The Short Story: Everything You - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Short Story: Everything You


The Short Story: Everything You ve Always Wanted To Know, But Were Afraid To Ask Notes and Observations About the Tools a Writer Has To Use to Create His or Her ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Short Story: Everything You

The Short Story Everything Youve Always Wanted
To Know, But Were Afraid To Ask
  • Notes and Observations About the Tools a Writer
    Has To Use to Create His or Her Best Work

Why the short story anyway?
  • Short stories are written to mostly either
    entertain or to develop a theme. Hopefully,
    either way, it entertains and engages the reader.

  • Well use the following definition of theme this
    year in our discussions
  • Theme a writers point of view about life that
    is developed within the story, but is usually not
    directly stated. It is not a lesson or moral.

The Five Elements of the Short Story
  • The five elements of the short story are
  • 1. Plot
  • 2. Character
  • 3. Setting
  • 4. Style
  • 5. Atmosphere

1. Plot
  • Simply put, plot can be described as the events
    of the story, what its about. Usually, what the
    story is about involves some kind of conflict. In
    fact, if there were no conflict, it would be a
    rather dull story
  • Lets look at conflict

  • There are two kinds of conflict.
  • A. Internal conflict
  • B. External conflict
  • A. Internal conflict is the conflict that occurs
    within a character, usually the protagonist. We
    often express this conflict as Person vs.
    Him/Herself. We can see this kind of conflict
    examined in the story A Sunrise On the Veld,
    where we read of a young teen finding himself
    suddenly forced to examine his attitudes about
    life and responsibility.

External Conflict
  • B. External conflict
  • The second type of conflict found in any kind of
    story is external conflict. This is conflict
    between the protagonist and some other force. We
    can categorize them as
  • 1. Person vs. person/society
  • 2. Person vs. Nature/Supernature
  • 3. Person vs. Machine/Technology
  • We could include others you may have heard of,
    such as Person vs. Timeas long as you understand
    the concept that conflict makes the story

Plot and the Happy Whale
  • The plot line of a typical short story can be
    represented in a visual way. It could look like
    this, a happy whale

The 6 Elements of Plot
  • A. Opening Situation is where character, plot,
    setting, style and atmosphere are introduced.
  • B. Inciting Force is the point in the story that
    begins the conflict. It is often a decision made
    by a character, usually the protagonist.
  • C. Rising Action are the events of the plot
    leading to the climax.
  • D. Climax is the highest point of action or the
    turning point of the story (sometimes both).
  • E. Falling Action are the events of the plot
    leading to the resolution.
  • F. Resolution is the conclusion where the
    conflicts of the plot are tied up or resolved.

2. Character
  • Protagonist is the character or person around
    whom the action of the story revolves.
  • Antagonist is the character or force that
    opposes the protagonist.

How is Character Revealed?
  • A. Through his appearance (Clothing, name,
    gender, height, weight)
  • B. Through her actions (Interests, deeds)
  • C. Through information given directly by the
    author through the narration (the telling of the
  • D. Through what other characters say about her
  • E. Through what the character says about himself.

3. Setting
  • Setting is the time and place of the story.
  • When setting is not directly stated, and it often
    is not, look for clues that help you determine
    where and when the story takes place.
  • Identify everything you can about setting when
    asked to find it. For example, you could say
    about a story that it takes place in a one-room
    school house in winter in a small Canadian town,
    probably in the Maritimes, during the 1940s or

4. Style
  • Style is the way the author tells the story.
  • A. Point of view is the way we talk about from
    whose view we hear the story. This can be
  • 1st Person Point of View which occurs when a
    character from the story is telling the story.
    (I, we)
  • 3rd Person Point of View which occurs when a
    narrator, who may or may not be a character in
    the story, tells the story. (they, he, she)
  • When the narrator is not a character in the
    story, we say the author is telling the story
    from an omniscient point of view. This means the
    narrator sees and knows all..sort of like God.

  • B. Use of language which refers to the way the
    author combines all those words in our language
    to tell the story.
  • Ask yourself
  • Does the author use simple or elevated diction
  • Does the author express herself using plain or
    figurative language?
  • Does the author use long or short or any
    descriptions of people and places?
  • Does the author use symbol?

  • C. Dialogue Does the author utilize dialogue, or
    tell the story from the outside? Dialogue helps
    make the story feel more though
    youre listening in on people youve met,
    learning about whats happening to them and how
    they feel about it.

5. Atmosphere
  • Atmosphere is another way of talking about the
    mood created in the story.
  • Ask yourselfis the story
  • Happy? Sad? Mellow? Tense? Suspenseful? Scary?
    Funny? Intense? Depressing? Oppressive?
  • Atmosphere is determined primarily by plot and

Comments or questions?
  • This is an overview of the short story. An author
    uses these tools, like a cook uses flour and eggs
    and butter or a carpenter uses his tools of
    hammer and nails and wood and a saw to create a
    new thing. The skill that these people use in
    using their tools is what determines the quality
    of the end product.
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