Title: Self-guided%20demo
1Self-guided demo
24 preassembled collections with over 1,000 titles
Medical (23 Titles)
- Librarians
- Expand collections without taking shelf space
- 1-4 year subscriptions available
- Track usage
- Competitively Priced
- Guaranteed quality content
- Seasonal title additions at no cost
- Highest quality MARC catalog records by
MLS-degreed catalogers
- Library Users
- Easily searchable content
- Take notes, bookmark, keep access booklist
- Connect anywhere through libraries IP address
- Lightening-fast search
5Several ways to search
6Log in to use personalized features
7Log in with username / password
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10Searched thermodynamic
7 results/books
112 ways to view content
12View a product description of the book
13View the table of contents
14View inside the entire book
15Jump to each chapter or view sections within
16Bookmarking, Note-taking, full screen features
17Bookmarking feature
18Note-taking feature
19Click here to view saved notes bookmarks
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22Other features
23Allows librarians to track usage within their
24View MARC records, all books in collection