alternative complement pathway
34Echinacea - Scientific Evidence
- E. purpurea extracts taken daily in high doses
- reduce the number of cold and flu symptoms in
adults - reduce the number of colds acquired by adults
- No benefits on cure kids may help prevention
- Safety - some allergies (skin rashes)
- Linde K. Cochrane Database Rev, 2006
- Weber W. J Alt Comp Med, 2005
- Taylor JA. JAMA, 2003
35Elderberry (Sambucol)
- used in folk medicine to treat influenza, colds
and sinusitis - has antiviral activity against influenza and
herpes simplex - RCT of adults with lt 48 hours influenza symptoms
given 15 mL QID, significantly reduced length of
symptoms - Zakay-Rones Z. J Int Med Res, 2004
- Barak V. Isr Med Assoc J, 2002
- Vlachojannis JE, Phytother Res. 2010
- 5 Canadian studies including gt 700 adults of
Cold-FX, suggest it can help PREVENT and reduce
duration (by nearly 6 days) of viral respiratory
infections in adults - 1 study shows it is feasible to give to children
- Seida JK. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med.
2009 - Vohra S. Pediatrics, 2008
37Case Migraines
- 17 year old with recurrent migraines. She keeps a
headache diary, avoids triggers, gets enough
sleep she has started B2 supplements, 5-HTP
supplements, fish oil is thinking about massage
and acupuncture. She does not want to take drugs. - Which herbal supplements might be helpful?
- Ginger for nausea
- Feverfew - for prevention
- Butterbur (UPA-free)
- All of the above
38Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
- related to turmeric and cardamom
- contains shogoal, gingerols (sesquiterpenes),
bisabolene, zingiberene, zingiberol - RCT effects on nausea and vomiting with chemo,
motion sickness, pregnancy, post-op - Safe- rare allergies, upset stomach
- Dose 500 - 1000 mg/QID or tea ad lib
- White B. Am Family Phys, 2007
39Feverfew Tanacetum parthenium
- Purity and potency vary markedly between
products British gt American products in general
higher with spring harvest look for at least
0.2 parthenolide content - 3 RCT show 25-50 mg daily help prevent migraines
- Safety 10 mouth sores rebound if stopped
- Tepper SJ. Curr Pain Headache Rep, 2008
40Feverfew - Scientific Evidence Migraines
- Parthenolide reduces platelet activation
- P. prevents release of arachidonic acid and
serotonin, reducing prostaglandin-mediated
inflammation - P. reduces damage to microvessel walls
- 3 RCT in humans show that 2-3 fresh leaves (25-50
mgs BID of dried leaves) effectively prevent
migraine, and rebound HA when leaves stopped - NOT effective in treating HA acutely
41Butterbur (Petadolex)
- 2 RCTs before 2006 293 adults 150 mg daily
showed benefits, but not 100 mg daily - 2008 German RCT in children showed positive
prophylactic effect (brand used in most studies
is Petadolex) - Must be UPA-free!
- Oelkers-Ax R, Eur J Pain, 2008
- Sadler, Pediatrics in Review, 2007
- Oelkers-Ax R. Eur J Pain, 2008
- Agosti R. Phytomedicine, 2006
- Pothman R. Headache, 2005
42Depression case
- 15 year old landscaper with recurrent depression
gets plenty of exercise poor sleep junk food
junky, unwilling to change just broke up with
girlfriend lost his job - Is St. Johns wort a good idea?
- (Note if he asks you, hes probably already
using it. Ask about which brands hes tried and
what hes already read on the internet)
43St Johns Wort
- Depression possibly effective 300 mg three
times daily http//nccam.nih.gov/health/stjohnswor
t/ - Sunburn
- Interferes with many other medicines
- Which brands contain what they say they do?
- http//www.consumerlab.com/results/sjw.asp
- Free
- NIH MedLine Plus
- WFUBMC - BestHealth
- Subscription, but worth it
- Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database
- Natural Standard
- ConsumerLab.com
45Suggested Practice Changes
- Try drinking green tea to see how it affects you
- Try an aloe product on your next sunburn or
canker sore. - Try using echinacea, ginseng, or elderberry for
your next cold - Ask at least 50 of patients in the next week
about their use of herbs - Advise your patients who use herbal products to
avoid herbal products from developing countries - Ask your assistant to print out the FDA MedWatch
form. - Subscribe to an herbal information resource for 1
year to see how useful it is in your practice. - Join the AAP SOCIM (tsalus_at_aap.org or
46Extra Info Slides
47Product variability - ginseng
- 25 commercial products analyzed
- All products contained species listed on label
- Ginsenoside concentrations varied 15 and 36 fold
in capsules and liquids, respectively - Eleutheroside concentrations varied 43- and 200-
fold in caps and liquids respectively - Harkey, et al. Am J Clin Nutr, 2001
48Heavy metals in folk remedies
- Lead (12 cases in US in 2002-2003 from Ayurvedic
herbs from India) - Mercury in TCM
- Arsenic and Mercury in Chinese herbal balls
MMWR, 2004 Occup Environ Med, 1998
49Also for Depression
- Saffron
- Studies from Iran suggest it is as effective as
antidepressant medications with fewer side
effects - Expensive to get the real thing
- No insurance coverage
50Curcumin (Turmeric)
- Anti-inflammatory (inhibits LOX and COX-2)
- Antioxidant free radical scavenging
- 19 ongoing clinical trials for chemoprevention of
cancer may reduce multi-drug resistance and
protect normal cells - Increases antibacterial effects of commonly used
antibiotics - Neuroprotective effects (Alzheimers prevention?)
- Absorbed better with oil and black pepper
- Safety causes biliary contractions (avoid if
stone history) inhibits platelet aggregation