Title: Formal Specification of the Subversion Version Control System in Z
1Formal Specification of the Subversion Version
Control System in Z
Zhongbo Huang (Jerry) - 41184963
- Supervisor Annabelle
McIver -
2Workshop Presentation Outline
- 1. Introduction -- Subversion
- 2. Formal Specification --Z notation
- 3. Case Study -- Case scenario
- 4. Outcome of Project
- 5. Conclusion and Limitation
ITEC810 Workshop Presentation
31. Introduction --VCS
- Version Control System ( Revision Control System)
- Version Tracking
- Coordinating Teams
- Every change made to the source is tracked, along
with who made the change, why they made it, and
references to problems fixed, or enhancements
introduced, by the change. - an excellent way to combat the problem of sharing
files between workers.
ITEC810 Workshop Presentation
Subversion Control system a centralized system
for sharing information. Allow many users to
share but work independently on the same
document. The repository remember every change
to every file and directory tree itself. It will
also merge users files to produce a single merged
copy recording all their modifications. The key
feature operation Update Operation Commit
ITEC810 Workshop Presentation
52. Formal specification Z notation
- Formal specification is the use of mathematical
principles to describe precisely the desired
behavior of computer systems. - Z notation
- Base on simple set theory, predicate logic,
relation and function. - Specify the requirements or behavior of systems.
- Analyze that behavior via proof, animation, test
ITEC810 Workshop Presentation
62.Z notation - example
- SVNFILE String
- f, f SVNFILE
- af ?, bf ! SVNFILE
- SVNFILE FileName x FileNo
Z notation
ITEC810 Workshop Presentation
72. Z notation- Schema example
Schema Name
f represent before operation, f represent
after operation.
By convention names in the declarations ending
in ? are input and names ending in ! are
Read operation doesnt change file
fna! and fno! as the output equal to the first
and second pair set of f
ITEC810 41184963
83. Case Study Case Scenario
- Alice and her collaborator, Bob, are working
together on a small project (recipe), and using
Subversion repository to share their work.
ITEC810 Workshop Presentation
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113. Case Scenario Update and Commit Operation
ITEC810 Workshop Presentation
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134.Outcome of Project
- Report detailing the enough specification of the
key of features of Subversion using Z language,
together with a commentary on the design - The goal of this project was to understand and
clarify Subversions behavior and what user can
expect when he/her uses it.
ITEC810 Workshop Presentation
144.Outcome -- Update Operation
af, af represent Alice working copy from
project repository
rf? as input from project repository
Alices working copy update to project repository
the output f! and arn! represent the latest of
File and SVNRevisionNo in the SVNFile repository.
ITEC810 Workshop Presentation
154.Outcome Commit Operation
rf, af represent the state before the operation.
rf,af represent the state after the operation.
af? as input from project repository
Bobs working copy commit to project repository
This line notation address the revision number in
rf and bf increment after commit operation
ITEC810 Workshop Presentation
165.Conclusion and Limitation
- Conclusion
- Lead to a well-though-out, well-structured
program - Provides an unambiguous statement of intent
- Act as documentation for the finished program,
helping those who have to maintain and update the
program in the future. - Limitation
- Do not include all the details involved
- Some formal specification in this project may not
be carefully considered or even wrong explanation
because of limitation of personal capability and
scheduled time.
ITEC810 Workshop Presentation
17 The End of Presentation
Question ?
ITEC810 Workshop Presentation